The Benicia Amateur Radio Club (BARC) invites the public to its free annual Field Day, a 24-hour practice and public awareness event, beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 25 and ending Sunday, June 26 at 11 a.m. For 24 continuous hours, amateur radio operators or “hams” will be demonstrating radios and using a variety of electronic equipment to practice communications techniques, contacting other emergency stations across North America and beyond as a disaster preparedness exercise.
The public is invited to attend and experience amateur radio first-hand. Bring the kids and talk to the world. Solar power, batteries, various antennas from a simple wire to tall, complicated structures and even digital modes communicating from laptops or tablets to radios will be in use. In a real emergency, phones, power and cell towers may be down and hams are there to help facilitate communication.
Field Day takes place at the Benicia Fire Museum, located at 900 East 2nd St. in Benicia. For more information contact ham operator Art Mayoff by email at or phone him at 746-5858.
Art Mayoff says
Elizabeth, Thanks for the nice article on our planned Ham Radio exercise at the Fire Museum.
Elizabeth Warnimont says
You’re welcome, Art!