SINCE THE NEWS BROKE TUESDAY that Jon Stewart will retire this year as host of the satirical Comedy Central program “The Daily Show,” I thought I would devote some column space this week to Stewart and what he has accomplished in his 16 years as host.
When Stewart took over from the show’s original host Craig Kilborn, it took him and the writers a while to find the voice they wanted the show to have. But once they found their niche, the show became one of the most influential television programs of the 21st century.
While I have enjoyed the show during Stewart’s time as host, there were some aspects of the show — particularly early in his tenure — that disturbed me.
There is an informal rule of discourse that I believe is as essential as it is simple: “Punch up or across, not down.” That is, point the sharp end of a satirical sword to those more powerful or, at the very least, as powerful as you; puncturing the bubble of someone less powerful or savvy than yourself ought to be beyond the pale.
As my late father used to say (with an Irish twinkle in his eye): “It is unsporting to match wits with an unarmed opponent.”
The show moved beyond what I am about to describe fairly quickly after Stewart took the helm (I could not have continued watching it otherwise), but before that it used to pretty regularly feature segments where a mock “correspondent” would arrange to interview, on camera, someone (often a conservative) who had, say, a museum in some rural community dedicated to some of the wackier conspiracy theories that circulated around Bill and Hillary Clinton. The correspondent would make short work of the person he was interviewing, and I almost always switched the channel because it struck me as deeply unfair — even mean-spirited — for a polished, attractive media performer to play “sandbag the rube.”
The rest of the show, almost without exception, was so good that it far outweighed those earlier reservations. For Stewart, the rest of his time as host was about “punching up.” He pointed out the besetting absurdity of much of the discourse in our nation’s capital, at every level of government. He also “punched across,” pointing a very sharp satirical rapier at fellow members of the media — showing the way much of our national media, particularly the cable television news shows, comprehensively fail to perform their job of informing the citizens of a democracy about the actions of its government, and instead focus on the most petty and superficial aspects of our political disagreements.
One of the things I like about Jon Stewart is that he is not afraid to go onto the territory of the media he criticizes, and defend his criticisms. For example, one of the criticisms of “The Daily Show,” particularly from the right side of the political spectrum, is that it is “biased” in favor of liberal viewpoints. While Stewart was unquestioningly a “liberal” — in the sense that word is used in this country — he did not primarily try to sell leftist ideology through comedy. Once, with Fox News host Chris Wallace as a guest, he accepted Wallace’s invitation to appear on Fox News Sunday, where he tackled the issue directly:
STEWART: Here’s the difference between you and I — I’m a comedian first. My comedy is informed by an ideological background. There’s no question about that. But the thing that you will never understand, and the thing that in some respects conservative activists will never understand, is that Hollywood, yeah, they’re liberal. But that’s not their primary motivating force. I’m not an activist. I’m a comedian. And my comedy’s informed by ideology —
WALLACE: I want to thank you —
STEWART: — there’s no question about that, but I am not an ideologue —
WALLACE: I want to thank you for saying that because —
WALLACE: — Baltimore Sun TV critic David Zurawik — put it up on the screen — says that is your dodge. “Stewart is never held accountable in his media criticism, is he? When he is wrong, he goes in a tap dance of saying he’s only a comedian and shouldn’t be taken seriously.”
STEWART: OK. Let’s talk about that — when did I say to you I’m “only” a comedian? I said I’m a comedian first. That’s not only. Being a comedian is harder than what you do.
In the days when kings and queens ran the show, the smart ones employed a joker or “fool” to lend some levity to the court. Since kings held the power of life and death in their hands, they were often surrounded by toadies and sycophants who would not dare to challenge a king’s preferred view of his kingdom. But the jokers had another job: they were the only people in the court who could get away with telling the unadorned truth to the king, since they did so in the guise of being a goof.
I think a fairly direct line can be drawn from court jokers to Jon Stewart. He is the only person in our corporate media who is allowed to speak hard truth to power. He excelled at this, and he will be missed.
Matt Talbot is a writer and poet, as well as an old Benicia hand. He works for a tech start-up in San Francisco.
Stewart was, still is for that matter, good for a few laughs and chuckles.
The bloggers and gossip mongers are rumoring that Stewart may replace Brian Williams. That would seem appropriate: a jokester replacing a joke.
