By Rick Ernst
LET’S HAVE AN HONEST ASSESSMENT of this man-made global warming hoax.
By way of terminating the argument that man is the cause of climate change on this Earth, I wish to make a few observations.
First, a statement of fact. Carbon dioxide is a natural gas produced by all living things.
Second, looking at all known historical records extending back thousands of years and longer, there is no evidence that carbon dioxide has ever determined global temperatures.
Third, the most fundamental argument by the “global warming” harbingers — that increases in carbon dioxide made by man affect temperatures here on Earth — couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, just the opposite is true. Scientists who have tracked this information point out that as global temperature rises and falls, levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rise and fall accordingly. There is an approximately 800-year lag period on these events.
To look at a period of history that many of us have experienced, temperatures on our planet have increased about ½ degree over the past 100 years, most of which occurred prior to 1940 during a period of relatively minor industrial productivity. After 1940, during the height of the industrial age, came a period of 40 years when temperatures fell, prompting many to predict the onset of a new ice age. And then, from about 1975 to today, we have seen world temperatures rise, leading many ill-informed people to spend billions on “climate action” plans, and ill-informed legislatures to enact many different kinds of legislation to control human production of carbon dioxide.
Fourth, thankfully, heat is trapped in the troposphere about 10 miles up, where the clouds and greenhouse gases trap the sun’s rays bouncing off the Earth’s surface.
Fifth, changes in global weather have nothing to do with carbon dioxide manufactured by man. The small portion of the world’s carbon dioxide produced by man is a fraction of the composition of our air. Carbon dioxide as a whole is measured in the tens of parts per million in the earth’s atmosphere. Other gases — hydrogen, oxygen, argon, etc. — by far make up our air. To put this in perspective, there is far more carbon dioxide created by volcanoes than all the factories and cars in the world. Aside from volcanoes, carbon dioxide from animals and bacteria — approximately 150 gigatons of it — dwarfs the 6 1/2 tons produced by man. And that doesn’t include the biggest source of carbon dioxide created by dying vegetation.
The biggest source of carbon dioxide comes by way of our oceans. The oceans are able to absorb carbon dioxide when temperatures are cold and when temperatures increase, the oceans expel the trapped carbon dioxide. This process, of course, takes hundreds of years to occur because the oceans are so massive and deep.
Six, there have been times in the world’s history when we have had 10 times the levels of carbon dioxide in the air than today, and yet we are still here. This incredible hoax that people are foisting on the public is keeping Third World countries from developing industries to help them build their financial infrastructure and provide basic necessities for their populations — among other issues like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund that consist of corporate and banking billionaires who don’t care one iota if people are starving, as long as they maintain their wealth and billions. Regardless, the global warming folks are simply wrong about “man-made global warming” and need to get off that kick. It is not doing anybody any good. There are an equal number of thousands of scientists who do not accept that man-made carbon has anything to do with global warming.
Seven, and finally, I do agree that we need to reduce our use of our limited fossil fuels and save them for future generations, and stop the corporate and banking billionaires from making huge profits from selling something that belongs to all of us. But most of all we need to allow Third World countries to industrialize and use resources to build their economies and rid their countries of exorbitant world banking loans that can never be repaid.
Benicia resident Rick Ernst is a former member of the Planning Commission and candidate for City Council.
JLB says
Finally a well researched and thoughtful article with facts and common sense. The whole man made global warming hoax is all about making money and also promoting part of Agenda 21 and ICLEI, of which the city of Benicia is a member. Volcanos put more crap into the atmosphere in one big eruption than the last 50 years of the industrialized world and they have been blowing their tops off for millions of years. It is smart of us to use our resources wisely and we have made a lot of progress in America to that end. The sea is not rising and the sky is not falling and although the planet may be warming (or cooling depending on what you read) it is not caused by man and there is no scientific information to support that claim. Any that says it is, is simply a lie.
chaim schmeele says
You’re a total ignoramus.
klem says
Yea that told em. He’ll never be an ignoramus again that’s for sure.
Thomas Petersen says
Not very likely, though.
jfernst says
Thank you, JLB! I agree with you 100%! As do thousands of scientists and educators around the world. Agenda 21 is a ridiculous statement and ICLEI is a ridiculous organization with no more than a hypothesis that cannot be proven!
