TODAY, WHILE STAYING WITH THE FATE OF CHILDREN, I propose to leave the national stage and make a crucial connection between two striking realities in Texas: its commitment to the unborn and the state of its dedication to those who have left the womb — that is, its commitment to the born. First, regarding Texas’ abortion […]
Matt Talbot: ‘Laborism’ over business as usual
BARACK OBAMA AND THE 111TH CONGRESS of 2009 were elected by a country staring terrified into an economic abyss, angry at the oligarchs who created that abyss and ready to be led in a new direction by the soaring rhetoric of Hope from their new president. The Reagan/Gingrich-era conservative revolution was about played out, and […]
Dennis Lund: Detroit: Anomaly or predictor of destiny?
“Make no mistake, Detroit is exactly what the Republicans want. They outsourced manufacturing jobs, attack unions, cut public services, and this is the result.” — Ed Schultz, MSNBC and radio personality “The agonizing death of Detroit is cause for celebration. It’s the first of the liberal-run big cities and states to fall, and we should […]
Harvey Rifkin: America is exceptional — in the wrong ways
PERHAPS, IN THE PAST, America was truly exceptional in a positive way. Unfortunately, lately we have been moving more and more to “dark side” of exceptionalism. Let’s examine the ways in which America is, at this time, exceptional. The following are verifiable facts, not my opinions, about American exceptionalism. I will let you be the […]
Jerome Page: The children’s future
TODAY IS, FOR ME, NOT A DAY for my familiar research into the issues of greatest concern to me. It is a moment for introspection, a kind of summing up of what I see as central realities. I chose today and, very likely, next week to share some very subjective observations, conclusions and feelings. I […]
Marilyn Bardet: CEQA-lite: The kinda-sorta review of Valero’s crude-by-rail project
THE LAST SENTENCE IN A RECENT ARTICLE published in an area newspaper caught my eye: “. . . City officials say responses to a large volume of public comments are due out (Aug. 2).” At the July 11 Planning Commission hearing on Valero’s crude-by-rail project, city staff promised to answer “all public comments received” on […]
Bruce Robinson: Full disclosure
NOW THAT THE PRESIDENT HAS MADE IT CRYSTAL CLEAR whose side he’s on in the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case, it’s time for those of us who disagree to be crystal clear about where we stand — squarely on the principles of justice and equality before the law. That’s precisely what Bill O’Reilly did recently when […]
Matt Talbot: Cui bono
MANY REGULAR READERS OF THIS COLUMN may be surprised to learn that I started out my voting life as a reliably avid Republican. Liberalism seemed tired by the late 1970s. The brimming optimism and cultural energy of the New Deal and Great Society eras seemed to have gone off the rails, and the American political […]
Jerome Page: A guide to career choice
Before diving fully into the deep seated Republican loathing for taxation of wealth, I thought to relieve the pressure a bit with a heartwarming story about North Carolina GOP concern for young voters and their parents’ taxes. Under a bill introduced in April, parents would face a tax penalty if their children register to vote […]
Jim Pugh: Where are we now?
LAST WEEK PRESIDENT OBAMA made a surprise 20-minute speech during the regular White House news conference. His appearance seemed to be a surprise even to Press Secretary Jay Carney, as it certainly was to the press. The president explained that he felt compelled to speak following the verdict in the George Zimmerman case, because it […]