VFW Memorial Day drive Dear citizens of Benicia, Thank you very much for your generous donations to our Veterans of Foreign Wars Buddy Poppy drive this Memorial Day weekend. Your donations help us fund veteran programs. The buddy poppy tradition dates back to the World War I era and comes from the poem “In Flanders […]
Letters: Kudos to Jasmine
Kudos to Jasmine It is always a pleasure to read the contributions of Jasmine Weis to the Benicia Herald. Her pieces, whether they deal with holiday customs around the world, “10 Neat Facts About Benicia,” or the angst of applying to college, are always thoughtful, engaging and highly readable. Ms. Weis’ latest piece, in the […]
Letters: School solutions
School solutions Wow, did you see all the parents upset because our great school board voted to approve new graduation requirements without community input? Didn’t the people elect them so we will be kept informed? Do we need another bill that informs us ahead of time before changes are voted in? Anyway, I am OK […]
Jasmine Weis: Arts, electives need to be supported at Benicia High School
There’s a running joke my dad used to make to describe Benicia schools to non-Benicians, and it went a little something like, “At Benicia Middle/High School, the band kids make fun of the football players!” My father, the master of hyperbolic comic relief, may have been stretching the truth (I have yet to witness a […]
Music Notes: Paying tribute to Chris Cornell
To say that I felt saddened to hear the news last week that Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell had hanged himself following a show in Detroit is an understatement. I felt destroyed by the news, as if a fairly significant part of my past had dissipated. I do feel that a great talent had been lost, […]
Letters: Improper response
Improper response Mayor Patterson needs civility training. Why would I say that? Very simple, because of her very loud and abusive voice comment to two speakers at last week’s Council meeting. Her comment was condescending, rude and disrespectful to two residents speaking on an item on Measure C, declaring the speakers to be “out of […]
Letters: Tobacco ads and new graduation requirements
School board policy: The real story Benicia is an “Art Town”, and very proud of the fact. So why has your school board recently voted to potentially slash art, theater and everything else that makes Benicia High School a Gold Ribbon-winning model school? Our recent California Ed Board win, Congressional Art Competition wins and Bay […]
The A Cappella Handyman: Two-County Tinker
I used to be a three-county tinker, but I gave up Alameda County. It was just too far to go. I also gave up those under-the-counter jobs where your head and back are in the cabinet looking up at 30- or 40-year old fixtures and drains or garbage disposals in leaking and desperate need of […]
Letters: Incident handled well
Incident handled well The Valero flareup was handled very well by both Valero and the city of Benicia. We all should be giving them a standing ovation for their very fine job. That does not seem to be how the mayor looks at it. I understand her concerns, but to get answers as fast as […]
Letter: Protecting public art
Protecting public art I enjoyed the article in the April 30 edition about the proposal of more public art in Benicia. That’s a great idea, but let’s not forget about what we already have. The Granizo tiles are a wonderful example of art and history as well as craftmanship that have withstood the years.I have […]