Will says
So what you are saying is that we should just ignore all scientific research from the past 50+ years, and instead listen to you, because you are obliviously more qualified in science then distinguished scientists with degrees in these categories….
klem says
Um, yup that’s pretty much right.
jfernst says
Where in the world did you get this? The problem is that the fear mongers were crying about the coming ice age 30 or 40 years ago when global temperatures were falling. The same fear-mongers then started crying about the flooding of the world because global temperatures have risen slightly over the past 25 years! So, they created a theory that it was caused by man-made co2! Ha! They completely ignored hundreds of years of scientific study that occurred prior to 1940 when temperatures started falling! So, I have no idea what your talking about that I’m saying ignore all scientific research from the past 50+ years! If you pay attention to that research, you certainly wouldn’t buy into this man-made global warming crap!
Aaron says
I have a few things that I’d like to say about your post. First of all, If you think the drastic changes that took place in our climate over recent year were not cause by man, then who were they created by? The earth’s temperature / sea level doesn’t just naturally rise in such a short amount of time. You can’t possibly say that the ice caps are naturally melting at an alarming rate without the help of humans. If you can confidently say that, all of the proven research that world renowned scientists is not true, than you have a serious issue. Explain this to me: In the past 400,000 years, the highest co2 level ever recorded was this year at a whopping 380 ppm. before 1950, the highest ever recorded measurement was 300. Now, how could this be possible? The earth’s climate gradually changes and is most definitely not capable of changing in such a short amount of time.How could you possibly blame this astronomical rise in co2 on anything but humans? Do yourself a favor and educate yourself before posting such an easily refutable argument next time.
klem says
The astronomical rise in CO2 is caused by humans, there is no doubt. All other claims you have made above are in doubt. Perhaps it is you who might want to do yourself a favor and educate yourself before posting such an easily refutable argument.
jfernst says
Kelm, are you and Aaron twin brothers from Louisiana? Perhaps you might do yourself a favor and educate yourself before posting such an easily refutable statement!
jfernst says
Obviously, Aaron, you have completely ignored the scientific research over the past 100 years that proves that solar activity is the main driver of Earth’s climate — hot or cold. High solar activity – warmer temperatures. Lower activity – colder temperatures. The earth’s temperature has been considerably higher than today — a period when the entire earth was covered in rainforest. And, lower – there have been periods when the earth was covered in ice! So, you’re trying to tell me that a few college students created an hypothesis that man-made co2 is warming up the planet. This hypothesis is false, there are no facts to prove it, and it is a spurious hypothesis at best! Please educate yourself before printing your opinion regarding this canard!
Aaron says
What do you mean that I ” have completed ignored the scientific research over the past 100 years”? If you read my last comment. I clearly gave you a statistic about the rise in co2 in the atmosphere over the last 100 years. Explain to me how the sun can naturally cause an astronomical increase in the co2 level on our planet.
jfernst says
Mr. Aaron! As the global temperature rises, the oceans, that are vast and deep, release co2. As global temperatures decrease, the oceans absorb co2. Scientific studies show a delay of 800 years in this process because the oceans are so vast. So, over the past 100 years (a minute period of time in the history of this planet) temperatures have increased .5 degrees, most of which occurred in the first half of the century when man-made co2 was relatively insignificant. In 1940, temperatures started to decrease leading many fear-mongers to cry about the forthcoming ice age! I’m sure you must have been at the fore-front of this movement. But, in the mid 70s, temperatures started rising once again. But, we are talking about .5 degrees for the entire century!
Aaron says
give me the link to where you found the information you just told me. Tell me where you found that temperatures have increased only .5 degrees. tell me why over 90% of scientists in America go against your flawed logic! do you think they would lie to the american population? why would they do that?
jfernst says
Aaron, Sure! There’s a great documentary entitled, THE GREAT GLOBAL WARMING SWINDLE. As I mentioned earlier in answering Mr. Gregory’s question, Professor Syun-Ichi Akasofu, Director, International Arctic Research Center discussed the weather phenomenon over the past 100 years in very clear terms. You might want to watch it if you wish to be fully informed about this issue.
