VERMONT SEN. BERNIE SANDERS RECENTLY ANNOUNCED his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016, and I couldn’t be more thrilled.
I mentioned a while back that I was not particularly thrilled with Hillary Clinton, the only other Democratic candidate who is currently in the race. As I wrote of Hillary in January of last year:
“She is not, and has not been, a friend of progressives in either foreign policy or economics. She supported the Iraq war, and there is very little daylight on economic and labor issues between her and her NAFTA-supporting, welfare-ending husband. She would represent no substantive danger to entrenched Wall Street interests, and she is not showing encouraging signs that she would do much to address the pressing issue of income and wealth inequality. She’s a Democratic Leadership Council-oriented, ‘triangulating’ centrist, and Wall Street’s favorite Democrat.”
While Clinton has since made some progress — at least in her rhetoric — in moving leftward, I have no confidence that she is truly committed to progressive reform. I went to her campaign website at and looked for some indication of what she stands for — what she actually wants to do if elected — and found precious little to go on.
What I found instead was the pitch that Hillary Clinton has a compelling story, plus the implication that a female president would be the culmination of the modern feminist movement, and thus she is the sort of person we need running the country.
I’m sorry, but I don’t want a “compelling story” in the Oval Office — I want someone with concrete and specific plans to help the 90 percent of the country that hasn’t had a raise in 35 years. I want someone who is committed to using the organized power of government to restrain the oligarchy who have been gaming our economic system to benefit only themselves. I want someone who will fight for the ordinary American worker — and Bernie Sanders is that person.
In Sanders’s announcement speech, he left no doubt about what he stands for and who he stands with:
“Today, we live in the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, but that reality means very little for most of us because almost all of that wealth is owned and controlled by a tiny handful of individuals. In America we now have more income and wealth inequality than any other major country on Earth, and the gap between the very rich and everyone else is wider than at any time since the 1920s. The issue of wealth and income inequality is the great moral issue of our time, it is the great economic issue of our time and it is the great political issue of our time. And we will address it.
“Let me be very clear. There is something profoundly wrong when the top one-tenth of 1 percent owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent, and when 99 percent of all new income goes to the top 1 percent. There is something profoundly wrong when, in recent years, we have seen a proliferation of millionaires and billionaires at the same time as millions of Americans work longer hours for lower wages and we have the highest rate of childhood poverty of any major country on Earth.”
No Democrat of national consequence has talked like that for at least 50 years, and really more like 60 years — not since the end of Harry Truman’s presidency.
Speaking of Truman, it occurs to me that the general election of 1948 might be analogous to the present Democratic primary election.
Like Hillary Clinton in the present, Republican nominee Thomas Dewey was widely expected to win that election 67 years ago. The Democratic Party was seriously split; a significant faction of conservative Southern Democrats had formed the States’ Rights Democratic Party and nominated Strom Thurmond on an anti-civil rights platform, while the Progressive Party nominated Henry Wallace to run to Truman’s left. Dewey’s strategy was to simply avoid making egregious mistakes and coast to a seemingly inevitable victory. His rhetoric was correspondingly vague and Delphic: “Our streams must abound with fish,” was one favorite line of his; “You cannot have freedom without liberty” was another; “Our future lies ahead” is proverbial among political historians for its sparkling emptiness.
In response, Truman ran a fiercely populist campaign that left no doubt whose interests he was fighting for. He savaged the “Do-Nothing” 80th (Republican) Congress for its obstructionism (sound familiar?) and promised to protect and expand the economic gains made by labor and America’s growing middle class that had begun during FDR’s presidency. Voters responded to his scrappy underdog campaign, and he won the election with a margin of over 2 million votes.
I’m going to make a bold prediction: Bernie Sanders is going to be the Democratic nominee in 2016, and will win the general election decisively.
I say this because the defining issue of this election is going to be the decline of the middle and working classes, and which candidate will be most likely to reverse that decline. I went to Hillary Clinton’s campaign website and looked for a link to her plans to address the many challenges facing working people in the country, and I found nothing whatsoever.
Bernie Sanders’s site ( was, by contrast, specific and detailed when it came to these issues. The three major headings are Income and Wealth Inequality, Getting Big Money Out of Politics, and Climate Change and Environment. Clicking on any of these topics yields a detailed discussion of the issues — and there is no doubt where, and for whom, Sanders stands.
Matt Talbot is a writer and poet, as well as an old Benicia hand. He works for a tech start-up in San Francisco.
Matt Stated:I’m going to make a bold prediction: Bernie Sanders is going to be the Democratic nominee in 2016, and will win the general election decisively.
Thanks Matt! I have not had a laugh like the one that line produced in some time!
