“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.” — Machiavelli
RICHARD LUBIN CONTRIBUTES a regular column to The Herald called “The Devil’s Dictionary,” a lighthearted, nonpolitical and thoroughly enjoyable look at our use of words in ways that can convey meanings in intended or unintended ways.
Under the heading of “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” this clarification on the language of the political left is offered for consideration.
Taking a page from Machiavelli — as well as “The Wizard of Oz” — to not only deceive but to pay no attention to reality, we need to understand the language of the left. Following are a few examples:
Immigrant — Any foreign national who enters the Unites States by any method, legal or illegal, for the purpose of temporary or permanent residence.
Illegal Immigrant — There is no such thing. This is a term of hate, as no person is “illegal.”
Immigration Reform Act of 2013 — Democrats’ get-out-the-vote drive for 2014.
Free Health Care — A term used to sell “Obamacare” to the undereducated who actually think such a thing is possible.
Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) — A program developed under false pretenses to provide “Free Health Care” to Democratic constituents by increasing taxes paid by predominantly Republican constituents.
Enlightened — A person who recognizes that capitalism is a failed system that must be destroyed in order to redistribute undeserved wealth to the proletariat.
Bipartisanship — Any instance where a quasi-Republican votes in an enlightened fashion.
Highly Principled — A Democrat who unyieldingly votes based on a core set of strongly held beliefs.
Obstructionist — A Republican who unyieldingly votes based on a core set of strongly held beliefs.
Racist — Any person who disagrees with the most enlightened president we have ever had.
Racism — A deplorable act or action where a person is judged not on the content of their character, but solely on the color of their skin. Such actions are to be strongly condemned and loudly protested.
Affirmative Action — An honorable act or action where a person is judged not on the content of their character, but solely on the color of their skin. Such actions are to be strongly supported so as to correct past atrocities.
Reverse discrimination — This concept is unknown to the left.
Voter Suppression — Any law favored by Republicans that serves to promote the principle of “one man-one vote.”
Vote Fraud — This does not exist, even though hundreds of people in mostly “blue states,” including elected Democrats, their children, siblings and/or spouses, have been either convicted of or charged with it.
Fair Share — An arbitrary term for an undisclosed amount of money to be confiscated for redistribution purposes. The term is most often used to describe the 50 percent of the people who pay 97 percent of federal taxes, as in, “They are not paying their ‘Fair Share.’”
“You Didn’t Build That” — A statement originated by FDR, reintroduced by Elizabeth Warren, then co-opted by President Obama to advocate in favor of government dependency, as well as to diminish personal achievement.
White Privilege — A well-crafted phrase meant to diminish hard work and personal efforts, as all white people are deemed to be preordained toward ease of opportunity based on the color of their skin.
“Phony Scandals” — To downplay the seriousness of ongoing malfeasance, President Obama coined this term. In unison his loyalists have declared: “This is the operative statement. The others are inoperative.”
Socialist — An archaic term used by the American left in the 1920s and ’30s to categorize their collectivist beliefs.
Liberal — A more marketable term developed by the leftists because “socialists” lost its appeal somewhere around Joe McCarthy.
Progressive — A “newish” term now preferred by leftists to describe their ideology because “liberal” is not as marketable as it used to be.
Bible — A historical collection of myths and fables that serves no real purpose in today’s modern ‘enlightened” world.
Koran — A sacred text, used by the religion of peace, that must be honored and respected. Any person who desecrates the Koran must be dealt with in a harsh manner for his crime of hate.
Christian — An unenlightened person who falsely believes that the “Bible” is a sacred text that must be honored and respected. These people are to be carefully watched as they represent a real domestic terrorist threat to America.
Muslim — A person who follows the teachings of the Koran in any formulation or interpretation. Muslims are all honorable people of whom we need to have a better understanding.
Terrorist — One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.
Domestic Terrorist — (see: Christian).
Muslim Terrorist — This term does not exist in the lexicon of the left.
Greed — An overly used term describing any taxpayer who believes the government has forgotten the concept of fiduciary responsibility, or for those who believe that profit is not a four-letter word.
Wing-nuts — This pejorative pretty much applies to anyone who does not toe the leftist line.
Global Cooling — The biggest threat to the environment, caused by man’s dependence on fossil fuels (circa 1970).
Global Warming — The biggest threat to the environment, caused by man’s dependence on fossil fuels (circa 1990).
Climate Change — The biggest threat to the environment, caused by man’s dependence on fossil fuels (current).
Nation’s Founders — A non-sexist term, now in vogue, that serves to diminish the importance of the “Founding Fathers.”
Dennis Lund is a mechanical engineer who lived in Benicia for more than 20 years.
Language of the right: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread538041/pg1
Far rightists don’t actually use language — they use coded signals like stone-age hunting parties.
From the above article:
“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.” — Machiavelli
New words: Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)—A world without democracy, ruled by a technocratic elite serving the interests of US and global capital – protecting “investor rights” against national laws and regulations –
An excerpt from the article below for the community to consider…
“TPP is the latest such power grab by transnational corporations. TPP has been described as “NAFTA on steroids” by those who have seen some of its leaked provisions. Negotiations began under the Bush administration and the Obama administration is continuing them in secret in hope of completing the agreement by this October. The discussions include trade representatives of the United States and Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam. Japan has just joined. But the public, members of Congress, journalists, and civil society are excluded. Not even Congressional committees have been able to see the draft text, but 600 corporate advisors have. They are writing the rules for trade in their own interests without any democratic input from the people whose lives will be profoundly affected. If adopted, TPP will deny citizens their democratic rights to shape public policies on a host of domestic issues, conceding those decisions to the large corporations.”
Art and politics for the community to consider…
New words: National Security Agency. (NSA)— “It’s called protecting America.”