Aaron says
what are some other legitimate sources that can confirm your idea of the man-made global warming hoax? i looked into the documentary and found a few sources, which called the film itself a fraud. It provided factual data which proved that the movie’s points and data were fallacious . Take a look:
jfernst says
Thanks for your input!
Will Gregory says
From the above article:
“Lets have an honest assessment of this man -made global warming hoax.”
With all due respect- to the author: Can you please cite were you are receiving this information. Is this all based on your reading and research? If so, that is good. However,you don’t list any sources, footnotes or books to back up what you are saying–that global warming is a hoax!
In the recent past, you have listed names and institutions that when checked for authenticity,i.e. peer reviewed science, have either been skeptical about climate change or that deny that global warming is taking place at all.
So, if you have the time, can you list your references for the larger community to consider?
jfernst says
Mr. Gregory, I’ll be more than happy to list a few resources willing to speak out against man-made global warming. Many won’t speak out because they will be labeled “heretics”!
1. Professor Tim Ball, Deptartment of Climatology, University of Winnipeg.
2. Professor Nir Shaviv, Institute of Physics, University of Jerusalem, who stated “There have been times in history when the earth atmosphere had 10 times the amount of co2 as currently exists with no affect.”
3. Professor Ian Clark, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa.
4. Dr. Piers Corbyn, Climate Forecaster, Weather Action
5. Professor Philip Stott, Department of Biogeography, University of London, who stated “It (man-made global warming) has become a great industry in itself!”
6. Professor Paul Ritter, IPCC & Pasteur Institute, Paris.
7. Professor Richard Lindzin, IPCC & M.I.T. who stated, “We have a vested interest in creating panic so that money will flow to climate scienc”.
8. Patrick Moore, co-founder, Greenpeace, who stated, “The tragedy of the situation is that the environmental movement has become the strongest voice in preventing development in developing 3rd world countries”.
9. Nigel Calder, Editor, New Scientist Magazine, who stated “The whole global warming business has become like a religion”
10. Dr. Roy Spencer, Weather Satellite Team Leader, NASA; Professor Michael , Dept of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, who stated, “The fact of the matter is that 10s of thousands of jobs depend on global warming right now. It’s a big business!”
11. The IPCC states that man-made co2 is causing global warming! IPCC is a organization of the United Nations (and I believe little, if anything, the United Nations says) which, indeed, is a very political group that lists 2,500 “top scientists” on their list of those that agree with man-made global warming; however, many of those 2,500 disagree with that assessment and have asked IPCC to remove their name from the list. And, many of the 2,500 are not scientists but are people that review information published by scientists who are very skeptical of the entire position because the facts don’t add up”
12. Professor John Christy, Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Alabama in Huntsville.
13 Professor Syun-Ichi Akasofu, Director, International Arctic Research Center who states that he gets constant phone calls from around the world asking if the ice is melting in the Arctic, to which he replies, “Yes! Just like it has every year!” “The ice melts and then reforms each winter!”
14. Professor Frederick Singer, Director, U.S. National Weather Service.
15. Professor John Christy, 1991 winner of NASA’s award for exceptional scientific achievement, 1996 special award from Nat’l Meteorological Society for advancing our ability to monitor climate changes
Lead on UN Panel for IPCC
16. Al Gore makes the comment that ice core studies are very complicated, but fails to mention what those complications are. In fact, the ice core studies he refers to, as well as dozens of other ice core studies confirm that temperature changes are followed by increases and decreaes in co2 that lag about 800 years.
17. Professor Ian Clark,Leading arctic paleontologist, looks back into earth’s temperatures 10s of millions of years!
This is taking a lot of time to refute, but, refute this garbage I will! There is no such thing as global warming caused by man-made production of co2. There are many more problems that we must deal with sooner than later. Monsanto is trying to control the world’s production of food with GMO modified seeds and Round-up which is causing death and disease around the world. I think that merits some attention!
Will Gregory says
Information for the community to consider…
Here is an extensive list of climate change deniers (from A to Z). Ten of the thirteen mentioned by the author of the (above article) are listed; link to their name(s) and learn more about these individuals.
