INSPIRED BY THE WORDS OF THOMAS PAINE, the new nation’s leaders sought to resolve grievances with the government to allow the citizenry to live free from tyranny, while remaining true to the concepts of civil rights and individual liberty.
But James Madison, in his letter of October 24, 1787 to Thomas Jefferson, voiced concerns that have since been proven justified: “a majority … united by a common interest or a passion cannot be constrained from oppressing the minority.”
And in writing the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson, guided by Paine’s “Common Sense,” laid out the grievances against the king — many of which have now been foisted upon us by our current rulers.
President Obama, with newfound empowerment from his recent victory, now may act without the constraints of seeking re-election. The result will be a more all-encompassing government ruled by those who favor state control.
Looking closer at Jefferson’s grievances, which the patriots were willing to die for, we see that we have now fallen into that which Madison feared: oppression by the majority abetted by a government which is now “but a necessary evil.”
One has to wonder if President Jefferson would have had the same response to the actions taken today by this administration and those who have enabled it. A look at the grievances and their contemporary parallels:
• “forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance” — The Justice Department has repeatedly fought actions by individual states, not just on immigration control but on photo ID laws ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court.
• “endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners” — Amnesty is now the agenda. Illegal residents are rarely deported by those pandering for votes. Our borders seemingly no longer serve the purpose intended.
• “obstructed the Administration of Justice” — Inspector General Gerald Walpin was fired for seeking criminal prosecution of Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, an Obama supporter. J. Christopher Adams was forced from office for seeking actions against Black Panther militants for their intimidation of white voters in 2008. This year saw a return of this, as well as Republican poll watchers forcibly removed from polling stations. Members of the Justice Department Civil Rights Division have, as stated by Mr. Adams, “abetted wrongdoing and abandoned law-abiding citizens.” Statists have joined in a vendetta against Mr. Adams for daring to give voice to the injustices he witnessed.
• “erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people” — Obamacare provides for 16,000 new IRS agents to ensure our obedience. The president has appointed 43 “czars,” of which 33 were not subject to Senate approval. The EPA is now used as a tool to punish enemies of the state like Arch Coal, BP and Shell.
• “affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power” — In June 2011 the president overruled lawyers from the Justice Department and the Pentagon to arbitrarily declare his authority to continue the air war in Libya without congressional approval.
• “combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution” — UN Agenda 21 is being implemented across the country, with more than 500 participating cities. Some members of the Supreme Court even look to foreign laws for guidance; Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: “I frankly don’t understand all the brouhaha … about referring to foreign law.”
• “imposing Taxes on us without our Consent” — Obamacare was passed against the will of the people on the grounds that it was not a tax, but the Supreme Court ruled otherwise; the statists celebrated. The law was not even read by many members of Congress who voted to impose their will upon us.
• “depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury” — For the first time in history a president has authorized the detention, without trial, of people suspected of aiding and abetting terrorism, an action strongly opposed in the Senate and by the ACLU. Basseley Youssef, arrested in the dead of night by police, acting at the request of federal authorities, is accused of making a film that sparked the attack on our embassy in Benghazi, Libya — a charge that has now been fully disproven. Yet Mr. Youssef remains jailed on charges of “parole violation.”
• “excited domestic insurrections amongst us.” — Last year the Occupy Wall Street crowd, encouraged by Democrat leaders including Nancy Pelosi and Democrat-favoring organizations such as, willfully interfered with the civil rights of others while committing hundreds of illegal acts throughout the country. In Oakland, 400 protesters were arrested on a variety of charges including vandalism, theft and sexual assault, yet only eight faced charges; the cases were dropped against the others.
By their concurrence with the above actions, those who enable government control as preferred policy have fallen guilty to abetting government tyranny over the minority.
In “Common Sense,” Thomas Paine described this reasoning as “A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right.”
The focus of the government today seems to be an increase toward largesse, looking for ways to provide financial support while failing to encourage personal responsibility. This represents a very generous attitude on the part of the electorate.
Yet how can one justify generosity toward others when said generosity is enforced by threat of law?
Thomas Jefferson expressed the unacceptability of tyranny in the Declaration of Independence, a document whose importance was summarized by Abraham Lincoln: “our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that ‘all men are created equal’.”