The present business model for the community to consider…
Neo-liberal: The main points of neo-liberalism include;
THE RULE OF THE MARKET. Liberating “free” enterprise or private enterprise from any bonds imposed by the government (the state) no matter how much social damage this causes. Greater openness to international trade and investment, as in NAFTA. Reduce wages by de-unionizing workers and eliminating workers’ rights that had been won over many years of struggle. No more price controls. All in all, total freedom of movement for capital, goods and services. To convince us this is good for us, they say “an unregulated market is the best way to increase economic growth, which will ultimately benefit everyone.” It’s like Reagan’s “supply-side” and “trickle-down” economics — but somehow the wealth didn’t trickle down very much.
CUTTING PUBLIC EXPENDITURE FOR SOCIAL SERVICES like education and health care. REDUCING THE SAFETY-NET FOR THE POOR, and even maintenance of roads, bridges, water supply — again in the name of reducing government’s role. Of course, they don’t oppose government subsidies and tax benefits for business.
DEREGULATION. Reduce government regulation of everything that could diminish profits, including protecting the environment and safety on the job.
PRIVATIZATION. Sell state-owned enterprises, goods and services to private investors. This includes banks, key industries, railroads, toll highways, electricity, schools, hospitals and even fresh water. Although usually done in the name of greater efficiency, which is often needed, privatization has mainly had the effect of concentrating wealth even more in a few hands and making the public pay even more for its needs.
ELIMINATING THE CONCEPT OF “THE PUBLIC GOOD” or “COMMUNITY” and replacing it with “individual responsibility.” Pressuring the poorest people in a society to find solutions to their lack of health care, education and social security all by themselves — then blaming them, if they fail, as “lazy.”
Source: Corp Watch–Holding Corporations Accountable.
Has Our Species Become Insane?
An excerpt from the article below for the community to consider…
Military Madness: Sociopathic and psychopathic leaders – The gratuitous wars started and waged by the US and UK governments result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. These governments support and/or turn a blind eye to kidnap and torture and terrorize innocent villagers in Afghanistan and Pakistan with drone attacks. Both governments authorize the use of the nuclear agent depleted uranium which deposits radiating materials injurious for thousands of years and which condemn the unborn to a lifetime of suffering. Since the war there has been a huge increase in cancers and the number of deformed babies born in Iraq9. In Fallujah doctors have advised women not to have babies because of the terrible risk10. Deeds which would be prosecuted as major crimes if performed by citizens are routinely enacted by our leaders yet they take no responsibility for these crimes and exhibit no remorse. They act without conscience; they are sociopaths and, in some cases, psychopaths (occupying the extreme end of the sociopathic range).
Weapons of war for the community to consider…
Depleted Uranium: The Ultimate Dirty Weapon.
Health care debate continued…
Health Care:“Our taxes should pay for our healthcare: Seniors have it. Congress has it. Other countries have it. Why not the rest of us?”
Good Question.
“According to NNU, the tax subsidies to buy insurance under Obamacare mostly move money around to pay for private insurance for some that don’t have it, and allow the insurance companies to take 20 cents off the top of each dollar spent. Nurses say it would be more efficient to uses taxes to pay for everybody’s healthcare directly, eliminating the middleman and the shell game. The current approach sets up a healthcare system based on ability to pay.”
Beyond the apologists and sycophants.
The middle class– is a class of people in the middle of a societal hierarchy. In Weberian socio-economic terms, the middle class is the broad group of people in contemporary society who fall socio-economically between the working class and upper class.
Source Wikipedia.
The excerpt, article and facts below gives a good indication of the demise of the middle class for the community to ponder…
“Most people have figured out what’s going on by now. Our charismatic hologram president has led us down the primrose path. All the promises of hope and change were pure malarkey, not a word of truth to any of it. 10 million workers still can’t find a job, 47 million people are on foodstamps, 5 million borrowers are in some stage of default on their mortgages, the share of productivity gains going to workers is smaller now than anytime on record, “four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives” (Associated Press), and according to the Fed’s 80-page tri-annual Survey of Consumer Finances, the median net worth of middle class families in the US fell by 38.9 percent between 2007 and 2010″ while “the median value of a US home dropped by 42 percent.”
Face it, Obama has been a disaster. Discretionary federal spending is lower than it’s been in a half-century, while the budget deficits are falling faster than anytime since WW2. What does that mean? It means Obama is sucking the stimulus out of the economy to put more pressure on wages and to reduce working people to grinding third-world poverty. It’s a stealth version of starve the beast, and it’s working like a charm. The middle class is taking it in the stern-sheets while Obama’s moneybags buddies laugh all the way to the bank.”
Investigative Journalism under attack–
Freedom of the Press: The right, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, to gather, publish, and distribute information and ideas without government restriction;
Source: The Free Dictionary.
This passage and the article below gives the reader and the community more to consider…
“What started out as universal monitoring by the NSA of all electronic communications is now
metastasizing into arrests of journalists and their assistants at the airport. This will no doubt in no time metastasize further to night-time SWAT raids on journalists’ homes and offices. We’ve already seen such things being visited upon political activists, so the new development should not come as much of a surprise.
This latest escalation of the US government’s assault on truth and journalism exposes the puerile sham of President Obama’s claim to want to “reform” the National Security Agency’s spying program and to limit the “Justice” Department’s invasive actions against journalists. The detention of Miranda was an act of war on the whole concept of press freedom.”
More on the Banksters for the community to consider….
New words to learn.
Systemically dangerous institutions: The SDIs’ only fear is effective regulation
and prosecution and they know that effective prosecution will be vanishingly rare in the absence of effective regulation. The SDIs’ highest priority is to maximize the three “de’s”: deregulation, desupervision, and de facto decriminalization.