DDL says
I went to the link to learn more about some of those on this list, selecting one name at random I hit upon this:
James A. Wanliss is an associate professor of Physics and Computer Science at Presbyterian College. His main areas of research are physics and space weather. Wanliss says that he entered the environmental debate after teaching a course that “examined scientifically several prominent claims of the green movement that proved to be either false or highly exaggerated.”
He contends that “the green movement is not about science, or the environment, but is offered as an alternative to Christian faith, one that people interested in truth need to learn to combat.”
His credentials appear to be impeccable, yet he is on this list in part because of his strong Christian faith, thus making him an enemy of the Anti-Christian bigotry that is rampant on the left. This is a continuation of the intimidation tactics used by the Global Warming Alarmists.
I wonder how many on this list have actually been intimidated into silence? Or more likely, how many have been intimidated into silence by the GWA, who post information such as lists like this which may be used, not by the well meaning members of the GWA crowd, but by those rogue or fringe elements who approve of eco-terrorism as a tactic.
I saw a quote the other day that succinctly sums this situation up:
The Right believes the Left is wrong, but the Left believes the Right is evil.
DDL says
how many who are not on this list have been intimidated into silence by the GWA …
Bob Livesay says
Good job DDL. That might silence Will for a few seconds. He will search and search untill he finds more evil.
RKJ says
The left hates anyone who disagrees with them, it is obvious as they often resort to name calling.
jfernst says
RKJ, “hate” is such a strong word. I actually have tremendous respect for Mr. Page and others who seek the truth. But, unfortunately, they do result to name calling from time to time! The main issue is that these “man-made global warming” fear-mongers are asking the wrong question. I don’t think the conversation should be about man-made co2 which doesn’t affect global temperatures at all, but, rather, what about the thousands of unregulated “chemicals” that multi-national companies are allowed to create and use? Chemicals that are causing widespread destruction, disease, and death. Pesticides! C8 used to make teflon that is found in polar bears and all animals and humans around the world! PCBs that were outlawed years ago are still found in the blood system of all animals and creatures around the world. Actually, that brings up an interesting point — Monsanto KNEW that PCBs were harmful! They denied that fact for years until the chemical was banned. Why is Monsanto allowed to exist? I think these are FAR MORE important questions rather than, “Does man-made co2 affect global warming?”
Thomas Petersen says
“PCBs that were outlawed years ago are still found in the blood system of all animals and creatures around the world.”
Polychlorinated biphenyls or PCB’s were banned in the US in 1979. However, they can still be found in the oil in many older electrical transformers, as well as in hydraulic oil utilized in older hydraulic systems (elevators, lifts, compactors, etc.) Unfortunately, the same properties that made PCBs ideal for industrial use make them slow to degrade (break down) in the environment. PCBs bond very well with soil and thus can settle into riverbeds, lake bottoms and coastal sediments. In these environments they can easily enter the food chain and bioaccumulate in fish, birds and mammals, including people. This physical persistence is a reason that it is still showing up in biological organisms. The types of PCBs likely to bioaccumulate in fish and bind to sediments are also, unfortunately, the most carcinogenic PCBs.
I spent a summer chasing down PCB contamination at an old east bay aluminum plant about ten years ago. I would not at all be surprised, if at the time I had a detectable concentration in my blood-stream.
RKJ says
Sorry I was not refering to Mr Page when I made that statement but for the many on the left that disagree with someone elses viewpoint and how they cannot discuss it without calling people names.
As far as man made co2 effecting global warming, I don’t know the answer to that as I see opinions from both sides that sound valid. But I do know I set my beach chair in the same place I always have and if the sea level rises I will move my chair accordingly
jfernst says
Hose-A says
This piece was sacrcastic, right??
jfernst says
Right, if you say so! Let’s meet up at Solano Square and have a good ol’ laugh about it! No, wait! Solano Square is going to be under water soon! Well, we’ll have to meet on Mt. Diablo! HAHAHAHAHA! Good one!
DDL says
Rick, I hope you are wearing your flak jacket today…………..INCOMING!!!