Thank you, Matt, I hope you’re right. Hilary being female is the only reason I’d vote for her. Too many stupid, sour, dullard white males have been in Washington for too long. And look at the cerebral cadavers the Repubs are dollying out, like reruns from the Gong show from how long ago. Show me one bright bulb in the bunch. Now in Eliz. would just run! Wouldn’t that be a Hoot?
Peter Bray
Benicia, CA
Gong Show! Forgot about that one.
As an aside, below are a few tidbits re: the six leading GOP presidential hopefuls and why we are in for a entertaining, if not scary, year ahead.
Jeb Bush – Bush served on the advisory board of the investment bank Lehman Brothers (This is for all those ENRON/Krugman fans).
Ben Carson – Quote: “I mean, [our society is] very much like Nazi Germany.”
Mike Huckabee – Quote: “And that’s what we need to do is amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards….”
Marco Rubio – Quote: “Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to answer that. It’s one of the great mysteries.”
Scott Walker – When asked about his stance on gay marriage: “We take an oath to uphold the constitution and as long as that’s part of our constitution, we’re obligated to uphold it..” [Despite the Constitution not mentioning marriage.]
You forgot one. Hillary Clinton; “Bill did the checks from the Russians clear yet?”
Now that is funny!
As long as we are sharing quotes and words of wisdom. Here is a not too oldie but goodie:
“I am very optimistic about Iraq. I think it’s gonna be one of the great achievements of this administration. … You’re gonna see a stable government in Iraq that is actually movin’ toward a representative government…. I’ve been impressed, how they have been deciding to use the political process, rather than guns, to settle their differences.” – VP Joe Biden February 2010
Thank you Dennis. What makes you think that the Matt Socialist folliwersa wuill ev3en understand that. They are so wraped up i n Bernis and the American Indian lADY
Sorry hit the wrong button. The Biden comment made me do that. I am sorry for his lose. His son was a very fine man and Joe did the very best for those boys. God bless them all.
Then there is the conserva-douche Ted Cruz:; who, as Joe Biden’s son Beau lies in state, waiting to be buried on Saturday, makes a tasteless comment about the grieving father:
“You know, Vice President Joe Biden,” he said as a few chuckles emerged from the crowd, setting up the joke for him.
“You know the nice thing. You don’t need a punchline. I promise you it works. At the next party you’re at, just walk up to someone and say, ‘Vice President Joe Biden,’ and just close your mouth. They will crack up laughing.”
Beyond the right wing fascists…and Hillary’s compelling story!
More information and news for our citizenry and our past and present—appointed and elected officials to think about….
Bernie Sanders—running as a democrat!
Agenda for America
12 Steps Forward
Is this a socialist platform?
1.Rebuilding Our Crumbling Infrastructure
2.Reversing Climate Change
3.Creating Worker Co-ops
4.Growing the Trade Union Movement
5.Raising the Minimum Wage
6.Pay Equity for Women Workers
7.Trade Policies that Benefit American Workers
8.Making College Affordable for All
9.Taking on Wall Street
10.Health Care as a Right for All
11.Protecting the Most Vulnerable Americans
12.Real Tax Reform
Some of the agendas mentored are just socialist in nature. Others maybe not but when you consider his approach to each of those named agenda items, the answer to your question is a resounding YES!!!
Will asked: Is this a socialist platform?
That is exactly what it is Will. Are you not paying attention? Below are selected quotes from the Socialist Party Platform, which addresses each point:
1.Rebuilding Our Crumbling Infrastructure
“We (Socialist Party) call for the creation of a fully funded high-speed national rail system”
2.Reversing Climate Change
“The U.S. must immediately return to participation in international agreements, such as the Kyoto Protocol, limiting carbon emissions, and accept a major role in worldwide efforts to control global warming.”
3.Creating Worker Co-ops
“We call for worker and community ownership and control of corporations”
4.Growing the Trade Union Movement
“We call for recognizing a union based on cards signed.”
5.Raising the Minimum Wage
“We call for a minimum wage of $15 per hour, indexed to the cost of living.”
6.Pay Equity for Women Workers
“we pledge our opposition to all forms of sexism, and demand equality in all aspects of life.”
7.Trade Policies that Benefit American Workers
“We demand the immediate withdrawal of the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)”
8.Making College Affordable for All
“We call for the forgiveness of all outstanding federal student loans and believe that students should not be saddled with decades of debt…”
9.Taking on Wall Street
“We call for all financial and insurance institutions to be socially owned and operated by a democratically-controlled national banking”
10.Health Care as a Right for All
“The Socialist Party stands for a socialized health care system based on universal coverage”
11.Protecting the Most Vulnerable Americans
“We call for reparations from the federal government for its role in the slave trade and the genocide of Native American nations”
12.Real Tax Reform
“We call for a steeply graduated income tax and a steeply graduated estate tax, and a maximum income of no more than ten times the minimum. We oppose regressive taxes such as payroll tax, sales tax, and property taxes” </i
The issues listed are real, but the SOLUTIONS to the issues, per Mr. Sanders and Socialists/Progressives are all WRONG.
