EVER SINCE BARACK OBAMA WAS NOMINATED in 2008 as the Democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States, his staunchest critics have implied that he had the makings of a dictator wannabe. Even once he was elected those admonitions were not taken at all seriously, and the liberal media ridiculed and demeaned anyone who dared suggest the new president was anything other than the young “messiah” of the Democrat Party.
There are some of us who saw then what the press is finally starting to see now. Back then we were dismissed and ridiculed as racist or delusional, or both.
Now, however, after several years of being told we were wrong about the president’s authoritarian streak, the liberal media are finally starting to consider that this president may be the megalomaniac we thought he might be.
Mr. Obama probably could have gotten away with the fact his Internal Revenue Service was unlawfully targeting conservative tea party organizations, if in the same week the media had not learned that his Justice Department was also spying on journalists.
(Unbeknownst to many, while tea party groups were having their applications for nonprofit status intentionally delayed or outright denied, the IRS was fast-tracking the charity of the president’s half-brother under the title of the Barack H. Obama Foundation. Don’t’ feel bad — I have never heard of that organization either.)
Of course, prosecutorial abuse of power should not come as a surprise. Last year, a federal court found that the Obama Justice Department illegally shut down the prosecution of the New Black Panther Party, which had engaged in illegal voter intimidation in Pennsylvania. And until Sen. Rand Paul stood on the Senate floor to bring national attention to the issue, Attorney General Eric Holder had posited that the White House actually had the legal authority to kill American citizens with drones, without due process.
Holder has provided this president with whatever legal (if not lawful) justification the president needed, regardless of how improper or biased that opinion may have been at the time. But the media has given the administration its biggest leg up, time and again.
The media never took the attack on Benghazi seriously until very recently, when State Department whistleblowers came forward and testified that the administration lied and pressured witnesses to remain silent. New Yorker magazine finally admitted, “Now there is something to it.” And when the president was found to have used taxpayer dollars to help finance his political allies by investing in companies like Solyndra, even when the White House knew the refinancing could break the law and that the company was on a path to financial failure, the media looked the other way.
Mr. Obama said his administration is the most transparent in history, but in actuality he has already denied more Freedom of Information requests than the Bush administration and failed to follow through on his promise to make White House visitor logs fully available to the American public. Every once in a while a ray of sunshine pokes through the media cloud. Last March, Slate opined that “because he is a Democrat, (Obama) has got a free pass from many of the civil liberty and good governing groups who spent years watching President Bush’s every move like a hawk.”
The signs were there from the start. In his first 16 months in office, the president refused to release his long-form birth certificate, and anyone who dared raise the issue was unfairly labeled a racist and conspiracy fanatic. Now, before you disregard that statement please note that I have been labeled a racist and a fanatic for saying much less in previous columns in this newspaper. It was not until credible polls reported that nearly half the country believed Mr. Obama was born abroad did he finally show true transparency and prove his own constitutional legitimacy as president. Even then, Mr. Obama called the whole issue “silliness,” as if compliance with the Constitution were an option. It is not, Mr. President. Liberals should likewise have been alarmed early on when the president circumvented the advise-and-consent process by unconstitutionally creating 32 czars without the approval of the Senate. Democratic legislators said nothing, letting their own power slip right through their hands.
Despite all of his flagrant abuses of power, many liberals still think Mr. Obama is the shining hope of liberalism. He is not. There is nothing democratic about Mr. Obama or this very corrupt administration. The president’s willingness to intimidate and silence anyone who defies him is disturbing, to say the least.
But there is one campaign promise he actually has kept — to fundamentally transform the United States of America.
Slowly, Mr. Obama is changing the U.S. into another country — an authoritarian state where false promises of “hope and change” manipulate the public. Ours is now a state in which power — not the Constitution — has become the currency of the government’s decision-making process, and the media has become an instrument of that state. Those of us who saw this from the beginning were not crazy, after all. We were just paying attention.
Jim Pugh is a Benicia resident.
Steve Harley says
Amen brother!
JLB says
As you said, Mr. Pugh, many of us knew it long before he was elected. Now we all know it, but some are still in a daze from drinking the koolaid! It seems as though they continue to drink at the trough. The usual suspects on here are evidence of that.
environmentalpro says
Mr. Pugh did not say it.
Robert Livesay says
Who did?
environmentalpro says
Try to pay attention man!
