Reconsider dispensary location
I am not one that writes letters to the editor often, but I felt compelled to do so after watching the most recent Benicia City Council meeting. As a teacher in the Benicia Unified School District, I was disheartened when watching the council take action on whether or not to allow cannabis dispensaries in our town. As an educator, I along with my colleagues work hard to teach our students the dangers of drugs. We teach them ways to avoid drugs and situations in their lives in which they might be faced with temptation to try them. Each year, the elementary schools work with the Benicia Police Department to integrate the D.A.R.E. (Drug Awareness Resistance Education) program into our fifth-grade curriculum.
As a student who grew up in the district, apart from taking part in the D.A.R.E. program myself, I was also involved in other programs that served to educate the youth of Benicia of the dangers drugs pose I their lives. In particular, I was the student coordinator who brought the first Every 15 Minutes program to Benicia High.
So when I watched the vote being taken by our City Council about where in town would be appropriate to allow dispensaries to open, I have to say I was a little more than appalled when I heard some of the councilmembers– including our mayor– say that they had no problem with these businesses being any more than a minimum of 600 feet away from schools. While I understand that this distance is what is stated in California law and that marijuana is now legal, I cannot understand how anybody could think it would be appropriate to allow businesses like this that close to our schools where we’re educating students.
Compounding my dismay was the fact that when casting their votes, certain councilmembers did so in a casual manner. To me, this type of nonchalant attitude diminishes the extraordinary amount of hard work that citizens of Benicia, such as myself and fellow educators, have put into educating our youth.
There is a phrase I often use with my students: What is right isn’t always easy, and what is easy isn’t always right. Allowing dispensaries so close to our schools may be legal and therefore, the easy decision to make. However, just because it is easy does not make it the right decision for Benicia. I truly hope that our City Council will strongly reconsider their vote, as it pertains to the location of these businesses, as they move forward in finalizing this ordinance.
Kelly Hughes;
5th grade teacher, Joe Henderson Elementary School
Outstanding letter Kelly. You got it right.
Funny, I know at least a few teachers that are recreational bud users. They are also intelligent and responsible people. Let parents be the ones to educate their kids about these issues. D.A.R.E. was a useless endeavor.
I do believe you are very pro rec cannabis Mr. Petersen. I am not but I also know it will happen. Nothing wrong with doing all the needed homework first. If the 600 foot barrier passes with parks included, which I do not think it will. But if it did retail cannabis are de-facto/default dead in Benicia. It will be very interesting.
Does that mean you know some teachers that partake in some doobage, as well?
Never said that.
Hey Teacher..this is taking illegal drugs (including cannabis OFF OF THE STREETS. Read the law.
Thank you
Thank you Kelly. I don’t believe that the citizens of Benicia support dispensaries anywhere in our community. Moreover, the fact that California voters have approved legalization means nothing given that Federal laws make this illegal (and that was so even under the previous administration). Are we willing to sacrifice Federal funding for schools in order to satisfy a few? Also, when we updated the General Plan the message from citizens was loud and clear about the importance of having a safe community as well as the downtown being the heart and soul of Benicia. Forget tourism and every other reason to bring people to the downtown. This matter is an existential threat and people need to speak up.
In May, Congress passed the The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2017. In it, it makes clear that the Department of Justice, who would be involved in any sort of involvement with State Cannabis Law, is forbidden to do so. As a result, it is legally impossible for Federal funding to be cut for this specific reason.
As far as Benicians wanting dispensaries, the data collected by the city shows about a 50/50 split, so I’m not sure it’s fair to say the citizens of Benicia feel one way about it.
Lastly, could you elaborate as to why You mention tfje importance of Benicia being a safe community? What does that idea have to do with the subject?
I agree, the safe community comment is a bit perplexing.
Maybe for you but not for many others. I and many others are not confused.
Would you be willing to elaborate? It’s not so much being “confused” as it is an irrelevant point. Evidence suggests dispensaries do not make unsafe areas, so unless there’s contrary evidence, it just looks misinformed.
There are two sides to evidence. Both sides can state facts. That is very clear.
If that’s true, where is the evidence being claimed here? You say there’s two sides, but the accusation of these places being unsafe has not been proven. If what you say is true, it should be easy to provide data supporting the suggestion that dispensaries are inherently dangerous.
No need to rehash all the evidence both sides have put out. Not at all trying to change your mind. You are set and that’s it. Move on.
Why post here, then? Isn’t that the whole point of putting out your opinion?
I did not say I was confused. The safety thing is indeed a big nothing-burger. Easy to understand for me and many others.
