Well-done, Mayor Patterson!
I was very happy to read the article “Mayor requests rehearing of Industrial Safety Ordinance vote” in the July 13 edition of Benicia Herald. I applaud our mayor’s determination to reopen review of this critical issue before the proposed November date! I was very surprised to learn that staff reports had not been adequately prepared to provide council members with critical information on which to base their vote.
The fact that Valero has repeatedly failed to install agreed upon fenceline and community monitors for 15 years is appalling.
I urge the City Council to approve Mayor Patterson’s request for an immediate rehearing of this vitally important safety issue and to vote that Benicia adopt our Industrial Safety Ordinance without delay.
Georgia Taylor Benedict,
Pass the ISO draft
We moved to Benicia in 2017. I, Colleen, was cleaning my deck on May 5 of that year when the siren went off. I did not know the safety protocol, I did not initially know what it meant. I did not comprehend the magnitude of the flaring spewing dangerous particulates and pollution throughout this wonderful community. I saw the flare and thought perhaps the fire engines would respond, but I did not hear any response. And I continued to wash my deck. We now know the scary and dangerous story.
We were shocked that Benicia is the only refinery town in the Bay Area to not have an ISO. We were shocked to hear that this ISO issue has been years and years in the making– or unmaking. The science and studies are in, yet we Benicians remain subject to unregulated danger in our own back yard. Under no circumstances does this make sense. In 2018, are we not simply allowed to know what is in the air we breathe?
We are hoping to see a large turnout at the City Council meeting tonight at 7.
Colleen and Pete Higgins,
To both of you the mayor has every right to ask for the Rehearing. But her approach was cowardly. She thru everyone under the bus. All three councilmember, City Manager, City Attorney and city staff. BAAQMD and another air monitoring group. Not only did she throw them under the bus she backed and ran over them again. She said nothing was done substantive by city staff, staff report contained no meaningful information, staff had not reviewed The Independent ISO and it was not prepared to comment, Staff report were woefully inadequate to advise the City Council. That is not how you build relationships. Mayor Patterson has been anti fossil fuel and Valero for many years. That is not new. But her cowardly approach turned many against her. We shall see what happens tonight. This is “The City of Benicia” not the “City of Mayor Patterson”. She does not seem to understand that with her authoritarian approach.
Other than one cartoon dinosaur, there has been no other protest letter here on the ISO, and none on the long overdue port tax, or the cannabis excise tax. Today’s Benicians are fed up with taking it in the stern from out of state business interests whose only loyalty is to their shareholders. Politicos that serve as stooges for big oil/big port because they kick down some money once in a while are finished. A lot of folks appreciate that there was no warm and fuzzy between the mayor and the three that voted to stall action on big oil, Big oil won’t leave because the city council starts playing hardball. Some big oil dependent citizens actually believe big oil will get mad and leave if we proceed with the ISO. The record indicates big oil has not fulfilled their commitments, but we only have two votes at this time to drop the hammer on them. The good news is that we will have four after the elections that line up with the new Benicia majority views on big oil, commercial cannabis, and the port tax.
Just who are the four after the 2018 election? Can you answer that. Mayor Patterson was wrong on her cowardly approach. Big crowds at the council meeting will mean nothing. The cannabis issue is over. The excise tax will not produce the 1 mil as stated. Just where have you been. Valero will preform and no amount of cowardly attacks by the mayor will go anywhere.
Oilman will not answer who the four are after 2018 election. He {I say he because you use Oilman not Oilperson} is under the direction of the Socialist Progressives to not engage in conversation with me. Very lightweight person who has a ring in his m nose and is being directed by the Very Far Left Leaning Socialist Progressive Democrats of Benicia. Nice try.
Oilman thinks Valero won’t leave if given enough incentive? Think again!
That’s a real big gamble with our future financial health, Oil dude 215! It’s a gamble I’m not willing to make.
And your comment about “kick down some money every once in a while” … how about taxed annually at corporate tax levels, and Valero finances roughly 50% of the city coffers!
And you want to tax the port … maybe companies will find another port.
These economic idiots! They think you can just punitively tax and punish big business and they will just take it? Take a look around folks … big business is sprinting out of state. Fools!
Better yet … let’s follow the same logic … let’s vote in a 25% city income tax on all residence. What do you say? People will just shut up and pay, right?
At this point, I just don’t care. My only problem with an ISO is the sheer waste. It won’t do anything other than add a layer of bureaucracy and cost to an already expensive and overregulated commodity. Colleen and Pete–you are idiots when you say “we Benicians remain subject to unregulated danger in our own back yard. ” Except for nuclear power, oil is probably more regulated than any other industry–don’t take my word for it-do some research before spouting idiotic statements. Georgia–you also are an idiot when you say, “I was very surprised to learn that staff reports had not been adequately prepared to provide council members with critical information on which to base their vote.” You might have been surprised, but there is no excuse for not digging deeper and realizing that the staff reports HAD BEEN PREPARED==but they didn’t say what premier Mayor wanted them to say so she has to have a scapegoat and says they are not adequate…what’s not adequate is the female dog we have as mayor who lashes out at everyone when she doesn’t get her way. Would just LOVE to see some brains in this town government.
So true Speaker! Unregulated refinery??? Hahahahahaha! That is a singularly stupid and ignorant comment.
Staff not doing their work??? What a dumb comment. Of course staff did their work or it wouldn’t have made it on the agenda. Also, how come the mayor did not comment on the alleged staff mistakes prior to the vote, during debate??
Only after her humiliation, after a thorough and accurate review and vote, did the the mayor discover the “mistakes by staff”.
Patterson is an elitist cry baby. Hillary Clinton would be proud.
Speaker To Vegetables and Matter you both get it. Very good and courageous comments. Thank you.
It is over. THERE WILL BE NO REQUEST FOR REHEARING. OF VOTE CAST 6/19/18 concerning Industrial Safety Ordinance. It also cannot be appealed. Same vote 3/2. Valero gave a very good presentation.
Oh Das Uber Mayor must be kaput.