Robert Livesay says
Tell me what I did not pay attention to. That should be very simple to do.
environmentalpro says
Read all the comments and figure it out. This should be very easy for you to do. I’m not going to help you on this. You are on your own.
Will Gregory says
Beyond plagiarism-
An interesting and insightful “history lesson” for the community to consider…
Benician says
Obama got re-elected by 5 million votes. I guess America approves of their authoritarian dictator. Really, man, you need to stop believing everything you see on Faux.
16 months to release the long form birth certificate? Well, why wasn’t the short form good enough? What other presidents had to comply with such a silly request?
Too many ‘czars’? You *DO* know they’re not really czars, don’t you? It’s just an expression. And, of course, you’re aware recent presidents have had oodles of these so called ‘czars’, aren’t you? But, when it’s the black guy, it’s suddenly a problem.
Darrell Issa has tried as hard as he can to dig up dirt on Obama, but he’s come up empty. He’s got nothing, and you’ve got nothing. Again.
Thomas Petersen says
Tell it like it is!
Robert Livesay says
Benician I think you are a little smarter than your comments suggest. I have no problem with your leanings. But at the same time answer some of my questions I have posted. Am I lying? You move from one article to the other that you do not agree with. The big problem I see is you have no solutions other than to try and slam a very good writer with his own ideals. Is that not what it is all about. Just why is it that the Republicans are wrong and the Dems are right? You have never put up any thing other than your left leaning politics to back your thoughts. No long term benefits or for that matter down side issues. I have never seen evidence coming from your comments. The only thing you continue to want to post is Fox News issues. I would assume you have more to do than make negative statements about Fox News, Tea Party and also Conservatives. Not agreeing is very good. But Benician you are over board in your hate for Republicans.
Robert M. Shelby says
Hey, Bobbie L., you are not worth talking with.
Robert Livesay says
Please Shelby do not read what I post. Then you will not need to comment.
Benician says
What about my comments suggest I’m not so smart? The comment I made that no president has had to go thru the birther nonsense before the black guy? That other presidents have had an array of ‘czars’? That Issa has come up with zilch? All true. Sorry.
BTW, wanna take back that ‘good writer’ tag you gave to PUgh?
Mike says
From the Washington Times, May 20, 2013 :
SHAPIRO AND ANDREWS: Transforming democrats to dictators:
environmentalpro says
Again?! I can’t believe it. He’s like the human Xerox machine.
environmentalpro says
I was wondering why the tone of this piece sounded like the author had suddenly woken up from a several month long nap.
Benician says
LMAO! Geez…PUgh…if you’re gonna plagiarize, can’t you copy someone more reputable than the Moonie Times?
Benician says
Just wondering…how many of our friends on the right will condemn PUgh?
environmentalpro says
Our friends on the right seem to be living in denial. Or, are just being purposely obtuse.
DDL says
Not at all. There is an alternate explanation which alludes your limited grasp:
This issue came up previously (in May) with one of the leftist writers. I privately pointed the issue out to both the writer and the paper. I thought that to be the most appropriate action to take.
I note that no one else seemed concerned at the time, since everyone remained silent, or did not bother to check that authors work.
DDL says
And yes, before the grammar Nazi’s attack, I left out an apostrophe, live with it.
Thomas Petersen says
A reasonable person would not offer up such tripe.
Benician says
Have you pointed out PUgh’s plagiarism to PUgh and the Herald? Or, are rightists immune from such action on your part?
Robert Livesay says
Benician did you comment on the article in May about the same subject or as you say are the leftist writers free from negative comments from a leftist. It has been pointed out before by the the so called right wing folks. Yes we care.
Thomas Petersen says
I’d like to get your take on the plagiarism Bob. I know you’re usually the first to criticize when folks (that you don’t agree with) just post links or copy and paste quotes from elsewhere. If you can shed some light on what the difference is here, please do. I, for one, believe Pugh’s action goes well beyond that. At least the other folks will properly credit their sources.
Robert Livesay says
Have you ever made a comment about a leftist writer on the Forum page if there was plagiarism?
Thomas Petersen says
I have not seen such blatant examples. Yes, if I’d seen it, I’d have commented. It has nothing to do with political leanings. It has to do with taking credit for somebody’s work. I take great exception to that. Now please, shed some light.
