IN WHAT IS TRULY AN INSPIRED APPROACH to the subject of climate and its varied manifestations, an educational approach has appeared on the American scene that promises to prepare the young for the kind of decisions that a puzzling and potentially dangerous future will require.
In March 2012, following a path laid down by Louisiana, Texas and South Dakota, a bill overwhelmingly passed the Tennessee legislature that mandated the following: “The purpose of this act is to enhance and improve the environmental literacy of students and citizens in the state by requiring that all environmental education programs and activities conducted by schools, universities, and agencies shall …”
This was followed by a long list of general and noble educational objectives with which it would be difficult to differ, emphasizing a balance of perspectives and respect for different ideas, and closing with: “Not be designed to change student behavior, attitudes or values.”
To summarize, under this model bill and its relatives — brought to us by the American Legislative Exchange Council — global warming will be taught as a “theory” among other “credible (and conflicting) theories.”
It is fascinating to note that in suggestions to the state councils that were to be guiding this process in Tennessee’s schools, we find the following:
Section 4. Appointment and Composition of the Council
A. Composition: The Council shall consist of members who have expertise in the following areas in the respective proportions: 40 percent natural sciences (not environmental science), 40 percent economic sciences, 20 percent educational curriculum.
Note the very specific exclusion of experts in environmental science. And how does that help achieve the stated aim of improving environmental literacy? Since environmental science is a truly interdisciplinary study directly related to such issues as the interaction of physical phenomena over time, and with its own highly sophisticated methods of examining causation in complex environmental interactions, that special exclusion would appear — how should it be properly phrased? — both calculated and pathetically obvious.
And to whom are we indebted for this stunning advancement in science education? None other than ALEC, dedicated to “limited government, free markets and federalism.” (With an assist from the ever-dependable Heartland Institute.)
When the ALEC model bill was adopted in 2000 by ALEC’s Natural Resources Task Force, the head of that committee was Sandy Liddy Bourne, who after that stint became director of legislation and policy for ALEC. She is now with that center of cutting-edge climate science, the Heartland Institute, as vice president for policy strategy. The Tennessee bill, as with those adopted by other states, follows the format and emphases set up in the ALEC model.
In short, faced with an educational need, ALEC has stepped forward to insure that the need is met — and in doing so insured that all sides will be represented, sort of. Though all of the major U.S. scientific organizations and all 80 of the world’s major scientific organizations support the theory of climate warming, there are those who respectfully, and more often disrespectfully, disagree — and these will be equally represented in the classroom under the ALEC format. That, in practice, has already been made clear. That this approach is being vigorously opposed by a number of teacher organizations has clearly puzzled denialists everywhere.
Essentially, this ALEC program is designed for easy adoption by state governments, particularly by legislatures and governors already hostile to government interference with private commerce and profit. And here the GOP is clearly prepared to do its part. If that interference is ostensibly to protect the environment — and especially if done to prevent “global warming” — the red light is out, and spiking such interference becomes top priority. Along comes ALEC, well funded by industry, with this really neat design for a curriculum of “balanced teaching” that takes care of the problem.
As noted by Noam Chomsky (“The U.S. Behaves Nothing Like a Democracy, But You’ll Never Hear About It in Our ‘Free Press’,” Aug. 15):
“… One of the many divergences between policy and opinion is that the American public is close to the global norm in concern about the environment and calling for actions to prevent the catastrophe and that’s a pretty high level. Meanwhile … the corporate sector is riding to the rescue to deal with this problem. There is a corporate funded organization — the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). It designs legislation for states. No need to comment on what kind of legislation.
“Right now they’re instituting a new program to try to overcome the excessive rationality of the public. It’s a program of instruction for K-12 (kindergarten to 12th grade in schools). Its publicity says that the idea is to improve critical faculties — I’d certainly be in favor of that — by balanced teaching. ‘Balanced teaching’ means that if a sixth-grade class learned something about what’s happening to the climate, they have to be presented with material on climate change denial so that they have balanced teaching and can develop their critical faculties. Maybe that’ll help overcome the failure of massive corporate propaganda campaigns to make the population ignorant and irrational enough to safeguard short-term profit for the rich. It’s pointedly the goal and several states have already accepted it.”
For a different perspective, time for a bulletin from Heartland. This from “At Denier Conference, Heartland Institute President Claims ‘Fossil Fuel Dependency’ is ‘Not a Problem’,” by Stephen Lacey, July 1, 2011:
“Regarding (Joseph) Bast’s assertion that there’s no negative ecological impact to relying on fossil fuels, that one rivals his 2006 quote on second-hand smoking that ‘no victim of cancer, heart disease, etc. can “prove” his or her cancer or heart disease was caused by exposure to secondhand smoke.’”
