HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW MUCH PRESIDENT OBAMA and his media acolytes love doom-and-gloom predictions? Whether it’s the extinction of polar bears or collision with a meteor, we are daily harangued with Chicken Little warnings. Usually, of course, these are about “man-caused” calamities. Increasingly of late, they’ve also been about “white man-caused” calamities.
In his Feb. 13 State of the Union speech, for instance, Obama predicted yet another imminent calamity called The Sequester. This is the sinister-sounding name the White House cooked up to describe an automatic $85 billion federal budget cut scheduled for March 1. The president blames the Republicans, of course, and here are his predictions: “These sudden, harsh, arbitrary cuts would jeopardize our military readiness, they’d devastate priorities like education and energy and medical research. They would certainly slow our recovery and cost us hundreds of thousands of jobs.”
As most Americans know by now, our president loves melodrama. That’s why the news media recently featured videos of Obama standing in front of uniformed police and fire personnel and warning everybody these poor “folks” may soon be laid off because of The Sequester.
What many Americans may not know, however, is what Karl Rove reported in the Feb. 21 Wall Street Journal: “It was Mr. Obama, not the Republicans, who came up with the sequester in the summer of 2011. In November of that year the White House said that the president ‘will not accept any measure that attempts to turn off part of the sequester.’”
Despite all this political bad news and balderdash, maybe we should look on the bright side. The good news is the Grand Old Party finally has a pretty effective spokesman — U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio. (See Michael Grunwald’s “The Republican Savior” in Time, Feb. 18.) Indeed, those of us yearning for freedom and justice who watched Rubio’s response to Obama’s State of the Union speech were inspired by his clear and cogent arguments for fiscal sanity and a just and lawful solution to our nation’s immigration problems. As usual, though, the knee-jerk news media reported only one tiny detail of Rubio’s response — when he took a quick swig from a water bottle.
As for Grunwald’s Time magazine interview, it was nothing but a series of snide liberal put-downs. We can almost see the columnist’s sneer when he quips: “His autobiography recounts virtually no substantive achievements beyond a hometown tree-planting project.” Or consider this condescending coup de grace: “Rubio might be a likelier Republican nominee in 2016 if his lily white party hasn’t addressed its policy problems with Hispanics.” Keenly aware of Time’s equal-opportunity racist editorial policy, of course, Grunwald also notes that Rubio is a “hip-hop-loving Cuban American.”
These guys never know when to quit! That’s why I have a hunch what was once a truly great news magazine may soon go the way of Newsweek, disappearing forever into the black hole of cyberspace.
By the way, here’s a newsflash for the editors of Time: We don’t need another “savior.” The world has already had its fill of demagogue saviors like Lenin, Hitler, Huey Long and Hugo Chavez. We just need more men and women who still believe in American exceptionalism — citizens with the character and courage to lead not from behind, but from in front!
Bruce Robinson is an author and former Benicia resident.
Marco “Fluff” Rubio…4 years away from any kind of an election and you guys are all ponying out your hot contenders…and badmouthing Obama…in case you hadn’t noticed, the diverse Democratic voters won the last election…and old, sour white guys are still looking to make points after the game’s last bell…Sorry, I only read you guys for entertainment when the other boob tube is really dull…pb
Speaking about dull boobs read above !
As I look around this community I see an awful lot of “white guys”. Maybe some of them are sour as you describe, but I don’t think it’s helpful to stereotype people. Lets agree or disagree based on facts and leave it at that. You must have clients or customers who don’t share your views. Most businesspeople I know try very hard to stay away from politics. You might be surprised at how they really feel.
No facts exist without interpretive frameworks or contexts, such as preexisting vocabulary. Even vocabulary fails before anomalous or antinomian conditions. Conservative insistence on fact-based discourse usually indicates a lack of genuine facts and a plethora of opinion. If someone sees X in a negative light, does that mean X is being stereotyped? Does negative light never qualify as fact-based?
Speaking about dull boobs read PB above. The sequester belongs to Obama and that’s a fact even the Dem’s can’t deny
Yes, the White House came up with the sequester as an idea the TP/RP opposition could accept and pass, because it let them “kick the can down the road.” But the President’s opponents in the House happily if not fervently bought in on it. It sequester takes effect, they can cry all they want, the country knows well that the GOP will take the blame for not agreeing to any compromise. 2014? Bye-bye, T.P.
