Benicia: A town for all
It’s time for all residents of Benicia to stand up to the mayor. She is only interested in her own personal agenda ideals and is followed closely by her partner, Councilmember Steve Young. I’m very disappointed in Councilmember Young. I was beginning to think he had a little independence in his views. I do not think that way anymore. He is swayed by the small group of folks that show up at the council meetings, as well as the mayor. On the noise ordinance, the City Council had a good chance to help put First Street entertainment on the map. We have a great outdoor atmosphere right on First Street, which complemented the other music venues very well and gave the city a very well-rounded variety of music.
The mayor’s speech on the music/noise was very nauseating. She made it sound like the downtown area was full of young students who needed a very quiet place to study and not be bothered by any noise. I guess that means no more buses, cars, delivery trucks, farmers market, 4th of July parade, fireworks, Christmas Tree lighting, Waterfront Festival, Peddlers’ Fair, Car Show and anything else that may involve noise/environment issues. The mayor takes everything to the extreme and always moves it to the health and environment or personal agenda-driven ideals. The mayor lives very close to the fire station, a gas station, Safeway and a park. What’s next, Mayor Paterson? Will they have to move because they are now a noise issue related to health and the environment?
Mayor Patterson, you need to expand your horizons. The city of Benicia is not your personal city. It is for all 28,000 residents to enjoy and feel very welcome in. It appears you do not want this city to thrive, just stop anything that does not fit your personal agenda ideals. I do believe the cannabis issue is going to tell us a very true story about the mayor. We all must remember Mayor Patterson does not like smoke of any kind, so keep an eye on how she approaches this. It will tell you a lot about the mayor.
I urge every resident in Benicia to support Lucca’s and all the other First Street business in a big way. I would suggest having a First Street Business Fair to show support of all the businesses, where people can drive down First Street and honk their horns in support, then park their vehicles and get out and spend some money on First Street. They can enjoy all the music, outside dining and all the wonderful shops on First Street. Show the mayor and her sidekick Councilmember Young that we the residents support all our very hard-working businesses and all their employees._ This is not just the mayor’s town, it belongs to all the residents, rather than just a select few. Lucca’s took at hit, which will affect all other businesses, so we can change that and back First Street with local residents spending money. Go Benicia is the call. I will be watching.
Bob “The Owl” Livesay,
Thank you owl.. I am a business owner and property owner on First
Street..each business on first-rate has currently paid more than $1000 during the past 5years twinkle lights
Have illuminated downtown at night what’s the point of having it look beautiful and be safer if there’s no place to go for entertainment after dining ?
Thank you Nancy.