In a column last fall, I predicted that Bernie Sanders would get the Democratic Party’s nomination for president this year. Putting aside the completely unforeseeable, it is getting hard to imagine a path to the nomination, given the delegate math and Hilary Clinton’s lead going into the upcoming California primary. She currently has a greater […]
Dennis Lund: And they wonder why we are angry?
Human nature tells us that everyone experiences anger, to some degree or level. What needs to be understood are the triggering and venting mechanisms and how those factors play into today’s politics. We are told that the current rise of Donald Trump is the result of the classic “Angry White Male” syndrome. But that is […]
Some Memorial Day thoughts on war
“The enduring attraction of war is this: Even with its destruction and carnage it can give us what we long for in life. It can give us purpose, meaning, a reason for living. Only when we are in the midst of conflict does the shallowness and vapidness of much of our lives become apparent. Trivia […]
Bruce Robinson: How We Got to “Compensation Coercion”
We Americans have always been suckers for sacred cows, whether it’s in slogans like “X is as American as apple pie” or in our commercial obsession with Mother’s Day. Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against apple pie or mothers. The most important women in my life have all been mothers and, next to […]
Matt Talbot: A tale from a misspent youth
When I was a kid, I was adventurous to a fault. I was particularly legendary for the bike wrecks I used to get into. While I and my friends lived in the flatlands of Richmond, the El Cerrito Hills were available for more adventurous biking fun about a mile or so east of my neighborhood. […]
Matt Talbot: Some thoughts on the Republican Party
Early 20th century humorist Will Rogers liked to say, “I am a member of no organized political party: I’m a Democrat.” I suspect there are more than a few Republican voters who could make the same remark about the chaos currently consuming their own party. In the wake this week of the Republican primary voters […]
Rebel Rebel: A tribute to David Bowie
I woke up Monday morning to look at my phone and saw a notification from my New York Times news application. It read something to the effect of “David Bowie, the legendary rock star, has died at 69.” I re-read it to make sure I was not misreading it in my sleepy state, but no. […]
Matt Talbot: Democrats are better economic stewards
BEFORE I GET TO THIS WEEK’S SUBJECT, I’d like to acknowledge a debt of gratitude owed to Marc Ethier, editor of The Herald and the man who offered me the chance to contribute my kvetches and yowlings to this newspaper each week. He’s been a gentle editor and an inspiration to make my writing better. […]
Dennis Lund: Zygotes are not a cash crop
NOT TOO LONG AGO in a discussion about abortion, I heard an “abortion on demand” proponent use the word “zygote” to describe the human life that grows inside a womb. This was, of course, a life she was advocating be extinguished based solely on the choice of the mother. I was momentarily puzzled. It was […]
John Cosmides: Christ, divorce and same-sex marriage
SOME 2,000 YEARS AGO, God the Father gave all authority in Heaven and on Earth to His Son, Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:18-20). That act empowered Christ to invite humanity back into a Covenant relationship with God (II Cor. 5:18), a relationship that is offered freely to all who believe in Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection […]