Recent travels presented several opportunities for comparing today’s issues from differing perspectives. To some of our fellow citizens life in America reflects a lack of appreciation for the unacknowledged good, while the bad is either blown out of proportion or simply completely made up.
‘Never let a crisis go to waste’
So spoke Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel. In this spirit Carmen Cruz, San Juan mayor and current doyenne to the liberal media, has used the crisis in Puerto Rico to bash President Trump. She has been on virtually every network from ABC to CNN to MSNBC. She even was impersonated in the opening sketch on this weekend’s “Saturday Night Live,” a well-respected source of “news” for far too many people.
The mayor’s words included:
“So I am asking the members of the press, to send a mayday call all over the world. We are dying here.And if it doesn’t stop, and if we don’t get the food and the water into people’s hands, what we are going to see is something close to a genocide.”
A little friendly advice to Mayor Cruz: When conducting a press conference, to complain of a lack of food and water, you should not do so in front of pallets stacked with food and water.
Her anger, aimed at President Trump is at odds with many, including Mayor Angel Perez of Guyabo:
“I don’t know why she is saying that. What I can tell you is my experience. She is not participating in any meetings and we had a couple already with the governors and with representation of FEMA and of HUD, of these whole federal agencies that have given us help and she’s not participating in those meetings”
Mayor Cruz may be new to many people, but she has made the news previously:
“Freedom for Oscar Lopez Rivera. Soon he will be with us… He was fighting the fight. We’re going to give you more details when we welcome this great Puerto Rican patriot in a cause that unites us. This great celebration is going to be in the streets and it is going to be extraordinarily large. Thanks, President Obama. Long live Oscar Lopez Rivera.”
From the Daily Caller: “Lopez Rivera was sentenced to 35 years in prison for his involvement in the FALN, a Puerto Rican separatist group that was responsible for more than 100 bombings in the U.S. during the 1970s and 1980s.”
Many Democrats are soft on violence, or terrorism, when used to support their favored causes. In fact, Hillary Clinton reminded then- candidate Obama of this. Let’s recall some examples: Jimmy Carter and Hamas, Bill Clinton and Puerto Rico’s FALN, President Obama and Bill Ayers or again with the FALN.
It is important to keep in mind: The woman condemning Trump once sang the praises of a domestic terrorist.
Roy Moore’s victory
Roy Moore, the ‘Ten ‘Commandments Judge’ won the Republican Senatorial primary in Alabama last week. His win was a direct slap at Mitch McConnell, whose ineffectiveness is now overshadowing his success of 2016. Moore is long despised by the atheists of the left, due in part to comments such as:
“I want to see virtue and morality returned to our country and God is the only source of our law, liberty and government,”
Those opposed to Moore see him as an extremist, a firebrand for religious causes. Are his comments in support of God and God’s laws really out of step with Americans? Consider that Thomas Jefferson referred to the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” in the Declaration of Independence.
Consider also; there is no American more revered, in some circles, than Martin Luther King. In his ‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail’, Reverend King, stated:
“A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law.”
Judge Moore and Rev. King may be in disagreement on many issues, but it seems they found commonality with Jefferson on the subject of God’s Laws.
Living the gay life
Reuters carried a story from Egypt regarding the current state of affairs for their local Rainbow flag coalition:
“Six Egyptian men arrested for “promoting sexual deviancy” and “debauchery” on social media will be subjected to anal examinations ahead of their Oct. 1 trial. Their arrest is part of a wider crackdown against homosexuality that started last week”
Yes, they really said “crackdown,” I am unclear if that pun was intended.
Later the article states:
“At least 11 people have since been arrested… and one man has been sentenced to six years in jail after local media launched a highly critical campaign against those who raised the rainbow flag at a Mashrou’ Leila concert… whose lead singer is openly gay.”
Now I am not opposed to anal exams, per se, but I prefer to call them colonoscopies and have them performed by a doctor, one not under the direction of an Egyptian prison guard.
Closer to home though, the oppression of the LGBTQ community continues unabated:
A lesbian couple suffered through a terrible “ordeal” recently in their attempt to make a simple request. The New York Daily News reports:
“A bakery in Bakersfield, Calif., is facing criticism for refusing to bake a cake for a gay couple who posted about the ordeal on Facebook Saturday.
Eileen Del Rio said the bakery owner, Cathy Miller, refused to make her and her partner’s wedding cake because she doesn’t condone same sex marriages.”_
The owner of ‘Tastries’ Cathy Miller said: “The ceremony, when you’re getting married is in the eyes of the Lord and that’s a celebration of a union that God has brought together and that’s a whole lot different than coming in and wanting a cookie.”
I don’t think Eileen and her partner will be honeymooning in Cairo.
Dennis Lund is a mechanical engineer who lived in Benicia for more than 20 years.
Outstand Dennis. Keep at it. Thank you.
Another 30,000 foot fly-over–you have become the Hedda Hopper of Progressiveland!
Keep’em coming, Dennis!