Hatred as the central element of our struggle! Hatred that is intransigent … hatred so violent that it propels a human being beyond his natural limitations. We must keep our hatred alive and fan it to paroxysm! — Che Guevara
IN TODAY’S WORLD, the words of leftist icon Che Guevara live on, illustrative of the hate felt by those bent on deconstructing the nation so as to “rebuild” it into their vision of a leftist Elysian Fields.
In the promotion of leftist ideology, a lexicon based on the obfuscation of goals — both their own as well as those of their opponents — has been established through years of testing and polishing. They likewise have perfected terminology to ridicule their “enemies” — yet when similar words are directed toward them, it is termed “hate speech.”
I previously defined portions of this lexicon in a tongue-in-cheek manner but left out a key word, one not easily defined in a one-liner: HATE.
This word, too often used — as well as too often misdefined — warrants individual scrutiny.
The use of the word hate in political discourse has a history as long as politics itself. In Shakespeare’s “Antony and Cleopatra,” Charmian stated: “In time we hate that which we often fear.” Just as applicable to pining for a lost love as to political intrigue, Charmian’s words ring true today.
The left, perfectly willing to classify their “enemies” in vile terms, willingly overlook the transgressions of those who espouse their own views.
Take Che as an example. His image regularly appears on T-shirts worn by college students who most likely haven’t a clue that the man was a murderer and a racist. Imagine today if a conservative had once written, as Che did in “Motorcycle Diaries,” that “the black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink,” or that “Mexicans are a band of illiterate Indians.”
The ugliness of the left often remains cloaked, out of view from those not willing to look. Che may remain ancient history to many, but the willingness of the left to selectively ignore “hate speech” is alive and well today.
• “Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to put him against a wall and shoot him.” — Democratic Rep. Paul Kanjorski on Gov.-elect Rick Scott
• “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” — Barack Obama
• “We’re going to punish our enemies.” — Barack Obama
• “Barack Obama is a ‘light-skinned’ African American with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” — Harry Reid
• “You think the Republican National Committee could get this many people of color in a single room? Only if they had the hotel staff in here.” — Howard Dean
• “I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one stone.” — John Kerry
If used by a conservative the above examples of “hate speech” would have ended careers. Yet virtually all of the above Democrats are still respected by the left, many for no deserving reason besides that they are part of the left’s conning of America.
The recent resurgence of the use of the term “hate speech” coincides with the election of Barack Obama, a man whom the opposition is expected to defer to on all subjects. Rather than opting to discuss policies based on merit, it is far easier to categorize the opposition as “racist” and “haters.” This demeaning trivialization of the opposition is intended to end discussions, usually when the argument is being lost. It is also a tactic that is well planned.
By “well planned” I refer to “Rules for Radicals,” by another leftist icon, Saul Alinsky, whose early 1970s manifesto has seen a recent upsurge in popularity (No. 234 on Amazon; buy it used for $7.99). In part this is because of purchases by conservatives who, by buying the book, appear to be taking a page from Sun Tzu to better know the opposition.
Reading “Rules” is akin to reading the game plan of the opposing team prior to the big game. Sure, you know it is wrong, and it feels dirty in your hands, yet to win reading the plan is a must.
Alinsky spells it all out:
RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.”
In essence this is a justification of the left to the double standard by which they exist. The left is insistent on holding the right to a high standard, while establishing none for their own behavior.
RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating.”
We see this rule followed on a regular basis by the likes of Letterman, Bill Maher and many others. The tactic is meant to dissuade, not persuade. It is meant to stifle, as well as to reinforce to themselves their self-proclaimed superiority.
One indicator of how deep the “hate” the left has for those of opposing opinions has been touched on twice in the above with the use of the word “enemy,” once by Alinsky and once by President Obama. The more gentlemanly word would be “opposition,” yet that is not how the left views those in disagreement. Enemies of course are to be eliminated, crushed, mocked. “Opposition” paints a far gentler, more restrained picture. One might have a pleasant evening meal with the “opposition” — never with an “enemy.”
Those who seek to restrain the steady increase in leftist power need to resist these tactics, which are hateful as well as disarming. Instead one should note that the louder the opposition cries out, the closer to home is the message being delivered.