Now Peter you must not have checked with the Comment Direct and his adman. Remember no name calling or personal attacks. I will admit yours were not that bad.
“….the black hole of cyberspace” – Love it!
I think it’s interesting how often the “liberal” media is cited…yes, the liberal media which is TOTALLY owned by big, fat, white, conservative, republican men. If those big, fat, white, conservative, republican men were not making a butt load of money on their media ownership, you had better believe the focus of all media would be very, very different. Since those big, fat, white, conservative, republican men ARE making so much money, we have to question the strength of their beliefs or are they, dare I say, hypcrites who don’t care what their media outlets say as long as the big bucks keep a’coming? Liberal media, indeed.
…and I can’t wait for the responses which will say they are businesses and therefore are in the business of making money…
“Making” money is different from, and better than, just “getting” money.
Robert Shelby how would you know?
So true Peter Bray and J, Furlong! Even the smallest of Papers like the Benicia Herald is full of conspiracy theorists on the “Liberal Media Bias” meme of decades ago. They are full of conspiracies these days but that is the whopper and the biggest thing they have!
The sequester only came about because the GOP was holding the nation’s (and the world’s) economy hostage by refusing to OK a hike in the debt ceiling, after it was their wars, their tax cuts for the wealthy, and their Medicare Part D…all of these unpaid for…which skyrocketed the debt. The impact of the sequester (which…by the way…was voted for by most republicans) was designed to be so bad, both parties would find no alternative but to negotiate a solution. Now, while the Dems look to negotiate a solution, the republicants, as always, just say ‘no’.
Barack Obama took office in January 2009. At the time, we were in the middle of the Bush Great Depression. With the economy reeling and the nation suffering, the GOP collectively decided they would say ‘no’ to anything Obama proposed…even ideas that were originally their own…no matter how adversely it impacted our fragile nation. And, this is the group Mr. Robinson sides with. I’m just glad the ‘former resident’ has left Benicia and taken his ignorance elsewhere.
I personally have no use for Bruce Robinson’s pretense of mentality.
Yet you felt it was important enough to come here and tell us you don’t care.
Oh, YAH-YAH, right back at you, Dennis.
Just how much did part D sky rocket the budget? Give me an example of where the Liberal Socialist wanted to compromise. Their idea and the President of compromise is their way or no way. You seem to think that compromise has a one sided view, your view. Very lame argument. Please also explain when and where the sequester will hurt this country. Just give us the facts. All you have done so far is run away from the facts and demean other folks that comment.
O believe both sides of the fence voted for the Sequester and President Obama could not wait to sign ot. After all it was his idea. The only thing is the Republicans new it would back fore on the President and his Liberal followers. It is very simply the Republicans want spending reduced and taxes at all levels reduced. The Liberal Socialist want spending increased with more tax cuts for the so called rich and also the debt limit upped. Both sides of the fence you could say are at fault for not reaching out. But at the same time the President will not budge in his upping the debt limit, increasing taxes on the rich {The middle class will also be effected by this more than the rich}. Which really means the President without a doubt wants to spend this country into far more debt than we can afford. No solutions on Social Security, medicare and the biggest one in 2014 Obamacare. When Obamacare is fully in service this country will see a debt crisis like they have never seen. Part D medicare was a Republican idea so because of that is was bad. If is was the Liberal Socialist idea it would be good and then they would want the rich to pay for it. Employment is the answer and the President is not doing anything that helps get this countrey back to full employment. Pelosi says unemployment insurance helps get the economy back on track. Now that one is very strange. Government spending is not the answer. Full employment of tax paying citizens will resolve this problem not more debt spending. 2014 could be a year that this country will never forget when it comes to national debt. Could be the largest single debt years combined with 2015 this country has ever seen.
