An important proposal
While members of the Republican majority are competing to see who can make the deepest cuts, there is a budget proposal before Congress that would boost the economy for all of us while cutting the number of people in poverty in half. It’s The People’s Budget, proposed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus. The People’s Budget invests in safe and productive infrastructure, education, affordable housing, health care and nutrition, child care and working family tax credits. It calls for increasing the minimum wage.
These investments will create 3.6 million jobs and set us on a path to cut poverty in half in 10 years. The People’s Budget invests $2 trillion in infrastructure spending, expanding rural broadband, universal Pre-K and free college tuition at state and community colleges.
Every year without fail, our elected representatives give over half of the discretionary budget to the Pentagon, leaving less than half to be divided up to fund education, health care, environmental spending, infrastructure and everything else.
Sarah Stevens,
This sounds like a Socialist budget. Think Bernie Sanders.
This sounds like a socially responsible budget. Bob, how about actually adressing the points instead of your silly knee jerk reaction.
I addressed it as it was. A Socialist Progressive budget. That is a fact.
Sue – anytime Bob dislikes something, he calls it “Socialist Progressive,” and says it is a fact. So, you will only get this reaction if you try to ask him for details or relevant sources for his opinions. Just a heads up to save your energy!
And demands to know your name, rank, and serial #.
You are correct. Why not back up your comment with a full name. Just what is their to fear.
If you know what a Socialist Progressive is you would not even doubt my comment. I did use the Bernie Sanders reference. That is fact enough.
Actually Sue it is a socially irresponsible budget.
I just read that Applebees in NY laid of 1000 workers citing the increased minimum wage as the cause.
This budget wants to require a “living wage”. I wonder how those 1000 people feel regarding the subject of living wages being required by law.
Thank you DDL.
DDL, could you post your full name please? I agree with Mr. Livesay that not doing so shows an awful lack of confidence.
Wrong we all know and admire DDL.
Yeah, that’s not how it works. you don’t get to harass other people about names, then decide “everyone knows that one” when he happens to agree with you. I’m pretty sure DDL isn’t a real name at all, and as you said today, makes him a coward.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! So awesome!!!!!!!
….ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha …ha ………… ha……… ha………… ha. ……….. .phew!
Ha ha ha ha ha!! I won he did post his name. You know him also as DDL.
I have no issue posting my name, as I am a frequent contributor to the Benicia Herald. Bob is correct, many already know this, but I have been absent a lot of late. Thanks for asking – Dennis Lund
Where did you read that? I Googled Applebee’s layoffs and got a bunch of articles from 2012 about threatening layoffs, 2015 layoffs due to moving offices to California and a Jan 2017 article about reducing their workforce of ex-convicts through attrition. Couldn’t find anything about 1000 recent layoffs due to NY wages (other than it got raised to $7.50/hour).
Here is the headline:
“Applebee’s Franchise Owner Forced To Cut 1,000 Jobs After New York’s Minimum Wage Hike”
Now I see why “Applebee’s Layoffs” did not bring up the article. The article never uses the word “layoff”. They (and a lot of other restaurants like them) are switching to tablets instead of servers; and not just in NY but all over the country. They don’t need to “layoff”; the turnover is so high in the fast(er) food business, their big problem is filling positions that are vacant. Robots are going to put a lot of people out of work…as it says, one person can do 10 tables instead of 3 or 4. With 40 restaurants, the CEO they quote is eliminating 25 jobs per restaurant. I had no idea they had that many tables, customers and employees in each restaurant.
My fault John. I had read the article quickly earlier in the day and did not re-look at it before posting. I changed “to cut” to “laid off”. Either way, though 1,000 fewer people will be working at those 40 restaurants.
That is an aspect of mandated wage increases which is not always appreciated in some circles.
Sorry, That should have been Greg, not John
By Andrew Kerr
on July 14, 2017 at 8:52am
Okay, I will comment on this proposed budget. 1. How many people exactly will be lifted out of poverty? 2. What is safe and productive infrastructure, education, affordable housing, health care and nutrition, child care and working families tax credits. These are all admirable but there is not one bit of data to go with this statement. 3. Increasing the minimum wage to what? 4. 3.6 million jobs created? Where did this number come from and who has validated it? 5. Increasing the minimum wage to what? 6. Where does the money to pay for this come from?
John – Bingo on Number 6!
You know, the best sources of information are the ones that claim to offer “God-honoring” content.
Interesting. I was looking into the “CPC budget” and found this on a search. This was published today at 6:00 AM in an Indiana newspaper:
Dear Editor:
While members of the Republican majority are competing to see who can make the deepest cuts, there is a budget proposal before Congress that would boost the economy for all of us while cutting the number of people in poverty in half. It’s The People’s Budget, proposed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus. The People’s Budget invests in safe and productive infrastructure, education, affordable housing, health care and nutrition, child care and working family tax credits. It calls for increasing the minimum wage.
These investments will create 3.6 million jobs, and set us on a path to cut poverty in half in 10 years. The People’s Budget invests $2 trillion in infrastructure spending, expanding rural broadband, universal Pre-K and free college tuition at state and community colleges.
Every year without fail our elected representatives give over half of the discretionary budget to the Pentagon, leaving less than half to be divided up to fund education, healthcare, environmental spending, infrastructure, and everything else.
Anne Schlegel Cambridge City
Word for word it appears to be the same letter. Looks like Sarah got the jump on Anne