ISO will create better informed community
A lot has been said and written over the past several weeks on bringing an industrial safety ordinance (ISO) to the city of Benicia. Or, perhaps we should think of it as a community safety ordinance, which is what a Benicia ISO would also represent. As a resident of Benicia, I continue to believe that enacting such an ordinance, modeled after the Contra Costa County and city of Richmond ordinances, will provide more information to the City of Benicia and therefore to the community. Information is necessary and valuable because it “informs” us, in this case, about environmental risks and exposure to toxins, safety and risk management plans to reduce and prevent accidents, and industrial operations that impact the community. Information from the audits and reports produced by the impacted industries would be submitted to the City of Benicia (and therefore to the community). All this ISO compliance activity, including community access and input, should help foster more interaction and cooperation between industries and the City as they strive to ensure a protected community. Who knows? The Benicia ISO could even provide the process through which community-wide monitoring finally becomes a reality – perhaps bringing out of mothballs and placing into operation the previously purchased monitoring equipment languishing in sheds since 2008 or so.
There are those who oppose an ISO for Benicia. Their arguments seem to come down to the following: it would be duplicative, cost us money, maybe raise taxes, or it is just unnecessary regulation. To the first point, it is true that a Benicia ISO will include existing CA EPA/CA OSHA requirements; but that’s good, meaning nothing extra there for affected industries to worry about. But, in addition, Benicia’s ISO should also include reporting requirements comparable to what the city of Richmond and Contra Costa County officials receive through their respective ISOs. That’s important, because the city of Benicia (and therefore the community) doesn’t receive much of anything now, at least directly, regarding CA EPA/CA OSHA compliance. Secondly, as to raising taxes or costing us consumers more money from our pocket, costs for implementation and compliance related to the Benicia ISO should be collected in the form of fees on the impacted industries, similar to the city of Richmond and Contra Costa County ISOs. Yes, the industries could choose to pass those costs on to consumers, but even so, the Benicia community in exchange receives information that we don’t currently have about risks and exposures, or only receive on a limited and insufficient basis.
Finally, those opposed wonder whether an ISO is just unnecessary. However, Benicia is the only jurisdiction in the East Bay with a refinery that does not have a local safety ordinance. Benicia is the only city in Solano County that is home to a refinery, and currently our county has no plans to develop an ISO. An ISO is working well in the city of Richmond, and the ISO in Contra Costa County is considered the best safety ordinance in the country. Benicia deserves a seat at the table with Valero and other industries subject to CAL EPA/CA OSHA compliance requirements. A Benicia ISO will provide that seat and give the Benicia community a voice in the preventing and/or minimizing the effects of incidents like the near-catastrophic May 5 Valero emergency shutdown and major flaring incident. And, next time, when such an incident or even worse one occurs, with an ISO in place the community will have real-time information available to answer questions that could not be answered on May 5th or in the days, weeks, and months that followed.
I urge all Benicians to support the continuing efforts to bring a draft ISO to City Council for consideration and ultimate enactment of a Benicia ISO.
Ralph E. Dennis,
Regulation is the key
The recent public hearing of the Benicia City Council brought out the usual anti-cannabis crusaders imploring the council to not proceed with integrating regulated cannabis consumerism in our town. As I and many others have stated for the last several months of public discussion, cannabis has been here, and in many other cities and towns across America, for over fifty years. Benicia Prop. 215 consumers like myself buy it out of town. Others acquire it from either the dark market or the diversion market of cannabis that was acquired legally by an unscrupulous Prop. 215 patient and repackaged for sale. Both of the latter un-regulated sources deny us revenue from sales taxes.
Continuing public education about regulated cannabis post-legalization is essential to assure the public that regulated cannabis activity is exceedingly better than an unregulated market. At the hearing, a prominent citizen and First Street business owner spoke of visiting a Vallejo cannabis dispensary to check it out, located across the street from the Vallejo Police Department, in a densely populated single and multi-family residential neighborhood. She spoke of smelling cannabis outside the building, which could have been from any one or more of the residences that are adjacent to the dispensary. There are no buffers whatsoever, but that was how the city of Vallejo permitted it. She spoke of an 8-year old with a toy scooter being inside, as if the child was at risk of acquiring cannabis somehow. Cannabis dispensaries by law are required to have separate and distinct waiting areas. The area where the cannabis is sold is beyond a control point door in what is called a limited access area. Nobody gets past this point unless they are a member of the dispensary as per Prop. 215. A security guard checks you in, and your ID will be checked again at the point of sale. Every cannabis purchase is facilitated by a dispensary employee. Consumers cannot go into any sales area, grab a basket, load it up and check out. All stock is secure, with examples in display cases. Dispensary staff will assemble your order, ring it up, and bag it. The experience is exactly like a transaction at a pharmacy. The observation of a minor in the waiting area is neither illegal or unusual. Many dispensaries require that all persons accompanying a patient come into the waiting area as a provision of membership, and they will terminate a relationship with you should any of the terms you agreed to when you joined be violated. They don’t want a car to pull up and one person goes inside to buy the cannabis while others wait in the car. This industry, especially at the point of sale, is tightly controlled to assure no bad light is cast upon it. In this instance, the testimony about being able to smell cannabis and a minor in the building was intended to paint dispensary operations as fast and loose.
