At its June 19 meeting, the Benicia City Council voted 3-2 to not take any further action on Mayor Elizabeth Patterson’s request for an Industrial Safety Ordinance (ISO) in Benicia until November. Now Patterson is requesting a rehearing on the item, which is on the agenda for Tuesday’s council meeting.
Following a flaring incident and shutdown at the Valero Benicia Refinery in May 2017, Patterson submitted a two-step request which asked the council to consider adopting an ISO in line with Contra Costa County’s ordinance requires refineries to submit safety plans, undergo safety audits and develop risk management plans while incorporating community input. The council voted 4-1 to adopt the first step of this request, but the second step did not appear on a council agenda for another 13 months. Four weeks ago, the council narrowly voted to not adopt an ISO just yet and to direct Valero to fix gaps in communication. Of the three councilmembers who voted down the ISO, two— Tom Campbell and Alan Schwartzman— said they would change their votes if air quality monitors were not installed by November.
However, the issue will be returning to the council even sooner. On June 28, Patterson submitted an application to rehear the item on four grounds: that she felt staff had not adequately prepared the council for the hearing, past settlement agreements and obligations regarding air quality monitoring had not been addressed, new evidence discussing the necessity of fenceline and community monitoring which are not addressed by the planned Bay Area Air Quality Mangement District monitors and the decision to wait for BAAQMD monitors to be installed was “vague and uncertain” and “does not present a viable plan,” Patterson wrote.
For the first reason, Patterson wrote that staff had not done anything substantive in between the discussion of the two steps and that the staff report prepared for the June 19 meeting lacked key information.
“The Staff Report contained almost no meaningful information concerning what actions or costs would be necessary to actually move toward the adoption of an Industrial Safety Ordinance,” she wrote. “Although a thorough draft of the Industrial Safety Ordinance prepared by members of the community was included in the packet, the staff had not reviewed it and was unprepared to comment even preliminarily.”
For the second item, Patterson said the staff report did not mention the past settlements with Valero in 2003, 2008 and 2010 which required fenceline and community monitors, neither of which were installed.
“The City Council should have been advised and taken into consideration Valero’s failure to comply with these agreements as well as its non- compliance with the conditions of approval in rendering its decision, but the Staff Report failed to address these points at all,” Patterson wrote.
For the third item, Patterson said she attended an Airwatch Bay Area conference four days after the council meeting, which noted that BAAQMD’s proposed fenceline monitors were only 1 percent effective at detecting hazardous waste materials.
“Rehearing on the request to direct staff with certain criteria stated earlier to have the draft Industrial Safety Ordinance reviewed should be allowed so that new expert and non-expert evidence can be presented on this important subject,” she wrote. “The BAAQMD monitoring program will not be sufficient in quality…or location to fully protect the community. Time is of the essence.”
Finally, Patterson felt the decision to delay was not specific enough and that waiting presented a potential danger.
“With each additional day that passes, the community faces the risk of another power outage, which Valero has acknowledged it is unprepared for,” she wrote. “The delay in taking any action just puts the community in greater jeopardy of such releases without taking any action to eliminate or mitigate such risks.”
Staff responded to the first two reasons in a report prepared by City Attorney Heather McLaughlin. Regarding the first reason, McLaughlin wrote that as part of the two-step process, staff support for individual requests from individual councilmembers is limited to 15 minutes of staff time and that researching, writing reports and compiling materials would not take longer than 15 minutes unless approved by a majority of the council.
“Staff had collected some background information and provided it with the report to support the Council’s discussion but no analysis or other in-depth work had occurred,” McLaughlin wrote. “Staff had adequately prepared Council for the hearing based on the type of hearing that was scheduled to occur.”
This reasoning was also the basis for the short response to Patterson’s statement that past settlement agreements were not mentioned in the staff report. Staff did not respond to the third or fourth statements.
The council will vote on whether or not to schedule a rehearing on its June 19 vote, which would be slated for a later meeting if approved.
In other matters, the council will vote to approve a resolution placing a tax on port-related activities on the ballot for the general election and confirm Thomas Stanton as Benicia’s seventh poet laureate.
