“The Democratic Party is not as tolerant and accepting as I had thought. — Tyler Drum
THOSE WHO ARE AMENABLE TO THE RIGHT SIDE of the political perspective have long recognized that there are few more intolerant of others’ opinions than those on the left who proclaim otherwise. Two recent stories illustrate this:
Tyler Drum, a recent graduate of Colorado State University, was hired by Democratic state Sen. Irene Aguilar. His previous work in politics included a stint with the “Log Cabin” Republicans. At an event for legislative aides, Drum sat with friends from previous internships, including at least one Republican.
As reported by the Daily Caller, Aguilar promptly pulled Drum out of the event, saying “the Democratic Leadership was uncomfortable with (his) friendship with (the Republican aide).”
Then his employment was terminated.
Drum is quoted as saying: “Partisanship runs much deeper than I thought. I thought this would happen on the Republican side. Now I’m a disenchanted Democrat.”
Sen. Aguilar denies the termination occurred because of Drum’s friendship with a Republican, stating that the story has been “distorted.” Mr. Drum stands behind his version of events.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is up for re-election, running against Kentucky’s Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes. At a recent fundraiser Kentucky’s Speaker of the House Rep. Greg Stumbo showed his level of tolerance, when he remarked on the possibility of defeating McConnell: “It reminded me of the feeling our troops must have had when they liberated the European nations after World War II. Well, you’re about to liberate your state from the worst reign of misabuse (sic) that we’ve seen in the last 30 years.”
Apparently life in Kentucky under the McConnell Regime (even though he is a senator, not a governor) has reached such a point that a comparison to life under Hitler is warranted?
At least she did not ask him to stand up and take a bow. Wendy Davis, gubernatorial candidate in Texas, gained a modicum of fame last year when she unsuccessfully used a filibuster to prevent passage of a bill favoring modest abortion restrictions. A recent article in the Dallas Morning News included comments from her opponent, Republican Greg Abbott, for “factual discrepancies” (aka perjury) regarding fabrications she may have made about her background. She responded with a statement that read, in part:
“I am proud of where I came from and I am proud of what I’ve been able to achieve through hard work and perseverance. And I guarantee you that anyone who tries to say otherwise hasn’t walked a day in my shoes.”
There is no arguing the validity of that statement as it pertains to Mr. Abbott, who is a paraplegic as a result of an accident 30 years ago.
Climate change/global warming, or cooling, take your pick, is the single greatest threat to human kind, as readers of The Herald have been advised.
Solutions are neither singular nor easy. Choices may be difficult, as we all will have to do our small part to help.
One contributing factor is the sheer number of humans living on the planet. This is an area explored by author G. Roger Denson, who is described in his Huffington Post bio as a “Cultural critic, essayist, novelist and screenwriter.” I will allow Mr. Denson’s words to preface his suggestion:
“Adaptation is the evolutionary process accepted across the scientific community to explain how a population — plant, animal, or human — becomes better suited to its habitat. Observed to take place over generations, adaptation is one of the basic phenomena of biology explaining the diversity of nature. Simply put, animals and humans equipped to adapt to environmental distress would naturally adjust to the dangers of environmental crowding, food depletion, and pollution even when they themselves bring these dangers on.”
Mr. Denson’s observation warrants consideration. The human spirit is strong, and survival is perhaps man’s strongest instinct.
Those who strongly believe that the industrialization of the last 250 years has put us on the brink of self-annihilation may wish to heed Mr. Denson’s advice. Though to be honest, while Mr. Denson’s solution may be easy for some, it will be difficult for others:
“With the natural world on the brink of demise largely because of overpopulation, unrestrained homosexuality, as one of a variety of ethical and democratic measures available to us today, offers perhaps the most natural option to be enjoined. What other options are as attractive?”
Save the day by going gay? As I said, the choices might not be easy.
Maybe they should consult Kathleen Sibelius — Now that the wizards in Washington have got the website up and running with dozens of people being added weekly, it may be helpful to see how Oh-bummer-Kare is impacting other areas. Looking at Oregon, as reported by KTAU news, we see:
“‘On Your Side’ Investigators revealed the colossal cost of Cover Oregon for the first time Monday and it shows how much of your tax money has been spent on the failed website.”
Well that sounds familiar. Those darned Republicans, though, are asking questions.
“Lawmakers, like Rep. Jason Conger, R-Bend, are growing impatient.
“‘It’s an enormous amount of money expended over a couple of years to build a website that doesn’t work. It doesn’t make sense to throw good money after bad and just waste that money on something that ultimately may be doomed to fail. We’ve already burned through 200 million dollars,’ he said.”
Conger, in a letter to the governor, has suggested Oregon “scrap Cover Oregon in favor of a new plan where Oregonians would enroll directly through insurance companies.” What a novel approach: let insurance companies handle insurance.
Regarding the March 2014 enrollment deadline, Cover Oregon spokesman Michael Cox said, “Cover Oregon is fully funded by federal grants through the end of 2014, at which time we must be self-sufficient. We will prudently use these funds to achieve our mission of enrolling Oregonians in affordable health coverage.”
