THE FOLLOWING QUOTE IS FROM “The More Things Change” by Linda Greenhouse in the New York Times Opinionator, Feb. 20, regarding the challenge to the Voting Rights Act, Section 5, by Shelby County, Ala.
“Section 5 is the Voting Rights Act’s ‘pre-clearance’ provision, which applies in all or part of 16 states, mostly in the South. These ‘covered’ jurisdictions can’t make a change in voting procedures (new voter-ID requirements or sudden limits on early voting, to cite recent examples) without persuading either the Department of Justice or a special three-judge federal court that the change neither has the purpose nor will have the effect of ‘denying or abridging the right to vote on account of race or color.’
“How can it be that one of the crowning achievements of the civil rights movement, a provision upheld on four previous occasions by the Supreme Court and re-enacted in 2006 by overwhelming bipartisan majorities in Congress (98-0 in the Senate, 390-33 in the House), a law that President George W. Bush urged the justices to uphold again four years ago in one of his final acts in office, a law that has demonstrably defeated myriad efforts both flagrant and subtle to suppress or dilute the African-American vote, is now hanging by a thread?”
As we explore the answer to that question, it is useful to consider the thought processes of Justice Antonin Scalia. Quoting Greenhouse again:
“‘Even the name of it is wonderful: the Voting Rights Act,’ Justice Scalia said, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he suggested that only political correctness, rather than a principled commitment to protect the right to vote, had kept the disputed Section 5 of the act alive through four successive Congressional re-enactments.”
While clearly never a candidate for shrinking violet honors, Scalia’s commentary on the Shelby County case might possibly represent a new level of Scalia arrogance. (But with so many from this source, who can really say?) I quote from People for The American Way, “Scalia Completely Rewrites … Everything,” Feb. 27:
“After denigrating the most important civil rights legislation in United States history as ‘racial entitlement,’ (Scalia) went on:
“‘Whenever a society adopts racial entitlements, it is very difficult to get out of them through the normal political processes.
“‘I don’t think there is anything to be gained by any senator to vote against continuation of this act. And I am fairly confident it will be re-enacted in perpetuity unless — unless a court can say it does not comport with the Constitution. You have to show, when you are treating different states differently, that there’s a good reason for it.’”
As the PFAW article notes, “So protecting the right to vote is a ‘racial entitlement’!!
“Scalia is famous for his claimed fealty to the text of a law. But he ignores the text of the Fifteenth Amendment. As if that weren’t bad enough, he takes it upon himself to decide that Congress clearly didn’t mean it when it adopted and extended Section 5.”
And when the Constitution gives Congress the authority to do something, it’s up to Justice Scalia to decide when to jump in and decide that those folks aren’t really up to that kind of heavy lifting!
Is there a sentient being in the United States who is not aware of the very recent travesties related to voting and voting rights that polluted our 2012 election? Is there anyone claiming sophistication about voting who is unaware of what is currently being flogged by the Republican Party as a set of measures to insure that a minority of voters can not merely be heard, but that it can exercise control? The GOP recently re-elected Reince Priebus its chairman precisely because of his views and actions on elections, and he is currently engaged in promoting changes in the way we select electors for the presidency. This slick improvement to electoral vote assignment by congressional district instead of by state would, by the way, have put Mitt Romney in the White House though he was 5 million votes short nationally.
And so much for the horror of considering racial voting barriers. Or for that matter barriers to voting by the young, Latinos and the elderly. What is obviously crucial to the health of the Republic is stacking the game so that each white male vote has 25 or 30 percent more weight than the rest.
We had in the past several years from Republican-controlled states a flood of voter ID requirements. Essentially these are measures to eliminate a problem that for all practical purposes — and by evidence of studies and testimony of experts — did not exist, in order to create the actual existence of a very real and grievous problem. The result: disenfranchisement of an exceedingly large number of citizens.
We had the Mississippi catch-22 dilemma that disenfranchised tens of thousands. This phony maneuver required would-be voters to get a birth certificate in order to get voter ID — but required them first to provide voter ID to get a birth certificate. And if that doesn’t work out for you, who ever said life was fair?
We had states establishing registration and voting problems of such magnitude that hundreds of thousands were disenfranchised. The nation witnessed living demonstrations as television chronicled the tortuous pathway to the ballot box for millions of voters standing in the cold or heat all day in order to vote — to exercise that precious right. All a function of the GOP drive to reduce voting hours and days.
As a consequence of that election, are we now witnessing herculean efforts by the GOP to remedy that set of grievous problems? Not exactly. Instead we see various agents and agencies of that party ramp up their efforts to guarantee that in the next election more of those changes, barriers and requirements will deliver results.
