ARE WE CONFRONTED WITH THE PROBABILITY OF A WARMING PLANET? Are we further confronted with the probability that increase in CO2 in our atmosphere is one of the reasons — if not the major reason — for our dangerous situation? Given the overwhelming odds that the answer to both questions is yes, what steps are […]
Open letter to the Legislature: Don’t pass draconian gun laws
By Dennis Lowry I AM WRITING AT THIS LATE DATE to ask our Democratic state legislators to vote against pending gun legislation in California — specifically, Senate Bills 47, 374, 53 and 396. Being a member of a political party that presently enjoys a supermajority requires each of you to exercise very careful judgment on […]
Matt Talbot: Jazz man
A COUPLE WEEKS AGO, on my BART commute home, I got distracted by my smart phone and accidentally got off one stop too soon. I realized my mistake just as the train doors were closing. D’oh! I buried my face in my phone again to pass the time until the next train, but something made […]
Dennis Lund: Hate and hypocrisy of the left
Hatred as the central element of our struggle! Hatred that is intransigent … hatred so violent that it propels a human being beyond his natural limitations. We must keep our hatred alive and fan it to paroxysm! — Che Guevara IN TODAY’S WORLD, the words of leftist icon Che Guevara live on, illustrative of the […]
Robert Shelby: An American tragedy
WE KNOW THAT FRAUD, SELF-DECEIT and false consciousness run rampant in our world. That these exist is more evident than that a traditionally conceived God exists. Fakery and reasoning on the basis of premises false to fact but accordant to wish or agenda is as common as fiat money. They have similar standing and use. […]
Matt Talbot: Path to prosperity
IN THE 1950S, THERE WAS A MOVEMENT in American design called “Populuxe,” which was a portmanteau of the words “populist” and “luxury.” The Populuxe movement in architecture and design sprang from the realization that industrialization had made possible the wide availability of products and services once reserved for a wealthy few — everything from cars […]
Dennis Lund: The lexicon of the left
“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.” — Machiavelli RICHARD LUBIN CONTRIBUTES a regular column to The Herald called “The Devil’s Dictionary,” a lighthearted, nonpolitical and thoroughly enjoyable look at our use of words in ways that can convey meanings in intended or unintended ways. Under the heading of “Imitation […]
Jerome Page: Blithely into the precarious future
I PROPOSE TO DELVE FURTHER into the responsibilities and deeper ramifications of our compact with our descendants’ futures. Before moving to the major news on that front, I thought to touch on several lighter but related bulletins, including a brief update on the state of the Republican Party and its compact with the nation’s present […]
Jim Pugh: A critique long past due
IN A FAIRLY RECENT Political Theater section of the Washington Times, former Times Editor Joseph Curl unleashed what I consider to be one of the fiercest — if not the fiercest — political attacks on the Oval Office I have ever read in a major American new outlet. In this fairly short editorial, Curl began […]
Matt Talbot: Capitalism course correction
IN LAST WEEK’S COLUMN, I gave a description of what I see as the fundamental economic problem facing the United States: namely, the threat to the economy posed by capitalism run amok. To review: The median wage has been dropping for five years, and even before that the median wage earner had been running in […]