As we saw at the end of the evening, four members of our City Council did not buy it and opted to regulate. As far as I am concerned, people that are against regulated cannabis are friends of the dark and diversion markets.
Stan Golovich,
Stan as far as I am concerned someone like you is not a friend of this very fine city. In your case it is personal. You attack a very fine resident of this city while all along letting a councilmember off the hook. That councilmember is Alan Schwartzman. He talks about a prominent couple consuming adult beverages on First Street without naming that couple. By the way perfectly legal and done by many. How many of the folks that consume adult beverage on First Street are as you say Stan? Friends of the dark and diversion markets. I consume adult beverages on First Street and I am not as you say. Sorry Stan the majority of the fine residents in this city do not want recreational pot sold in this fine city. Yes it will happen, but where. You will find out in the 2018 election that any candidate that is pro recreational pot in Benicia loses the election for a council seat. I do hope you and Snider run. You both will get beat big time. If Councilmember Schwartzman was to run for re-election he gets stomped. But he is all saddled up and getting out of town. Good move for him.
Bob, you lost. Get over it.
Janet I did not lose. I have always said there will be two recreational pot stores ,in town. There will be Just not on First Street like myself and others asked for. The loser is the Benicia City Council. ,They did not listen to the voters. This will be a 2018 redo of CBR., The 2016 election brought down one councilmember and caused a defeat for mayor by another. The opposite will now happen. Schwartzman is not running so his seat will be taken by an anti Recreational Cannabis candidate. Councilmember Hughes will retain his seat if he chooses to run. Very simple..
Sorry Ralph you are wrong. Another duplicate issue. Just tell me what is wrong with the CSC getting that info from the state and passing it on to the City Manager. The City Manager then can report weekly or as necessary in her weekly update all the info you will need. Stop talking and ask the CSC to get on it. By the way monitoring is on its way. Will happen in 2018 all over this city for all industries not just your enemy Valero. It is time we start working with Valero rather than against Valero. That should be a challenge for your group of Benicia Progressives. Time for you to use all the info that is available and just quit talking. It is there just for the asking. Go get it. I will be waiting.
I grew up in Vallejo and remember what all eleven dispensary sites were in the past. Previous to the present use of this building, it was a coin-laundry, then a succession of thrift shops that sold goods of various origins. There was always ironing boards, pole lamps, skis, used appliances, clothing on racks, etc. displayed on the concrete flatwork in front. Now it is landscaped and well lit at night. The neighbors on both sides indicate the dispensary has been the best thing ever in the neighborhood.
I spoke with the dispensary management and they are none too pleased about being shaded as they were.
Stan I just took a look at the medical pot shop by the Vallejo Police Department. The worse area in Benicia is better than that area. The pot shop stands out like a sore thump. I now know why you want a pot shop on First Street.; Very simple, upgrade that industry. There is not a bar or an eating establishment with what appears to be an armed guard like the one on Springs Street. You want that on First Street or any place in Benicia. Stan you are flat wrong. Let other city s have it. We do not want First Street or any other area ruined by a pot shop. Others can have it. Wake up Stan.
I’ve been to numerous dispensaries all over California, as well as in Colorado and Washington. All were very clean, welcoming , and well run operations. They all would have met or surpassed any of 1st St./Benicia standards and been at home in this town.
That is the prize, Thomas. It’s coming in the next few years for sure. This is a great time for our city. Hopefully, the antis will evolve sooner rather than later. A lot of revenue is missed by keeping cannabis off First Street. The Cullens’ really got the shaft. A micro-business storefront in the Tannery Building would have been a magnet for locals and visitors alike. I appreciated their attitude that cannabis is an herbal supplement, not a drug.
Stan I visited the medical pot shop on Springs road just as you exit the freeway. If this is what you want Benicia to look like you have strange ideas of inviting places. That place looks like a prison with an armed guard out front. Not at all inviting. Benicia does not need this type of business. I am going to go to the one you mentioned that is across from the police station. Will give you my review.
I think the Benicia Herald needs to step up and do some moderating here. There have been several hot topics debated here in the community editorials over the last several months. Some good arguments from both sides, some not so much. Then you get Bob “the Owl” Livsay, flooding the discussion with his mean spirited (often unintelligible) vitriol, attacking people he sees as a threat to his version of what is right. It is my opinion that the quality of this open forum goes down the toilet when people are allowed to rant on and on, while not really contributing in any way other than to goad and threaten. And Bob, don’t assume you speak for the majority.
Thank you, JB.
I visit this site maybe once a month now, if that much. The monopoly of “the owl” and his crew is ridiculous in this format, and you couldn’t have better explained their territorial agenda.