Thank you, Matt! It’s intelligent life like Jon Stewart’s that keeps democracy alive. Any mediocre corporation or government or ideology tent can fill the airwaves with crap and they do, but the jester entertains the masses with the truth without its shallow, programmed masks. A real art. The “science-deniers” who revel with their oil stocks dripping cash while the atmosphere collapses around us can only fear the jester. Stewart will move on and hopefully upward to a larger more profound stage. In the end, talent wins. Mediocrity loses. Always does. Gravity and karma work. Watch for them everywhere, especially in the vicinity of Stewart.
Peter Bray, Benicia, CA
There you go with the climate BS again Peter. Maybe you missed the big news this week or are just choosing to ignore it. Here is a link for your reading pleasure. You might want to sit down and get yourself a tall cocktail first.
I’ve read Dr. Hansen’s reports out of NASA and I suspect he’s far more knowledgeable on the subject than any of your petroleum money-supported pseudo-researchers…careful what you call BS, it may come back to bite you. We no longer buy much whale blubber for lamp fuel either…an harpoon sales are WAY down…better trade in your buggy whips, nobody wants them either. CO2 is not just found in your alphabet soup. BS, have you got one, or was science always “scary” to you?
Peter Bray
Pants on fire.
If we believe both sides then the score is 1 to 1.
You and none of your oil-soaked Fox News nuts can compare to the credibiity of Dr. Jim Hansen formerly of NASA…End of issue…bark up some other Fox News source, your oil stock’s net worth is over…Even New Yorkers have banned Fracking from NY…crustaceans, dinosaurs, and SOWM don’t evolve…they implode…
GOP = SOWM = Sour Old White Men = Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Bobby Jindal, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, “Big MacBurger” Christy, “What’s his name” Huckabee, Jebb Bush? hahahahahahahaha…15-watters…not enough to power a distress call from outer space to Washington, DC…
Bobby Jindal is white? When did that happen? and how?
When he changed his name from Piyush to curry favor with the racist rich men in your party.
H H name the racist you are talking about. Just saying so is like Hansen and his scentific predictions. You have no credibility or proof.
You are not qualified to make that judgment, either.
just did and you are stunned
You’re the one barely able to type.
Bobbin-threaders don’t have to type or even be coherent…they are above all that…only the working masses have to type…the French Revolution wasn’t all bad…duh!
You trivialize any point that comes your way…you grasp for the gnat’s ass and miss the dirigible sent your way with weedspray…I hope you impress your sycophants… Did i spell that correctly for you?
You are too easy Pedro. Lighten up a bit, go smoke a J like in the old days. Actually I would not be surprised if those days ever ended for you.
Your attempts at demeaning wit are so lightweight…I had one drag on a joint in Concord at the request of a cousin-in-law in the 1970’s..tasted like camel dung smells. If CA is so terrible, why don’t you move out of state? Oh, you did! Does that work for you? Does your new state publish newspapers? Why don’t you write for them? Just a suggestion…No offers? You could inquire… You go to Grad School? What was your major? Bonnets? Livesay was a bobbin threader wasn’t he? Or a
millener? Hem baster? Happy Valentine’s Day…send some great poems to your readers…all six in Arizona? New Mexico? The Andes?
That was a very funny run Petr. You said nothing except confirm your hate for Dennis, and Bob Livesay. and all Republicans. No solutions to go along with that anti Conservative thinking.. You love Reid, Pelosi,, Socialists Sanders and Warren. Funny thing Petr the voters do not agree with you. Yes they were all re-elected but without power. Petr I will not make fun of your Handyman work that your great education lead you to. That is fine but to go after Me and Dennis when we do not talk about our personal life at all. That is all you do is talk about your personal accomplishments and even worse complain about it. Toxic mortgage, corporate fail;ure world etc. You go on and on. No answers to sol;ve these so called problems. I have written about issues many times. Just where have you been? Oh I know. Border Collies and changing light bulbs and maybe clean a drain. That is good honest work and I admire your desire to keep at it. But at the same time please credit others =for their contribution Petr. Others have contributed much over time. .
Imperil the health of the people of the planet with your toxic, money-first-and-only, “anti-science” mindset.
How frinking tragic. Live with that in your Fox News only, oily mindset.
You’re a whaling avocate in a dying, foul industry. Go hug an oil derrick.
Or thread a bobbin and reminisce on your grand accomplishments.