Later at that same conference, “Bast exclaimed that there’s ‘beauty’ in ‘black power.’ He apparently wasn’t referring to the billion-dollar cleanup after the TVA coal ash spill, the tens of billions of dollars in damage after the 2010 Gulf oil spill, or the trillions in environmental and economic losses already being realized because of a changing climate. No. According to Heartland … these are all manufactured problems created by radical environmentalists who want more government control over people’s lives.”
For a very different slant we draw from the site Chicago Public Fools and a story titled, “ALEC in the schoolyard,” by someone guest posting as “Karen M. Fraid”:
“The American Legislative Exchange Council is a secretive clubhouse for millionaires and billionaires that bills itself as a ‘public-private partnership, a synergistic alliance.’ The public half of the partnership is the legislators (state and federal) who pay $100 to become a member. The private half is individual and corporate members who pay up to $25,000 (yeah, you read those zeroes right).
“Corporate members sponsor events (like the 40th annual conference this past week, with price tags for these all-expense-paid trips for your elected representatives running into the millions. Here’s what ALEC says its own self on its own website about what it does: ‘ALEC provides the private sector with an unparalleled opportunity to have its voice heard, and its perspective appreciated, by the legislative members.’
“With all its characteristic lobbyist features, ALEC isn’t a registered lobbying organization. It is a nonprofit! Just like your PTA or the Girl Scouts. That’s right folks: an unregistered and unregulated lobbying organization and a fundraising meet-n-greet for lawmakers that operates as a tax shelter for billionaires.
“ALEC corporations write ‘model legislation’ to ‘reform’ the government. Way to go. Have the oil and coal companies write ‘model’ environmental bills.”
And guide the youth of the nation into their exciting future world.
Jerome Page is a Benicia resident.
JLB says
Can you say government indoctrination?!!!
Robert M. Shelby says
JLB, could you please respond with comment in an articulate fashion that connects actual thought with factual reference in some logical order? Can you say “individualists’ foolish recalcitrance to reason sensibly?”
DDL says
RMS stated: JLB, could you please respond with comment in an articulate fashion
As an engineer, grammar has long been a weakness for me, I freely admit that (Marc has saved me many times!). But should that not read:
‘could you please respond with a comment in an articulate fashion…'</I<
I know a petty point, but if you are going to berate JLB for lack of articulation, should your chastisement not be grammatically correct?
DDL says
as should my HTML skills!
Peter Bray says
Walt Kelley and Pogo said it best, “I have seen the enemy and he is us.” To which Edward R. Murrow added, “Good Night, America, and Good luck.” –
Will Gregory says
The American Legislative Exchange Council vs.Climate Science–
More for the community to consider….
From the article below:
“Science (the world’s leading journal of original scientific research) carries an article by scientists that describes the methane situation: Current average methane concentrations in the Arctic are, “… the highest in 400,000 years… on par with previous estimates of methane venting from the entire World Ocean,” which is an incredible statement!”
“The previous statement is startling enough that it deserves to be repeated in a new context, as follows: Regarding recent observations of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf by Russian scientists, where, until now,
it was thought the permafrost was cold enough to remain frozen, the recent observations found the methane venting into the atmosphere from this one region comparable to the amount of methane coming out of the entire world’s oceans.”
Furthermore, in a recent live interview, Dr. Natalia Shakhova, one of the world’s foremost authorities on Arctic methane release, ended by saying, “We do not like what we see. We do not like it at all.”
JLB says
Junk science!
Bob Livesay says
JLB there goes Will again. He has no idea what is happening. Just copies and uses other folks info. He has no idea if it is correct.
environmentalpro says
“He has no idea if it is correct.”. Nor does Bob Maximilian Livesay.
Bob Livesay says
Nor does Fritz Petersen. Get my name right Fritz and I will do the same. Cut the school yard crap out. I give you a compliment what do I get, Sarcasim
environmentalpro says
Compliment? When was that? When you show disrespect, you will get it in return. And, it is sarcasm (look it up). Learn the definition as well, Maxie.
