“To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.” — George Orwell I’VE MENTIONED BEFORE IN THIS SPACE that I have been worried about the long-term prospects for the survival of the United States as a unified and cohesive political entity. I still am. Before I get to the specific reasons […]
Valero rail extension — equal treatment under the law?
I DECIDED TO WRITE THIS PIECE before the release of the draft environmental impact report (EIR) on the Valero request to build three railroad track extensions (sidings) on their property. The level of near hysterical hyperbole presented by one small but active group against this effort has caused the city and Valero to again be […]
Think, Dream, Play: Zzzzz
I KNEW IT! I should be napping! I hope my husband is reading this because he is one of those extremely annoying people who goes all day without even the tiniest flutter of his eyelids. He just goes and goes and goes. Wide awake all the live-long day. Sheesh. And you know what he told […]
The A Cappella Handyman: Three Corvettes
This past week I was asked to speak at the Benicia Literary Arts Group Salon No. 3 at The Upstairs over First Street Cafe in Benicia. The subject for the evening was publishing, as in books, novels, memoirs, fiction, non-fiction, and so forth. I was asked to speak on design and layout and fill in […]
Making $ense of Real Estate: Deceptive practices
THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION recently announced a settlement with a Houston based mortgage lead generator to pay a $225,000 fine for deceptive and misleading conduct. The company operates several websites targeting mortgage borrowers. In the complaint filed by the FTC the Texas based company was alleged to have advertised Adjustable rate mortgage rates as Fixed […]
Dennis Lund: A closer look at Hillary’s ‘achievements’
“When I learned that I passed (the bar exam) in Arkansas but failed in D.C., I thought that maybe my test scores were telling me something.” — From “Living History,” by Hillary Clinton IN SPITE OF HER OCCASIONAL DENIALS, it is abundantly evident that Hillary Clinton will be running for the presidency in 2016. Yet […]
The mystifying drive to undermine science
ONCE AGAIN, ONE OF OUR LOCAL PUNDITS has attempted to cast doubt on human-caused climate change or “global warming” (“Let’s call it ‘climate disruption’ — yeah, that’s the ticket!” June 6). What he presents is a hodgepodge of quotes cherry-picked from various sources for their apparent failing to accurately predict the consequences of global warming […]
Matt Talbot: Why I care about Richmond
MY FAMILY MOVED TO BENICIA FROM RICHMOND when I was 13 ½ years old, on March 11, 1976. Benicia was a much smaller town then — Southampton existed, but only a couple blocks up from Southampton Road had been built out, and even in Old Town my parents’ house up on M Street had almost […]
Jerome Page: On employer sacrifice, and employee greed
I HAVE TAKEN THE PLEDGE AND WILL REFRAIN for an (unspecified!) period from commentary concerning the central potentially overriding environmental calamity looming over our future. However, because this will be published on June 8 and that date has been designated “World Oceans Day,” I call your attention to the many powerful and fascinating (and frightening!) […]
Dennis Lund: Let’s call it ‘climate disruption’ — yeah, that’s the ticket!
“The Los Angeles airport’s going to be underwater, so is the San Francisco airport. You’re going to have to move all that, that’s billions, if not tens of billions.” — Jerry Brown, May 13, 2014 AS WE VENTURE DOWN LIFE’S PATH, we must acknowledge that there are those who are preordained to be our political […]