Take “anti-science” Lund with you and all of the Bush-Cheney tragedies. YOUR team.Two terms worth and a collapsed economy and a Warming globe W did nothing to improve. Quite a legacy, Bobbo. Live with that and sculpt another “anti-science” fool-candidate to support in 2016?
Good luck! Boehner and McConnell, two doorstops. 4-watts each. pb
Petr you might bersurprised on my take on rernewable energy. So learn before you ACCUSE.
I doubt that you have an altruistic fiber in you…e.g., your repeated attacks on Mayor Patterson are misogynistic ramblings of a nut job… your untethered mouth precedes you. You are an anachronism looking for a dark cave to shelter in…I dismiss you as past your prime and no real danger to anyone except the spiders who wander under your rocker…cobwebs beware, he’s loose again…
That was a very funny run Petr. You said nothing except confirm your hate for Dennis, and Bob Livesay. and all Republicans. No solutions to go along with that anti Conservative thinking.. You love Reid, Pelosi,, Socialists Sanders and Warren. Funny thing Petr the voters do not agree with you. Yes they were all re-elected but without power. Petr I will not make fun of your Handyman work that your great education lead you to. That is fine but to go after Bob Livesay and Dennis when we do not talk about our personal life at all. That is all you do is talk about your personal accomplishments and even worse complain about it. Toxic mortgage, corporate fail;ure world etc. You go on and on. No answers to sol;ve these so called problems. I have written about issues many times. Just where have you been? Oh I know. Border Collies and changing light bulbs and maybe clean a drain. That is good honest work and I admire your desire to keep at it. But at the same time please credit others =for their contribution Petr. Others have contributed much over time. .
I never said I hate you people, just find you to be merchants of misinformation that aids you in your bottom lines at the expense of the world’s people. That’s anti-humanitarian GREED anyway you slice it.
Chase a whale. I’ll be improving the planet daily for its inhabitants, one home and family at a time. Corporate failure? You are so twisted, the corporate world left me like it’s left millions of others, I swam home more than once and re-started successfully. Try the truth sometime if you can overcome your own dogma.
You have no solutions, only ongoing Keystone failures, coal ash ponds, Fracking gas in kitchen sinks. Spare the Air days increasing in quantity behind you. Deny any of that, your legacy of half-truths, You are neither a match for Dr. Jim Hansen, or Jon Stewart. Define your legacy, dark cloud of tragedy. pb
Petr what makes you think I am not doing more than you? I more than likely am. I approach it in a different way and yes I would use science to improve anything that can make fossil fuel burn clean and extract clean. I happen to be a big fan of Elon and off the grid electricity. You do not even understand off the grid. You know Petr solar with Elon batteries to store for both home and business. Do not sell me short Petr. It is you that are making those assumptions without any proof or investigatiion. Yes I am a big fan of fracking but in a clean way. What do you stand for? Only negative comments and no sol;utions. Keep your eye on Elon Petr. He is closer than you think.. Petr the area refineries have done a great job over the years to achieve a clean process. I do hope you remember what was going into the straits many years ago. You were probably part of it also with your waste water dumb.. Many advances have been made and will continue to be made. Your answer is to get rid of the refineries. You talk about science ALL the time. Start using it Petr.
You know nothing of me or anyone. You are swept up in your own pompous, arrogant, and weak ego. Every species needs a lower limit to ascend over. The French aristocracy could have used you to bake cake for them while Les Miserables labored and lived in the streets. I have never listened to your tripe, just opposed it much like flagrant money-laundering of misinformation…
Petr your last two posts tells everyone all they need to know about Petr. You said it all. Personal; attacks and lack of knowlege on any issue you comment or talk about. Shallow It is only your way.
You’ve summed youself up well, all your info is exalting your right-wing voodoo at the intended demeanment of others…spoken
like a shallow elitest, broadcasting their own dogma to protect their income resources…history says
you’ll fall just like all the rest. The
species evolves…bright people
have their own resource materials, they don’t need mine, my job is to
laugh at your pompous throne…and hold it up so you can see it too..the
naked jester is naked…to the core.
Hooray for Mayor Patterson and
her forward-looking perspective…she was elected
twice..were you? No! Ha! Go count your votes again…nada…pb
I believe I cleared up the credibility of Hansen in another post. You have not scored one point. A substitute as always Petr. You do not even suit up for home games.
I don’t believe you did. A man’s credibility is not lost when he is wrong once or twice. The vast majority of his work has been corroborated again and again and conforms to the scientific consensus, of which your ilk is woefully or willfully ignorant.