Will: I think our species has been insane from the get-go—Show me a non-mongrel time? It’s just 24-7 now and it makes for dull TV as well—Up is still a very rarely used word—pb
Yeah, pretty sad…Makes Border Collies look pretty bright to me…pb
Whistle-blower: Bradley Manning.
An excerpt from the article below for the community to consider…
“From the outset, your administration set out to destroy Bradley Manning. As his biographer Chase Madar wrote in The Nation, “Upon his arrest in May 2010, he was locked up in punitive isolation for two months in Iraq and Kuwait, then nine more months at the Marine Corps brig in Quantico, Virginia. Prohibited from lying down during the day or exercising, he was forced to respond every five of his waking minutes to a guard’s question: ‘Are you OK?’ In his final weeks of isolation, Manning was deprived of all clothing beyond a tear-proof smock and forced to stand at attention every night in the nude.”
“More than nine months after Manning’s arrest, at a news conference you defended this treatment —
which the State Department’s chief spokesman, P.J. Crowley, had just lambasted as “ridiculous, counterproductive and stupid.” (Crowley swiftly lost his job.) Later, the UN special rapporteur on torture issued a report on the treatment of Manning: “at a minimum cruel, inhuman and degrading.”
“At a fundraiser on April 21, 2011, when asked about Manning, you flatly said: “He broke the law.” His trial would not begin for two more years.”
Will you are living up to your title “Local Citizen Research Reporter”. Not sure what you are reporting on or talk=ing about this time. Must be important to you only, sure has nothing to do with the article.
Whistle-blower: Bradley Manning
Don’t you mean Chelsea Manning?
Unchecked state power.
A passage from the article below for the community to contemplate…
New words to learn.
Gangster State: Wednesday’s sentencing marks one of the most important watersheds in U.S. history. It marks the day when the state formally declared that all who name and expose its crimes will become political prisoners or be forced, like Edward Snowden, and perhaps Glenn Greenwald, to spend the rest of their lives in exile. It marks the day when the country dropped all pretense of democracy, obliterated checks and balances under the separation of powers and rejected the rule of law. It marks the removal of the mask of democracy, already a fiction, and its replacement with the ugly, naked visage of corporate totalitarianism.
More on the Obama surveillance review committee for the community to consider…
“They’re not outsiders.”
New words to learn.
Dog and Pony show: “This group is very closely related to the White House already,” said Mark Rumold, a staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. “When we go down this road of having executive branch insiders continually placed in charge of reviewing the executive branch, it is more of a fox guarding the henhouse situation.”
He pointed out that the new panel is the second executive body given responsibility for monitoring domestic surveillance operations.
The other oversight committee is the secretive Privacy & Civil Liberties Board (PCLOB), which was asked by the president to review surveillance capabilities in June, shortly after Snowden, a former NSA contractor, made his disclosures.
“It doesn’t look too independent, does it?” said Democratic congresswoman Zoe Lofgren. “It doesn’t give the appearance of independence that was anticipated. Individuals who are not so closely associated with the administration would have been better.”
“Bible — A historical (?) collection of myths and fables…” No more need be said.
And, here is one from the conservative’s lexicon (or “lexercon”): Climate change – A collection of peer reviewed scientific data and tangible evidence that serves no real purpose in today’s corporatist world.
One thing I would disagree with is the definition of Obstructionist as “A Republican who unyieldingly votes based on a core set of strongly held beliefs.” The left defines anything that is not consistent with what they and the cognoscenti believes or thinks as “obstructionist”. If ACA fails it isn’t because what they passed is badly flawed, it’s because of obstructionists – notwithstanding the fact that such “folks” practically begged them to include reforms that might have made this actually work.
Obviously Peter, you have also not read J S Mill.
My only point was that I believe what Mill wrote (who at one point was the quintessential liberal) about discourse would actually help clarify one’s arguments, if not their beliefs. As I look back on how ACA came about it seems clear that an enormous opportunity was missed to garner bipartisan support if only some common-sense reforms were included. At the time Republicans were obviously looking for a justification to support the measure as they are now with immigration. I don’t recall anything like this happening during the time I’ve followed politics, and that is for some time now. The train wreck, as a Democrat called it, wasn’t engineered by Republicans.
Humans are unfortunately in the majority a stupid lot, wtch the news some night. I’m banding up with a group of Border Collies, brighter than us pound for pound, and far more potential for real learning and not just carping about the opposition. – pb
Yeah…a core set of strongly held beliefs. Like supporting Obamacare when it was called ‘Romneycare’…or when it was suggested by the Heritage Foundation…or when it was proposed by Bob Dole…until the black guy proposes it. Or, backing two unpaid wars and two unpaid tax cuts and Medicare Part D…then screaming about the deficit when the black guy takes over. Or, supporting cap and trade, until the black guy supports it. Their only strongly held belief is that they should be in power.
Benician why would you support Obamacare and at the same want to deny prescriptions to Seniors via Part D. I was under the feeling that you thought Republicans wanted to tear apart Medicare, is not Part D part of Medicare.
“Strongly held beliefs” whether true or false. If false, clung to all the more strongly trying to make them true.
If you are referring to me I object to the implication that I am or have ever been racist. I think some of these posts may have gotten mixed up and need to be reviewed to be sure they accurately reflect to whom replies are sent. I only can add that the failure of ACA was not merely (or even exclusively) at the top but throughout the majority that voted for this without serious debate or even cognizance. Why don’t you stop the personal attacks and most certainly let’s stop with the charges of racial bias. Eric Holder wondered why people are cowards when it comes to race. Well, the answer lies in your’s and other’s responses. Think about it – if some many things are racist than nothing is racist and racism has lost its meaning. This doesn’t help anyone, including blacks and other minorities.
