No candidate debates
In response to the letter to the editor about wanting the League of Women Voters Benicia to host a debate:
The League of Women Voters Benicia is a nonpartisan, political organization of women and men whose primary purpose is to increase civic engagement by providing information to the voting public, and encouraging participation in our political process. We do not support or oppose candidates or political parties. This strict nonpartisan policy allows the public to trust our statements and the information we provide. It is a fundamental principle of the League.
When the League organizes a candidates’ forum, there are specific rules we must follow, for example. If two candidates are running for an office, both must appear. For primary election forums, all candidates must be invited. If two or more are available, the forum can be held. However, if at the time of the actual presentation only one appears, the remaining one is not allowed to speak
The LWV Benicia has been in the process of setting up a voter’s forum for April 19, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the Benicia Public Library. As is our habit for primary elections, we will not be holding candidate debates, which are logistical challenges for our small club. Instead will we focus on the regional measures and state propositions. Information about the five state measures on the June ballot will be available. We are in the process of inviting speakers to present live information about Regional Measure 3 which would provide funding for transportation projects by increasing bridge tolls. We hope that the public will join us for sharing of information and lively discussion of these issues. The League also is gathering information from all local, county, and regional candidates for office for our online voter information site, Voter’s Edge. Candidates and people supporting or opposing measures and propositions will have an opportunity to provide any and all information they want in the Voter’s Edge.
The League of Women Voters Benicia is one of the smallest in the Bay Area, and yet we manage to visit many high schools in Southern Solano County to register first time voters. Because of this we were awarded one of 38 nationwide grants to expand our voter outreach to more underserved schools. In the just last month we have visited 6 new classrooms in several different campuses and registered 200 students to vote.
We have just completed our yearly “Great Decisions” program, an eight-week course that studies world issues, through articles and videos presenting the views of experts in government and academia on various topics of current importance. Last Wednesday, we held one of our monthly public information forums, “Water Rising,” which examined current and future challenges facing Benicia and the Bay Area. We will continue our efforts to make democracy work.
Gayle Vaughan;
acting president,
LWV Benicia
I do appreciate your response. What I would like to know is the voter registration of all your local members. Why do you call it “League of Women Voters Benicia”when you say you are composed of both Women and Men. That seems to me to be very biased. Looking forward to your response. Thank you.