Construction on East Second Street that will involve sections from Military East to the Benicia Industrial Park will start Friday, Nouae Vue, associate civil engineer, said Tuesday.
“The work consists of grinding and repaving East Second Street along three sections,” Vue said.
The initial work will be from East O Street to Military East; the second phase, from East S Street to about 300 feet north of the entrance to Corporation Yard.
The final segment will be from the eastern abutment of the East Second Street bridge over West Channel Road to east of Reservoir Road in the Industrial Park.
All streets will remain open to traffic during the construction project, but motorists will find that traffic patterns will be changed and speeds will be reduced in the interim, Vue said.
“Please anticipate minor delays while the work is underway,” Vue said.
The project was submitted for public bid and MCK Services of Concord, the low bidder, was awarded the contract.
State gas tax money is underwriting the $582,216.90 project, Vue said.
Does that mean that electric cars cannot use the road when it is finished. Electric cars do not pay gas tax. How do we get the money back from those owners of electric cars that fossil fuel car owners are paying for the overlay. I suggest a City Tax on electric car owners if possible or a owner registration fee on electric car owners of say $1,000 every year registration is due. Now that is fair. Pay for your use.
Also, bicycle and pedestrian tax.
Pedestrians do not use the roadwAYS
There also should be a bike licence fee if there is not ALready one. Then add on the road use tax to take the place of no gas tax. Any vehicle that uses the roadways should pay a maintanence tax. Fossil fuel driven vehicles pay at the pump. So lets be fair and balanced and charge a user fee to others to make sure it is fair and balanced.
Pedestrians do use the roadway. How else would they cross the street? I propose that something similar to parking meters are installed at all signaled intersections. Pedestrians would need to put a quarter in the slot in order to get the pedestrian signal to switch. If a pedestrian crosses without doing so, then it would be an instant $10.00 dollar fine. This money can then be used to install signals at all street crossings.
Not all cyclists use maintained roads. What about mountain bikers?
If ity is private property and you have permission to use it. No charge. If it is open space a entrance fee should be charged for mountain biking. If it is allowed. That goes for hikers also. Someone must pay for the use at a very inexpensive token amount. Now just what is wrong with that. You do know there could be liability also. So now what. Bad bike trail and you get hurt. Tax payer pays. Not right.
Sidewalks, crossings, stoplights are paid out of city budget. No need to tax or pay for something you already pay for.
Great, I agree. So, then considering that gas tax is not the only source of funds for transportation funding in California (think vehicle weight fees, tolls, property taxes, benefits assessment districts, public transit fare, sales tax, general funds).; why should electric car owners pay anymore than they already do, just because they don’t use gas?
Simple they do not pay gas tax.
To make it fair.
Or, unfair.
I’ve had enough of CA politics, taxes, and immigration issues. I’m moving to Idaho.
Handle it from here Bob.
Mickey D do not give up on California just yet. I do know how you feel. Idaho is a great state and has some great places to live and raise a family. But as I said do not give up yet. It is people like you that can help change things for the better.
Too late Bob, Offer made in Idaho and Benicia home on the market. Kids are all adults and I’m retired.
Benicia is a great little town, but getting too Liberal thinking over that past several years. Typical Bay Area mentality.
Good Lick Mickey. If I was to mive IdAHO
Sorry Mickey for the goofy comment. Hit wrong button before corrections. As I was about to say if I was to move Idaho would be my first choice. Good luck