The weekend bell ringers at the Salvation Army bucket in front of Raley’s at Southampton Shopping Center should look familiar.
They’re members of local civic organizations who, in association with the Community Action Council, are ringing bells and encouraging donations to the Benicia charity.
After all, “We are the Salvation Army for Benicia,” CAC Executive Director Viola Robertson said.
But the CAC, which assists Benicia residents in need, doesn’t get to keep the money collected in those red buckets, she said. “It goes to the Salvation Army account,” she explained.
The Salvation Army then underwrites some of CAC’s expenditures.
“We use it for different things,” including helping the less fortunate have a happier Christmas, with food and gift cards or assistance in paying bills, she said.
In turn, Robertson and the CAC recruit weekend bell ringers for the Salvation Army. Each year for more than a decade, she has sought the help of local civic clubs to fill those ranks. Her agency’s staff stood by the bucket the first weekend after Thanksgiving.
Saturday and Sunday, Southampton shoppers will see members of the Soroptimists ringing bells.
For the weekend of Dec. 13-14, Kiwanis Club will handle the same tasks, and the final weekend before Christmas, Dec. 20 and 21, the duties belong to Rotary Club members, Robertson said.
“When you’re a nonprofit, you learn to work with everybody,” she said.
Robertson said if Benicia is emerging from the recession, it’s not evident at the CAC.
She said she is seeing more people asking for help than last year.
Benicia’s rents don’t drop, she said, “and everything’s going up.” At the same time, some people have experienced reduced paychecks.
“Lately, a lot of people need rental help,” she said. If a household is bringing in $3,000 a month, but rent is $1,500 a month, it doesn’t leave much for other expenses, she said.
“Some people are one check away from being homeless,” Robertson said.
The CAC is accepting direct donations, too, particularly to help the less fortunate have gifts for Christmas.
Robertson said she’s hoping residents will drop off gift cards and certificates, because those can be given to children of all ages, including teens.
The CAC, at 480 Military East, is open from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Mondays, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Thursdays, and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Fridays. However, some people have managed to catch Robertson there after hours.
“I never leave on time,” she said.
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