Why is it that the words “debt” and “deficit” are never uttered when a Republican is in the White House, running said debts and deficits through the roof with 2 huge tax cuts (mostly benefitting the wealthiest), 2 wars 1 of which never, ever should have been started, and a prescription drug benefit that forbid the government from negotiating the best price. What a win for the Republicans. They have been trying to kill Medicare and Social Security since before the ink dried. What better way to blow it up than prevent the best pricing on drugs. When have we ever cut taxes in the middle of one war, much less 2? No Republicans only care about debt and deficits when they are not in the White House. Dick Cheney, that bastion of honesty did say, “deficits don’t matter.” He didn’t finish the sentence to include “as long as we’re running things.”
Dear Karen, Tell us how you would have responded to the second largest attack on our country following Pearl Harbor. I was alive in 1941 and served in Korea. I’m very interested in other viewpoints.
Old Salt
Dear Old Salt,
Going in to Afghanistan was perfectly justified. Going in to Iraq was not. Cutting taxes at the same time you are engaging in 2 wars was not smart on so many levels. Every other time we have been at war, the American people made sacrifices for the war effort. The only sacrifices for these 2 wars were made by the brave 1% of Americans who went to fight.
One of the complaints about Vietnam was that we in fact did not increase taxes to pay for it, nor, until the lottery came along, ask all Americans to fight in it. In fact, what we had for several years were tax reductions, which was what Democrats supported, beginning with JFK. Also remember that we went into Iraq with bipartisan support. Granted, the strategy had to change to allow us to leave, but that leaving may turn out to be a huge strategic blunder given what is happening now. I think it’s clear that there is blame to go around for our current economic situation – up to a point. An additional 6 trillion in debt and deficits as far as the eye can see are not sustainable and, along with costs associated with Affordable Health Care (regardless of intent) and other federal initiatives could very well lead to economic and social ruin far worse than what we’ve seen so far. That’s my worry.
Reg, There certainly were many problems with the Vietnam War but even having the draft made it much more “real” for the American public than Iraq or Afghanistan. Sadly, those wars became an after thought very soon after the “shock and awe” wore off. We will be paying enormous amounts of money , and rightfully so, to care for the brave soldiers who fought in those wars and sustained traumatic brain injuries. The suicides are outdoing the actual combat deaths. As for bipartisan support for Iraq, the climate at that time was such that if you questioned the wisdom of going in there you weren’t “a true patriot” and no one wanted to take the chance that what they were being told, as we have sadly learned, wasn’t true. W and his neocons were planning to go into Iraq long before 9/11. UBL just handed W and Chaney the golden opportunity. Lobbying by the healthcare industry, big pharma and the rest are what kept the ACA from doing what it should have. When you take a completely Republican plan and try to implement it with Republicans claiming it is going to ruin the country rather than working to make it even better for the American people, there is no hope of success. Read Time magazine’s cover story this week. Absolutely terrifying.
“Lobbying by the healthcare industry, big pharma and the rest are what kept the ACA from doing what it should have.” Republicans didn’t support ACA. What I saw when ACA was being debated was Republicans, including several who were medical doctors, practically begging for things to be included that would have made health care more affordable for everyone. Those were rejected out of hand. My sense, Karen, is that whatever problems we have, regardless of the facts, are the fault of Republicans in your mind. Frankly, I’ve voted over the years for many Democrats, beginning in 1968 when my choice was gunned down in Los Angeles. Robert Kennedy, despite his faults, was someone who was willing to stand up. Who is willing to do that in the Democratic party today? Can you, can anyone, tell me?
Republicans…practically begging for things to be included Those were rejected out of hand.
Republicans proposed over 700 amendments or changes to the bill, only 161 were accepted.
Significant ones that could have reduced or at least mitigated cost increases were not not accepted, apparently. Those included being able to purchase insurance across state lines and limitations on lawsuits. Consequently, a hit to the economy appears to be headed our way. It didn’t have to happen and it shouldn’t have happened.
Reg stated:Those included being able to purchase insurance across state lines and limitations on lawsuits.
Reg, you are absolutely correct. Another one that did not make it out of George Miller’s committee was one to bar illegal immigrants from receiving routine care (they would still have emergency care).
In response to your reply to my above comment I happened to see that the Bee this morning is reporting that health care costs in California could soon consume 1/3 of workers’ incomes. This was an outcome of a forum at UC Berkeley. The story also noted that next year 2 million additional Californians will be covered who currently are uninsured. I think we need to acknowledge any differences we have and move on from commenting on Bruce’s article, but this indeed underscores that, at the least, the mechanics of health care reform are flawed, and may be badly so. I have no issue with those who want to expand it. But we can’t do it by sinking the economy and wrecking the system itself along the way.