I wasn’t specifically referring to you, only your (presumed) party at large. Let’s face it…there are many racists (as well as homophobes) in the gop. The whole birther thing is racist. Are the people (falsely) screaming that Obama is a Kenyan saying anything about Ted Cruz’ birthplace…which actually IS outside the US? The recent wave of voter suppression activity…in many instances aimed at keeping people of color from the polls…is in states run by republicans. Rush Limbaugh…the voice of the gop…who no elected gop official dare speak negatively of…calls our president ‘Barack the Magic Negro’. Not every republican is a racist, but if you’re a racist, there’s a pretty good chance you’re a republican.
Additionally…hard to say ACA is a failure when it hasn’t fully been implemented. It’s the likely success of the ACA that scares the gop. Because, let’s face it…if it succeeds, the gop will go the way of the Whigs…which is why the gop is doing all they can to try to derail it. And to say ACA was passed without serious debate is ludicrous. It was debated for well over a year. If the gop did more than yell ‘NO! NO! NO!’ to the bill that actually originated on their side, we’d have had a cleaner bill and it would have been implemented more smoothly. But, that wouldn’t have been politically prudent, as it would have violated their #1 legislative goal of making Obama a one-term president.
If you are going to continue to smear and stereotype people you need to at least have the courage to post your name.
Instead of telling me I’m smearing and stereotyping, tell me what part of my comment is untrue.
“I wasn’t specifically referring to you, only your (presumed) party at large.”
Benician said: Rush Limbaugh…calls our president ‘Barack the Magic Negro’.
When people rely on Rachel Maddow and MSNBC for one of their respected news sources it is very easy to be misinformed over the origination of terms, as well as the joke that is being made.
Barrack the ‘Magic Negro’- David Ehrenstein March 19, 2007
People, usually misinformed people, will believe that which they want to believe because it fits their preconceived beliefs. Paul Shanklin’s parody, which Rush uses, is of the LA Times for its usage of the phrase.
You have successfully debunked one of potentially thousands of examples. If we keep this up, you’d better think about retiring from your day job.
This is your second shot at Maddow, the Stanford grad, Rhodes scholar, award winning journalist, without any examples. And if you’re trying to suggest Limbaugh has a clean record on racism, you’re not convincing anyone.
The left defines anything that is not consistent with what they and the cognoscenti believes or thinks as “obstructionist”.
Good point Reg!
With all due respect Mr. Page, it is the administration that is choosing to delay implementation of the law. The law has passed and is in the process of being executed … And that is the sole responsibility of the Obama administration.
Yes, Congress can choose to defund parts, and candidly I hope they do, but this law is extremely flawed and both parties know this to be true. That is why the administration is delaying. The ACA is poorly written and the administration is trying to fix it on the fly.
But please don’t blame the GOP. They voted unanimously against the law and they continue to oppose. I believe they are following principle not obstructing.
Matter – actually this was the point I was making. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. In any case, the calls for delay if not significant change or repeal are growing, even among supporters of health care reform.
Thank you for the clarification Mr. Page. I appreciate your civility.
I’m trying.
HAHAHAHAHA… Advertising this as non-political fun with words…is what I call ConservAutism. The inability to recognize and reason based on blatant opposing facts. Republicans or conservatives that SAY they are non-biased and write ignorant and rhetorical “stuff” like this, shows that is high time we took a SERIOUS look at “conservatives” mental instability and illogical thought processes, and how they think. I’ve come to the conclusion that they have contracted a 4th type of Autism…. ConservAutism, the inability to reason based on facts and history.
The Clean Air Act, passed and signed by Conservatives, R’s and Bush, made the air MORE POLLUTED. The DEATH TAX, was to stop KINGs and ROYALTY from taking over our country, which is EXACTLY why it was called an ESTATE tax…on the extremely rich (and stupid).
Citizens United, CREATED, FUNDED, and DECIDED by ConservArtist appointed Supreme Court ACTIVIST judges, allows the MAFIA, communist countries, and Islamic fundamentalists to BUY our politicians and ANYONE THEY HIRE OR APPOINT! Presto! No more Constitution folks!
Mafia-style interest rates- LEGALIZED under CONSERVATIVES, COMPLETELY anti-CHRIST’s teachings.
Legalizing FRAUDULENT mortgages to be sold, JUST LIKE THE MAFIA DID decades ago.
STOPPED a Presidential VOTE-COUNTING and PICKED the NEXT PRESIDENT! Agreeing LATER that it was UNCONSTITUTIONAL and that NO ONE COULD EVER DO IT AGAIN! NO ONE WAS IMPEACHED for violating a PRIMARY SECTION OF OUR CONSTITUTION! THAT president LIED us into two wars, got us TWICE successfully attacked, and ten’s of thousands of Americans killed and maimed, for which we, the PEONS…. will PAY FOR DEARLY.
R’s and Conservatives allowed Stealing BILLIONS in $100 bills in Iraq, no receipts and no lists of recipients.
R’s and Conservatives allowed allowed the bankers and brokers to BANKRUPT the world, and then BAILED them all out with TAXPAYER MONEY in 2008. R’s STILL refuse to ALLOW (Vote NO) “LIBERALS” to investigate or penalize ONE PERSON involved!
R’s and Conservatives HATE The Consumer Protection Act/Department- So they STALLED & VOTED NO AGAINST it, and then refused to allow any person to HEAD it….
THAT’s the Republicans new mantra— Don’t allow Americans to get ANY RELIEF under this president… UNLESS it comes with BILLIONS OF DOLLARS of WELFARE for billionaires and their corporations…so they can FURTHER BUY/BRIBE MORE CONservARTIST POLITICIANS!
