Cannabis was the topic of discussion at the Benicia City Council meeting Tuesday.
In June, the city of Benicia created the Benicia Town Hall website, a place where citizens could participate in an online survey as a way for the city to better garner the community’s zeitgeist. The cannabis survey opened on June 7 and closed on July 7. The survey yielded a variety of statistics, including that 55 percent of participants did not support dispensaries operating in the downtown area. However, 69 percent supported dispensaries operating in the Industrial Park and 54 percent of voters thought the city should allow commercial delivery service of cannabis for personal use to operate in Benicia. More than 2,000 people visited the Town Hall survey, and 1,410 participated in it.
The council discussed the survey’s findings and then opened the discussion to the public for comment.
Stewart Hall of Hall Fabrication & Racing Inc. began his comment by thanking the council for up the subject of marijuana to public comment and said cannabis was the single biggest issue the Benicia community has ever tackled. Hall said any changes to cannabis within Benicia would be for the revenues and not for the benefits of homeowners or citizens.
“Folks, you already have drugs here, although not taxed, ” he said. “Sales and empty parking lots at night in Southampton or East Second Street are happening when darkness falls. Now there is a group which wants to make it legal and possible tax base. Is that the best you can do for all the residents? Please consider the long-term effects of your decision of this for the city.”
Thomas Hamilton, owner of The Rellik Tavern, was the next speaker. Nine years ago, Hamilton came to the city with a proposal to open a bar on First Street. The council approved Hamilton’s proposal, and the Rellik has been going strong ever since. Hamilton cited his success as the innovation Benicia can do with new businesses. He supported the idea of dispensaries selling cannabis within the cities.
“The prohibition on cannabis is over,” he said. “Just as alcohol had its prohibition, people have voted and spoken. I am myself not a cannabis user, but I understand the importance of its use and the choice to do so. I have a friend who is a disabled veteran. He told me without the cannabis product he uses, he would have taken his life a long time ago. Is there anyone here tonight would who deny to honor a veteran the comfort he gets from cannabis? The face of cannabis has changed. We have makeup, skin care products, ointments for our arthritis and even clothing.”
Vice Mayor Steve Young asked Hamilton if he thought a dispensary on First Street would be a good thing. Hamilton said he thought the location would not be a concern. He added that he would not like to see a dispensary out in the Industrial Park because that would take some legitimacy away from it.
“This is here,” Hamilton said. “Cannabis is here to stay, all right? The more outfront it is, to be honest with you, the better it is.
Several others came up to speak, either voicing their support or opposition to possible changes to cannabis within the city. The discussion then went back to the council who would decide what to do with the agenda item.
Young said he could not see an easy way to distinguish between medical and recreational cannabis. He thought it was the same product by different users. To limit cannabis to only medical users would push out recreational users to purchase it somewhere else.
“To me, there is no strong argument to handle them separately,” Young said. “I think we should not distinguish between the two.”
Councilmember Mark Hughes thought there should be a distinction between medical and recreational cannabis. Councilmember Alan Schwartzman cited articles from a recent Time magazine issue titled “Weed Goes Main Street” and the changing times as to why he supports cannabis. Schwartzman said he make alcohol a class one drug and take cannabis out of that category.
The City Council voted yes on or no on the following directions to staff:
* Does the Council wish to distinguish between medical cannabis and recreational
4-1 support
* Should the city allow businesses to provide delivery service of cannabis for personal
use to operate in Benicia?
* Does the City wish to allow commercial dispensaries which would sell cannabis and
cannabis products?
4-1 support
* If so, should the dispensaries be limited in number? Staff’s suggestion after talking with experts and based on our population is two (2)
4-1 support
* If dispensaries are allowed, should they be allowed in the following zones?
0-5 opposed.
3-2 support.
First Street (Mixed Use District)
3-2 support.
Shopping Centers
1-4 opposed.
Lower Arsenal
1-4 opposed.