Real American says
Rick is already on record saying he will NOT change his mind on this subject, so why waste time refuting his childish oped? Chalk it up to a representation of the uninformed and willfully ignorant, of whom there are far too many, but of whom we can always expect to hear.
jfernst says
Oh no! Did your parents let you onto the computer again? You know you’re not supposed to use the computer unless your mommy or daddy is watching! Bad girl! Bad girl!
jfernst says
By the way, you make a good point. I have gone on record saying that I’m not changing my mind until the fear-mongers chattering about man-made global warming provide some kind of proof to back their hypothesis (Hypothesis is an unproven theory — sorry to throw such big words at you little girl!). When I have to swim down First Street to Bookshop Benicia, I might start believing some of this crap that the fear-mongers are spouting off about! But, I don’t think that will happen! The sea level has never risen in Benicia in over 200 years!
jfernst says
Thanks for the warning DDL. I fully expect a bunch of crap out of these people!
Bob Livesay says
DDL, Well said. I know from expierence that the comments can get very personal and nasty. It appears that Rick is handling this issue very well. He has great odds to overcome in this city. At present I do believe he is winning this run. Do not back down Rick. You stated your points and then asked for facts. I looks like you are not going to get facts from the opposition.
Real American says
Once again Bob declares a victor without a victory. It’s about the only thing he can do. But why should anyone waste time on Rick, who has said he won’t change his mind no matter what, and who isn’t even smart enough to recognize his allies in ignorance (Klem)?
I refer anyone seeking facts in this matter to the many columns by Jerome Page, which demolish the arguments presented here and many more of their head-in-the-sand ilk. The reality that some will never admit their error is brought home inescapably when you compare Jerry’s exhaustive work and this half-assed claptrap.
jfernst says
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You are too funnny! Do you even know how to read, little girl? Do some research on your own if your parents will let you! Mr. Page has done some research to discover some of the hypothesis that have been developed out there to pursue economic goals (i.e. break the unions and support nuclear), but, as far as I can tell, you haven’t done a thing! Again, sorry to throw such big words at you like “discover” and “economic” and “hypothesis”. I hope you don’t get a headache trying to figure out what they mean! HAHAHAHAHA!
By the way, I’m curious as to why you and others on this site rudely attempt to insult, label, and call writers names? Name calling is abusive (Oh, no! Another big word!). This phenomenon is studied by a variety of academic disciplines from anthropology, to child psychology (You should study this), to politics. It is also studied by rhetoricians, and a variety of other disciplines that study propaganda techniques and their causes and effects. The technique is most frequently employed within political discourse and school systems, in an attempt to negatively impact their opponent. I’m sure you haven’t stuidied this phenomenon– it apparently comes naturally to you! This technique of name calling is used to negatively impact their opponent. A tactic of elitism! Boy, I bet you know what that is!
Real American says
Your true quality, revealed.
PS you misspelled funny. So I guess only one of us knows how to read.
jfernst says
I guess you are right!
jfernst says
Thank you, Mr. Livesay! On this matter, I don’t expect anybody to believe what I have expressed. Nor, do I expect they should accept Mr. Page’s, or Mr. Gregory’s expositions! They need to do a modicum of research themselves to discover the truth! Will that happend? Based on their comments, I don’t think so!
Old Salt says
I think Rick is on the right track. There is no way man can cause the changes occurring these days. How arragent can we be. These changes are a normal phase in the history of thr earth. For example I site the ice age, how much global warming would that take and man was almost nonexistent.
jfernst says
I don’t think it is arrogance. It’s merely a hypothesis that has yet to be proven, and, I suspect, never will be proven. It was started by Margaret Thatcher in the 80s when she wanted to bust the oil and gas unions and coal unions and wanted to use nuclear to generate power in Britain. She paid college students to come up with the hypothesis to “prove” that man-made production of co2 could cause global warming and that nuclear was a better answer! Well, the college students and a few scientists are still working on it, to no avail! They should work out a comedy routine with this one!
DDL says
As this article states it is a ‘glass half full or half empty’ piece, with a little bit in it for both sides:
Top Climate Official: Don’t be Confused by Flat-lining Temperatures, Warming is Worse
I liked this part:
2012, according to a separate NOAA report, was the hottest year on record for the U.S. The year did mark a new low for summer Arctic sea ice, according to NASA. However, that could bring some benefits for mankind, such as opening up oil resources.
Bad News: The world is getting hotter because of using hydro carbons!!
Good news: We are finding more oil to burn!