You know you are not pushing the right buttons if the wrath of the opposition is not felt.
Dennis Lund is a mechanical engineer who lived in Benicia for more than 20 years.
A fan of Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Savage, Levin, Palin, etc. complains about hate on the left?
Excellentlv stated…Thank you! – pb
Benician stated: A fan of Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Savage, Levin, Palin
Show me one quote of mine where I have specifically stated or indicated myself to be a ‘fan’ of any of those named.
Do you deny being a fan?
sorry, do not answer the challenge with a question.
I will say this though: Your original statement is false.
Where have I ever made the claim?
you just answered the question. thanks.
And your claim was a lie.
How so? You were quick to defend Rush Limbaugh previously. Are you a listener? You defend Faux at every turn. O’Reilly and Hannity are their two top bloviators. Do you watch them? Was my claim false because there might be one on the list you’re not a fan of? Please enlighten us. Come clean. Which of those hate merchants do you watch/listen to?
Benician I have an idea. Why not meet with me and lets discuss our views. Send your e-mail addresas to the editor and he will forward it to me. I will not compromise you. Name a place and time and I will be there. We should meet in a public place of your choice. Hoping we can get together to better understand each other. It could be very productive.
I appreciate the offer, but I’m afraid it would be a waste of time. From your posts that I’ve read, I don’t see you as being able to reason when confronted with incontrovertible truths. Thanks, anyway.
You might just be surprised. I am a very reasonable person. During my working career I did get along with co-workers and have always been reasonable when given the opportunity. Some folks will not give others that opportunity. I do believe you and I both would. That is why I do believe it would be a very good get together. Think it over.
I do believe all this personal attacks and hate has gone way over board. Lets all cool it for the night and sleep on what all of us have posted. We may feel much different tomorrow.
Some follow baseball scores into oblivion,
some mediocre politicians as their only criterion,
some have a wife, get a life, enjoy the fruits of their toils,
rarely watching paint dry or debating how long it takes water to boil…
I’ve watched these exchanges for at least a year,
they always decay down to some prepubescent Slumber Party Rhetoric
where “My Schwinn is faster than your Schwinn,” or
“Your Red Flyer Wagon really sucks…and you know it…”
So good luck, all, I admire your passion and your patience,
but if I don’t stick around for the sequel –
I apologize to Mr. Livesay and Lund and Pugh for calling them drippety names,
and to anybody else that I offended but if I venture back…
Well, let’s just hope I don’t…Edward R. Murrow said it best, “Good Night and Good Luck!” – pb
The tenor is enough, without specific quotes.
Dennis, you are confusing “Hate for America” with the progressives movement to halt damage to the environment, improve worker rights, slow down the insidious imperilaistic war machine, improve the lot for women and other suffering minorities, remove the lopsided influence of corporate America on our politics, and to protect the average American against the unjust intrusions of the likes the CIA and NSA. But your classification of “hate” is your last hurrah for trying to defend the destructive behaviors of many of our government and corporate leaders who come from both sides of the political aisle, but in many cases, more from Right Wing Neocons. Democrat, Feinstein, is no friend to the 1st and 4th Amendments. The likes of the Koch Bros are not good for the long term best interests of the average American. In the net if Georgia-Pacific cleaned up its environmental act, it would not go broke.
I can’t help but laugh every time someone points out the differences between people instead of trying to find common ground. You’re playing right into their hands. People of power keep everyone else divided, focused on our differences, so that they can wrangle more power. Really, what does a post like this serve to do? Are there any solutions any problems proposed? No, of course not. It’s simply propaganda that panders to like-minded people.
Welcome to the world of DDL. Every post is the same. Obama bad. Democrats bad. Liberals bad. It’s the same word salad tossed a bit differently each time.
So true.
ryan, Thanks for the comments.
Great article Dennis. The left is going ape. Cannot stand to be told how it is. I notice again the Benician?Who is all over your article. No answers, no solutions just hate for all conservatives. I do believe your article pointed that out very well. Thanks Dennis.
How is hate for liberals any more productive than hate for conservatives? Hate in and of itself is counterproductive and nothing but a distraction from real problems.