Sorry H H the silly predictions he made destroys all credibility. If those predictions are his science out comes he has a big problem along with the folks that are buying in. Not good H H..
You are not qualified to make that judgment.
are you
Likely to busy reusing bad sports analogies to be bothered with disproving theories.
One whacko, anti-science news column paid for by Koch Bros’ petroleum dollars does not refute the career knowledge of Dr. Hansen, Bobbo. Maybe your lame cohorts fall for your smoke and mirrors…but this is not the NYTimes, nor are you any credible news source…hahahahahaha…Nice try…maybe next year you can be Bat Boy…or water carrier…
You want to talk sour old men, let’s talk about Harry Reid. He prevented hundreds of bills from even making it onto the floor of the senate. That is what it is for – debate. He prohibited it. So glad that sour old obama protectionist is gone.
Hundreds of poisonous bills that were never intended to do anything but harm already passed legislation. That dog won’t hunt.
Sorry but that it is not how the system works. If we were to use the same tactics now that we have the power, the left would be crying like little school girls. One man does not get to play judge and jury on which bills get discussed and which don’t. No matter what you say or believe, that is not the law and that is not how the system was setup or intended to work. That is undeniable. You may not like it but that is fact.
Sorry but that is how the system works, as Mitch McConnell is now discovering. 60 votes or GTFO.
Mitch McConnell…there’s a lackluster toad if ever…he and Boehner…that’s scary…will they shut down the government this year too..?.
Have they ever had real jobs?
Or just tax-payer-paid benefits AND HEALTHCARE TOO? Pretty sweet, guys! Government loafers…pb
A Republican bill fosters nothing but greed and anti-science..Hooray for Harry Reid for keeping you greed-crustaceans at bay…the last Repub administration gave us a collapsed economy…what are you clowns good for?
Why would you believe the side that has been shown to be wrong? Ah, but I know the answer.
Slow down, breathe.
The real score is a billion to nothing, and we win. But you guys are good at lying to yourselves, and everyone else.
give me your source. That should be simple you made the comment I assume from a reliable source. Maybe Petr.
Source for what, fool? I just provided a link that refuted JLB’s link. You provide a link next or STFU.
I do believe H H you are going over the edge.
Nope, keeping an even keel. Getting to you big-time.
Follow all the other countries collecting global weather data, Bobbo…you’re a Neanderthal when it comes to science…go back to your fashion magazines and hemstitches…you and Fox News are lackies of Big Oil…how do you like Fracking Gas in your kitchen water? Deny that one with your
pseudo-facts…NYers have banned
Fracking…when if ever have you even been in a science class? Do
you have a hallway pass to be out without parental approval?
JLB I pay no attention to Petr Bray. His favorite James Hansen said we “only have four years to save the Earth” Also said parts of Manhattan would be underwater by 2008. So much for Cl;imate Change crap. I like Jon Steart for what he is. A Comedian and thats all. Matt I do believe tried to say that but did go a little left on us. Thats ok.
It’s global in consequence, Bobbo. Dr. Hansen can be in error 2 days out of 7 but how often are you right over more trivial absurdities?
Believe all the Petroleum-based BS you want, the Koch Bros. are NOT the tooth fairies either.
My education was based on science and what was yours based on? Voo-doo? Howdy Doody? Ollie the Dragon? – PB
Thanks for admitting Petr you are wrong most of the time. We all appreciate that. Back to Stewart, I do like his approach to comedy. It has nothing to do with Global Warming/Climate Change not does Dr. Hansen
I admitted no such thing, you are.less than juvenile. Have a wonderful day.
I agree. Stewart was fun at times, funny at times, but eh …….
JLB and Livesay:
Stewart had you guys for lunch regularly!
Come on Peter, if you try harder, you can do better than that!
Sorry, I no longer waste my time in idle chatter online..
good bye Petr
You promise? Please let it be so!
He will be back and on this thread, as well, he just can’t help himself. I think this is his 83rd promise. I’ve lost count, to be honest.
Poor Peetie, he can’t help himself.
Wow, considering you were the one that reacted to a comment made by Peter (that was in no way directed at anyone in particular), you have to wonder who can’t help himself.
It’s OK that you don’t get it Thomas.
And, it’s OK that you don’t get anything.