Beach Bum says
Rick, thank you for your clear and insightful article. This “global warming” hoax is right up there with man landing on the moon — everyone knows that was filmed in a Hollywood studio and NASA kept that scam going as long as it could to keep the money rolling in.
And 911, that was an inside job, all us smart people know that. And how come Obama never showed pictures of his so-called “killing” of Osama Bin Laden? Come on, that was all a fake — just like the movie that is out now about that, all staged in Hollywood.
Same with these “scientists” claiming global warming — they are all in on the scam. I read 999 out of 1,000 of them believe it is real. Can you believe it? 99.9% of the scientists say they agree that there is global warming and that it is growing danger! Just shows how entrenched this scam is. As you and I know, they only do the science for the reason of getting rich off the grant money. Shows what we are up against, right?
Rick, let’s face it — you and I are geniuses who have figured out this scam. They could not fool us, not in the least! See you at the next tinfoil hat convention! (Be sure to remember the secret handshake, okay?)
jfernst says
Where did you find such a wild and untrue statistic? “99.9% of the scientists say they agree that there is global warming and that it is growing danger!” Wow!
Beach Bum says
Rick, you and I are both smarter than everyone else and cannot be fooled by things like “science” and “reality”. We prefer to live in our own bubble of fantasy and delusion, thank you very much.They can call us idiots and fools and try to convince us with real facts by real scientists, but we won’t let them, don’t worry!
Now, can I go back to watching my reality show “Survivor” please? It is just amazing how these people battle each other out there on that island. I think it is somewhere near Gilligan’s Island, where that tour group got stranded. I always liked Mary Ann, you know, I hope I can meet her someday. But don’t you think she hung around with that dorky Professor too much? He probably believes in “global warming” too.
And you won’t believe this, but the other day, someone tried to tell me Gilligan’s Island was a hoax! What a fool — I know a hoax when I see one! Us smart people can’t be tricked!
jfernst says
Beach Bum, please speak for yourself. Your idiotic ramblings fit you perfectly, but leave me out of it. The fear-mongers that are trying to spread this crap about man-made co2 causing global warming have not presented one shread of evidence! It’s laughable when the city pays people to go to Solano Square and measure how deep it’s going to be under water! Solano Square under water? Well, when I have to swim down First Street to have lunch or dinner at Sailor Jack’s, I might start believing the fear-mongers, but, not until then. Go back to your TV show and stop spreading fear about this hoax! Thank you!
awdjla says
Global Warming is real
jfernst says
Blessed Mary! Good bye and good ridance!
jfernst says
Thank you Mr. awdjla for your opinion! Your statement is much better received than that of Mr. Bum, Mr. American, Mr. Hose-A, chaim schmeele, Mr. Klem, or Mr. Aaron who don’t discuss the issue at hand in any way, shape, or form! I apologize that I opened the door to these people!
Beach Bum says
Rick, you hurt me with your insults — there is room in this forum for both of our idiotic ramblings. I enjoy yours very much — you really take “idiotic” to the extreme, I admire that! Personally, I would be embarrassed to write the kind of moronic nonsense your wrote in your op-ed piece, but you are my hero, brave and willing to expose your utter lack of any sense or knowledge about what you are writing about. That is truly a rare and admirable quality.
You have me beat, I admit defeat. You win the Idiot Contest today. Maybe I will have better luck tomorrow.
jfernst says
So sorry to hurt you Mr. Bum! But, blessed, Mary! Good bye and good ridance! If you have something constructive to submit, then please do so!
jfernst says
Mr. Livesay,
I have stated in previous text that our city manager is HIGHLY OVERPAID receiving in excess of $400,000 per year. Somebody that has no idea what global warming is! Where do I get that number? I asked Mr. Dennis Lowry, Chairman of the City’s Finance Committee, that I attended for several years, directly, “How much does the city manager make?” His reply, “$400,000”. That is my one and only source. We have major problems in this city! The “staff” uses several techniques to direct the council and city commissions, committees and boards to get what they want! It’s atrocious! If anybody tries to interrupt their goals of putting as much of the public’s money in their pockets as possible, they will endeavor to get them kicked off whatever board upon which they may serve! Again, it’s atrocious, if not criminal! The city manager and city planner are the worst offenders. The part-time attorney is going along for the ride (she makes more than the city manager!) I don’t know what the answer might be to this dilemma! Bankruptcy? Higher taxes? A “transit” center downtown that everybody in town doesn’t want nor use?