Today Mr. Jefferson would likely not be pleased with the nation we have become, our liberty eroded, equality set aside and preferences risen to the forefront.
The direction taken by those leading our nation not only lacks common sense, it is also a departure from “Common Sense.”
It is imperative for the future of our nation that we decide now: Are we to be a nation based on the Constitution, or are we to be a nation based on forced largesse of the minority by an overreaching majority?
A study of history clearly shows where Madison, Jefferson and Paine would have stood. Unfortunately, history seems to not be part of the curriculum.
Dennis Lund graduated from California State University-Long Beach with a degree in mechanical engineering in 1981 and has resided in Benicia since 1992. This piece was originally published in American Thinker.
Robert M. Shelby says
A good, thorough job, Dennis. Glad to see one of you guys advance substantive argument rather than picky, bad-natured carping. Assuming that tyranny, like beauty, is not all in the beholding eye, this will require some study and mulling over. I’ll get back in a day or three. Bear in mind, though, that some of these things reside in the way they’re viewed. It seems unlikely that we will agree completely. I prefer a problematically representative national government to a corporatocracy representing mainly its own bottom lines. Offer me no loose talk of liberty with that as the alternative. (I’m sorry taxes feel so burdensome to you. What sort of burdens do other people feel? Or do only your feelings of burden matter?)
DDL says
RMS Stated: some of these things reside in the way they’re viewed.
I agree 100%
I’m sorry taxes feel so burdensome to you.
I have no issue with paying a fair share of taxes. What I have an issues with are: How and who defines what is fair? (I have yet to hear a reasonable answer to this pertinent question).
The continued misuse and abuse of government spending w/o appropriate consequences to guilty parties in terms of both the recipients, as well as those who dole out the funds.
Bob Livesay says
Very well stated DDL.
DDL says
Thank you Bob
RKJ says
Another very good column Dennis, As to the occupy movement I often think of a couple of Jefferson quotes (Thomas not George) that I agree with when the government doesn’t listen to the people and this goes for the left and right.
A little rebellion now and then is a good thing and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.
THOMAS JEFFERSON, letter to James Madison, Jan. 30, 1787
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.
THOMAS JEFFERSON, letter to W.S. Smith, Nov. 13, 1787
DDL says
Thanks RKJ. Jefferson is an excellent source of wisdom, would that his words would be heeded by those who have failed our nation in so many ways.
Real American says
Like every Republican lawmaker in Congress today.
RKJ says
Another Jefferson quote we do not follow:
We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.
THOMAS JEFFERSON, letter to Samuel Kerchevel, Jul. 12, 1816
RKJ says
Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
Thomas Jefferson
Real American says
This proves that we must not take everything Jefferson says as gospel.
Real American says
What would Jefferson think? “Michelle Obama sure is looking fine!”
RKJ says
Never spend your money before you have it.
Thomas Jefferson
DDL says
RKJ, this is the mentality of what we will be dealing with for the next four years:
From the Wall Street Journal:
“At one point several weeks ago,” Mr. Boehner says, “the president said to me, ‘We don’t have a spending problem.’ ”
“Clearly we have a health-care problem, which is about to get worse with ObamaCare. But, Mr. President, we have a very serious spending problem.” He (Boehner) repeated this message so often, he says, that toward the end of the negotiations, the president became irritated and said: “I’m getting tired of hearing you say that.”
RKJ says
Like Igor said ” Hump , what Hump? “
DDL says
That’s pronounced: ‘Eye-gore’
Real American says
An excellent oped by conservative talk show host Michael Medved that puts the lie to the view, reflected to a degree here, that Obama is out to destroy America.
DDL says
This proves that we must not take everything Jefferson Medved says as gospel.
DDL says
HTML did not work:
This proves that we must not take everything Medved says as gospel.
Real American says
The GOP: Reasonable voices need not apply.
optimisterb says
Great job, Dennis. Jefferson and Paine must both be smiling in Heaven right now!
DDL says
From the piece: The EPA is now used as a tool to punish enemies of the state like Arch Coal, BP and Shell.</I
It is worth noting that Arch Coal declared bankruptcy last week fulfilling a campaign promise of President Obama to put coal related companies out of business.