“Old Salt,” I was alive in 1931 and highly conscious by 1936. I served in the Navy during the Korean War. I’m interested in conservative views in the same way I’m interested in symptoms of illness.
Karen 10.5 tril when President Obama took office. Four years later it went to 16.6 tril and still going up. That is a 60% rise in four years. Remember what President Obama said about our national debt before he was elected. Do you remember what he said Karen?. Go back and take a look. You may then want to retrack your statement or change it to both sides talk about debt when not in office. The political game is never ending. You will also find out that the Democrats complain about the medicare prescription drug issue because they did not suggest it. Both sides would do it. Please tell me any Republican candidate for President that ran on a platform to get rid of Social Security and Medicare and was on the final ticket. Try none. Yes Republicans have always said that those two issues must be addressed but not eliminated. Also Social Security is a fully funded benefit by employees and employers. No federal funding. Should never be part of the budget process until it runs out of money. It will run short in about twenty years. Anyone in their right mind would want to extend its life with some new ideas for keeping it solvent without hurting future and present beneficiaries. Just good common sense. By the way just what do you mean by running the debt or deficit through the roof. You may want to review that statement also.
The value of that money whether 10.3 trillion or 16.6. trillion remains about the same. The larger the number of monetary units there are at any given time relative to their number at a prior time, the less value a unit has. Deviation from this fact is an index of public ignorance or lag in awareness. Value is determined by who has it, when, and what it will buy, not gross totals in savings, credit available or circulation.
You may have trouble with this unless you remember the amounts of fiat money the Fed pumped into the economy alleging to make it survive. Fiat money increases numbers of dollars without increasing their value. Quite the reverse, gradual inflation of prices decreases dollar value. Despite unevenness of changes in relation between money supply and commodity prices, the system keeps running (of course it may be running toward collapse.)
In the final analysis, everyone has to ask, are we part of the problem, or part of the solution? Everybody answers sooner or later, if they can speak and have any moral compass at all. Even Dick Cheney and his useless drone/puppet, W. – I rest my case. These exchanges always deteriorate into pre-adolescent slumber parties of fluff and gab; trivial pillow fights until someone packs up their jammies and cookies and goes home. – pb
Didn’t we see this same comment about a week ago?
EVERYTHING we see in this exchange is a ragging on Obama by Repubs who lost in November with no hopes for squat until 2016 when they run up an inexperienced Marco Rubio or the Chubby New Jerseyan…Same old lamenting by Livesay about Socialist/Liberals – He could become a serious lobbyist and go to Washington and effect change instead of whining to influence, intimidate or impress the locals. Crows on the road are as exciting and influential as Livesay. Sorry, gonna go watch dull TV, maybe take a nap, nothing’s ever really new here…pb
Peter stated: when they run up an inexperienced Marco Rubio
By 2016 Rubio will have the same level of political experience as Obama did in 2008. If it was not an issue for Obama, why is that an issue for Rubio?
Not all experience was created equal.
Back any neophyte you want, or get the moronic Rick Perry back, have a field day, when Marco learns to drink water in front of a TV camera and not have stage fright with a national prime-time TV audience, I’ll be the first to clap in the hallways…And that Louisiana Gov., what’s his name, now he’s a real contender, he sounds like he should be selling fish out of the back of a truck…You guys are a crack up..no wonder Mitch McConnell’s only aspiration for 4 years was to make Obama a one-term President…That’s a great sworn-duty of a Congress leader?–Sorry, I don’t take you guys serious anymore–Paul Ryan still rides his Schwinn delivering pizzas in his off-hours…Livesay and Pugh will whine continuously until 2016…Good luck…”Marco…Polo” they cried out in 3 feet of political water…pb
You did not answer the question Peter, instead you through out the same tired old lines you usually do. Next time put it in a poem, it will at least read better.