Lance stated:Advertising this as non-political fun with words…is what I call ConservAutism.
Where was it ‘advertised’ that this piece was non political?
Way to go, Lance!
LMAO, Dennis these are great and so spot on
Thanks RKJ!
The Right Wing Idea of these words: (Just to be non-biased…and Fair and Balanced…Right?)
Immigrant — Any non-white person in America.
Illegal Immigrant — Most likely “All” non-white people in America, they should be checked for SURE!
Immigration Reform Act of 2013 — The demise of an ALL-WHITE Republican party, or the demise of the party itself.
Free Health Care — A term CREATED by Republicans to LIE about THEIR OWN HEALTHCARE ideas to DEMONIZE CONGRESS’s Healthcare ACT. Obama wanted a Public Option or Medicare for all. “Obamacare” was a rhetorical Conservative name made up to coincide with their hatred of the new black president for the under-educated who actually think such a thing is real, because Conservatives SDI it was!
Affordable Care Act (aka “R’s screwing Americans as long as possible Act”) — A program developed by Republicans and Conservatives, and signed by Romney, under sound economic and historical FACTS, to provide “CHEAPER Health Care” to ALL Americans and businesses, increasing their profits and people’s disposable incomes, creating a HUGE demand STOLEN incrementally since the 80’s by healthcare institutions as they turned FOR-PROFIT corporations. R’s lie about Democrats using it to BUY votes, yet R’s/Conservatives CREATED the Personal MANDATES and the MUCH-MORE-EXPENSIVE-than-Single-Payer exchanges. Liberals think the people getting RICH off the higher costs of healthcare, should help PAY for healthcare for the people who CAN’T afford it and who now are costing the US government 5-10 times what it would cost if the US paid for their insurance. This part was stalled until 2014 so R’s/ConservArtists could vote to eliminate the healthcare of 10’s of millions of Americans and cut US healthcare costs by billions
Enlightened — A black person that votes Republican, but Liberals see it as as EX-Republican/Conservative/person who recognizes that conservatism is a failed ideology that has NO actual facts that support it, and decades of failed policies that led to the bankruptcy of America and millions of LOST JOBS, SEVERAL TIMES.
Bipartisanship — Any instance where a single Democrat voted for a Republican bill.
Highly Principled — A Republican who unyieldingly votes based on a core set of strongly held “messages” (lies) and refuses to agree with ANYTHING a black president wants to do…INCLUDING cutting taxes for 99% of Americans!
Obstructionist — A Democrat, usually President Obama, who unyieldingly refuses to do EXACTLY what Republicans want him to do, despite the vast majority of Americans wanting what Obama wants.
Racist — Any person who disagrees with Republicans views about liberals, Democrats, and ANY people of color.
Racism — A deplorable act or action where a person is judged not on the content of their character, but solely on the color of their skin. Such actions are to be strongly condemned and loudly protested. Sorry, but that is EXACTLY the way it SHOULD be…Today’s Republicans believe that Racism is something to be whispered about in private, and voted for in public, ESPECIALLY when those races vote Liberal.
Affirmative Action — R’s believe was a failed policy, which made America Weaker… and more colored.
Liberal” Dems DO-BELIEVE it to be An honorable act or action where a person is judged not on the content of their character, but solely on the color of their skin. Such actions are to be strongly supported so as to correct past atrocities.
Reverse discrimination — This concept was used by racist Conservatives to try to stop anti-discrimination laws for children, women, elderly, the sick, veterans, people of color or race. “ConservArtists like to say it’s “unknown to the left”. But most of these laws protect MANY MORE WHITE people than black. Most all the racist conservatives left the Democratic party for the Republican party after the Civil Rights Legislation was passed. ConservAutism doesn’t allow R’s to remember that fact.
Voter Suppression — No such thing. Stopping Liberal-voting people from voting is just being SAFE!
Vote Fraud — This EXISTS everywhere a Liberal is elected. The fact liberals were elected is PROOF POSITIVE that there was voter fraud. Whenever a R’s is fond guilty of Voter Fraud, ConservAutism sets in and it is never remembered. Conservative Supreme Court Judges STOPPED Florida’s voter fraud by stopping the hand-counting of their votes!
Fair Share — An arbitrary term for an undisclosed amount of money to be confiscated for redistribution purposes. Just because our country was SET UP that way, doesn’t mean we should allow it. Fair Share DOES NOT mean “what they can afford to pay” because the COUNTRY gave them freely educated employees, and subsidized 100% their business costs. R’s like to say the term is most often used to describe the 50 percent of the people who pay 97 percent of federal taxes, because ConservAutism sets in and they ignore that the US set up and maintains a structure that allows them to get rich off OTHER PEOPLE’s money and work. Republicans call this WE BUILT IT BY OURSELVES…although most R’s we are shown on TV seem to be poor and under-educated.
“You Didn’t Build That” — A statement originated by FDR, reintroduced by Elizabeth Warren, then co-opted by President Obama to LIE! Even though it obviously STATES OBVIOUS FACTS, that THIS country BECAME GREAT by redistributing TAXES for roads, education, medicine, airwaves, airways, and SUBSIDIZING EVERY BUSINESS allowing them to WRITE OFF ALL THEIR COSTS. R’s call helping our people and businesses “government dependency”, as well as “diminish personal achievement”.
White Privilege — A preordained Act by God to make America White. (But ONLY in whispers)
“Phony Scandals” — Anything to do with malfeasance President Bush and his administration, President Obama coined this term to deflect the “messages” (lies) told by Republicans.