The article is about the hate from Liberals toward conservatives. The conservatives do not hate liberals just disagree. Follow the past posts by Benician, Shelby and Bray. I do believe you may understand what Dennis is talking about. He does not hate any of them just disagrees as well as I do. I do believe we are all tired of the personal attacks that go on on this blog. It is not necessary. Disagree, that is fine but the personal attacks on conservative folks that comment are not.
“You know you are not pushing the right buttons if the wrath of the opposition is not felt.”
^that sounds pretty inflammatory to me.
Are you really going to sit here and try to tell me that some conservatives don’t hate liberals? I’m not going to try to defend liberals because they’re also guilty of the same stuff, but I’m also not going to let conservatives to try have their cake and eat it too. If drawing a Hitler mustache on Obama isn’t hateful, I don’t really know what it. Not that every conservative does things like that…but on the same token not every liberal behaves as Lund claims. And that’s my overarching point: pieces like this article serve no purpose other than inspire hatred of the other side. Why else write something like this? It’s not a disagreement. A disagreement is, “I respect your opinion, but I tactfully disagree.” A civil disagreement is NOT “You’re wrong, your whole kind is wrong, and here’s why, losers!”
You sir, are are definitely the clearest thinker here.
ryan stated:but on the same token not every liberal behaves as Lund claims
ryan, my opening paragraph pretty much summarized which “Leftists” I was talking about. I was not including all liberals. In previous columns I have mentioned the names of liberals whom I respect and do not fit the classification, the late Senator Daniel Moynihan and Camille Paglia for example.
I appreciate the comments, Bob.
If you followed Dennis and his writings you would know exactly what he is talking about. It is more local than beyound that. That is how I take it. There were some very hateful folks that no longer comment that brought out the worst in all of us conservatives. There are still some that continue on with not very nice personal comments. I know I have taken them and many times attacked back. I should have known better than to be part of that type of commenting. I try to be civil but believe me if someone wants to get personal I will not take it. Civil comments will get civil comments back in most cases.
I just read the comments of the author’s opposition. They have done an amazing job of confirming Mr. Lund’s position. It is almost comical if not so sad.
as well as being predictable.
Wow! Reading this article made me realize that the right harbors no ill will toward anyone. They are all just a heap of fuzzy little bunnies that you just want to cuddle up to.
Yes .. We are all that. And more. Is it that difficult and scary to believe?
Why can’t we accept the basic fact that left and right believers are compassionate, caring, and open-minded? Do you really believe that Conservatives are genetically predisposed to hate and bigotry? And if you believe that, what does that say about you?
Has your quest to win the argument converted you into which you accuse? Are you now the bigot?
Most of my friends are Conservative. They are open-minded and accepting of other views. I believe there is great value in reasonable debate between left and right. I believe both sides want a better country. We simply disagree on the means to achieve that goal. Let the debate go forward based on respect and compassion.
But I read your post and others on the left and cannot help but believe … These people hate me because I disagree with their thinking. These people are prejudging me and characterizing me, and they don’t even know me. These people presume I am hateful and horrible because I simply believe that government is too big and spends too much, and is snuffing out our freedoms. For that you hate me and mischaracterize me? You call me names?
I appreciate good ideas and well thought out argument. It stimulates thought. I am open to new ideas. And I am sure that surprises you.
Well stated Matter
How did you get all that out of my comment? Lighten up silly rabbit.
Also, “Most of my friends are Conservative.”. Why? Should you not practice what you preach?
I thought this excerpt from a past posting of mine might be quite relevant to this posting and discussion:
“While I have you on the phone so to speak, DDL, I have for some time been quite curious about something. What would you think of someone who would post the following in a letter to the Times-Herald.
“Mr. Page’s hate and contempt for anyone who disagrees with him is evident, yet his hypocrisy on this issue knows no bounds.” Dennis Lund.
(The issue: Rush Limbaugh’s three day, nine hour vile spewing of hatred for Sandra Fluke to which I took vigorous exception*. The hypocrisy remains a deep mystery to me!)
