You will not be able to stay home Brothers and Sisters. You will not be able to plug in, log on and cop out. You will not be able to lose yourself in thought and slip; slip out for a Starbucks coffee during commercials, because the Revolution will not be televised. The Revolution will not […]
Poetry Corner: Johanna Ely “Listen Up!”
A poem is not a painting, so don’t just look at it. Don’t keep it silent. It is a song of celebration to sing to hum to chant to a god with an attentive ear. Croon it to the marsh grasses who sway to its rhythm. Shout it out to the early morning crow who […]
Launch event to highlight arts education tomorrow
How important are the arts in education? That is a question that will be discussed at the Benicia Arts Now Community launch breakfast at Benicia Middle School. The new local art education advocacy organization, in conjunction with the statewide California Alliance for Arts Education, will be hosting a special event to discuss ideas on how […]
The A Cappella Handyman: Concert at the Naked Oyster
It’s nighttime at The Naked Oyster, the dinner crowd is just finishing up. The waterfront air is permeated with garlic and wild rice. Those in the know are headed to the small stage in the back where the poster says, “Headliners Tonight: Neil Diamond, Paul Simon, and Bob Dylan.” Diamond begins: “It’s a popular song, […]
Big band tributes to duke it out at Empress
This Saturday, the Empress Theatre in Vallejo will be hosting a Battle of the Bands competition, but the acts featured are not your typical upstart bands. Instead, two acts will be paying tribute to two of the great bandleaders of the 1940s and audiences will get to vote on which ones they like best. It’s […]
Gallerie Renee Marie to host first juried show, ‘The Art of the Book’
A celebration of books is underway at Gallerie Renee Marie as the gallery gears up for its third anniversary. These books, however, are pieces of art which have been altered through collage, entertaining elements and creative interpretations, and they are all part of the gallery’s first juried show. “The Art of the Book” opened May […]
Jeff Burkhart’s “Rhyme and Reason”: A Short Message of Thanks
By virtue of the fact that you Are spending this short minute To stop by “Rhyme and Reason” Just to read the poems within it I’d like to humbly thank you all I value your support As you read my ramblings and The things that I purport I don’t recall exactly when Or why that […]
HQ Gallery celebrates first year on First Street
By Tibby Lerner Special to the Herald The HQ Gallery’s new show “First Year on First Street” is celebrating the gallery’s one year anniversary of moving from the Headquarters building in the Arsenal to its current location at 333 First St. Twenty-five artists represent 25 different styles, including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, printmaking and needle […]
Benicia Chamber Players to perform special Mother’s Day concert at Capitol
The Benicia Chamber Players are playing a show at the Benicia Capitol State Historic Park this Mother’s Day. The Chamber Players were formed 15 years ago by Clif Foster with a little help from Stan Houston of ABC Music– now Mozart, Einstein & Me. The Chamber Players’ first gig was at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, […]
Poetry Corner: Mary Susan Gast “Power Dynamics”
It was in the air, Borne on the currents Of hope and history, Those self-evident truths Of equality and rights. It was on the rise, This notion that power Is invested in the people, That governments Draw their powers from the consent Of the governed. It was on the wing, The recognition of the turns […]