Beginning with the gerrymandering of 2010 and continuing with these voter ID and registration scams and with vote reduction times and days, the movers and shakers of the GOP have been chewing away at the foundations of our electoral system like a pack of rabid beavers.
So, even as Scalia and the Supremes are quite possibly planning to obliterate federal oversight of election processes, the need for continuing oversight could not be greater; nor — and this provides the greatest irony — more obvious to any sentient observer not an official of the Republican Party. Well, obvious to them also, but somehow invisible to Scalia — and possibly enough judges to throw our elections back into the hands of the folks who know deep in their hearts that a country run by folks beholden to the young, the old, the black, the brown, the female and the non-reactionary male is a country gone way off track.
Jerome Page is a Benicia resident.
Bob Livesay says
One thing I will say Mr. Page you do offer up a very egual evalution of voter rights. The only problem is it is very one sided. It appears you do not feel this country has made any progress in civil rights which in your case pertains to voter rights. It may well exist but it is only one sided? Could not there be some blame on the Liberal Socialist side or is all Justice Scalia’s fault?. Jerry very strange thinking. It just sounds to me that you are a very one sided person. Not willing to except blame for your very left leanng Socialst ideals. For some reason you seem to think they are completely innocent. I suggest Jerry that you do further research and you may find out where the real problem lies. It is with your comrades the Liberal Socialists not the the Conservatives.
Real American says
Why would Jerry Page write a commentary from your perspective? He writes from his own.
Real American says
THAT is how it works
Will Gregory says
It is always instructive to see who voted against the Voting Rights Act…information for the community to consider.
Will Gregory says
Thanks, Mr. Page for this informed article. The post below gives more information for the community to consider on this topic.
An excerpt: ” Scalia has made it clear why this case is before the Court–its about race and white ‘race entitlement ‘ .”
HARRY says
Thanks Jerome. Well written piece.
Bob, though, would like some blame placed on the Liberal Socialists… so in the interest of phony, politically correct “balance”, let’s blame the Liberals for something… how ’bout we blame them for bringing up the whole “rights” thing in the first place? yeah, that’s it: if it weren’t for those dam Liberals, we’d wouldn’t have any of these problems with these uppity minorities wanting to vote and stuff…
Bob Livesay says
I new is would come to this. Do not take a stand against the Liberal Socialist in Benicia. I am very pleased with my statement. It brings out the real issue. That is, its the Conservatives fault. That was the whole theme of Mr. Pages article. Not at all willing to accept any of the blame. It is easy just blame the other side. The Liberal Socialist are not happy that they do not have a majority of Govenors, State Houses, US House of Representatives and the one that really upsets them is the Supreme Court. This is not at all about balance it is about total control of all parts of our government by the Liberal Socialist. Very simply stated. There will be more comments on this subject over the next frew days. I do not think anyone from the Liberal Socialist side will take any blame in this. They will take the credit for all the advancement is relations and give no credit to the Republican. That is not how our country works.
Real American says
Bob, the plural of something has an “s” added to it — thus, “liberal socialists.” Try it once. Liberal socialists. Conservative fascists. Use the “s”, Bob. Learn the language in your final years.
Bob Livesay says
I would have thought you would have something negative to say about me other than leaving out the s. Amazing how we must put up with someone who knows nothing or even trys to contribute to solutions or even far left answers. Age descrimination? Just what is that all about? Hiding behind a no name? What is that all about. It is called courage and Real American you do lack courage. Try reading the book Witness if you can get through 800 pages. It will tell you the real story. I do know with your ability it will take you the entire year. That way maybe you will be quiet for the rest of the year. What a reliew that would be. Now Real American get back to the article and give an opinion if you can. Not negative personal attacks.
Real American says
You only criticize people for not using their real name when you disagree with their views. Very strange. That is not how our country works.
Bob Livesay says
I do believe you should start to become a Real American. It could help your image.
Bob Livesay says
should be relief. Had to correct that before the lack of courage lady made a comment. I would love to see some solutions to issues that have been discussed on all these runs. I have never seen the lady in hiding have any solutions. Just off the wall negative personal comments. Maybe I will see on St. Pattys day? You are Irish?
Real American says
Jerry, why don’t you ingest and regurgitate more right wing lies? Very strange Jerry. Jerry why can’t you be more like Dennis Lund? Jerry you confuse me.
Real American says
“its the Conservatives fault”
I agree Bob. Let’s hope we see more articles exploring this undeniable truth.
Bob Livesay says
Well I do know you get your info from low ranking cable TV shows and also re-runs of Hee Haw
Real American says
Bob I get the sense that your heart isn’t in this today. You just don’t seem to be at the top of your game. Would you like to take a break? Get some rest?