Thomas: Their flaws and illogical consistencies are enough to trip a mute in a sugarcane field…I try to mentor them to get off their dull behinds but alas, a 15-watt bulb in a tired ceiling can only illuminate so much…and they are so morbid and comatose…cadavers are more jubilant…I grow weary, my non-sea seasickness is rising like a bad moon tide…pb
Well Petr the one thing we know is we Aassume you know the watt Difference when chANGing the light bulbs. Remember Petr you do not put the finger in first or is that how your hair is. .
Bobbo: You have no humor…as much as a dead pharaoh…stick with liberal-demeaning insults, and get some new ones, you’re old ones are PU!
You read it
To the contrary, I can help myself quite well…instead of teasing my cat and testing his talons to hook me, I dangle this thread in front of you ne’er do-wells with abundant time on your hands and nothing better to show for it and see how long it’ll be before somebody goes neurotically ballistic…
Trouble is, it’s so boring, my cat is a lot more fun…and quicker too…and i grow bored and have to sign off…it’s sort of like a slow wave of nausea…like seasickness without the sea…PB
Signing off again Peter.
You’re signing off? Or I’m signing off? I only sign off when bored and nauseous…pb
Petr I love your comments.
I think Petr has made his way into the sauce and he is loaded. I bet he and the cat drink together.
Careful, you’re showing signs of being kind, and your peer group will stone you for that…Never be kind to liberals, Progressives, Democrats, or especially Socialists, they will sneak up on you and rob you of your guavas, your melons, your hand soap, and possibly your papayas too… They are not to be trusted, they will hug a tree right in front of you and you know how disgusting that can be…especially those “Enviro-Greenies” and their “Agendas.”
This is where you are just flat wrong Petr. Just because we disagree, does not mean that we are haters. I probably have more friends that are liberals than I do that are conservative. On many things we agree to disagree but we still appreciate one another and we all bring something to the table.
83rd promise? No, maybe 4-5…I’m just amazed that grown men can trivialize their own existence by such juvenile exchanges..are you all retired and bored with nothing to do? Shame on you guys.
Every one of you. Boring!
I no longer waste my time in idle chatter online..pb 10:46 AM
are you all retired and bored with nothing to do? Shame on you guys. Petr 4:54 PM
Longest six hours and 8 minutes of your life Petr?
Did the sweats and shakes start to get to you? I thought you might make it till midnight, but you were weaker than I thought.
Unlike you, Tweedle Dee I was working for for those interim hours and improving the state of the planet…I only wasted maybe an hour sparring with you dimwits…And once again it was fruitless…like goosing a cloud…pb
Sorry Petr everyone is in except you.
Everyone “is in?” What exactly does that mean? Have you ever taken any English classes to learn how to speak or communicate? Or do you just ugh and grunt at your dinner plate? Throw bones to the side of your cave?
Rested up, expecting so much from you and receiving so little…maybe I’ll go visit the Girl Scouts and buy some cookies…they’re doing something worthwhile as compared to this group of witless, “non-science” cadavers…
Are you OK Petr.
I’m just fine but wondering where all my Conservative, sandbox playmates are??? Don’t you guys stay up late rehearsing your lines for tomorrow’s trivial debates?
We try to avoid trivial debates, while that seems to be all that you know Peetie.
Error! That’s all you guys have are trivial debates…it’s like cud-chewing cows, fully retired, meeting at the barbed wire fence in the meadow to fart and swat flies…really boring…
Must go and change the cat’s box…he’s calling me and hates to be second on my Priority List.
Cheers until manana…that’s Spanish for tomorrow – Peter, Peetie, Pedro, Petr, Pyotr (that’s Russian)
Check me out: and
Pater, your web sites aren’t bad in concept but something is making them extremely slow. Maybe your pictures sizes are too big or the hosting service you are using is small and they have a small pipe to the internet. Not sure what the snag is but I don’t think most people would stick around long enough to get past your home page. Just a suggestion.
No one has ever complained about speed…if you have an old machine or slow browser, the problem may be at your end, with highspeed DSL from AT&T and Google Chrome, they roar along here…pb
Interesting. Just went there again and it was fine. Must have been something going on last night. I have a new machine and 50MB download speed so it is not on my end. Maybe your hosting was doing maintenance or something. Sorry about that.