If you don’t like my lines, don’t read them. Intelligence is not a requirement to entering this beanpit, nor leaving it. Any clown can enter the traffic, Rubio looks and sounds like he should be handing out volley balls at the gym…If you think your poetry is astounding, try writing some. Have a good day, watch for side traffic and bright women, they abound everywhere. So do apparently old sour men, whining about the last election since they couldn’t get their poor “rich boy” elected…nor could Karl Rove and his megamillions…pb
Never said I did not like your poetry, in fact I have complimented you on it in person at the Relik, as you will recall. I can see the confusion, my fault: “tired old lines” was not a reference to your poetry, rather it was a reference to your postings here, as being a repeat of previous comments made.
As to trying my hand at poetry, I have sent you some examples and you responded favorably.
Lastly, Rubio and Obama are on equal footing for experience when comparing Obama in 2008 and Rubio in 2016.
Uhhh…whatever with respect to Rubio Scooby Do..I suggest he keep his water bottle closer, he’ll look less like a twit on TV…I suspect Obama’s community organizing kept him far closer to reality than anything Rubio Scooby Do can imagine then or since…pb
Peter for someone who does not read my comments you sure have a lot to say about me. Thank you very much for the very good publicity. Next time when posting Peter give us some solutions instead of your constant whinning. I bet when you worked in big corp you had a separate path to the HR dept to complain and whine about how you were not appreciated.
From the biggest whiner in Benicia … Hilarious! Livesay you made my day!
Real American/Mike I do not whine I give good info that you read and tell everyone how smart you are. Yes I am your best source of info Mike. Thanks for reading and all your publicity is welcome.
LIVESAY IS AN IDIOT! There, enjoy the publicity
Bobby Livesay:
I’ve decided to read your stuff for political humor!..it’s a crack up! Especially when TV is really dull….You don’t know squat about anyone’s history in or out of the HR department so as you say, why don’t you stick to the facts? Your attempt to demean others is trivial and sophomoric…what works in the fourth grade usually does not work with adults, except perhaps the peers you’re accustomed to…I notice that you’re gaining more adversaries in this daily melee than amigos or amigas, and for your information it’s “whining,” not “whinning” unless perhaps you’re a horse that whinnies…I suggest an improvement in your spelling might advance you up a tad towards the front of the grammar school room, in case you’ve never been there before—A dull tool who can’t spell usually doesn’t impress an educated mass unless they spin really bizarre stories full of entertaining if not slanted facts–Have a pleasant Tuesday, watch out for bright pedestrians and people of all ethnic persuasions, they are everywhere and they may vote in your opposition, locally and nationally and you can’t run them all down, not even literally…pb
Peter you are correct when you say there is nothing ever really new here. I assume you were talking about your posts. That is correct they are reruns of your same old tired whinning. Again Peter you do read what I write or is it right and are much more informed now. Again thank you for the pub.
Bobbie Livesay:
If having me read you is “publicity” then you are one strange dude or bird…Fostering and enjoying negative attention is NOT a healthy way to be, Mr. Livesay, unless of course that’s an old pattern from pre-adolescence that you can’t shake…Counseling may help, meds aren’t likely to. Ask your peers, I presume you have some?—pb
Only idiots believe Democrats want specific measures to satisfy abstract or ideological purposes rather than concrete, practical ones. That’s how Republicans work, See how idiotic Livesay’s thinking is? He can’t see that Government spending on Unemployment translates straight into People spending for necessities. Who benefits from that spending/purchasing? Folks in the business economy. And the little guys live through another week, maybe to find work another day. Little minds like Livesay’s don’t understand systemic economy. Their thoughts come in a strait-jacket called ideology. If the shoe fits, Bobbie, you’re wearing it already.
RMS Stated: Only idiots believe Democrats want …See how idiotic Livesay’s thinking is?…. Little minds like …If the shoe fits, Bobbie, you’re wearing it already.
I’m sure Roger will be here before long to chastise you on your lack of civility.
Dennis, you’re just miffed that I’m “uncivil” to Livesay instead of showering all that attention on you.
I believe Robert Shelby a job does the job much better. Where did the money come from to pay for unemployment? Anyone would much rather have a nice paying job than be unemployed. Again a perfect example that Robert SWhelby has no clue on the economy. But if you have not contributed I guess I can understand that. I do believe all business would much rather have full employment shoppers to fill more than just basic needs. Robert Shelby everyone is much happier when they are working. You seem to be a very unhappy person. Get a job it might change you thinking. Your ideals I guess would be to not work and live off the government. I do like the fact that you did not listen to the Comment General. I lke your foolish comments and attacks much better.