Bob Livesay says
Believe me Real Americam my heart and soul are into this. All I would like from you is some solutions. Look at your posts. You offer no answers or solutions. I could very easly engage you if you gave some4 answers and solutions. Name calling and silly comments do not get it done. You know I always post answers and solutions.
Bob Livesay says
Should someone have to prove they are of voting age? Should they have to prove citizenship? I would say yes. The big issue without a doubt for the Democratcs is for minorities. Arizona feels they should be able to make sure all residents are US citizens. I have no problem with that. I can not just sign a form and say I am of legal age to drink just on my signature. I must prove that. Try getting a drink if you look underage without proof of your age. Is that discrimination or just the law. I think it is the law and an estasblishment will refuse to serve someone without proof of age. So what is wrong with asking for proof of citizenship. Today when a newborn leaves the hospital they will have a social security card. Try getting a passport without a birth certificate. Even a drivers licence if you have no other means of proving your identity , citizenship or age. Voting in the United States is the easiest thing in the world to do. You are registered and on the voting roll. You get a ballot in the mail and mark it and send it in. They have no idea if that was the person the ballot was intended for or even if the person was the one that actually voted. You sign the ballot and they believe you. I see the only problem with voting is the initial registration. Once that is done many states have early and mail in voting. Now please explain to me why this is a problem only with minorities and no other voters. It appears that the Democrats do not want to recognize advancements in discrimination and want to advance discrimination to suit their own political agenda. Sorry Jerry this is pure political discrimination against anyone that is not a minority.
Real American says
TL;DR. Dear Internet, ignore Livesay, he has nothing worthwhile to say. He is reliably wrong and out of touch on just about every political subject. PS: Martinez come get your stray senile senior citizen.
Rojee Kitsap says
I come here first last year and much like the area. I have not return to my homeland. I decide to stay. This is why I think of it as good to submit my vote in the presidents election. If it was to require a driving license I may not have had chance to take part in voting. I have no car, so no needed license. I feel glad to have make my vote count. My home I could not. I am now living in freedom and will make good with liberty and justice with all. Obama I think is good for the workers to organize. I will stand with and was joyful to help making choice with my new people.
DDL says
Our nation has long benefited from immigrants as yourself, be it from Sweden or Ireland in the 1840’s as mine, or Vietnam in the ‘70’s to today from a large number of countries. I congratulate you on making the effort to come here, as well as to attaining citizenship so promptly.
I do wish the best for you and your family in your new nation.
Bob Livesay says
Glad to see you are happy in the USA and this area. It sounds like you made the right decision. How long have you been in the USA and how long did it take you to get citizenship? The time it took and what you had to do to get the citizenship should be an inspiration for others. Telling that brief story would be very nice to hear. Looking forward to hearing about your journey to citizenship. I am glad you took the effort to become a citizen you could be a very good example of someone thats willing to wait and understand the value and privelge of becoming a citizen. I wish you well.
Bob Livesay says
To Will, Harry, Real American and Jerry Page: I do believe you just had the wool pulled over your eyes very teary eyes. Do you not have to be a citizen to vote? Please explain Rojee to me.
Real American says
Explanation: He doesn’t really exist.
Alternate explanation: He’s you (the English is just about as bad).
Bob Livesay says
I do believe he does exist and you got duped. At the same time whats with the negative comment about me? I just made a comment or an alert that you did not seem to know about.
DDL says
Rojee apparently voted for Obama (Obama I think is good for the workers to organize.) thus this is a non issue. Remember also, vote fraud does not exist, Mr. Page has confirmed this fact.
Real American says
Yes, this confirms Dennis’s fantasy. But Dennis, what if it turns out Rojee voted for Romney? What a bind you’ll be in then …
DDL says
Dennis, what if it turns out Rojee voted for Romney? What a bind you’ll be in then …
Not at all, you see I believe in increasing the integrity of elections and if Republicans are committing vote fraud, they need to be punished as well.
BTW< I note that you never commented on the multiple links of vote fraud occurances that I posted some time ago.
Real American says
Yes, I see no need to continually condemn your cherry-picking of evidence. Which is also why no one reads your juvenile column.
Real American says
I do believe you’re the one being duped. Yet again. You must be getting used to it.
Will Gregory says
Voting Rights history in the U.S. for the community to consider…
Bob Livesay says
Sorry Will this is pure Democratic political BS. The Democrats are the ones keeping racism in the United States alive. When the south was all Democrats they took their votes and kept their mouth shut. Now the south has turned Republican and discrimination advances mean nothing to the Liberal Socialist. Will someone please explain to me why it is always Democrats that can not seem to get to the polls, do not have drivers licence or any form of proper ID. I will bet they have a fishing licence. Will as the designated “Citizen Research Reporter” you can do better than this. Is this how the Democrats hope to bring the country together by never getting off of discrimination? All you want to do is hold down minorities rather than help them. How about the need of proper ID’s for boarding airlines, banking, entering some buildings and transactions of any kind. Try taking that step to help your minority voters become more aware of the need of proper identification.