Not to worry…am going to work for awhile, won’t be able to play with Conservatives here in the Sand Castle for awhile, sorry you guys have nothing to do beneficial for the the Mid-East, try to figure how to get rid of all the Palestinians faster, get the latinos back across the border, isolate Obama further, get Rand Paul closer to Inauguration day, increase the Poll tax in southern states, inflate Ronnie Reagan dolls in the attics…Huckabee, maybe get him to play “God Bless America,” on guitar!
De-invent CO2…I’m sure you’ll think up more, demean Democrats, Progressives and call Bernie Sanders and Lizzie Warren supporters “Socialists”–Send bigger checks to the Koch Brothers and deny Coal ash ponds in how many states? Elect Bobbo Livesay Class President for a week…gotta run…pb
Bernie and Elizabeth supporter. Yes I would say that is leaning very far left or shall I call it Socialism.. That is OK Petr. Thats what you support. Just back it and realize you are a Socialist. Think Mario and Bethina at Cal.
Humanitarian values over gross, greedy, planet-raping materialism is not Socialism, Bob, it’s humanitarianism…you always exaggerate things to the abyss of your own fears…are you a crustacean, Bobbo?What exactly is your driving force, blatant fears that the next wolf pack over may
get more cookies than you? Pb
Most likely they will get more cookies. But the problem is , we will be paying for those cookies.
Mario Savio was a free speech advocate..I was on campus those same years, Bobbo, he did not condone oppressive censorship on campus…you’re in a time warp…Get out of your Hoover period bottle…
The only kind of science that is scary to me is the kind that you thirst upon – JUNK science. Global warming is a solution searching for a problem. That is the scary kind of science. Even scarier when it becomes a movement and sheeple willingly and blindly jump on the train!
Analyze your own sheeple…and News sources, and try not to laugh or cry.
Stewart’s run on the Daily show is not up yet. On last night’s show his question was “Did I die?,” in response to the internet frenzy.
I was not real excited when Stewart replaced Kilborn back in the 1990s. However, my opinion has changed, as I think he has taken the show to a higher level than Kilborn would have been able to.
Some of my favorite moments have been when Bill O’Reilly, whom I believe Stewart considers a friend, has appeared on the show. Matt, I believe these were moments when Stewart had no choice but to ignore “Punch up or across, not down.”.
I assume that Stewart will probably pursue his film director aspirations. He has made a decent run, thus far.
As to who will replace him on the Daily Show, that will surely be a huge pair of shoes to fill.
There are no funny conservatives. None.
Just when I thought we might get through a posting without the hailing HH bullets ………………
then boom!,
His comment is pointless, as liberals find no humor in themselves or (a charge they make against conservatives) bits like this. They also will not call Dennis Miller a “comedian” because they simply do not like him. Nor would that allow Paul Shanklin to be classified as such, even though he is hilarious,.
Not funny. At all. Really, painfully, excruciatingly unfunny.
There are no funny conservatives. End of story.
Just because you do not think they are funny does not mean that millions of other people do find them funny.
Dennis Miller? Go ahead shoot him down, but Lorne Michaels found him to be pretty funny.
30 years ago.
Lorne Michaels thought this guy was funny, too.
What about the oh-so-entertaining Victoria Jackson?
Second-worst cast member ever. Naturally, a conservative.
Do you have any current photos of anybody?
Dennis Miller used to be a comedian…then he became an old sour cynic…tough when your natural talent dissipates with age and you only attract like cynics and SOWM, Sour Old White Men…
So sad…like spoiled fruit attracting fruit flies…and other conservatives…pb
Petr said: Dennis Miller used to be a comedian
So you are then saying that HH is wrong, as he said there are no funny conservatives and Miller, being a comedian would qualify.
But he will come back, last word freak that he is and change the rules…. too old…. not funny anymore…. I don’t like his comedy… Lorne Michaels did not always pick em well…. yadda, yadda ,yadda.
Dennis: Do you have any bright friends? I mean really bright? Am signing off again, sorry, you guys are odorous…like seagull tripe on a hot day at the landfill…Later…I’ll really try to stay away…really…pb
Try harder …. as in A LOT HARDER!
Petr hates it when he is shown to be wrong, or can’t keep his word, or runs out of material, which does not take long.
Speaking of material, do you Bozos have any?
Again AND again. Petr your mind appears to not be working or mAybe it is and you do not know it..
