Many citizens are very upset about the hike in water bills and the new water meters. Our bill went up too, and we have a new water meter. I don’t like paying more for water now that we are on a fixed income, but it seemed reasonable and necessary to me, if a bit sudden. I understand that it came as a huge shock to many, and that there were big problems with the rollout of the new meters and that the increase in some people’s bills is apparently not justified by their actual usage.
I understand why people are angry, and I like the fact that they are civically engaged. However, the tone of the debate has become pretty ugly. I have seen some grandstanding at City Hall meetings, very unkind posts in social media and personal attacks on the mayor, council and city staff. During my time directing Arts Benicia, I worked with and came to know many of the people who are now being vilified, and I know that they are without a doubt motivated by a love of Benicia and its citizens, and a deep desire to serve them.
We see similar angry rants and hateful social media memes in national politics now ~ and I think we can all see how this anger, which may be justified, becomes a barrier to finding solutions. I had hoped that our community was better than that.
As I wrote last year during the height of the crude by rail controversy: “Let’s keep in mind that we all care deeply about our charming, artistic, innovative little town. Please, let’s all keep civility and respect for the First Amendment, for each other and for our vibrant but frail local democracy at the forefront during this debate. After the issue is settled, let’s all reunite to work towards our common vision: maintaining Benicia as the safe, friendly, livable, economically viable small town in the Bay Area that we all love.”
Larnie Fox, artist and former director of Arts Benicia
Larnie you are very confused and partisan. The mayor started this with her anti resident and disrespect for the local residents. Yes my comments did go on Benicia Happenings with the picture and what I said at the council meeting. The mayor then took it a step further and said I went over the time limit. That was followed up by a LTTE saying that I did go over the time limit. That was followed by a comment that said the same thing.. The mayor did send me an e-mail stating that I did not go over the time limit. The LTTE writer did make a LTTE apology to me. The other commenter has not. There were many deserved comments on Benicia Happenings that were very anti Mayor Patterson. She did in fact deserve everyone of them. I also think you will see that the beloved CBR favorite Vice Mayor Steve Young also got hammered. If residents do not call out the behavior of our elected officials, just who will. I do not think you will Larnie. Civility must start from the source. In this case is was the Mayor. Larnie get your facts correct.
Great post, Larnie. I had already seen it on Benicia Happenings You are correct.
Especially this part, “I have seen some grandstanding at City Hall meetings, very unkind posts in social media and personal attacks on the mayor,”
Larnie is not correct.
We must remember it was the residents who viewed the mayors behavior and they made the comments. She made a wrong statement about me and did later correct it. As I said it started with mayor and her behavior. The residents did not like it and reacted. It was about time.
There have been unkind and unfair comments about the mayor on social media. Very true. The mayor also, unfortunately and in my opinion, has a bit of a snobby or elitist manner about her. I’m sure she is a nice person but her persona does not come off well to most.
The real issue I have with the posted letter is the attitude that we must pay these high costs for water. We have no choice. I take issue with that comment. The city is hurting due to bad choices by this mayor that has hurt our revenues. She is cost shifting by pushing higher fees to make up for lack of revenue. Of that, I have issues.
Nice comment.