By Craig Snider
I RECENTLY BECAME AWARE OF PROPOSALS to convert three billboards on Interstate 680 to digital/LED. These are the brightly lit signs that can be seen for miles while the display rotates from one ad to another. Anyone who’s driven to San Francisco in recent years has noticed this new advertising trend, which is designed to get and keep your attention as you drive.
Recently, I narrowly avoided crashing near Stockton when I became distracted by a series of catchy billboards along Highway 99. Cruising at 70 mph, it was only when I looked away from the third sign that I noticed traffic ahead was at a dead stop. I managed to slam on the brakes and dive into the adjacent lane, just missing the stopped car in front of me. Fortunately the adjacent lane was open and I was able brake in time. And the billboards that caught and kept my attention were merely “normal” billboards, not the flashy LED type.
I find it odd that there is so much concern about texting while driving, yet so little about ever-larger and more distracting billboards. I don’t get it.
One of the great things about traveling on I-680 is the scenery: Suisun Marsh, the Bay, Mount Diablo. Billboards, in general, often blight an otherwise scenic land- or cityscape — a problem I recognized in my childhood in the 1960s when traveling with family to Tahoe.
I’m dismayed by the proliferation of billboards along I-80, and every other major highway. When do we get to enjoy the scenery?
To suggest, as Benicia city leaders have, that I-680 doesn’t “qualify” as a scenic route is ridiculous. Otherwise, what was the point of the recent development of the scenic overlook at the bottom of Lake Herman Road?
And why do we need more advertising? Don’t we get enough already? We are constantly bombarded by ads we can’t control on the computer and TV, in the mailbox and newspaper, on the phone and on the radio — you name it. Here, perhaps, we have a chance to push back against the onslaught, just a little, by stopping a few obnoxious billboards from blighting our community.
As usual, money does the talking. CBS Outdoor, the largest billboard company in the U.S., wants to post another of their cash-making billboards in our community; Clear Channel wants to change two others to LED. And like other institutions, our city seems to have no qualms trading our peace, safety and scenery for a few more bucks, despite the fact that we already have ordinances to ban this kind of aesthetic assault and protect the community’s well-being.
One can only hope that our leaders will come to their senses, swiftly reject this dumb proposal, and move on to more pressing matters.
Craig Snider is regional environmental coordinator for the U.S. Forest Service. He lives in Benicia.
While there are some parts of I-680 that might be considered “scenic,” the location of these billboards hardly fits into that category. They are in the industrial park by the train tracks. Benicia needs the revenue, the industrial park desperately needs infrastructure repairs, upgrades and internet access to all buildings. The revenue the City will receive from these billboards will go a long way to modernizing our aging industrial park. If these billboards were going up on the Sunol Grade or past the industrial park, there might be an argument for “scenic.” Where they are planned does not in any way fall into that category.
I hope you will attend the meeting at the Council and express these thoughts.
Actually I was referring to Craig Snider.
Whats next Craig? Disneyland, Coit Tower, Office building, First Street Lights. I could go on and on. Were you against the Burma Shave signs also. How about Christmas Tree lights and decorations? You must have an argument against those also. I think the Redwood Highway should be lighted with bright CDhristmas ress lights every year. WOW what a site that woulkd be. Yes I am going a little overboard to strike a point.
Should be Christmas tree
Bob L., you must think Craig is a Democrat, otherwise you’re wet-blanket opposition to safety is a bit hard to understand. Of course, if he’s not an “Always Right-ist” like you, you have to nix anything he says.
Robert Shelby my comment was an opinion. I do not know his political leanings and I also do not care. I just disagreed with his opinion and stated my own. Now Robert please tell what is wrong with that. It was not political or intended to be political. You Robert made it political. Not me.
Revenue is important, but so is traffic safety. Advertising is a distraction from driving attention. Even the old Burma Shave signs along roads and earlier highways were distracting, however entertaining. Of course, we were only traveling 35 to 50 mph between intersections in those days where surfaces were paved.
Radio, cell phone and other things can be a distraction. As a licenced driver we all must concern our self with safety. You know Robert pay attention when you are driving. I will not answer a cell phone until I am safely parked. I keep the radio off when when my young grandchildren are in the car. They can be a bigger distraction than any signs. The responsibility of the driver is to stay alert.