Real American says
” All you want to do is hold down minorities rather than help them.” Hilarious coming from someone espousing practices that will disenfranchise millions, to solve a problem that doesn’t exist.
Where is the vote fraud? I only see being committed by Republicans.
Bob Livesay says
Real American are you saying that your source is the only source? Maybe that is true in your narrow mind. But at the same time should you not show both sides. Real American get with the issues and show both sides. Maybe some where along the way the folks would agree with you. But at this point you are clueless. Now is your chance to prove me wrong. Sorry Real American come up with something better than that. Now you do have a real chance, use the local “Citizen Research Reporter”. You will get the same thing from him.
DDL says
RA stated: Where is the vote fraud? I only see being committed by Republicans.
A few examples, of many:
Real American says
From your fourth link:
The board started with 80 suspicious cases and now is down to 19. Officials say the majority of the cases turned out to be simple misunderstandings.
The story also includes such gems as :
“Richardson admitted to sending one of her granddaughter’s ballots in the mail.”
And …
“Another claim is absentee ballots for Montez Richardson, Joseph Jones and Markus Barron all came from Richardson’s Whetsel Avenue address and were received by the board at the same time as Richardson’s. The handwriting on all four of them was similar, according to officials.”
Conspiracy! Clap them in irons! Give Ohio to Romney!
Note also that voter ID would not have prevented any of this from happening.
Real American says
I’ll go ahead and use your tactic on the other three links and say that because they are partisan publications and not legitimate news outlets, nothing in those stories can be taken seriously. But I urge everyone to read them anyway to see how risible the “vote fraud” allegations are.
Real American says
Bob, when have you ever shown “both sides” of any issue? This criticism from you is laughable.
Bob Livesay says
That is the only choice you have. You just lost big time Real American. You just cannot take the heat. Laughable yes, right back at you.
Real American says
No I just won big time. Right back at you.
Bob Livesay says
Watch Real American will take the bait again and again.
Bob Livesay says
Old worn out news. Real American do you think just swearing you are an American citizen without proof is enough to register to vote? I do believe if you swear you are over twenty-one will not get you any alcohol without proof that you are of age.
DDL says
It would appear that the Republicans with this photo ID issue have indeed gone over the top. I never realized until just recently how this is so obviously devious and all encompassing, I learned from firsat hand experience: I put my mail on a ‘vacation hold’, when I went to pick it up, they actually demanded photo proof that I was who I said I was and to verify the address!
How does the federal government have the audacity to place such a burden on the citizens of this country? This obviously is a racist plot by Republicans to deny the elderly and the poor the opportunity to have their mail put on hold for whatever reason they decide (it need not be a vacation).
What if a ‘vacation hold’ was put in place when the absentee ballots were sent out? This could disenfranchise dozens of people of color throughout the country!
I hope that Will and Mr. Page, the ACLU and others will be right on top of this shocking and racist action by the Federal Government.
Bob Livesay says
That was good DDL.
Jerry Page says
A note to Rojee Kitsap
I was very moved by your comment. Welcome to this country and to Benicia! At one point in my life I lived in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan on a farm at the far forest end of a rural road with all Finnish farm neighbors, many of whom were recent immigrants. It was a marvelous experience for me of warm relationships with people who enriched my life. I wish you the very best!
DDL says
“If it was to require a driving license I may not have had chance to take part in voting. I have no car, so no needed license. I feel glad to have make my vote count.” — Rojee Kitsap March 18, 2013 at 7:28 pm
I must still say I will still stay and look forward at receiving green card soon. — Rojee Kitsap March 28, 2013 at 10:22
One cannot help but wonder how many other “Rojee’s” have added their votes in our elections while waiting for a Green card.
Real American says
“If it was to require a driving license I may not have had chance to take part in voting. I have no car, so no needed license. I feel glad to have make my vote count.” — Rojee Kitsap March 18, 2013 at 7:28 pm
Let the witch hunt begin. But Rojee sounds to me like a Lundian plant. A Livesay plot. Not buying it.
Bob Livesay says
I see Real American you are for voter fraud as long as it is a vote for Obama. Not very American to me. Rogee posted and is also on facebook. Now go do your Barney Fife imitation again. You and the Ragman can play Abbott and Costello on this one. You are just a bad invest with no warranty Real American.
Bob Livesay says
I do believe we are being duped and Jerry you got it the most. Yes I did make a nice comment also. But believe me I saw the red warning signals on this one. There is more to it than can be seen just by Rojee comments. Keep your eye on this one.
Real American says
Fake outrage ramping up …