Again sorry for the typos. Will try to proof better next time.
Try to think better, too.
It’s interesting that six of the first seven blog responses to “Look on the bright side” were posted on Saturday, February 23—before the hard-copy edition of the Benicia Herald was distributed on Sunday. I have lived in Benicia long enough to know that even the Sunday edition does not generate enough interest for six local residents to break into the Herald’s First Street office on Saturday night to read the first run of the Forum page. So apparently Bray etc. are fed advanced copies by the newspaper’s editor so they can get first nibs at whatever goes on the Forum page. This doesn’t surprise me, but it’s hardly what anyone would consider professional journalism. No surprise there either, of course.
That said, I feel duty bound to advise “Benician” that he/she lives in a very small world indeed, for she/he obviously does not know anything about the damage ObamaCare is already doing to small and mid-size businesses all across America by forcing them to hire only part-time workers. When the full force of this law hits in 2014, you will see a surge in unemployment like nothing FDR or George Bush ever even dreamed of. Before any of you early bird bloggers get your panties in a twist, I would suggest you all visit the Benicia Public Library and read the Review & Outlook feature “ObamaCare and the ‘29ers” (on page A12 of the Wall Street Journal for February 23-24).
Oh, by the way, though I have moved to the Sacramento area, I have no intention of leaving you people alone, for I still have fond memories of Benicia and feel nothing but compassion for those few citizens who are still taking Civics 101.
One can also check out Dan Walters’ column in this morning’s Bee to see where the expansion of MediCal under the Affordable Care Act could lead. A few months ago it was noted that it might result in additional claims to the state budget of $4B when the federal reimbursement rate drops in a couple of years. This would take most of the money raised by the November tax hike and, once again, suck money from schools and other vital services. However, I have to say I think you’re a real optimist if you think the sequester cuts won’t generate real pain. The administration has great power to be sure the cuts have an impact and the press more than happy to play those up. In fact, they’re already doing it.
Very good Reg. The impact if any will not be felt nationally. DC wcould be hit the hardest. That is where the employees are. You are correct on Obamacare. The big effect is that the government is paying 100% of additional cost to states for three years then reducing it to 90% on increased medicaid enrollees. Who is going to pay that bill? Tax payers. This is where the middle class gets hammered beyond belief. Again no advanced warning by the Liberals on this cost. Just vague info.
Advance copies? My aching pajamas! You have no clue that others may be up before you dealing with business contacts while your toast rests in its wrapper—I’ve been reading editorial brilliance and tripe in local papers since 1987, and have a severe balance sheet of real progress supporting both alert people and sleepers in this community–Good luck out of town. Been there, done that. PB
My response to your column centered on your Sequester comments, the GOP running up the debt and GOP obstructionism. You criticize my response by bringing up Obamacare…which I did not comment on. I’m more than happy to debate the policy in a separate forum, but that you bring it up when it had nothing to do with my remarks can only mean that you have no defense to my comments. So…thanks for acknowledging the validity of my post, and the lack of a defense of your own.
Advance copies? Bruce, I posted your oped on Saturday night. Comments followed accordingly. Not sure why you would add that insult, either. Ed.
Why is this guy still writing for our local paper?
For the benefit of the local Liberal Socialist. Take a look at the comments it generated. I would say that is good because folks are reading the article. Nothing says you have to agree. I think the Editor does a dood job of running both sides of political views.
No,”optimisterb,” the editor need give out no advance copies when he can just put Forum articles on this blog emailed to all subscribers.
Very good and informative comment on Obamacare I did also make a brief comment on the Obamacare crisis in an earlier comment.
Benician said: “My response to your column centered on your Sequester comments, the GOP running up the debt and GOP obstructionism.” What are you trying to say—that I accused the GOP of “running up the debt” etc.? Why would I, a registered Republican, say that? Maybe you just need a refresher course on English grammar. (Ever heard of the term gerund in apposition?)
From Mr. Robinson: “What are you trying to say—that I accused the GOP of “running up the debt” etc.?” No, as I made clear in my post, *I* accused the GOP of running up the debt, which led us to the current Sequester insantity.