Bob Livesay says
I will take another free hot dog as an apology.
petrbray says
Sorry, Bobbo, Livesay, no free hot dogs or lunches, even Conservatives should know that…pb
Bob Livesay says
Peter your back, you broke your promise. I bet it would not last. Yes there will be plenty of free hot dogs.
petrbray says
Bobbo Livesay:
I broke no promise, I apologized for my previous comments, but comments here are like paint drying, just more exciting that squadrons of gnats jousting. How could I not join in? Your and my votes for the last 20 years and next 20 have and will probably cancel each other out so it’s up to others to make real progress or an abysmal failure without us. Welcome to the dance! pb
environmentalpro says
Apologize for what? Allowing you to make bigoted comments about my cultural heritage?
Bob Livesay says
What does that name you call me mean. Right back at you. I would rather use today to remember and pray for the event of 9/11 to never happen again. I do not need school yard talk from Peter and Thomas. Remember 9/11 fellas it does mean something to me and I hope you fellas.
environmentalpro says
You should have thought about that earlier. Maximillian is the unshortened version of your middle name. Don’t deny it.
Bob Livesay says
Sorry you know nothing about my middle name. Why my middle name is Max. I do not mind if anyone knows my full name. But at least try to get it right. Now are you ready to move on to more importantant things and buy me and ask Peter to join in for that free hot dog.
Peter Bray says
Bob Livesay:
I’ll pass on any free hot dog–I never asked for one, as usual, you have your correspondents and your logic mixed…pb
environmentalpro says
Sure: Dawgs! at 5272 Scotts Valley Drive tomorrow at 1:00 pm.
Also this:
GENDER: Masculine
USAGE: German, English, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch
PRONOUNCED: MAHKS (German), MAKS (English) [key]
Meaning & History
Short form of MAXIMILIAN (or sometimes of MAXWELL in English).
FEMININE FORMS: Maxine, Maxene (English)
Bob Livesay says
Bob Livesay says
I would be more than happy to show up. My driver is off tomorrow. Could you either send someone to pick me
up or you just come by. I normally do not go to low end areas. Send me the directions. Thanks for the info.
environmentalpro says
Just google map it, get in your Saturn and drive. No reason to feign some kind of high maintenance existence. Section 8 is a block away.
Bob Livesay says
Either here in town or I am out. Make up your mind. I will make my own decision on where I will meet. Not you. Char’s or no where. I buy local.
environmentalpro says
You’re buying now? Make up your mind.
Come on, get in your car. Cross a few bridges. Go through a tunnel. Some one will keep an eye on your spot at the Rellik. Besides, it’s a great opportunity to burn some gasoline.
Is buying local really just an excuse to support mediocrity?
Bob Livesay says
environmentalpro says
OK then. Hop on the local bus. Take it over to North Concord BART. Take BART to the end of the line in Fremont. Take the BART Express Bus over to a location in West County to connect to the Hwy. 17 Express. But, seriously getting in you car might be easier. It’s 11:36 right now. If you don’t leave soon, you’ll be late and out of luck. There’s a Michelob Ultra in it for you.
petrbray says
Ask Mr. Livesay if he has ever had a college level class in science in his lifetime. What qualifies him for anything but a dysfunctional use of verbs and adjectives? TweedleDees chirping…pb
Bob Livesay says
Glad your back Peter with your personal attacks.
environmentalpro says
I hardly think that a Professor of Ocean Physics and Head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group, Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge work can be considered to be “Junk science!”.
Peter Bray says
Ask those that cry, “Junk Science,” what qualifies them…have they ever seen a galvanometer, ammeter, or an Erlenmeyer flask? Sorry, ignorance is born under it own bed, counting its petroleum resources as frakking gas ignites in kitchen sinks where greed replaces common sense…how much surface drinking water can we pump into the ground and what does it become and where does it really go with its wasteland of toxic chemicals? Does greed eventually dissipate itself into the flatlands of a toxic earthen crust? Sorry, I worked way too hard for my Masters from Berkeley to listen to TweedleDees chirping, “Junk Science.” Dullards in the wings do not constitute a stage play of any importance, ever. pb
environmentalpro says
I suggest that anyone that needs a comparison of “real science” vs. “junk science” read “The Borderlands of Science”, by Michael Shermer (of Skeptic Magazine). You’ll thank me.
JLB says
Geez guys, we know there are no legitimate scientists on this planet that believe in man made global warming any more. There are some 30,000 that have signed on denying and even NASA debunked the whole concept with their findings two years ago. Just admit it is a money making scheme looking for a problem to fix, they can’t find one so they fabricate one. The planet has been cooling and warming for millions of years (remember the ice age) and it will continue to do so whether or not man continues to exist on it. Climate change (the new name because global warming doesn’t seem to work because we are not actually warming) is a politically and financially motivated (Agenda 21, ICLEI) motivated concept and there is no science to it that is new. It’s all crap and a hoax and everybody knows it. Quit trying to sell ice to the eskimos!
environmentalpro says
Hanging on to the “(Agenda 21, ICLEI)” conspiracy theory, says it all. That ship’s done sailed, bro.