Bob Livesay says
Rick I believe I have supported you and your article. Your comment to me is off topic. But I will answer and hope this is the end of it. I have given the facts on the City Manager salary and they are accurate and above all correct. His salary includes his housing allowance on a yearly bases and does go down each year. It also includes the city or employer portion of CalPers which is very high. The total is right at $305,000 per year. I have a lot of respect for Dennis. The City Attorney makes much less than $300,000 per year and of course less than the City Manager. I agree on the transit issue and will be writing about it very soon in a LTTE. I do understand your frustrations with the City and even more with some of the comments you received on this article. I believe you responded very well and have handled it very professionally. I do hope others even in disagreement take note of your sincere concerns and responces. I have no personal issues with you and I hope the same can come from you. Do not give up on your global warming/climate change issue.
jfernst says
Thanks, Bob! Yes, this is off topic, but, an ongoing issue. I don’t have anyway to contact you so this is it! I’m fine with ending the conversation. We can agree to disagree! I don’t think you are correct and you don’t think I’m correct. But, these are evil people that fun this city with which we must live! No, I am not frustrated with comments on this blog from un-informed reprobates who have nothing better to do, apparently, than pester people with whom they don’t agree! Oh well! Have a good day and a good year! I have no personal isues with you! Let’s move on!
Bob Livesay says
Thanks Rick. I will send you an e-mail. That way you will have my e-mail. Yes lets do move on.
Thomas Petersen says
Real American says
This proves nothing! Because I say so! And I use a lot of exclamation points!
Sincerely, Rick Ernst!
John says
Now that right there was funny!!!
jfernst says
OMG. Where did you come from? It’s nice to have somebody that is so easilly amused by such tripe!!!
Real American says
The dozen or so people who voted for you in 2011 must be really proud right about now.
John says
Ok Rick. More to the point. You have written a detailed, well thought out article on globale warming and in you article you state various facts, but younhave not provided one single citation on where your facts came from. And when someone provides a fact from a source, you unilaterally claim that the cited fact comes fom the billionare filth. It would do your argument a great service if you would cite the facts, and not just provide a list of researchers who question global warming.
jfernst says
John! As I mentioned to Aaron above, there’s a great documentary entitled, THE GREAT GLOBAL WARMING SWINDLE. This documentary will provide all the sources and factual research that you seek in very clear terms. You might want to watch it if you wish to be fully informed about this issue. Here’s a link to the documentary:—full-version.html
OMG I forgot to provide the link to Aaron. Well, hopefully, he’ll see this and can watch it here if he doesn’t find it online. Thank you for your comment!
Thomas Petersen says
As long as we are offering documentaries and videos rather than peers reviewed and published studies, here is a great doc to check. Beautiful cinematography as well.
jfernst says
Thanks for your input!
Thomas Petersen says
Thomas Petersen says
Meant “peer reviewed”.
jfernst says
Mr. Un-American! You contribute NOTHING to this or any blog that I have ever seen you provide your vapid comments! Good bye! Have a good year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Real American says
Rick you are a caricature of yourself. But I will try to live up to your standard of “contribution.”
Who wants to talk about the president’s birth certificate?
How about 9-11 — hoax, or biggest hoax ever?
Ok, let’s be more topical. Why do you think the government (and the media, of course!) perpetrated the Newtown hoax? To get all our guns?
I’d love to hear your views on this one, Rick. Is there some angle we’re all missing? How did they get the parents of all those kids to go along with it? Or … OMG … Did those kids NOT EVEN EXIST in the first place?!
Scary stuff, man. Walk us through it, Rick. Help us out.
Oh, and that’s Ms. Real American to you.
jfernst says
Oh, no! Are you having an identify crisis??????? Did you forget your name?? It’s Mr. Fake American! Have your mommy or daddy write that down for you so you can remember. OK?
jfernst says
You mean the ice melted? It’s never been that hot in Australia!
