Some citizens may continue serving their community on various boards and commissions, others will be seeking seats for the first time. All will be voted on by the Benicia City Council at its Tuesday meeting. After a lengthy process that included interviews by a council subcommittee and Mayor Elizabeth Patterson, the council will be voting […]
Arts Benicia goes ‘dark’ for curated exhibit
Although most would rather not think about it, the Halloween season is starting to creep in. Just look at all the Halloween decorations in stores, advertisements for pumpkin spice lattes and emergence of Halloween specialty stores— all in the middle of September. Arts Benica’s curated exhibition, “After Dark,” is not Halloween-themed, but it is still […]
New exhibit to light up Plein Air Gallery
Judy Feins is bringing light to the Benicia Plein Air Gallery. Specifically, the light is in her paintings which capture the luminous elements of nature. Feins has exhibited at the gallery before— local art aficionados might remember last year’s show “Luminous”—, but those who want to get a further understanding of the East Bay artist’s […]
Steve Morgan: Anatomy of a male litterer
By Steve Morgan Special to the Herald This is a sequel to the article my wife, Sindy Harris, wrote about our experiences picking up garbage along Interstate 780 and its adjoining on/off ramps through Caltrans’ Adopt-A-Highway program. Sindy posted her observations about the type of trash that women litter. She hypothesized that because women are […]
The A Cappella Handyman: Code Blue
Code Blue It’s a borrowed title from another story but its weight fits the mood. These are the prosthetic hooks that taught me how to use my hands. Fortunately too we had Mom who taught us the best a Mother can teach. But Dad was our Dad. Best mentor an eight year old boy […]
Voice of the Village: What is the best time of life?
By Lois Requist When I was a kid, older people often told me that I was experiencing the best time of my life, so I should enjoy it. Even then, some part of me wanted to respond, “Really? This is as good as it gets?” What was my life then? We were poor, and unlike […]
Devon Minnema: Political labels are not always helpful
I’ve always believed that words have meaning. That may seem obvious, but I think it is important to have solid definitions to terminology that way language can be less manipulated by politicians and ideologues. In the last few years, people have begun co-opting old terms and branding themselves with new ones in an attempt to […]
City Council candidates discuss issues at Chamber of Commerce forum
Viewers of Wednesday’s Candidate’s Night forum, sponsored by the Benicia Chamber of Commerce, had an opportunity to ask questions of the City Council candidates and learn their perspectives on hot-button issues facing the city. The forum was held in the Council Chambers of City Hall and moderated by James Cooper, the president of the Vallejo […]
Planning Commission to vote on downtown design guidelines
After nearly a year of discussions at various commissions, amendments design guidelines in the Downtown Historic Conservation Plan (DHCP) will go for a second round of votes at Thursday’s Planning Commission meeting. The guidelines were previously adopted at a Historic Preservation Review Commission meeting, and— if approved by the Planning Commission— will go before the […]