Socialist — Commonly known as Commies, thieves, liberals, progressives, Independents, and America-haters…. An archaic term used by the American “FANATICAL Christians” in the 1920s and ’30s to categorize their collectivist, Marxist, Mao, commie, anti-American beliefs that a rising tide should lift all boats. Even though it was NOT a word when our founders penned “We, the People, in order to create a more perfect “UNION””, or “the pursuit of happiness”, or “all men are created equal”. Another ConservAutism effect for self-described Christians to hate people trying to help each other succeed, get healthcare, and fend for the elderly.
Liberal — Communist, Socialist, thief, and liar… Not to be confused with any real definition by any real authority. Something had to be done to demonize the “open-minded people that were left in the Democratic party after the Southern Racists JOINED and took over the Republican party. ConservAutism allows this blatant lie to continue to be believed.
Progressive — A “newish” term for Commies, liars, and thieves. (liberals)
Bible — A historical collection of FACTS that are proven because they are the WORD of GOD, because it SAYS so in the Bible. ConservAutism makes it OK for R’s to say ALL democrats HATE the Bible and Christ’s teachings, even though 99% go to church regularly! It also allows them to hate and kill people in prisons and wars, even though they SAY they re 100% Pro-Life.
Koran — A Satanical text, used by the religion of Satan, that must be disbanded and stamped out. Conservautisn makes it possible to IGNORE the over 50% which is EXACTLY the same as Christian and Jewish Bibles…Any person who desecrates the Koran must be a hero, but is treated like a criminal by everyone else in the world. (Whispered)
Christian — An enlightened person who believes that the “Bible” is a sacred text that must be honored and respected by ALL humanity despite their own faith or beliefs. ANYONE NOT claiming to be a “CHRISTIAN” are to be carefully watched, and refused to vote, as they represent a real domestic terrorist threat to America.
Muslim — A terrorist in the making, if not already.
Terrorist — Someone who tries to destroy America’s Constitution, destroy it’s economic foundation, and destroy american jobs and their way of life… ConservAutism allows the last Bush administration and the voting records of R’s for the last 5 years to be ignored. One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.
Domestic Terrorist — Liberal, Progressive, Agnostic, American Muslim, Democrat, or Atheist.
Muslim Terrorist — Anyone that looks or talks un-American and has a different color than white..
Greed — Greed is Good! ConservAutism stops Chist’s definition from being remembered. Poor Republicans are just temporarily poor Rich people. God SAYS Christian Conservatives will inherit the earth! ConservAutism doesn’t allow memory of history or facts.
Wing-nuts — This pejorative pretty much applies to anyone who does not toe the right-wing “MESSAGE” line. Used most extensively to describe people with EXTREME cases of ConservAutism.
Global Cooling — Normal. God does it. ConservAutism doesn’t allow facts or Science to interfere with FEAR AND FLIGHT part of the brain.
Global Warming — Normal. God does it. ConservAutism doesn’t allow facts or Science to interfere with FEAR AND FLIGHT part of the brain. (Should be re-named to Global Poisoning)
Climate Change — Normal. God does it. ConservAutism doesn’t allow facts or Science to interfere with FEAR AND FLIGHT part of the brain.
Nation’s Founders — Next to God, these people got it right. In fact, they were ALL White Christians and wrote our founding constitution FROM God, based on GOD’s teachings! ConservAutism doesn’t allow the fact that “GOD” isn’t MENTIONED in any of them, and that R’s are repeatedly trying to CHANGE the Constitution, and that they HATE the ONLY organization IN THE WORLD that work FREE to protect our Constitution’s Civil Rights, the ACLU.
“Today’s Republicans believe that Racism is something to be whispered about in private, and voted for in public, ESPECIALLY when those races vote Liberal.” Ain’t it the truth.
Excellently stated!…I’ve watched these clowns until Ringling Bros looks like a parakeet parade by comparison–Good luck, it’s a dull show, but the tides are down and even seaweed looks good in the present “two-wars on a credit card” mindset–Did we gain control of all the oli resources yet in Iraq, and have we exploited all we can in Afghanistan in the name of Democracy for All? – pb
Wow … I didn’t know I was that bad of a person. Thanks for pointing that out.
I attempt to read the comments of all posters with an open mind. It always amazes me how the left sided posters accuse the right of stupidity, ignorance, and hate … While espousing hate themselves! Hypocrisy abounds. It appears to me that the right is so defensive and the left is attacking. Civility and open minded debate is often missing.
Lets face it … Both sides believe very strongly in their beliefs and neither side is willing to compromise. Given that basic truth, are both sides obstructionists or philosophically determined?
My conclusion is that neither side has all the answers. Yet neither side is willing to accept that basic fact. Neither left nor right are inherently evil or stupid or evolutionarily challenged. The funny thing is that both sides want the same base level results … A better country that is more prosperous and successful. But the level of debate hides our common goals.
I do believe you make a good point. But at the same time personal attacks do not belong in the comments. I do not mind views that are political and ideal driven. But personal attacks are way over the top. You are correct and they do happen.
Matter stated: It always amazes me how the left sided posters accuse the right of stupidity, ignorance, and hate … While espousing hate themselves! Hypocrisy abounds
Your comment is spot on and has been proven by some of the postings on this thread. There will be a follow up piece coming out soon (Marc has it now), which is devoted to ‘hate’.
Benician asked:tell me what part of my comment is untrue.
The list is a long one, but let’s take this as one example: Are the people (falsely) screaming that Obama is a Kenyan saying anything about Ted Cruz’ birthplace…
There is a major concern amongst many people, who otherwise support Ted Cruz, that this issue remains a gray area. He was born in Alberta, to an American Citizen, which makes him an American Citizen himself. But does it make him a ‘natural born’ citizen? This question needs to be settled
Your assumption is wrong.