Business Park
3-2 supports parks.
In other business, the council voted to approve the Benicia Business Improvement District for another 10-year term.
The City Council will next meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 19.
I was surprised by Tom Campbell’s comments about no proof of cannabis as medicine. It was used from over five thousand years ago until about 1935 when the prohibition started telling lies. People still using message to kids to support their conservative views? Plenty of booze and cigarettes in this town, though. Bye-bye Strawbridge, Hughes, and Campbell. Prohibition is over.
He really said that? Wow! Seems like he would actually be more educated than to say something like that.
I don’t want dispensaries in Benicia. I am however okay with deliveries from outside of Benicia delivering.
I’m good with both.
I’m good with anything legal and legitimate bringing tax revenues into Benicia. The citizenry is tapped out with fees and taxes.
New data from the feds shows teen cannabis use is down to lowest levels since 1994. So much for the message to young people. Stop with the scare tactics, Strawbridge, and others.
Give us the link.
I believe this is what’s being referred to.
My grandkids say they can get all they want now, if they want it. Kids are losing interest because it is simply not so naughty any more. It will not be easier for minors to acquire when it is sold legally here or anywhere else.
The bottom line, whether you agree with legalization or not, is that Betty is right. Cannabis is available to whomever has money and wants to purchase some. Cigarettes on the other hand require both money and identification, meaning it is harder for kids to buy cannabis than it is cigarettes.
John are you pro cannabis stores in Benicia? If pro do you want them on First Street? That would be nice to0 know.
My thoughts on this subject have evolved over the years. I used to be 100% against legalization. Then I realized that when it is harder for kids to buy cigarettes than cannabis something isn’t working and needs to change. I did not vote for legalization because I thought the law was poorly written and that we need to understand how to do things like evaluate for driving under the influence. That said, now that it is legal I think we need to come up with the best way to implement what is the will of the people.
That said, I have no problem with stores in Benicia. I also have no problem having stores on 1st Street. As to the number of stores, as a strong believer in capitalism, let the market decide. Part of me wants to say if I can buy alcohol or tobacco I should be able to buy cannabis. Maybe even at the same location. But like I said, not sure I am ready to go that far right now. And as for your next question, I do not use cannabis. Tried it almost 40 years ago and just didn’t enjoy it. Don’t drink or smoke either.
John that is a very thoughtful reply. I did not ask you if you used cannabis that is none of my business.
Meant to say harder to buy cigarettes than cannabis.
I assume Betty you are pro Cannabis stores in Benicia. Hard to believe that a Gran mother would want that if that is true. Maybe you do not want cannabis sold in Benicia. I would like to here from you on pro or con of stores selling cannabis in Benicia. Better if you are pro where would you like them?
Betty, You sound like a very cool and resoneable grandmother, I bet your grandchildren love you to the moon and back.
My daughter uses one of those vaporizer pens to treat her migraine headaches. She said they go away within 30 seconds of inhaling the vapors and do not start as frequently now. She used to be sidelined for a whole day by migraines. She got me to try one of those cannabis desert items about four months ago and I just loved how I felt relaxed and energetic after about a half hour or so. She set me up with chocolates, teas, and lemon squares for day use and night. I started to do crochet again and work in the garden more because I just feel better after a cannabis treat. I sleep like a brick now too. People are learning that cannabis is not the monster it was portrayed to be for many years, but some are slow to accept that fact. Thank you.
Betty, It is never too late to become enlightened.
Depends on what you do to get enlightened. What do you do Thomas. What others do may not work for many.
True, Bob. Thanks. It works for Betty.
What works for Betty Thomas. It appears it is medical cannabis. I do believe that works but not recreational. Recreational is exactly what it says. Recreational.
Betty did not mention anything about having a medical condition, or having a doctor’s recommendation. Which is all you need in order to purchase at existing dispensaries, BTW.
Medical dispensaries at present.
I have three children, six grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Believe me they do love me and I am their hero.