The council will meet at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 17 in a closed session to discuss legal matters. The regular meeting will start at 7 in the Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 250 East L St. A live stream of the council meeting can also be found online at
Mayor Patterson this is the most egregious attempt at a complete takeover of the process. You not only want a seat at the table you want your “Patterson Twelve” to run the whole show. Very good thinking by the three councilmembers I hope will not allow this to happen. I hope the council lets stand the June 19 3/2 decision. That decision has teeth in it and could eventually lead to a ISO if the city, Valero and BAAQMD do not do there job. I have all the confidence in the world that they will. If not there will be consequences. Mayor Patterson I have read your “Request for Rehearing”. I have never seen anything like it. You took the City Manager and her very competent staff and thru them under the bus. You have divided the city council and I am sure many of the residents /.voters This egregious attempt of a takeover has no merit nor do you. You Mayor Patterson , “Patterson Twelve”, Vice Mayor Young, Benicia Independent and other small groups do not run this city. You have one vote Mayor Patterson and you bringing along Vice Mayor Young makes him look very weak. Your “Request” is filled with very negative statement about city staff, City Manager AND OF COURSE THE THREE MEMBERS OF THE 3/2 VOTE AGAINST YOUR MOB CONTROLLED ATTEMPT TO CONTROL THIS CITY. YES THOSE ARE VERY HARSH WORDS. BUT MAYOR PATTERSON YOU DESERVE EVERYONE OF THEM. PURE INCOMPETENT GROUP TRYING TO RUN THE SHOW. WE HAVE PROFESSIONALS ON STAFF AND BELIEVE ME A VERY FINE City MANAGER. THE BIG WEAKNESS IS YOU MAYOR PATTERSON AND YOUR SIDE KICK VICE MAYOR Young. YOU DO NOT RUN THIS CITY. MAYOR PATTERSON MOVE ON AND LET THIS WHOLE THING PLAY OUT AS IT SHOULD. TIME TO WITHDRAW YOUR REQUEST AND LETS TALK IN SIX MONTHS. Very DISCUSTING OF YOU MAYOR PATTERSON. Sorry for the caps. Was not going to re-write it.
It further should be noted that the mayors request and her ultimate cowardly put down of the city Staff and City Manager has apparently caused a lot of work environment issues. The very loyal employees do not need a scolding or reprimand by the mayor. She is out of line and way over the top on her personal agenda driven ideals. She is a very sore loser. So who does she take it out on CITY STAFF. The city staff is a very hard working loyal group dedicated to the city of Benicia. This is not the “City of Mayor Patterson”. Again it is the City of Benicia and the mayor thinks it is her personal domain. Sorry Mayor Patterson it is not. You need to put out a very sincere apology to City Staff and the City Manager. Also withdraw your request. Believe me the mayor will not do either.
Madam Mayor,
I read your plea in the Council agenda. All Ican say is that your 3/2 vote loss was not due to staff timing, meeting agenda schedules, nor staff updates. You lost on merit. You did not sell the idea because it wasn’t a good plan.
It is often hard for elitists to recognize they are not the smartest on the room, or perhaps their ideas are without merit.
Madam Mayor, you lost because three council members reviewed your plan, studies it, and voted it down based on merit.
OK, Mayor. Apparently you have poor leadership qualities since “staff” (who you blame for the failure to get the measure passed) failed to provide information and analysis (slanted, no doubt, toward your desired ends. Who’s running the town? Staff or you? Accept it as your failure and move on. Never ceases to amaze me how folks tend to blame others for their failures. Tom, Alan–hope you recognize this attempt for what it is, a shrill (can’t you just hear the whine in her voice as she wrote this?) devolution to female doggishness?
I see the Reverent Straw and his wife are into it on the Reverends Benicia Independent. She exchange words to slam the city of Benicia AND THE CITY STAFF PLUS Valero. WHEN WILL THIS SOCIALIST GROUP STOP MAKING UP FALSE NEWS. SORE LOSERS.