Apparently not so.
All conservative candidates failed at the ballot box here in Benicia last election, and will not prevail next year either. A few? Overwhelming support for legalization here, and it’s here already anyway, just not regulated. Prefer to pretend it is not? A judge has recently ruled the feds cannot withhold funding to punish cities for political views, and there is growing bi-partisan support to make cannabis federally legal again. As they say, you can look it up.
Vallejo has ten dispensaries and they are not a public safety problem. The threat is people like you who would withhold local sales to all because a few might screw up, or the best one, that a teenager might get a hold of a laced brownie. Take a good look around you Reg Page and other prohibitionists, alcohol and tobacco sales are abundant and advertised heavily in store windows. Both are proven killers, contrary to the fact that cannabis is not. Got any comments about that, Reg? Here it is 2017, and people like you are STILL parroting the lies of the prohibitionists of the 30’s.
Whats your name Strait View? I do believe we should respect the views of all. Vallejo dispensaries are for Medical Cannabis. Big difference from Recreational store front Cannabis. My suggestion is you call Vallejo and get your facts correct. By the way 55% said no to First Street40% said yes. that is not 50/50.As far as shopping centers it was 48% yes and 47 % no. Combined total was 54% no and 46% yes. Not 50/50. Big difference. This will all be decided by a non-partisan City Council. They are not a Partisan group. I have no problem with your pro cannabis stance but please respect others opinions.
“Big difference from Recreational store front Cannabis.” Name the biggest difference based on your experience dealing with current dispensaries.
You need a county/state medical card for medical cannabis. Anyone 21 can go into a recreational cannabis store. Big difference.
Not a “Big Difference”, in respect to the zoning, operating structure, location, physical layout of the facility, counter sales, etc. In one you present your recommendation and ID, in the other just an ID. Little to no difference (definitely not “Big”). Also, no such thing as a county or state issued medical cannabis recommendations.
You are wrong there is a county/state ID card for medical Cannabis. Must have it. Check your facts.
You are wrong. We have been through this before. To be a legal medical cannabis patient in California, all you need is a valid doctor’s recommendation. … A state-issued ID card is not required to be a legal patient, Please make sure that you state facts.
I happen to agree with quite a bit of what you said, but the conservative comment is a bit much. In that same light I guess we could say the liberal candidates are responsible for the increase in water and sewer rates, the gas tax coming soon, the increase bridge tolls, and the soaring liability for pensions and health care for current and retired public employees. I could go on but you get my point Strait.
Very good comment. It destroyed the whole value of the comment. I love it.
Very true Mr. View.
The cannabis issue is not really a partisan issue, as much as it is a generational issue. There are lot’s of conservative heads out there.
The vote in the state of California went along and followed party lines. Do your Homework. Look at each county. Many of the central valley counties voted against it. Only to be out numbered by ,the Socialist Progressives. That is for sure party lines. It was very partisan. Try Oregon, Washington and Colorado . Not Conservative states by a long shot.
“Only to be out numbered by ,the Socialist Progressives.”, as well as younger conservatives that do not come from those fading generations that were subjected to the scare tactics of Reefer Madness (think Jeff Sessions).
Please explain Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, and North Dakota.
Also, you bring up and interesting question; in just how many socialist countries is marijuana legal?
It is very apparent you only want to defer. Not answer. I am not trying to change your mind or anyone else . You are. Remember we are in California. I do accept that. Do you. Did you vote for Bernie?
“It is very apparent you only want to defer. Not answer. “. Read your previous post. No questions, only proclamations.
Facts not proclamations. You read my comment., I do think you can comprehend? Maybe not. All you want to do is argue with me. That’s fine but do your homework first. Then maybe I can have a fact based conversation with you. Not sarcasm. By the way is cannabis legal in your favorite Communist/Socialist country of Germany? Just my opinion on Germany. Not fact based on Communist./Socialist Germany only Angela based. That’s as good as facts.
Please, if you are going to name call or describe the government of another country, learn some facts. Communism and Socialism are direct opposites of each other. As a matter of fact, the Socialists were often the first people the Communists got rid of when going into Eastern Europe because they recognized that the Socialists were a greater threat to Communism that capitalism was. So, to call Germany Communist/Socialist, so you can pile the most pejoratives on it, indicates a lack of understanding about what the two systems are and how they each work. This is why so many laughed at the president when he talked about Socialism being a failure, because it isn’t, as some of the strongest world economies can attest to. You’re welcome.
