Vallejo’s wastewater rates As a followup to my recent two-part article on water and wastewater rates, I learned today that Vallejo intends to start a wastewater rate increase this year of almost 50 percent over five years–about 10 percent per year for five years–, driving its rates up to $126 for two months. This is […]
Letters: Congressional debates, gun control and FedEx
LWV should host congressional debate I am the Green Party candidate for Congress in this district, and I am trying to get the League of Women Voters in Benicia to host a debate. They are telling me that they will host a candidate forum only, and only if all candidates are present. The problem with […]
Letter: Don’t raise rent rates
Don’t raise rent rates Because San Francisco has become a place where they have the highest rent in the country, many people are moving to other places. I see Solano County starting to raise apartment rates, trying to do what they do in San Francisco. There are so many people on fixed incomes that are […]
Benicia Forum on Nuclear Power: New nuclear posture, old justification
By Ryan Swan Special to the Herald The 2014 Ukraine crisis, the 2016 election meddling and the ongoing developments in Syria are all surface representations of a waxing tension with Russia, revitalized from its brief post-1991 latency. The recent imagery of Russian rockets allegedly impervious to anti-missile defense systems raining down on Florida, however, brings […]
Letter: Come to the march
Come to the march I urge all residents– including parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, students, senior citizens, and yes, gun owners, and anyone who believes too many children have been victimized and/or killed due to gun violence– to participate in the Benicia March For Our Lives on Saturday, March 24. Join us at 10 a.m. as […]
A Vibrant Faith for the 21st Century: Descriptive truth and prescriptive truth
By Rev. Henry Sun Special to the Herald Early on in my study of ethics, I was introduced to the leap of faith that is required by any moral decision. For example, one can claim that murder is wrong. (For the record, I agree.) Nonetheless, the claim that any specific murder is wrong is an […]
Letter: Questions for Rep. Thompson to answer
Questions for Rep. Thompson to answer I want to know why Congressman Mike Thompson, who talks about Trump like he’s crazy and dangerous at town hall meetings, voted to give Trump unlimited ability to make war? That seems a bit disingenuous, doesn’t it? If he thought Trump was so reckless, why would he have voted […]
The Benicia Fullosopher: The truth about cruising (Part 2)
The Benicia Fullosopher Once you have decided the type of cruise you would like, if you wish to get the best price, here are some things to know. Fares vary on the same ship for the exact same itinerary and length of time. Fares are highest when children are out of school. For the rest […]
Letters: Discussion on rising waters
Water Rising! The League of Women Voters Benicia would like to invite all interested people to join us for a panel discussion, “Water Rising!” this Wednesday evening. Issues of climate change, sea level rise, water shortages, and increased water costs will be discussed. Panelists include Jerry Potter, NASA Climate Scientist; Andy Florendo, Solano County Water […]
Greg Gartrell: Understanding the water rate increases (Part 2)
(Part 1 of this article, published in Friday’s paper, focused on the reasons for Benicia’s water and sewer rate increases. Today’s article aims to explore solutions.) So what can be done about the cost of water and wastewater? I have heard many suggestions as to the causes of the rate increases and how to fix […]