There’s no grey area. Cruz was born in Canada, but to an American mother, which makes him an American, and eligible to run for president. Even if the fact-free birthers were accurate about Obama’s birth locale, as his mother was American, he’d still have been eligible to run for president. So, wanna take a guess as to what percentage of birthers will have no issue with Cruz running for prez? 98? 99? 100?
The weight of legal and historical authority indicates that the term “natural born” citizen would mean a person who is entitled to U.S. citizenship “by birth” or “at birth”, either by being born “in” the United States and under its jurisdiction, even those born to alien parents; by being born abroad to U.S. citizen-parents; or by being born in other situations meeting legal requirements for U.S. citizenship “at birth”. Such term, however, would not include a person who was not a U.S. citizen by birth or at birth, and who was thus born an “alien” required to go through the legal process of “naturalization” to become a U.S. citizen
Note the use of the plural.
Source:Congressional Research Service report. Federation of American Scientists. November 14, 2011. p. 2.
For what it’s worth I do believe James Buchanan born 1791 the 15th US president whose father immigrated to the US from Ireland in 1783. The Constitution was signed in 1787
President Chester A. Arthur’s father was born in Ireland
Woodrow Wilson’s mother was born in England
Sorry about the above post’s. I got off track.
No worries about the ‘off track’ as the points made are good ones. The issue really is that SCOTUS has never, to my knowledge, definitively defined the term ‘natural born’ citizen. There have been cases before it, but not on the issue of a potential Presidential candidate.
You may recall also that John McCain was born in Panama where his father was stationed. If I recall correctly, he was born off base, not in a military hospital. Some people tried to make the case that this disqualified him, arguing that he would have had to be born on the base.
I try to remain a realist. So-called “Conservatives” claim to be “pro-America” while they support the selling of our resources to communist china. They also support the military despite the millions of civilians killed, yet decry “terrorists” who kill a few.
Am I a “conservative” or a “leftist”? Depends on who you ask, as I don’t play by these stupid labels. All I know is that I love this country enough to decry any selling of our resources to privateers, and I denounce the mass murder of my fellow humans in the name of protecting the market. If that makes me a “leftist”, well, then I am proud of it.
If Capitalism kills a hundred million, then it’s ok according to the “conservative”. I’ve asked plenty of them for their opinions about financial speculation in the food markets, or about regulations against toxins and radiation. It seems that, as long as anything hurts the profit motive, then it is evil, and to denounce this evil makes you a “silly Leftist”.
Dr. G stated: So-called “Conservatives” claim to be “pro-America” while they support the selling of our resources to communist china. and If Capitalism kills a hundred million, then it’s ok according to the “conservative”.
I have seen some pretty strong claims made regarding conservatives and what they do or do not support, most are based on misconceptions and are rather vague generalizations without any specifics provided.
I know of no “conservative” who supports either of the statements made above. In fact regarding ‘communist China’; I do recall ‘conservatives’ being outraged at some of the deals made with China during the Clinton years regarding technological capabilities.
Well stated. Let’s see the “conservatives” refute that one—pb
“You Didn’t Build That” — A statement originated by FDR, reintroduced by Elizabeth Warren, then co-opted by President Obama to advocate in favor of government dependency, as well as to diminish personal achievement. And for the LOVE OF GOD, will someone please use the ENTIRE quote, which referred to all the support anyone gets to do anything in this country, from teachers who teach us to write, to govt. that builds roads and bridges and on and on…and for the LOVE OF GOD, could one, just one, conservative writer also note that one of the people who promulgated that half-truth ALSO had received over $8 million in FEDERAL CONTRACTS in years prior? Pretty please? Can we, once and for all, put this canard to rest. Including it in this “list” reinforces the idea that neocons follow the old rule of turning govt into plutocracy: if you repeat a lie often enough, people “KNOW” it is true. It just makes the rest of the piece suspicious. How many other half-truths or misquotes are there then?
i>And for the LOVE OF GOD, will someone please use the ENTIRE quote
Thanks for the comments, as it allows for the opportunity to explain the comment on several different levels. First, here is the exact wording of that sentence :
”If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that.”
Like it or not, that was what the man said. It was a poor phrasing when taken into the overall context of his as well as those of FDR and Warren. You may be angry that the quote was used as it was, so be it (the piece was intended to be taken tongue in cheek). You heard it in the overall context, yet the phrase ‘you didn’t build’ that has now entered the lexicon, like it or not. Was the sentence a Freudian slip, or just poor phrasing?
Let’s offer a slight variation of the above :
”If you built your business – you didn’t build that without utilizing the infrastructure of this nation.”
That more closely reflects what he meant, but it was not what he said. Splitting hairs? Maybe.
Now, let’s compare to another ‘quote’: “Mission Accomplished”
President Bush never said those words. In fact the speech delivered the exact opposite to the brave crew of the Lincoln (disclosure: this is a pet peeve of mine, as my son served on board the Lincoln and was third row center for the speech). But Leftists grabbed that banner slogan and ran with it. In doing so they insulted the President as well as all 4,000 plus members of the crew.
Did the Left care that it was a false representation? No, because they still use it on occasions.
I will be more than happy to never again use the “you didn’t build that” quote if three Leftists who post here on a regular basis will agree to never again use: “Mission Accomplished” as a method of denigrated President Bush.
DDL: Doofus Bush stood in front of a banner in his flight gear which stated “Mission Accomplished,” on board a carrier somewhere docked off of San Diego’s coast…Now, if you don’t think that was a Republican planned hoopla about “”PR and the public” which was a massively stupid, ill-conceived, and premature move, then you have foreign materials in your morning’s Rice Krispies. If you don’t like liberals or “leftists” commenting on these pages, I suggest you write for your own community paper if it has one, wherever it is on the planet you still dwell. Otherwise, get used to it. If you “obstructionists” can’t stand a bright black man in the White House, we are not gonna paint it mediocre off-white just for you–You are one voice in 300 million and only one. Get used to it. Peter Bray
Once again Peter, Bush never said “Mission Accomplished”, you stated just recently that he had.