From what well of malign distaste did such words and sentiments emerge? No matter. Given your own rigid standards for courtesy and gentlemanly debate, I can, I am certain, assume the existence of some imposter seeking to use—and abuse—your good name. Would that we could locate and strike the bounder from the club roster.
*Some detail on the issue on which I had written and to which DDL took such vituperative exception along with my reaction to his views:
“As have been many in the land, this critic is thoroughly confused about what the central issues are in this Limbaugh embroglio. It is not that this sexually fixated fellow, who laughed as he told us that he wishes he could tell us about what he did with his band of studs and his illegally obtained Viagra in the Dominican Islands, is pretty disgusting. It is not only that he called the very vulnerable Sandra Fluke a slut and a prostitute. It is that he spent three days luxuriating over every change, every stomach turning sexual variation on his central theme, using Fluke as target and means; women who use birth control paid for under health care plans are whores. (Hard to imagine why I would react to that, isn’t it?)
Jerome Page
Mr. Page,
I missed this posting last night, or I would have responded sooner. Obviously that letter from almost 18 months ago has had a lasting impact on you as it has troubled you for a longtime.
Since you have my private e-mail address, I would be more than happy to address this issue in a private format rather than airing dirty laundry (so to speak) in public.
I will say this though, as it seems that some have jumped to the wrong conclusions, as is often the case. I make no claim to being wholly innocent of having strong feelings on a variety of subjects. Indeed most people do. I also make no claims that people on the political right of the spectrum, have crossed the line.
If you wish to carry this on further, feel free to contact me privately, as you could have done when this first occurred.
Correction, next to last line should read: I also make no claims that people on the political right of the spectrum, have not crossed the line.
Mr. Page remember you reacted because of your political beliefs. what Rush said may be a bit not to your liking but at the same time could very well be true. What say you Mr. Page? Mr. Page remember Limbaugh is an entertainer just as some of your very left leaning talk show hosts are. I do believe most folks understand that and go with the flow. Just because he is a conservative does not make him any more mean spirited than some of your beloved left wing talk show hosts. I will not name them Mr. Page you know who they are.
“LOL!! Yes, shooting a governor is certainly tepid by the playbook being followed.”
You attributed that quote to Paul Kanjorski. Which category does he fall under…President, Presidential candiate, or potential candidate? Or, congressman no one has ever heard of?
Your original post offered quotes from Obama, Reid, Dean and Kerry. How, exactly, are these considered ‘hateful’? You even include one (bring a gun to a knifefight) which speaks in metaphors. Oh, how hateful!!! Oh, and BTW, when did Reid ever consider a run for president?
Essentially, you came up with nothing, but for one quote from a virtually unknown congressman. Not that his target, Rick Scott…who has defrauded his own state, wasn’t an innocent target.
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, during the campaign: ‘Keep America, American’ (which happened to be a KKK rallying cry)
Romney surrogate John Sununu: Obama is ‘unamerican’. Romney neither fired nor reprimanded Sununu.
Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich: Obama is so outside our comprehension that only if you understand Kenyan, anticolonial behavior can you begin to piece him together.
More Gingrich: He’s not a real president. He doesn’t do anything that presidents do, he doesn’t worry about any of the things the presidents do.
Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachman: This is just about (Obama) waving a tar baby in the air and saying that something else is a problem. I have never seen a more irresponsible president who is infantile in the way that he continually blames everybody else… Yes, she said ‘tar baby’.
More Bachman: Obama has a perpetual magic wand, and nobody’s given him a spanking yet and taken it out of his hand.
Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum: President Obama once said he wants everybody in America to go to college, What a snob.
Wow…glad my parents were snobs like that.
Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell: Our #1 legislative priority is to make Obama a one term president.
And, if you can include Kanjorski, allow me to add GOP Congressman Trent Franks: Barack Obama has no place in any station of government, and we need to realize that he’s an enemy of humanity.
And, for kicks, let’s add GOP Maine Governor Paul LePage: As your governor, you’re going to be seeing a lot of me on the front page, saying ‘Governor LePage tells Obama to go to hell.’
It took approx. two minutes to collect these, which go much, much farther than your minimal collection. Give me an hour and I could crash the Herald server.