LISTING issues does not solve the problems.
The Socialists see solutions in GOVERNMENT.
When countries attempt to solve issues by taxing and controlling wealth via government action, the result is accumulation of wealth by government; not people.
Everytime governments have attempted to control and redistribute wealth, governments (politicians/bureaucrats) have benefitted but the people suffered. Socialism has ALWAYS resulted in the benefit of the rulers at the cost of the people. ALWAYS.
The promise of Socialism is a lie, despite the good intentions. When a society trusts and empowers government completely, the society completely fails. Every time.
The scary thing about this is that little Will doesn’t understand any of it. He has drank the Koolaid along with many thinking that some how the answer to everything is government control. They don’t understand basic economics or even basic human behavior. They are lost, weak and dependent on others rather than themselves. They need a helping hand, being unable to make it on their own merit and effort. Pretty darn sad!
Well, that’s just not correct, Matter. Check out the metrics of a healthy and productive, tolerant and long-lasting life in today’s Scandinavian countries, all of which are primarily Socialist in their political systems, and they are a very impressive lot
That’s in today’s era, and has been true for decades.
( I wonder if you’re not blurring socialistic governing with something like the old failed Soviet (communist) state….)
Good call Robert. I had the same thought. It seems that it most cases when folks scream socialism, in typical boogie man fashion, it comes from a very nationalistic point of view.
Wrong. Those country’s are small,, all the same religion and all look alike. Contribute very little to existense of country’s that could use their help. Those country’s are very closed to new ideas, immigration and anything that will change their life style. they help no one.
You took the bait … Thanks.
Yes, look at the metrics:
Scandinavian countries … All have very exclusive immigration policies. All have demographics that are of same ethnicity and small populations. Multi-cultural ism does not exist. The populations are all the same, all look alike, all are equally middle class. None of the countries have productive or innovative societies.
Is this your utopia Robert?
As an American, I embrace a diverse demographic, a multi-cultural society, an open country celebrating all races and ideas. I love our innovation and imagination.
But I guess you would give all that up for the Socialist ideal.
And BTW .. If Norway didn’t have North Sea oil, they would be in the dumps. Do you want to explore oil and coal in the USA so we can enjoy the wealth? Norway’s population or roughly the same as the Bat Area., so comparisons are ridiculous.
You are correct Matter. I did say the same thing but in a different way. Either way it is correct as are you. This appears to be the same voice I have heard over and over again. I love to come back and prove this person wrong. Is Socialist name calling?
Poor Will took the bait. Will is Bernie your guy?
Petey, why is it so important that we have a female president? Shouldn’t we be focused on getting someone that is the most qualified. Race and gender should not be part of the consideration. Hillary would just make our status being the worst 12 years of government representation in American history.
Just look at what she is talking about …. nothing, no plans, no platform, no taking questions, but she did find time to talk about the fact that her hair will not be turning gray cause she would color it. And she gets applause for comments like that. If you want to talk cerebral cadavers, there is a shining example.
You really paint yourself as a real brain child there Petey, “Oh yes I would vote for her because she is a woman”. It doesn’t matter that she has accomplished nothing other than to create countless scandals, lie, corrupt, cheat, break the law, has no platform, no credentials, and the list goes on. The rocket science community really missed out on you!
The mutualistic relationship between Democrats and Socialists is confirmed by Matt’s pining for a true Socialist to become President. But Comrade Sanders will never be the nominee for one simple reason (that reason is touched on by Peter):
If Sander’s starts to become a visible threat to the planned coronation of Lady Hillary, Chief Warren will dawn her war paint and claim Sander’s as her first coup.
Almost no one who would vote for Sander’s would also not vote for Warren and a lot who would not vote for the ‘sour, dullard white male’ Sanders would vote for Lie-a-watha.
BTW, I was just ready how Lizzie was making hundreds of thousands of dollars by flipping houses. Interesting
I don’t understand what difference it would make if Sanders or Warren or any true progressive was elected. We had that in 2008 and for 2 years a Congress that would do anything he wanted to do. I know that many progressives come by their beliefs honestly, but if we didn’t get it right for 2 whole years maybe the problem isn’t what you think it is and maybe, just maybe, we’ve made things worse by rushing to solve a problem that we can’t take the time to understand in the first place.