Again, from Mr. Robinson: “Why would I, a registered Republican, say that? “. So you, as a registered Republican, are unable (or, is it simply, ‘unwilling’) to admit to factual evidence, if it’s critical of your own party? You’re entitled to your own opinions, but you’re not entitled to your own facts.
The debt and the deficit are upon us because of the horrific policies enacted with a Republican president, Republican House and Republican Senate. And, now that we’re in our current economic mess, the GOP’s only solution is…let’s do it again!!!
A 60% increase in our national debt is the Republicans fault. Your still blaming the Republicans. When will that stop. President Obama still wants to put more debt on the table. Just when is it his problem along with the Liberals? Very strange thinking. As long as you want facts or are yours just opinions. How about explaining your statement with facts. Just what horrific policies and how much did it cost. How much of that six tril is the Republicans fault and just where and how much did it cost. Benician you made the statement so lets see the facts. You never know you may make us believe all these debt items that were caused by Republicans and there specific amounts by item. That should be very easy for you. You did say it.
So, Bush leaves us with a budget deficit of $1.5T and Obama is supposed to reduce it to $0 overnite? Your posts here and on Benicia Patch show a complete lack of understanding of the national debt and the budget deficit. Either your don’t understand the difference or choose to interchange the to in an attempt to bolster your argument. In other words, you’re either ignorant or a liar. Take your pick.
Obama inherited a $1.5T budget deficit and has reduced it to $835B. Why is it that Republican presidents always run up the deficit, Democrat presidents always clean it up, and it’s the GOP who is supposed to be the fiscally responsible party? Laughable.
Obama inherited a $1.5T budget deficit and has reduced it to $835B.
Some basic facts:
Bush Deficits from 2002 to 2009 averaged $443 Billion per year.
Bush deficits from 2002 to 2008 averaged $305 Billion per year.
Obama deficits from 2010 to 2013 (projected) have averaged $1,200 Billion per year.
Bush increased the debt by 4.9 trillion in 8 years.
Obama has increased it by 6.0 trillion in 4 years.
More basic facts:
Bush kept the cost of the wars off the books.
The 2009 deficit (from the Bush budget) was $1.4T.
Nice try, though.
Thank you, that’s what I thought. Our comments overlapped.
The 2009 figure is INCLUDED in the Bush numbers I gave. I also indicated what his numbers would have been w/o 2009 to show that 2009 was an anomally.
It is worth noting also that Obama added over 200 Billion in spending to those 2009 numbers.
2009 was not an anomaly. It was a reflection of war costs being factored into the deficit. Inheriting a 1.4T deficit, Obama has brought it down to $835B, despite the GOP’s admitted attempt to reject everything Obama proposes, whether they agree with it or not, for political gain. Considering this occurred during the nation’s worst economic times since the Great Depression, it’s fair to question the GOP’s patriotism.
Here is how it was reported at the time. Looks like we are talking about only 70-80 Billion is attributable to the war being “off the books”:
Bush budget won’t fully fund Iraq war
The GOP (Greedy Oil Prevaricators) is “patriotic” only to its own vision of 19th Century-style, tax-free, obligation-free, upper class wealth and power. Part of the electorate mistakenly believes it belongs to the upper class, should belong, or will day belong someday. These are the misguided souls whose votes allow Republicans ever to win any office, even as local Dog-Catcher. The GOP only cares about the people it can fool, confuse on issues and divide against themselves. The best thing going for Republicans is their highly refined, long developed power to defraud the public about public interest.
This is what I am talking about. Over four years of over 1 tril budget deficits. How much of the 2009 1.4 tril was Bush’s. How much is President Obama. He was the President during most of the 2009 budget year. The budget deficit for 2013 will not go down to where you say and could even go over 1 tril again. I do understand the difference. You seem to want to do everything to give President Obama credit for not deficit spending. It is right there for you to see. You present facts to suit yourself. Just whose budget was the 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013? Wwere those President Bush also. Please. President Obama is a spender and is increasing our national debt.