I suspect it’s your mind that’s not working, Bobbo…try counting backwards from six…slowly and report back in the morning for further instructions…see if you can follow simple instructions…I’m becoming nauseous again…nothing is shaking with this lack-luster group…pb
Peter, you seem to be getting repeatedly nauseous extremely easily. I think you should get that checked out. You could have a tumor!
No tumors, no rumors, no roomers either. The cat shares NO sauce with me either…If I become a Conservative, is there any secret handshake I will have to learn?
Petr that was not my comment. JLB could very well understand your issues better than others.
Sorry, Bobbo:
There’s a degree of sameness in all of these entries…all smoke and mirrors with little or no content.
Boring…really boring…do you have any wit?
This cannot be the Petr we know. He says he is gone.
And you know I’ll return when you least expect it…it gives my cat a rest…pb
Good we all need your comments. So earth shattering.
“I pay no attention to Petr Bray.”
— Bob Livesay, FEBRUARY 12, 2015 AT 8:09 AM
I have to disagree Hank. Colbert is the funniest conservative ever……….no, wait.
This is what passes for conservative humor.
Yup, attempts at humor from the right are usually pretty low brow. Because, you knows, fart-noises are hilarious!
the only reason they smell is because Liberals can not hear
Cogent as always.
glad you think so.
Oblivious as always.
Just trying to keep you alert and active. it is working H H.
Last word freak.
Yes it is.
No it isn’t.
I can hear just fine, would you like to check with my Kaiser Doc? That was a truly stupid remark. Definitely dull! On a scale of 10 your wit is about 1.5 half-stars.
got you.
Bobbo: You never get me. Ever! You’d have to have more than 15 watts and that ain’t gonna happen…pb
“I pay no attention to Petr Bray.” — Bob Livesay, FEBRUARY 12, 2015 AT 8:09 AM
I do not. Just destroy his credibility and that is easy.
And what “fashion-Science” curriculum did you graduate from?
“Hemlines R Us”?”Full Skirts Are Robust University”? How many technical units did you acquire threading bobbins for a living for how many decades?Wow! Was that a vital-to-the-world’s National Defense Industry or just Fluff
around the Prohibition years? What qualifies you for anything but a sagging armchair full of yesteryears’ old headlines? Was Dewey really screwy? Do you have any education beyond 4th grade volleyball? pb
Then why do you even answer my posts? You’re a glutton for negative attention. Clods with low self esteem or exaggerated self-importance fall into that rut…ask DDDDDLLLLund when he’s in his Piper Club dreaming of aviation at 30,000 feet.
I’m growing faint..this thread is more boring than naked seagulls trying to dance on a dung pile…I may have to go puke…pb
Thanks! I’ve noticed that too…is it a void in their DNA? Or is there nothing thigh-slapping funny about being against and superior to everything on the planet? How does that work? Is there a fruit or vegetable I can consume or avoid to acquire that pompous affliction too? Is it catching? Does it lead to early senility or just bad odor? Please advise. No hurry tho’, it’s really not on my first 10,000 items of interest. Maybe it’ll pass if I let it, like bad gas…pb
Do not worry Petr you do have it.
Also, there is no good conservative music and no good conservative film. No good conservative art whatsoever. In fact putting art and conservative in the same sentence is extremely jarring.
Wait! What about Ted Nugent and “Dogs Playing Poker”?
They can have Nugent. I’m torn about Dogs Playing Poker.
Ted Nugent? Who gives a stained cadaver sheet as to what Ted Nugent knows?? Really?
H H better check out Mel and Clint. Their filmswill be the highest ever grossing films. I do believe you will find them Conservative.
The men are conservative (and racist), yes. Their films are not especially conservative, no. And that tells you all you need to know.
Thesae two court jesters are having A G
No it tells me that you and Thomas are not good replacements for Petr. He has it all over you two and he makes no sense.
So here comes Livesay bringing out the humorless personal attacks, as usual. Why? Because that is all he knows. I would have thought he’d have brought out that old classic “Blah, balh, blah, expired fishing license.” by now.
The funniest conservatives are the ones that do it unintentionally,and are being laughed at.
Sorry TGP you are out of your league. Oh I forgot it is soccor the non athletic game.
Humorless…that’s the definer…I’m rested up and I return and what’s NEW? Nothing. A courtroom of old dying figs…bummer…who’s in charge of removing the fruit flies?