It seems Benicia has a history of discriminating against outsiders, and these guys perfectly illustrate that mindset.
Good luck with opening their minds to other possibilities.
Jane, who is my crew. That is news to me. Tell us also who “these guys” are.
I respond to what others say. You apparently do not believe in FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. You believe in censorship. Spell my name correctly.
What you are seeing is a classic example of the intolerance we see all too often from some circles. Also, perhaps you have garnered some negative attention because you were one of the first to predict a Trump victory. You called that one right!! LOL
Thank you Dennis. I was correct on the Presidential election and expect to be correct on the local 2018 and 2020 elections. It is a WONDERFUL LIFE. I hope ALL ENJOY IT.
To be fair, this is the same guy who promised to cut off his hair if Obama was elected in 2012. So I don’t think we can really praise political predictions that highly.
Wrong only to let it grow and then cut it off. Which I did. The President Trump prediction is an all time winner. I was the only one in Benicia that I know of who did predict that. I was right on past senate, house, Govs and state houses . I would say 538 could use some help from me.
Classic intolerance?! Yes, and Bob really tolerates differing opinions like a real sport…
Bob, you “respond” to what others say, AND you write “editorials” that most “fine citizens of Benicia” don’t want to read (notice that for the most part, people usually don’t acknowledge your BS one way or the other – with the occasional exception, like yours truly).
And freedom of the Press? I think your stretching it a bit there Mr Owl. You really see yourself as the Press? You hold yourself accountable to the same code of ethics? Non-biased are you? Aren’t you just a person writing your opinion (like the rest of us?). I think you mean “freedom of speech”, like what some fringe groups hide behind at their rallies.
Finally, I’ll spell your name right when you proof read the crap you write, or get someone who can.
I was shopping at Fairfield Costco recently and ran into an old friend I hadn’t seen in years. He asked me where I was living these days and when I told him Benicia his expression quickly turned to disgust. When I asked what his problem with Benicia was he said there was a guy from our fair city who trolls the Fairfield paper with nasty comments and criticism of Fairfield and calls himself “the owl”. Here’s one of the many examples I found:
Too funny! The guy is like a parasite to the community editorials. Spreading out to get attention where ever he can find it. I have an idea for a new game, like wack a mole (troll), but instead substitute an owl. OK, I’ll stop bashing “the Owl” for now (pun intended).
Thanks for the unbiased comment. It appears you do not like my politics. JB I do hope you understand that I am out numbered in this fine town. If you have followed anything that I write you might get educated. As it is you are following your own political views. That’s fine. But do your homework first and then maybe we can talk. Yes I am engaged. Are you? It appears not. Just want to target “The Owl”. I do not need your publicity. Now please edit this comment. JB and BTW at least I am not afraid to use my own name. Just who are you two. Afraid to use your own name. You make a comments then hide under initials.
I think it is cowardly to comment anonymously by using initials only. Tell us your name or are you ashamed to ID yourself. I will be waiting.
Bob, just write another column that everyone will ignore again. Up to five in a row now by my count. Not even your pal Dennis Lund (“DDL”) will comment after one of your rants. Isn’t Dennis a coward by your standards for hiding behind initials?
No. He already ID himself. I am not ignored. Just someone like you and others that follow and comment with negative comments. I do notice you read what I write and you do comment. You are of no importance.. You can name the names on one hand that comment. I have a huge following. They do not have to comment. Take a l.ook at that post on Benicia Happenings. Big time hits. I could careless about you and all the other folks that do not like what I write. But I do my homework and hit where it hurts. I am very involved. Are you. Happy New Year. By the way DDL did comment on this run. It appears you do not keep updated. So that answers that.
Janet the big difference between me and the fine folks that comment is I give correct facts. I was correct on CBR, Cannabis and the best one was the Presidential election. Yes I said President Trump would win. He did. When you write like I do you will get in the face of folks and they cannot take it. I can take it and also can come back with some very good comments. Yes I am very conservative and a life long Republican. I know that does not set well with many folks in this town. But at the same time I do have many followers. I can call anyone at city hall and get a call back. Now that is not a big deal because those folks represent the residents. But when they talk to me they know I do my homework and am very knowledgeable about the city and its operations, finances etc. Are you Janet? Do you know anything about the finances of this city, water rate etc? I do. If I were you I would call me first to get answers. They will be correct. Now how is that for a little bit of ego. Very good and I love it. Looking forward to all your comments and others. I do enjoy them. It means they read and then make a comment. That is good.
Janet I will write many more articles. The one thing you fail to take into account is the folks that agree with me. There is no need for them to comment. There are many. Only the few like you that do not agree make a negative comment on me and my articles. I have no problem with that. It will not change how I write. Happy New Year again.
Yes that is me. I have not commented on the DR in about six months. Waste of time.
“JB I do hope you understand that I am out numbered in this fine town”
Thank God!
Just who is JB?