Just one problem. Website enrollments to date: Zero.
Maybe another $200 million will do the trick.
Dennis Lund is a mechanical engineer who lived in Benicia for more than 20 years.
Harvey Rifkin says
DDL: You do not seem to get upset about the “Billions”, not “Milllions” wasted on frivilous military expeditures that kill and mame many, take away basic programs for the needy, deplete funds from our crumbling infrastructure, and create world wide hatred by many in the world against America{they don’t “Hate us for our freedoms” {GW Bush lies}), but rather out torture, droning, sanctions, covert CIA wars, and oppressive monetary and price subsidy policies.
Gender orienttaion in the “Main” is not a life style choice (contrary to the beleifs of some evangelical religious ignoramouses), so alleged increased homosexuality will not make a real difference. Homesexuality is not a “sin”(sin=religious mumbo jumbo speak for controlling the masses), it occurs quite frequently in mammal forms in nature. Homesexaulity was seen as an economic threat by the church that would decrease the proliferation of their obedient flocks to dropping coins in the collection plates.
California seems to be doing relatively well with the health care enrollment. By the way I have been suddenly hearing a lot more net benefits of ACA, rather than the Right Wing pundant misrepresentations about cancelled sub-standard policies. In the beginning the Plutocratic “Stingy-servatives” resisted Social Security and Medicare, but now the intractable, misinformed, and ignorant middle class conservatives seem to embrace it when it it enures to their financial benefit.
You are an articulate writer, but you could serve your credibilty better, if you would also note much of the egregious behavior on the Right side of the political aisle. I may be a moderate Liberal, but I have the courage and integrity to give credit to the positions of conservatives such as Ron Paul, Craig Paul Roberts, and even some of the candid remarks by Geraldo Rivera on “Faux News” regarding the realities of the collapse of WTC 7 by evidenced controlled demolition. Locally even Bob Livesay roots up an “intelligent acorn”, now and then.
DDL says
Harvey stated: Homesexuality is not a “sin” and Homesexaulity was seen as an economic threat by the church
Harvey, I am in full support of homesexuality, I believe that the home is the best place for it. Hotels are good also when traveling or for a romantic weekend. Disagree on the church, I have seen no evidence that sexuality at home has been viewed as and economic threat by the church.
Bob Livesay says
Thanks for the comment Harvey. I believe Harvey in your conspiracy theory mind you do a good job of telling the folks about the egregious behavior of the Right side. Your theory is just what it is Harvey loaded with conspiracy make believe. Dennis does a good job. The Liberals do not like to be confronted with the truth. That is why yours and others conspiracy theory do not work and never will. As a Conservative I just sit back and watch the Liberals destroy themselves and follow their leader down the path of mistrust. I assume you are following that Harvey. That is not a conspiracy theory it is a fact.
Benician says
More of the same from Johnny One Note. Democrats bad. Whigs good. Yawn.
The Whigs ran former Florida Governor Charlie Crist out of the party for having the audacity to thank the President for providing relief after a natural disaster. Many Whigs blame Governor Krispy Kreme for Rmoney’s defeat in 2012 for having the audacity to welcome the President to his state after a disaster. Many Whigs refuse to admit that they accept the President was born in Hawaii (unquestioned by anyone with the teeniest bit of reason) for fear of being primaried by a birther. And, no, no Whigs have ever compared Obama to Hitler, have they? I could probably come up with 20 examples for every one you can provide in the other direction. The King of Willful Ignorance strikes again.
DDL says
More of the same from Johnny One Note
Actually, my last piece was on immigration and discussed neither party, so that would be Johnny-Two Note, please.
Benician says
Once again, ignoring the substance and commenting on the trivial. Yes, it’s Johnny One Note.
DDL says
Guess you missed my pieces on Van Morrison, Johnny Otis and both Bonhoeffer pieces.
Would that make me Johnny four or five note?
Benician stated: Yes, it’s Johnny One Note.
Bob Livesay says
Dennis why even waste your time with these people. All they want to do is be nasty, sarcastic and let everone know how Liberal they are. Waste of time Dennis. Just hammer them on their Liberal ideals is more than enough for me. They want to get personal, believe me we all can. Not productive nor very adult. Watch the usual comments back. There are three suspects. Just watch.
environmentalpro says
Perhaps Johnny Tone Deaf would have been more apropos.
environmentalpro says
As long as the author is simply choosing to phone it in by simply recapping current events, here’s one:
JLB says
Looks an awful lot like the antics of one Harry Reid. No one seems to complain when he does it now do they?
environmentalpro says
Oh yeah……………….?!
lee says
DDL, I just noticed that your profile says “lived in Benicia”. Did I miss your departure from our fair city? When did this happen? Where did you go? I must have missed that column.
DDL says
Thanks for asking. My wife and I moved in June, after her retirement, primarily to be closer to our family. In discussions with the editor, it was decided to not do a ‘departure’ piece as where I live as weel as where the other ‘non Benician’ contributors live is not relevant to the subject matter we write upon.
If you would like additional information feel free to send an e-mail to the editor and he will forward it to me.
Best Regards