For thousands of years, history has recorded the use of the cannabis plant in various forms, as well as methods of ingestion or application. The medicinal utility and psychoactive qualities of cannabis are chronicled in the journals of numerous worldwide cultures. The Chinese are credited with being the first to regularly use cannabis in the […]
Letters: Too soon to vote on merger
Too soon to vote on merger I am writing to express my support for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU 1021) and its representation of the Association of Bay Area Government (ABAG) employees. As a member of the ABAG Regional Planning Committee, I am informed about a proposal to merge the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) […]
Dennis Lund: A modest proposal for the Supreme Court
Once again the nation has suffered through the process of a Supreme Court nomination. Having done so, we can now either sit back and wait in dread for the next one, or we can consider modification of probably the most divisive process in politics, save for presidential elections. Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell has played […]
Matt Talbot: Race, Democrats and the South
I concluded last week’s column with the following: “…I believe that the Democratic Party needs to do far more for working-class voters – and not just in terms of discrete policies they can point to, but getting reacquainted with the 70 percent of America that does not have a college degree, and whose incomes have […]
Pam Donohue: Beware of credit card usury
By Pam Donohue Special to the Herald Call me paranoid, but after all the phony calls and emails I have been receiving lately, I am beginning to feel that everyone is out there trying to steal what they can from me! At least once a month, I receive what the bank calls “phish” emails telling […]
Letters: Where does the city go from here?
Where do we go from here? It does appear this fine little town is approaching a critical time. There are financial and service issues at the top of the list, but guess what? We are still not taking any immediate action to resolve those very critical issue. Yes, the Amports fees and the giveaway of […]
Mrs. B’s Blather: What addictions might you have?
In a recent Sunday edition of the San Francisco Chronicle, Willie Brown accused our president of having a Twitter addiction. An addiction being the giving oneself up to some strong habit, as in waking up at 3 in the morning and texting outrageous accusations. I don’t think I need to repeat them as you would […]
Letters: Taking action for planet Earth
Taking action for Planet Earth Life as we know it on planet Earth is in peril because warming oceans and acidification are killing coral reefs and altering the web of life in all oceans, plants and animals are going extinct, global ice is melting and droughts, flooding and wildfires are increasing as a result of […]
Matt Talbot: The rhymes of history
Between 1845 and 1852, over a million Irish men, women and children starved to death in an event referred to in Irish Gaelic as An Gorta Mór – “The Great Hunger.” Many Irish starved in their farmhouses and in the fields; others on the road to cities, where the authorities had promised relief. Many who […]
Letters: Congratulations, Carquinez Village
Congratulations, Carquinez Village For more than two years, Benicia residents Lois Requist and Judie Donaldson have spent countless hours working with the community and local organizations – recruiting members and volunteers along the way – to bring the vision and mission of Carquinez Village to fruition. The launch of Carquinez Village, which took place on […]