So let me see…. You don’t want advertising signs because you were distracted and not paying attention to your driving while you were on Highway 99 (possibly going beyond the speed limit), but you want the signs removed because “One of the great things about traveling on I-680 is the scenery: Suisun Marsh, the Bay, Mount Diablo. ” Your argument doesn’t hold water with me. Why the heck are you looking at the Scenery, Suisuin Marsh or Mt Diablo while you’re driving. You should have your eyes on the road, not the scenery. Pay attention to the road.
I believe the added revenue will be of value to the taxpayers and your fellow Industrial Park business owners. You don’t speak for all of them and in fact I don’t see BIPA taking a negative position on the subject.
To suggest, as Benicia city leaders have, that I-680 doesn’t “qualify” as a scenic route is ridiculous.
Good point. It seems that if they feel that way we could expand on that logic:
“I-680 is eyesore anyway, why not make it a bit uglier and make a little money at the same time?”
Uh … unless we disagree with them. Which Craig, and I, and many others do.
I was in agreement with Craig.
You’re really bad at sarcasm.
In the future, I will keep in mind your status as the LCD and adjust my sites accordingly.
The LCD is your only audience. Which is why you continually miss your mark with the discerning public.
Typical woman; always has to have the last word.
That doesn’t say much for your masculinity. Plenty for your chauvinism, though.
Real Americasn you ask for and get it. Then you try to wiggle your way out with very nasty and personal commentsd. Real American try giving an opinion for once without nasty personal attacks.
Mind your own business.
Real American can I assume you will be at the meeting Tuesday night voicing your concern. Just how many and who are all these many others. So far I see Real American, Craig and maybe a couple more. Can you tell me if you will be at the Council meeting. Believe me you will not show up.
I will make my opinions known. Will you be there? Believe me you will not. Too afraid someone who knows you might recognize you. I know you prefer to watch on TV from the safety of your home.
Save me a seat Real American. Whats this “{Mind your own business”. This comment section is for public participation and not for your private use only to make nasty comments.
Enjoy the view from your Barcalounger. My comments aren’t nasty. They are trenchant. Pointed. Incisive and insightful. Now mind your own business.
RA stated: My comments aren’t nasty. They are trenchant. Pointed. Incisive and insightful
You forgot to mention your modesty as well.
Real American you do not run this comment section. I will comment as I see necessary. In your case it is about ten times a day. You will not answer questions. So it is very simple Real American, are you going to be at the council meeting meeting on Tuesday night?. That should be very simple, Yes or No. Can you possibly get that out. It should be very easy. Your comments are showing that you are ratteled and can not answer simple questions. Again Real American are you going to be at the council meeting Tuesday Night? Real American I will answer your question. I will be at the meeting Tuesday night. Everyone in the council chambers know who I am. I have no fear of anyone recognizing me. Believe me Real American they do know who I am. I am very proud of that fact and will not shy away from it. Now Real American it is your turn. Are you going to be there? Real American take notice I did not call you a name or make any personal attack on you. Just comments and a question. Do you think in your responce you can do the same?
Aren’t these new, modern billboards, that can be adjusted so that they don’t light up the night sky, going to replace existing old, run down, rusted billboards? It’s not like they are putting in ADDITIONAL billboards, they are simply replacing the existing billboards with ones that can generate considerable money for the city.
I’m in the camp that is against these billboards. How can we have such a restrictive sign ordinance downtown, but will allow these billboards along the highway?
But I’m also in the camp that says that we don’t have a revenue problem. We have spending problems. We do a poor job prioritizing. We refuse to say “No” to any constituency that wants something and feels that someone else should pay for it.
If modernizing the Industrial Park is such a good investment we should do that from existing funds. If they are truely good investments we will have more money in the future as a result of the investments.
Restrictive Ordinance? Take a good look. The ordinance is not enforced unless someone complains or someone in a new business wants to install a sign.
Yes I agree we have a spending problem.
I would call Benicia’s sign ordinance restrictive. The fact that it is inconsistently enforced adds an additional variability to anyone interested in doing business in Benicia. Maybe if we had fewer regulations that were consistently enforced we would have a more vibratant business community and less need for bureaucracy and additional revenue.
I think Craig needs to upgrade his driving skills