Benician says
I didn’t see the article in May. I’m unaware of any plagiarism from a lefty here. If such a thing happened and I was aware, I’d happily condemn it. You’ve lauded PUgh here. It looks like you’re finally aware of what he’s done. Are you going to retract what you said and condemn him?
Robert Livesay says
Go back and research it and then let us hear your comment. Do your own homework.
My feeling about Jim Pugh {Spelling it PUgh just makes your comments all the more revealing, you only care that he is a Conservative, nothing else matters to you} are the same as before. I think he is a good writer.
Benician says
No, Livesay, it’s not my responsibility to research every column ever posted here. If I see plagiarism from a lefty I’ll call it out. Too bad we can’t say the same thing about you when it comes from the right.
And, more hypocrisy from you….you seem to have a problem with my spelling of ‘PUgh’, yet you’re OK with DDL using a zero instead of an ‘O’ when spelling the president’s name. Why do you give DDL a pass? And, speaking of DDL and hypocrisy, seems he’s suddenly disappeared when confronted with his own.
Robert Livesay says
Then do not make the comment that you were not aware of the article. Remember Benician I do respect the President and I always address him as that. Now I may have used the term Obama rather than President Obama on a few occasions. I addressed your use of PUgh because you were part of the comments directed at Jim Pugh. When I feel disrespect is deserved I can for sure serve it up. You just got a very small portion. As far as the article goes I do believe the lefty’s have said all that is necessary. I will leave it at that, you got your point across. I think I will now go watch some real good stuff like th “FIVE” a very top rated show. Try it you may like it. Remember Benician I have no hate or disrespect for debate but do not like personal attacks. These runs are full of them.
glenn says
Thank you… to bad some people will never believe that
Hank Harrison says
Mainly because it’s BS
Robert Livesay says
No Hank, because you are a Liberal and have done everything possible to degrade anyone one that does not agree with you.
environmentalpro says
The “author” of this piece has done pretty well to degrade himself.
Robert Livesay says
Hank if I were you I would review this mans accomplishments. Then tell the readers what you think of everyone of his accomplishments. Line by line. Hank on this one I would be very careful. Hank I think you know nothing about him or for that matter why he writes as he does. You and many others make comments but show no respect for his accomplishments and at the same time make no reference to your own accomplishments. That seems easy Hank, now go at it. Lets see a comparison.
Robert Livesay says
In your opinion.
Benician says
No, only the people that can’t spell ‘too’ will believe it.
Robert M. Shelby says
Colonel-gentleman Jim Pugh, that highly accomplished Obama-hater comes down at last to a nearly demented, sick old man with a self-damaged endocrine system due to mismanaged emotions. Etc. This is likely the result of his ancestors losing the Civil War and never getting reconstructed.
Robert Livesay says
Shelby if you think this person is as you say why would you make fun of someone you think is as you say. Regardless of who you may be talking about at any time making those kind of statements makes your comments very disturbing and way over the top. Try being a nice person for once Shelby. I will chose not to go after you personally at this time. There will be plenty of time for that.
JLB says
Robert don’t you have anything better to do than to verbally vomit on everyone that posts here that you don’t agree with? How about just post your opposing view and let it stand. Truth be told, all of the posters here are pretty well decided on their stances on one side or the other. No one comment is going to change anyone’s mind and I assume you don’t think that you may.
I like to debate with people that think differently than me because some times, alternative points of view cause me to consider my belief systems, pass the new information through my filters and make adjustments when appropriate. That will never happen through your verbal puke! You self defeat any purpose you may have in commenting; unless you are just intentional in your behavior. If that is the case, that is just simply … sad!
Spirited debate is healthy, can be exhilarating and it is called a healthy exchange of ideas. Your words would indicate that you really hate people that you hold opposing views. That is not healthy for you or for the health of this forum. And I would bet in a face to face meeting you would not be so brave to spew such hate. It is far too easy to sit behind a keyboard and spew. You are nothing more than a keyboard bully. Please stop and just stick to commenting on the subject.
Robert Livesay says
Talk about being brave. Just who are you? I at least identify myself you do not. Does your key board only spit out letters for a name. Come cleAN and maybe we can talk. For now you are just some letters.
JLB says
Sorry Robert Livesay, I was not referring to you to Robert Shelby. I guess the alignment of the messages created the confusion.