Still waiting for you to confirm the hate mongerers you listen to…though I’m sure you’ll once again reply without addressing the issue.
Alas I will have to waive the white flag of defeat. Your astounding skills at internet research combined with an acute level of lack of comprehension to previous statements has proven to make you a formidable opponent, or dare I say it…. Enemy.
But your comments back indicates the depth of Republican “Hate” and has indeed opened my eyes, to the shear Marianna’s Trench like depths to which that party has plunged.
I was absolutely shocked to see that a Republican Presidential candidate had reached a level previously unknown to me.
I can no longer abide by any party that would tolerate such hateful words. Imagine, they actually called the honorable Barrack Obama a……………SNOB!!!
Would they have simply asked that he be shot or stoned to death, as the peaceful zen inducing brotherhood of the the Dems has done regarding their enemies is one thing, but a SNOB!
Such an affront cannot be tolerated in civil discourse.
That is over the top. Now you will excuse me if I with draw from this debate as I must go downtown and immediately change my voter registration!
You have won Benician! Savor your victory! It was hard won and your perseverance has produced the fruits of victory.
Talk about hate, remember that sicko on these web pages a few months ago that wanted to see all NRA members get a bullet in the head.
Benician I do not think it matters what Dennis or you read or listen to. I am a conservative and I read the WSJ, SF Chron, CCT, Benicia Herald, NYT and the Wash Post. I also listen to Rush, Hannitty and Levine. But I also listen to Ron Owens. I also try to find a Liberal radio show host on the radio. Very difficult. Benician maybe you help me find some to listen to. I think it is very healthy to listen to all sides and there are many. None of it changes my political beliefs. Another question Benican is why are there no Liberal radio hosts in the top ten or why does Fox News have considerably better ratings than CNN and MSNBC. Fox News hosts all have better ratings on an hourly bases. “The Five”: is catching on like wild fire. I would think that should tell us something. These folks are not stupid are they? No. Just well informed listeners.
“but I also listen to Ronn Owens”
Please don’t tell me you think he’s a liberal.
“why are there no Liberal radio hosts in the top ten?”
Here are a couple of reasons…
1) Bombastic spewing of hate sells…particularly to one side of the partisan aisle. Lefties don’t go for that crap. Lefty talk radio is, for the most part, more a sane discussion of issues. They don’t make up crap, either.
2) Righty talk shows are owned by the big radio station owners. They’ll put on righty talkers over lefty talkers who can generate bigger ratings because they own the programming. Take Clear Channel, for example. They own what used to be an all-lefty station in SF (call letters were KKGN…don’t know what they are now). But, they wanted to squeeze some of their own programming onto the station…replacing the popular Stephanie Miller in the morning with Glenn Beck. Beck gets 10% of the ratings Miller got. No matter to Clear Channel. They’ll stick with the program they own instead of someone else’s that draws better ratings. Another instance of the ‘liberal’ media at work, huh? Even in a far-left, pinky, commie town like SF, righties dominate the airwaves. Please provide your explanation for this.
3) Righty audiences need someone to tell them what to think. There’s a reason Limbaugh’s audience is called ‘dittoheads’. Lefty audiences are more capable of thinking for themselves.
“why does Fox News have considerably better ratings than CNN and MSNBC”
For much of the same reasons cited above. It also helps they have greater clearance on free tiers in cable distribution than the others do. Still…what credence do you give to higher ratings? Sponge Bob gets better ratings than Faux. Pro wrestling gets better ratings than many REAL sports. What do you make of that? And, again, I’ll ask the question you and DDL never seem to want to answer…when studies confirm the more one watches Faux News, the less informed they are…is this because:
1) Stupid people watch Faux?, or
2) Watching Faux makes one more stupid?
I’m answering your questions. Please answer mine.
“Benician maybe you help me find some to listen to.”
Try the aforementioned Stephanie Miller or Thom Hartmann. Miller’s show is half-comedy, so you may enjoy a laugh if you have a sense of humor. Hartmann is all about the issues, and probably has more righty guests than lefties. Righty callers to his program go to the head of the line and he takes them on the air first. In fact, both programs take righty callers. Can the same be said for Limbaugh, Hannity, etc.?