JLB says
Might want to read about what Agenda 21 is all about before you spout off. And you might also want to do some of your own research about ICLEI and you will discover that the city of Benicia is a member as is all of Solano County. They will continue to downplay it as being alarmist and then when it is too late, you will be thinking, wow I should have played closer attention. Ooops!
environmentalpro says
Spout off?! I hope your not being earnest/ernest (sp?). Don’t presume to think that I’ve not read about Agenda 21. I know about Benicia and the county’s membership. Membership cost in ICLEI is nominal. Membership is also nonbinding. Meaning that there is absolutely no obligation for Benicia or County to do anything. Please stop the madness. The UN is not coming to take away your house and force you to live where you don’t want to live. Ooooops!
JLB says
How many times have you seen the word “sustainable” in the Benicia herald in the last few years from that character Candice? If you study, sustainable has nothing to us being sustainable. It is about the planet being sustainable and to a degree as much as possible, removing humans from it. It is their buzz word that many seem to have grabbed hold of and think sounds cute but there is a whole lot more to the equation that you will not know unless you do your own research. If you prefer to keep your head buried in the sand, that is your choice, but your denial does not make it any less true.
environmentalpro says
If you prefer to keep on the lookout for black helicopters, that is your choice, but your affirmation does not make it any more true.
JLB says
OH I have seen those too!
environmentalpro says
BTW – I guess you have no interest in Shermer’s book. Is it because he is a libertarian?
Jerome Page says
Will Gregory inevitably posts materials that bear directly on the issues involved. He understands very clearly their relevance, Would that we had a few more posters willing to do the research and work involved. . It would raise considerably the quality of our dialogue. I admire and respect him greatly for his contribution.
Peter Bray says
Jerome: I totally agree with you, Will is an asset to this community. I read everything that he and you put into the public awareness. I can’t say the same for the other gnats’ shadows. pb
JillSJ says
Will is great, except for his tendency to stalk people with whom he disagrees. Besides that, a real upstanding member of the community. A real credit to progressivism.
Bob Livesay says
I notice that all the left leaning Liberals are all giddy over Will and his lifted comments. Maybe all of you folks can now do some research or I would hope Will would also and tell us why he is no longer a featured writer on the Forum Page. There must be a reason.
JillSJ says
You need a lesson in understanding sarcasm.
JillSJ says
Also, “left-leaning liberal” is redundant.
Bob Livesay says
All the far left leaning Liberals are at it again. No answers just personal attacks on someone they do not agree with. That will never stop from some of the many no ID fear mongers.
JillSJ says
I take exception to the fact that you have lumped me into the group that admires Will Gregory. Please correct your statement and we can move on.
Also, stop whining. A man your age.
Bob Livesay says
jill I made a comment and that was all it was. No correction Will be coming.
JillSJ says
No, you never correct your mistakes. But it’s enough that I’ve pointed it out on the record.
Bob Livesay says
Sorry jill never made a mistake. What you pointed out is a comment that you do not like. Too bad.
JillSJ says
Yep, it was a mistake.
petrbray says
Bob Livesay is redundant…pb
Peter Bray says
Bobbo Livesay: Why don’t you go do something positive in life? You’re worse than an old carping fish laying in the middle of the highway, hoping that somebody will pay attention to your conservative odor…Get a life! B-O-R-I-N-G! – pb
Bob Livesay says
Petr stop your very child like comments. Constructive comments are always welcome. I ask a question and get no answers just school yard crap. My opinion just happens to be different than yours. Well as they say Petr where do liberals hide their money, under the soap there is your answer to odor. Now Petyr time to get back on track.
JLB says
Can’t we have discussions of disagreement without having to make personal attacks. That is just not necessary and does not paint you in a very good light. Spirited debate can be fun. Try not to get so emotionally involved that you feel compelled to make personal attacks. We can keep more people around and chiming in that way. Slinging mud just sends people packing. Remember the golden rule?
Thomas Petersen says
Constructive? Hmmmmm….. I wonder.
Bob Livesay says
Mr. Page you do the same thing. I guess the comment it takes one to know one is very true. Mr. Page I read your articles every week and have no problem with them. Put I do believe personal sensitivity has no place here.