Robert Livesay says
Thank you.
Benician says
So, Livesay, now is it OK that JLB not reveal his identity? Again…another of your double-standards.
petrbray says
“Reading Pugh,” is like listening to a faucet drip, there’s never anything new about it…pb
Thomas Petersen says
Or, original.
Peter Bray says
I read Pugh and Livesay to see if they’e still stuck in the same rut, it’s like watching paint dry, just amazingly inspiring stuff!…It makes UP look like sunshine…pb
Robert Livesay says
Jim Pugh does not need to be defended. He writes an opinion article that goes on-line some times. Believe me the Editor will fact check what he writes. I do not believe he is asking anyone to change sides. All he is doing is presenting a well thought out article that got to the point very quick. So what happens? The usual Republican haters try very hard to degrade Jim Pugh and anyone that might agree with him. The haters are out and after Jim Pugh. You know that over whelming number of Liberal Socialist. The important thing is they all read him. When his article goes on line they make the hate filled attacks. Some are even afraid to identify themselves. Maybe because their friends will find the true meaning of these haters. I will now get attacked by these same folks. They will say nothing except they will make personal attacks. I do hope I am wrong and they keep their personal attacks out of this run.
environmentalpro says
Some still seem to fail to understand that it is NOT Jim Pugh’s article. Some time should be spent looking through the comments (and links) and it is easy to figure out. It has nothing to do with the topic of the “posted” column. Additionally, It is extremely embarrassing both for Mr. Pugh and the Herald.
Will Gregory says
The above blogger stated:
“…it is extremely embarrassing both for Mr. Pugh and the Herald.”
Question: What will Mr. Ethier, the Herald’s editor do about this situation?
Robert Livesay says
Maybe the same thing that you experienced Will. Tell the folks about that Will. That is a question to you Will.
Robert Livesay says
I understand what you are saying. You and one other may be the only ones that questioned the article. My comments are more concerced with the hate attack not what was written. I have been aware of the same thing as you and will defend him as a writer. He has written many other articles and I think he will write many more.
Thomas Petersen says
He did not write this one, and he has seemingly taken credit. There is no question. It speaks to a lack of integrity. I do believe that this will not go away. Keep in mind that this is not the first time he has tried to pass off the writings of someone else as his own.
petrbray says
Plagiarism in The Gnat’s Museum! Have we no shame? The exalted crust disintegrates, The Lofty crash like dust to dust again. Like watching paint dry, such drama…I’m just mesmerized as the US Government crawls to a close…how will we wage psycho-drama war with Syria? Does Congress get paid for these days and months or sotting on their duffs? Are their ample benefit packages affected? How about retirement packages? Any of their mortgages “toxic” like the rest of us? Ideologues dancing while the rest of us shoulder the engines of this economy ever recovering–Sorry, I have had it with the elevated Crust of the US fabric—would rather watch paint dry and not watch the useless draw their pay for doing nothing–pb
Larry Harris says
More nonsense from Benicia’s official village idiot. I thought that Keynan Muslim Overlord was going to be dispatched in Nov. 2012. All the so-called “conservative” commenters on this site, including the always wrong Jim Pugh, were absolutely sure of that. What a joke.
Proud Benician says
Don’t forget, Kenyan Muslim, white people hating, socialist, Marxist, communist dictator who wants to take all your money and guns. Pugh has plagerized before and since most of his writing is rehashed, stolen drivel, he should be banned from the Herald. Please, do us all a favor. Anyone who is still raising the birth certificate needs a tin foil hat.
John P. Gavin - Author says
The quotation marks are found way over on the right side of your keyboard Jim, in about the center row.
Just sayin’…
Robert M. Shelby says
Hey, there, Big Jim, we found what looks suspiciously like the source of your “Executive Abuse of Power” article.
Your lack of quotation marks suggests you claim your whole text as entirely your own. If it’s not plagiarism, it looks at least as if you need a little help getting started which you don’t care to acknowledge. Can it be that your “creative ability” to make up crap on Obama is weakening?
Robert M. Shelby says
Once again, this wordpress program refused to print the link. I’ll try again:
Robert M. Shelby says
Ah. The link cannot be framed by left and right pointing arrows! If it is, the software rejects it.
Robert M. Shelby says
Well, Jim-boy? Any response?
optimisterb says
Oh dear! So many posts–so little substance!