In which countries do you consider socialism to have been the most successful?
You are wrong. It all started with Marxism then Communism then Socialist and now Socialist Progressives. Give one country that is the same size as America that is Socialist and just as successful as America. There are none. I do know what I am talking about.
“Maybe not. All you want to do is argue with me.” No. You overestimate you importance to me, “Then maybe I can have a fact based conversation with you. ” If you could bring something to the table, that would be great.
“By the way is cannabis legal in your favorite Communist/Socialist country of Germany?” It is funny how you always try to needle me about my heritage. What kind of person does that ?
Our history demands that I needle you. You have a poor memory.
It is only your pettiness, lack of originality and social graces demands, as well as not being able to handle being called out on the fake info you offer up that demand the needling. Get over it.
Good observation on results of last election here. Hughes and Campbell must not be running for re-election, defying the will of the majority on this issue, with Campbell openly dismissive of the medical benefits because there is “no proof”, despite plenty of it. Strawbridge and Largaespada have little chance of election with their stale views and unfounded generalizations. I had to shake my head at Lionel suggesting that seniors may someday live across the street from a dispensary if the baseball field is sold. He professes to not be a prohibitionist but wants to add churches, scout centers, music schools and dance houses to the exclusion zones for sales, basically assuring there will be no place to open a dispensary. He professes to be looking out for the safety of the community, but was a big supporter of Valero bomb train plan. In my opinion, Largaespada is not to be trusted.
Campbell is not up until 2020 if he chooses to run. Just who is going to be the new councilmembers in 2018. Better yet who is going to run . You named the ones you think will lose. Now ,name ,the ones who you think will run and get elected. Do you think I will run?
You lost on your big oil Valero CBR, your candidates lost, and you lost on cannabis shops in town and on First Street. The voters have spoken and rabid prohibitionists like you have zero chance in 2018, 2020, etc. The youth have spoken and are not going to vote for prohibitionists. It’s a new Benicia, Bob, and your stodgy views are not growing, rather shrinking, and fast.
First off I am not a prohibitionist. Secondly, even as you say I lost on cannabis shops on First Street is a fact which it is not a fact as yet. No done deal yet. Now you tell me if a landlord says no to a cannabis shop or even a build to suit tenant says no. Better yet what if the Raleys Center owner says no. Just how can you force an owner to rent to someone. I believe you will have a hard time doing that. So as you see if what you say is true. Do you think there will be a cannabis store on First Street or in Raleys Center? That is a question I do not think you can answer. Now what do you do. I could be a big winner on this and you a big loser. We shall see. It is not as simple as you are trying to make it sound.
By the way Janet do you trust Mayor Patterson and Vice Mayor Young? They cannot figure out what a park is? I would like to hear your predictions for 2018 council election. You seem to follow this stuff very closely. Your input could be very important. Thank you.
Civility Janet. You are supposed to follow the advise of your buddy Larnie. Be nice. Your opinion is of no value.
Thanks Reg
Thomas Petersen please tell all of us the fake news I put out. I do believe Thomas I could review what you have said in the past and then reveled to me your comments was a lie. Do I need to go any further. When you say things about me I , am not going to let it go. Do you wish to go further Thomas?
Yes, Robert Livesay, please do go further. I’d like to what steaming pile you have to add to an already existing gigantic steaming pile. Perhaps you would like to double down on the state issued medical marijuana card?
I will. Read the regulations. Written documentation from a Doctor first then apply for a medical ID card. Anything else you need Thomas”? My so called steaming pile has turned into growth of the facts.
You only need a written doctor’s recommendation to purchase in a dispensary. Although one may choose to “apply for a medical ID card”, there is no mandate. Please do your homework, unless you are choosing to let your “steaming pile”remain as such.
Anything else you need, Robert?
Not true. Read the regulations
You are having a hard time letting this go. Believe me, you are wrong.
A medical recommendation is the same as an ID. I did do my homework.
No, it is not. You did not do your homework. Two different things. You also claimed county or state issued. Read what you wrote.
I assume you must go to a special Doctor for that recommendation. That is now considered a medical ID. Have you tried getting a recommendation say from your Kaiser primary doctor?
“That is now considered a medical ID.” No it is not.
You are wrong. How many medical cannabis stores have you talked to. I am correct. I am over with you.. Being stubborn is a trait with you. Bye Bye.
You are incorrect. How many medical cannabis store have you talked to? I l l You appear to know nothing about the subject. Bullheaded and arrogant are your traits, and you can’t stand being called out.
(con’t)…….. for making fake claims.