Bobbo: No, I did NOT volunteer for fruit fly removal…I believe that’s reserved for Conservatives, to keep them grounded in useful career opportunities…I think Boehner and Mitch McConnell introduced that yesterday in the new, bright, shining Congress of dimwits…
Wow! Six hours, and that is the best you can come up with?
got your attention
Still nothing?
Gawd: Bobbo’s back..I gotta split..I’m gonna toss the rest of these threads..sorry, they’re worthless..Gonna go play with my cat…DULL, Guys, really DULLLLLL!
As this is written this thread contains 102 comments of which fully one third have come from one person, far more than anyone else. The gist of his numerous and repetitive statement are:
1) Those who disagree with me are stupid.
2) They are also boring and not worth my time.
3) I am never posting here again.
4) I have better things to do then this.
5) All conservatives are idiots.
We got the point after the third post. So why post the same thing over 30 times?
I believe the appropriate term is: Projection
It’s called Repetition…like trying to repeal Obamacare…maybe if you vote on it 56 times the next one will be successful…or the Bengazi investigations, over and over and over and over…while all those lost during the Bush years are forgotten overnight…Turnabout’s Fairplay right huh? Your quote amigo…Get used to your own right-wing moronics…I’ve got a carload of them…dogma, dogma, dogma…I’m gonna become a Conservative and open a whole new chapter in dogma…gonna get all the non-caucasians deported for breaking and entering paper plates and pie tins, then register to vote parties, deny them access to science classes, bring back the 12th Century, outlaw vaccinations, honor Druids and Cretins Day in May, secret handshake classes at voter polling places…Outlaw science classes after Kindergarten, Vote for Rick Perry Day, and Bobby Jindall for Pope Week…Chris Christy for Big Mac Attack Vacation Treats…Pet a Republican Weekend..stay tuned! Gonna be awesome!
It’s called Repetition
No, Petr it is called tediously boring. The lack of knowledge on conservative principles which you display is stunning, even more so for a man who has a college degree.
Dennis we will never get through to Petr in any way. He is stubborn, narrow minded thinker, complainer, uses his so called poet talent, lack of understanding basic reasoning to try and buffalo his way through . Yes he does repeat and rant all the time with no clear direction.
Bobbo: Your mesages are flaccid ideologies…you attempt to demean what you can’t control, your adversaries by calling us “Enviro-Greenies” YOU ARE LEADERLESS PUTZES…Go dispute that as the global mass warms…burning fossil fuels in the open air? Whose dumb idea was that? Why not chase
whales with harpoons?
DDL: I hear no conservative principles from you birds, only blatant demeanment of your adversaries which amounts to childish tripe…that’s why I laugh in your faces…you’re whining, anti-science juveniles soaked in oil, a resource that has peaked…are those your Conservative credentials? If so your pompous arrogance is a defeat for your party. Study your public collective persona, it’s sad and laughable equally. pb
More relevant: Over 101 Lies of Barrack 0Bama
Not relevant at all. And not credible in the slightest.
You Liberals think you are the only ones that are credible. Look at who you look up to and then tell us who your real heros are. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren also known as the turncoat, Hillary-what difference does it make, Wild Bill the global sex traveler, Al the climate expert, . One hell of a group of over rated politicians and truth tellers.. I do believe you can live with that group. None have credibility says me H H. So that is that. You Liberals look down your nose at good solid Democrats like Joe L. Just not good enough for you. It appears your era of trying to play the leaders are and have been over for a few years.
Nobody comes as close to costly and worthless and mediocre as Bush and Cheney. Not even close.
And I bet you voted for them twice. Why? Live with that forever. Hahahaha in your credibility column. Oh, that’s ripe! pb
DDDLLL has been sad ever since W was voted worst clod President of a lifetime…it busted up his dream
state of a republic of perfect oil men that couldn’t speak English well or too good either…That’s sad!
And then Mitt lost too! Double sad!
I prefer Dick Cheney’s lies..
he’s the master…
hands down. Everyone else
is a trivial liar. His kill people and win him Halliburton contracts…
Way to go, Dick! And I do mean, Dick! pb
I read it all…in essence, liberals are funny, conservatives have no sense of humor or little else…but that’s my take, read it for yourselves, see if you agree…hahaha
Timely, true, and apropos. Thanks for posting Hank. Seems there is a common consensus on this. And, the reasoning seems pretty concrete.
Not down and not out. Living in California must be hell for you, what with our great economy that comes thanks to our liberal Democrat governor.