Thomas Petersen says
The question of volcanoes:
“Present and Past Non-anthropogenic CO2 Degassing from the Solid Earth”, authored by Derrill M. Kerrick, is one of two studies that concluded that a minimum-maximum range of emission of 65 to 319 million tonnes of CO2 per year from carbon is slowly released from the rocks in the form of carbon dioxide, through vents at volcanoes and hot springs. This is in contrast to the burning of fossil fuels and changes in land use resulting in the emissions into the atmosphere of approximately 30 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide per year worldwide.
jfernst says
Thanks for the info!
jfernst says
As I went out to run errands, the thought occurred to me that I need to recite a NEW POLICY, namely: I will not respond to any comments, on this or any future blog, where the author is name-calling or diverting the issue with sophmorical, condescending, and/or immature remarks and comments! You troglodytes can carry on the conversation without me. If you are not old enough to stay on topic, you are not worth my time! Sorry!
DDL says
I hope that you do realize that is preciselynwhy they do that, so that those who oppose them will be bullied into silence (this will of course be denied).
jfernst says
They are certainly NOT bullying me into silence! I will respond to anybody who wishes to talk about global warming and provide facts thereto. I will refute the hoax of man-made global warming. But, as stated, I will not respond to any of these minions that refuse, or are unable to stay on point. That’s all! These people are, of course, bullies! There isn’t much I can do about that and that’s not my mission here! Thanks for your support DDL. You’ve been a victim of these bullies as well. Best wishes, my friend!
jfernst says
DDL, please email me so we can chat off line. Thanks.
jfernst says
Excellent comment DDL! It gives an indication as to what we are up against!
I went to the link to learn more about some of those on this list, selecting one name at random I hit upon this:
James A. Wanliss is an associate professor of Physics and Computer Science at Presbyterian College. His main areas of research are physics and space weather. Wanliss says that he entered the environmental debate after teaching a course that “examined scientifically several prominent claims of the green movement that proved to be either false or highly exaggerated.”
He contends that “the green movement is not about science, or the environment, but is offered as an alternative to Christian faith, one that people interested in truth need to learn to combat.”
His credentials appear to be impeccable, yet he is on this list in part because of his strong Christian faith, thus making him an enemy of the Anti-Christian bigotry that is rampant on the left. This is a continuation of the intimidation tactics used by the Global Warming Alarmists.
I wonder how many on this list have actually been intimidated into silence? Or more likely, how many have been intimidated into silence by the GWA, who post information such as lists like this which may be used, not by the well meaning members of the GWA crowd, but by those rogue or fringe elements who approve of eco-terrorism as a tactic.
I saw a quote the other day that succinctly sums this situation up:
The Right believes the Left is wrong, but the Left believes the Right is evil.
January 19, 2013 at 12:07 pm
steveboyett says
I’m guessing you will take on the hoax that is evolution next.
optimisterb says
Aaron wrote: “In the past 400,000 years, the highest co2 level ever recorded was this year at a whopping 380 ppm.” One humble question–who was measuring and recording ppm units 400,000 years ago?
Thomas Petersen says
The European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) is a project for deep ice core drilling in Antarctica. Its main objective is to obtain full documentation of the climatic and atmospheric record archived in Antarctic ice by drilling and analyzing ice cores. Recent EPICA core data, published in Science (Siegenthaler et al. and Spahni et al.) indicated that the ice core extended the record of Antarctic climate back to maybe 800,000 years, and the first 650,000 years of ice have been analyzed for greenhouse gas concentrations saved in tiny bubbles.
jfernst says
Mr. optimisterb, You need to look this up. There are perhaps billions of small bubbles of air that are frozen in the glaciers around the world. When this ice cores are captured, the small bubbles are captured and put in a vacuumed jar and the contents evaluated. They can find out a lot about what was going on with these, and other, measures.
Bob Livesay says
This is a very good comment run. When we see locals that have the knowledge and have also worked or done the research good comments and info come back. So as many have said insults, name calling do not get the answers. Do I participate in some of these. Yes I do. But only when confronted and will answer these personal attacks, insults and name calling. I believe Rick presented his case well. Some also gave their side with some very good info. But all the bullying did not contribute to the article. The info from Thomas and others did. Notice no one came back with nasty comments when info is presented well. Nasty comments will get and deserve nasty comments back.