“Draining the swamp” has become the slogan du jour for just about anybody who wants to fix what’s been happening in our nation’s capital. It’s a catchy metaphor, but taken literally such a swamp-draining would not only be prohibitively costly to the taxpayer but would eliminate virtually every bureaucrat in the federal government. If we were a nation the size of New Hampshire, that might be OK. Maybe a better slogan would be “Strain the swamp.”
A brief sampling of unelected officials and their staffs who populate the massive granite edifices in D.C., as well as in many branch offices located throughout the 50 states, is enough to make anybody gasp. Here are just a few agency missions and headcount statistics:
1. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)—“foster open, transparent, competitive, and financially sound markets.” Headcount: 437.
2. Offices & Bureaus—comprises 18 separate functional groups such as Administrative Law Judges, General Counsel, Inspector General, Workplace Diversity, Public Safety & Homeland Security. Headcount: 1,720.
3. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)—comprises 12 different offices that “assist consumers in obtaining reliable, efficient and sustainable energy services at a reasonable cost through appropriate regulatory and market means.” Headcount:1,500.
4. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)— “to protect consumers by preventing anticompetitive, deceptive, and unfair business practices, enhancing informed consumer choice and public understanding of the competitive process, and accomplishing this without unduly burdening legitimate business activity.” Headcount: 1,165.
5. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) —With its headquarters in D.C. and 26 regional offices throughout the country, the NLRB “is an independent federal agency that protects the rights of private sector employees to join together, with or without a union, to improve their wages and working conditions.’ Headcount: 1,956.
6. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)—“to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation.” Headcount: 5,196.
7. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)— “Provide America’s taxpayers top-quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and enforce the law with integrity and fairness to all.” Headcount (as of 2015): 82,203.
There are many more federal agencies to be accounted for, but this nearly 12,000 person sampling adds up to billions of taxpayer dollars spent on salaries alone every year. No wonder in 2018, we will have a federal budget deficit of $440 billion. No wonder, too, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has trouble making accurate projections every year. Does the average American voter know any of this? Probably not, because the “mainstream media” never reports about it.
Yet, ever since he took office on Jan. 20, President Trump has been faulted for not “draining the swamp.” If all you watch is cable news networks like CNN, CNBC and Fox, you’ll never hear anything said about the sheer vastness of the swamp. Instead you’ll hear the talking heads snarling about Trump’s shoot-from-the-hip “tweets,” and, of course, the “fake news” in The New York Times and The Washington Post about the Trump administration’s alleged collusion with the Russians.
The fact is Trump has been diligently doing the best he can to target and torpedo some of the biggest critters that prowl the depths of “the swamp.” Consider a few recent instances.
1. Congress passed and Trump signed into law 13 bills nullifying federal regulations enacted during the Obama administration. These included H.J. Res. 69 reversing a U.S. Fish and Wildlife rule affecting Alaska’s National Wildlife Refuges and S.J. Res. 34 reversing FCC Internet privacy rules.
2. Appointed constitutionalist Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch who, after weeks of Democratic committee caterwauling, was confirmed on April 7.
3. Fulfilled his campaign promise to kill the Trans-Pacifc Partnership (TPP) international trade agreement on Jan. 23.
4. Cut illegal border crossings from Mexico by 40 percent in February—a decreasing trend that rose to 70 percent within the next three months.
5. Reversed Obama’s timid response to Syria’s use of chemical weapons against civilians by ordering U.S. missile strikes on Syrian air bases.
6. Revived the Dakota Access Pipeline that had been blocked by Obama and reversed Obama’s ”land grab” executive orders, thus freeing the U.S. to use its own natural resources.
7. Reduced unemployment to a new low of 4.4 percent and increased U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to a new high of 2.6 percent.
Source: Snopes.com
Again, almost none of this real news about Trump has been reported in the “mainstream media.” Instead, the “talking heads” prefer to call out “crony capitalism” as one of the biggest causes of wasteful government spending. President Obama himself used the expression to criticize our capitalist economic system. In fact, as Sen. Rubio pointed out more than a year ago, “Obamacare is also bringing out corporate America’s worst crony-capitalist impulses.”
Remember the many times Obama proclaimed, “If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor too. The only change you’ll see are falling costs as our reforms take place.” The only problem was Obama had to make some shady deals with the big health-care insurance companies to keep them hooked into Obamacare.
Here, according to Rubio, is how it worked: “The health-insurance lobby has teamed up with trial lawyers to sue the federal government—through individual lawsuits and a $5 billion class action—for not following through on a sweetheart bailout deal buried in the law. This provision of Obamacare would have required taxpayers to bail out insurers for losing money on the health-care exchanges.”
This “crony capitalist” deal is what continues to drive the Democrat and RINO stonewalling in Congress. It’s all part of the murky scum that covers the proverbial swamp, and Americans will probably wait until the midterm elections before anything will change for better or worse.
Sadly, the worse looked inevitable during the last week of July when Trump’s Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus, resigned and Trump’s brash new Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, embarrassed everybody with stupid trash-talk. But sometimes calamities like this concentrate a leader’s mind—even that of an impulsive president like Donald J. Trump. In choosing Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly to replace Priebus, the president may at last have found his good angel. Perhaps this choice was in fact a case of divine intervention. Certainly, with Kim Jong Un’s latest test-launch of an ICBM capable of nuking Chicago, we’re all going to need some miracles.
Bruce Robinson is a writer and former Benicia resident.
Bruce, as always a very good piece, one which brings a sense of sanity to the insanity we see emanating from those aligned against Trump. Turning a big ship takes a lot of space, and turning the country around will take a lot of time.
I did see that Trump is far ahead of Obama in terms of Federal Judicial appointments after the first six months. That alone deserves a note of appreciation from those who want to see Judges focus on being Judges, rather than politicians.
Very good comment DDL. As always an excellent article by Bruce. We need you Bruce and DDL to keep submitting article. Good work. Thank you.
thanks for the encouraging words, gentlemen. What is it Jesus used to say– “Wherever two or three are gathered in my name…”‘
Bruce, I will make an extended comment on one of the offices mentioned in your listing above, that of the ‘Inspector General’ (IG). That office is one that I believe warrants a higher degree of visibility and independence. The Office of Inspector General (OIG), as you know, is tasked with being a watchdog over the various agencies that the individual IG’s are assigned to. This is a bit of ‘the wolf guarding the hen house’.
Additionally, individual IG’s can be fired by the President, as was Gerald Walpin. I wrote a piece on this action (no longer available on line, but mentioned here: http://beniciaheraldonline.com/dennis-lund-what-would-jefferson-think/ ). Walpin was ready to recommend filing of criminal charges against Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, a friend of Obama’s. The corrupt Johnson had misused federal funds for personal use and had engaged in unseemly activities related to a private foundation which received those funds. That action by Obama , in my opinion, permanently tainted him as one looking out for the best interests of his friends and not of the people.
I would welcome to see the OIG become a single agency with increased powers of investigation and of filing charges. The head of the OIG, would be one appointed, in a similar fashion as is the head of the FBI, whose term is ten years. Firing of the Chief of the OIG would have to be subject to review or approval of some type so as to avoid the action we saw regarding the Obama-Walpin scandal.
That aside the overall premise of your piece is spot on.
Right on Dennis.
Yest I vividly recall your op-ed about Gerald Walpin because it was the first of your articles in the BH that I ever read. In fact, I suspect it was one of the reasons why Marc Ethier thought it would be god to published our home-grown pieces in the first place.
Wow! Things are getting pretty intense these days!
It’s a good time to be alive and awake.
You have a good memory Bruce! If memory serves that was one of my earliest pieces!