“I’m running for Congress because our country is threatened by an economic crisis that was caused by Wall Street,” Hinton said.
“We don’t just have stagnation or a slow recovery. We are locked in an economic depression,” the political newcomer said.
“The American standard of living has declined by two-thirds since 1970. Neither party in Washington has solutions, and they are gridlocked over wedge issues. America can do so much better.”
Hinton, who has no party preference, said his “Next New Deal” program, which he described as “nothing more or less” than the fulfillment of the vision of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, has ideas that could appeal to both sides of the congressional aisle, and would restore “the traditional high living standards that make America great.”
He is calling for a 1-percent Wall Street sales tax and the de-privatization of the Federal Reserve. He said his plan also would create 30 million new, high-wage jobs.
“The Next New Deal will force our Federal Reserve System, as our Constitution demands, to finance the needs of the American people. We must start with a $5 trillion credit facility to rebuild our crumbling public infrastructure.”
That money would underwrite construction or repair of roads, hospitals, schools, power and water systems “and more, across the board and coast to coast.”
Not only would that create more jobs, he said, it would provide sustained economic growth.
He said he wants the Federal Reserve to act like a national bank, offering low- and no-interest credit and long maturities for “activities supporting our general welfare.” Hinton also is calling for zero-interest refinancing to replace high-interest student loans.
Looking to the district he wants to serve, he has called for 100-year, zero-interest loans to be made available to underwrite the repairs caused by the Napa earthquake.
He said low-interest loans should be offered to lower the cost of capital to productive businesses, “because they produce real wealth.” He said he expects that benefit would help companies pay living wages, “with a pay floor of $15 an hour for all workers.”
He blasted what he called “Wall Street’s zombie banks and hedge funds who steal the wealth we produce.” He said Wall Street’s market activities must be curbed, and his 1-percent sales tax on the sale of stocks, bonds and derivatives would “roll back all austerity measures at the federal and state level.”
Revenue sharing from the United States Treasury to states and local governments would eliminate sequestration and the need for tax increases, he said — and would change health care in the country, too.
“Our biggest national problem is Wall Street bankers have way too much political influence. They pay virtually no federal taxes. They dominate Washington, D.C.,” he said.
“With Wall Street finally paying its fair share, we can offer all persons ‘Medicare for All’ at a premium of $100 per person per month, with free coverage for those who cannot pay. We can then begin tax reform from the bottom up.”
He promised his fiscal proposals would allow doubling the standard deduction and tripling the personal exemption for federal income tax so that a family of four would pay nothing to the Internal Revenue Service on its first $60,000 of income.
“Finally, I appeal to the desire for peace among all persons of goodwill in the district,” he said.
The politically unaffiliated candidate said, “I am appalled by the warmonger rhetoric coming from Republican Senators like John McCain and Lindsey Graham, who are promising new land wars with Syria and Iraq if their party takes control of the Senate.”
He didn’t spare Democrats. He started at the top, saying President Barack Obama has a “track record of weakness,” and that Democrats have not stood up for the Congressional Fifth District.
Hinton said he has tried to debate Thompson.
“Congress is gridlocked at an all-time low in approval rating and an all-time high in national debt. I can’t believe he doesn’t think he should address the district. What is he afraid of?” he said.
“I know he can beat a Republican. He has proven that for 26 years. Can he beat an FDR- (or) JFK (John F. Kennedy)-like New Deal Independent?
“I have never been to Capitol Hill, but when I get there, I’m going fight for my district and their economic rights. I’m going to make the most of every opportunity I get to use my voice in that room to offer leadership for both parties,” he said.
Hinton said he has support from the United Front Against Austerity and the new Tax Wall Street Party. “They have provided a tremendous amount of help, from website to boots-on-the-ground support,” he said.
“I will be more than a ‘no’ vote against foreign adventures. I will be a leading voice and vote for peace, be it in Ukraine, the Middle East or Israel-Palestine.
“I will challenge the intelligence community to prevent them from creating new threats to our country as byproducts of their ill-advised and reckless covert operations. In particular, I will act to shut down all unconstitutional activities by the National Security Agency, CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and other lawless intelligence community players.”
He said his platform “provides practical and accessible solutions to the main problems facing our country today. And, if you are looking for a protest vote, be assured that support for my program will send the loudest possible message to Washington that people in this part of the country demand an immediate change of course.”
Hinton said he has no other occupation, focusing instead on the campaign. “I haven’t worked since May 2013,” he said. “April 15, 2011, the Fed shut down Internet poker.” That day, he said, “a politician was born.”
He called the campaign “my rookie season,” though since he won the runoff opportunity during the 2014 primary, “this is my postseason.”
Hinton said he has tried to debate Thompson.
Of course he has. Thompson would be a fool to debate this guy and Thompson is no fool.
In particular, I will act to shut down all unconstitutional activities by the National Security Agency, CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and other lawless intelligence community players.”
Can that be modified to add the IRS?