The Progressives have now come out of hiding and are now telling us just who they are. They are American Socialist. Matt has became their local American Socialist leader and guru. I have all along identified this group as Socialist and it is now confirmed. Matt you are an American Socialist. One commentor has even without knowing identified himself as an American Socialist. If these folks are followers of Warren and Sanders they are true American Socialist.. These so called Progressives have driven Hillary very far to the left so she can also be called an American Socialist. Thank you Matt for giving the readers your true I D and also your followers along with HillARy and her followers. I never thought the Democratic party would go that far left to be identified as American Socialist.. But they have. Bye Byer Progressives and hello American Socialists.
One thing to be said about Sanders: he is not embarrassed to call himself a “Socialist”, I can respect him for his honesty in that regard.
Others seem to be offended by this label. Even the title of this piece, when combined with the praise and hope lavished on Bernie, could be changed to:
A socialist candidate to raise socialist issues
The term is disliked merely because only about 150 million people have been slaughtered or starved to death for the cause. But as one socialist posted on this website: ‘sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet” (paraphrasing one of their leaders).
But the cause is just………..right?
Sanders and Warren for President and Vice Presidfent. You get a double dip of Socialism. It will never happen. First of all they are both Northeast Socisalist and secondly they are both very left footed one trick ponies. Put them together and you get a single issue duo riding side saddle. They will get hammered. But there is one good thing about this duo they drive Hillary even more to the left. Add Martin O’Malley and now you have a complete fleet of rent a wreck candidates. Non of them have any ideas on how to get this country out of the mess President Obama has given us in less thsan his full eight years. President Obama is a Socialist and this group falls right in step. These folks have Matt eating from the same plate and it is not very appealing.
HI — thanks for the well-written piece, Matt: it’s thoughtful and focuses on real concerns of both candidates. The “usual suspects” sling the usual, fatigued name-calling and innuendo at you and all I can say is “Duck” while they fill up their buckets in their comfy sandboxes…
And thanks, Will, for some clear statements that make anyone — well, beyond the sandbox twins — take a serious look at real problems that adults in America will need to confront and resolve, with labels and finger-pointing aside.
Yes Rob, America will need to solve the problems. So my question to you is “who is America”? Is that you or the government? You argument says government. Mine says people. That is one of the big differences between conservatives and liberals. We want to solve our own problems and you want someone else to solve them for you. In other words, socialism. Sorry it does’t work. The sooner you get jiggy with that simple fact the better.
Thanks for the new term: jiggy. It sounds enlightening.
I think your dichotomy is rather old and simplistic Mr. or Mrs. JLB.
To portray it that way doesn’t help focus on real issues and openly discuss real problems that confront us currently: No one wants all or nothing of the choices you state above.
On the other hand, all of us can likely agree that there are projects and problems that a government body — at the municipal, county, state, region or federal level — needs to manage and forecast. Private industry is often great at producing wealth for some, and creating very innovative solutions to needs (or perceived needs and wants). The concern there is often the question of “at what cost?”
BTW — socialist-styled governments (and there’s endless permutations, not merely either-or choices) in the Scandinavian countries do extremely well in metrics of health and safety, long life spans, prosperity, etc. Check ’em out: maybe there are some approaches we here could learn from them, gasp-gasp.
The country’s you refer to have a combined population of 20 mil about half of California. Primary religion is Lutheran. As we speak those country’s are going nuts over immigration. Ask them where they would be now if it were not for America during WWII. They would be speaking German. n Sorry those country’s or any other example you may search for mean nothing. America the land of opportunity. You, Will, Matt, Berrnie and Warren are going no where. Good thing we all live in America where silly speech is tolerated but soon forgotten. God Bless America..
Bob, unfortunately, the simple minds don’t understand the differences between tiny countries and America and how that one fact changes everything. They make the same mistake regarding gun control issues too. They can seem to think past their own emotions and entertain and engage common sense based on facts and data. It eludes them.
With Bernie Sanders, who is a self-proclaimed “Socialist” announcing his candidacy for Presidency as a Democrat, he makes this piece very prescient:
”For many all this history is forgotten. But there has long existed an enduring commonality between the Socialists and Democrats that is relevant to today.” From: ‘Socialism’: Why the label won’t go away” — Benicia Herald April 2013
You are correct Rob. TYou are the one rersponsible not the government. When you understand that we all will be better off Socialism does not work which simply means progressive politices hiding behind the mask of a Democrat.
Robert stated: The “usual suspects” sling the usual, fatigued name-calling and innuendo at you”
Where did this occur on this thread? I saw no name-calling directed at Matt.