His speech that day delivered the exact opposite message; The Lincoln had just accomplished their mission’, 10 months at sea, over 4,000 sorties, no loss of life of any crew member.
But you and the Bush haters still beat this long dead horse and then get irritated when you get called on it.
You and others have come done on me for correctly quoting 0bummer.
Seem to recall you flogging Robert Bork not that long ago. And Chappaquiddick, if I’m not mistaken? Let’s just agree we all like to remind others of our pet grievances.
Apples and Oranges Hank.
I mentioned Bork what, once or twice in three years of columns? I honestly do not recall the Chappaquidick reference, but will not deny I may have made one. After all the poor girl deserves to be remembered as a hero for saving us from a Ted Kennedy Presidency.
Kennedy refused to save her, but she saved the country, a bit ironic I would say.
But Peter mentions: BUSHCHENEYSCHWINBOY in every other post. He also mentions “Mission Accomplished” on a weekly basis.
I at least have my facts right, Peter does not.
Further to DDL:
No one ever listened to a Bush speech, he was a moron…He wasn’t fit to be President..he should have stayed on the farm and chopped wood…proof that enough money can buy major influence in politics…Lund would badmouth Teddy Kennedy over Chappaquidick? You’re kidding? I thought he was a Right-Wing Saint assigned to entertaining us waterfront liberals from outa town? The question is: How far outa town? NY? Albany? Atlanta? Philadelphia? Alviso? Taft? Detroit? –pb
The psychological/PR implication in his silly flight suit was “Mission Accomplished:” we bombed the crap outa Afghanistan or was it Iraq? I’ve forgotten. All he didn’t do was wave his US Tax Payers’ Credit Card and state, “And we did in ON a credit card without a Military DRAFT and are the National Reserves ever screwed now! Multiple assignments overseas, AND I’M THE DECIDER!” No amount of your energy can make up for the decades of government stupidity from both sides that precedes you. You’re outnumbered. Good luck. I’ve watched these jerks in action since JFK was caught in a crossfire…check your college physics, Dennis, no bullet changes direction multiple times, entering and exiting flesh and ends up unscathed on a hospital gurney. Run the Zapruder film a few more frames and Kennedy’s half-skull goes rearward, from a front entry projectile…Newton’s several laws of Physics…you did take Physics as an engineering requirement didn’t you? And steel buildings don’t fall at free-fall velocity into a pile of high-temperature concrete rubble from a jet fuel fire hundreds of floors up while spewing molten steel horizontally–Sorry, Dennis, you’re backing the wrong pony again—WTC7 wasn’t hit by a jet either, and Weinstein, the owner said, “Pull It!” to the powers that be–count the collaborators, Dennis…wrong pony, wrong time, again…pb
The obstructionist Peter are for sure the Democrats. They do contriol the Senate and the Preident. They should be able to get things done very easily. But not this group. By the way just what does race have to do with this anyway?
As the constitutional scholar you are, please explain for us how legislation gets passed without cooperation from the House.
Same way it gets passed without cooperation from the Senate. So you blame the house and give the Democratic Senate a pass. Very strange thinking. You know very well it takes both plus a presidents signature. So why is it the republicands fault and the Democrats are just dfine its always those mean old Republicans. Cannot have it both ways. They must get together and that is where a very sttrong President will get it done. I believe you will find that Clinton and Reagon got it done.
Please provide for us the results of the House vote on immigration. They never took a vote? Case closed. You confirm the results from the study in re Faux News every time you post.
Something I find very interesting. Huffington Post now requires all folks that post to give ther full name. No more names that are just one word names or for that matter a fake name. I like that approach. It will make folks think twice before posting under their real name. Benician what do you think of that. I think the Benicia Herald should also do the same. I would like the first and last name of a poster on this and other comment runs. Thats a memo.
Seems rather totalitarian.
Love it. Not at all. Just free enterprise. Just think you will have to have all your post with your real name if that was the case on this blog.
This is the opposite of freedom. What’s next, fully regulated internet? Stop internet fascism and those that would seek to impose it!
Bob Livesay: Your posts and requests for name disclosure beyond e-mail names are not yours to make. If so, open your own publication and see how many subscribers you garner. – pb
Peter never said it was. I do believe that folks that hide behind cute names are very afraid that they will be outed and that is not what they want. Peter just tell me what is wrong with identifying yourself? You do it. Peter I have a huge fan base. There is a waiting list to be part of my club which has many benefits. Want to join Peter>? You seem to like to follow my posts. Join my club Peter.
There are many folks that do go beyond the help we all have recieved and have done very well. Do they not not need to be acknowledged and appreciated for their success. It has nothing to do with the help you received it has more to do with just what did you do with that help you received. That is America and the American dream. There are no half truths, just people that understand an opportunity when they see it and move forward with it. Guess what, it builds employment, taxes and the personal feeling of accomplishment. What do those same folks do? Guess what they give back in hope that it will contribute to a better way of life for everyone. It is very simple. Take some time and figure it out. It is very easy.
Peter Dennis writes an article and you do not agree. So is it necessary to make a very lame attempt at humor for the only purpose to try and demean Dennis. If you read any of his comments it is for sure he does not shy away. Good contructive opinions are very good. But this stuff you try to counter with just because you do not agree is well I believe below your education level. Peter you can do better than that. Just take some time and try. Repeating the same old comments is not in any way productive. Peter I do believe you can do better. Peter that by the way is a compliment.
“Doofus” W. Bush was your boy not mine. Tell me you didn’t vote for him twice. For what good purpose? I certainly didn’t. PB