Unfair billing practice
I appreciate Larnie Fox’s letter re: “Civility” regarding some of the comments being made on social media relating to the general unhappiness with the increase in water bills. Some have taken this as an opportunity to stage unnecessary and unwarranted attacks on our mayor. I remained silent on this issue for personal reasons until quite recently, when I shared what I believe to be an unfair billing practice by the city. Even though I support our mayor and City Council, I strongly disagree with the position the city water management has taken with regard to households that have shared living arrangements– such as an attached studio with a separate entrance sharing the same single sewer line, same utilities etc.
I am billed over $200 before a single drop of water is used. In my single family residence there have never been more than two persons living in the home. My housemate and I both conserve water, and our use is quite minimal. That said, my water bills are most often between $325 to $450, and over half of that is “maintenance” fees. That is unreasonable.
I had a very unpleasant experience when I tried to remedy this with the city, so I understand why some folks are upset. That said, it is no cause to attack our mayor or City Councilmembers personally. I think it would help if our mayor and City Council sought ways to ease this burden for our citizens. Rather than coming across defensive and shielding themselves against the criticism, a better position is to place oneself on the side of the public versus being an easy target for public venting. Demonstrating empathy and compassion, and being willing to revisit the decision goes a long way in people’s lives– and memories come election time. Let’s regroup and be willing to think outside the box in search of answers that deal with the need for infrastructure upgrades, without breaking the backs of Benicians.
C. Bennett,
Your comment is personal and I do understand that. The council/mayor have stated that they kicked the can down the road. They admit fault. Now to try and redeem themselves they do a very short sided approach. The mayor because of her behavior to residents deserves every bit if the negative comments about her behavior. She has done it before and gave a weak apology. Her behavior is not new. I would encourage all residents to express your displeasure with the mayor and her attitude toward the residents. Her behavior is uncalled for. Residents elect mayor/council and expect results.