The President at the start of the year is responsible for that year’s budget. Did you not know that? Really…did you not know that? The unpaid for Bush tax cuts, the unpaid for Bush wars and the unpaid for Medicare Part D were still a factor in ensuing years so, yes, Bush is responsible for much of the size of the ensuing deficits. The part of the deficit Obama is mostly ‘responsible’ for is the stimulus, made necessary by the Bush Great Recession. These are facts, Livesay.
Please don’t jump all over me, because i am just asking a question, but didn’t the fact that Bush did not have the costs of the wars on the books and Obama added them contribute in some way to the discrepancy and the huge increase on Obama’s numbers?
To say that Bush kept the war off the books is misleading.
Under Bush the costs for the Iraq war were paid for by special military expenditures. You may remember that Congress voted for these special bills time after time. They were not paid for by budget measures. There is the difference. President Obama placed the war costs in the budget, no special measures to keep paying for the wars.
Having trouble posting links. If you are interested, google the following and you will get more detailed explanations:
Fact Checking the fact checker: Tom Blumer
cost of the Iraq War – Wikipedia
Yes, Dennis, we all know that Bush, Cheney and their crowd did nothing wrong whatsoever. They obeyed all the laws they cared to notice. Thanks. Bless you. You’re such a good boy.
A deeper look at Mr. Cheney’s record for the community to consider….
Cheney is history, move on will.
We’re still living with Cheney’s legacy and paying for his two wars on a credit card and his unknown, EPA doesn’t have to know frakking chemicals being pumped into the ground. How convenient for Repubs to “move on” so easily. “I have seen the enemy and he is us,” Pogo and Walt Kelly—When scum rules and have backers, the people always pay…Let him be prosecuted like any other war criminal—pb
Benician you may want to take another look at your facts. It appears you will do anything to blame Bush and Chaney meaning all Republicans. Your explanation is full of holes and has been explained why by other comments on down the line. Hard core Loberal Socialist responce Benici9an. Thats OK but p-lease do not try to demean others be3cause you do not agree.
My explanation is ‘full of holes’, yet you can’t identify one. Par for the course, Livesay.
Yes, you do not give facts. If you have followed me as you say you would know I do now my stuff. Yes I am Conservative and you followed me over here to just try and join a more informed group.
I stated facts. You just don’t like them. As to me ‘following you’, I have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re drowning in your own delusions.
Bob L., I think we would all like you to keep up with a more general selection of news articles. The “usual suspects” aren’t cutting it for you.
Robert Shelby you do not know anything about finances. All you do is put out very wordy comments that mean nothing. When presented with facts you are all tied up and give very confusing and attack comments. Between you and Benician I would not like either of you running a budget. The Liberal Socialist are just all out of step because it looks like President Obamas policies are starting to crumble very fast. All I have read on this run from the Liberal Socialist is it all the Republicans fault. Blame Bush and Cheney and unwilling to even say that President Obama even has a horse in this finanacial game. Just how much longer is this going to go on.
Online Sages in Cages on Stages Out West…
Barstool theorists with time on their hands,
like debating the Niners, Raiders, and Rams.
Cookies for sale, jellies and jams,
bacon, gristle, and well-stocked hams.
Few are listening, even fewer care,
but the drinks are served and the “regular suspects” are there.
Too often it ends in a pillow fight,
the slumber party patrons all leave for the night.
No one invites them to Washington to settle the score,
the locals go on unlike Poe’s “Nevermore…”
Yawns and fatigue begin to set in,
with miles to go before we sleep…
Even the rhyme schemes are hard to keep…
What Was The Issue? Who’s Keeping Score?
“Doesn’t matter, the opposition’s down by four.”
©Peter Bray, 2/25/13 All rights reserved
NOW, THEN, BRUCE, you’ve got a lot of wiring reversed. It’s a hopeless mess. Eventually, you’re going to come across an incontrovertible fact and get shocked out of your skull. For instance, Marco Rubio is a callow boy who’s not ready for the Senate. He blew a wonderful chance, giving a response to Obama’s State of the Union address, not by showing lack of forensic foresight in placing his water out of easy reach nor by showing nervous dryness of throat, but by delivering a canned speech as if with his head still in the half-hollow can. If He’s supposed to be saving the GOP from Latino domination in the relegation of sour, old white men into care homes, boy, that’s a stretch all the way down into Uruguay. Yes, he gives a pretty, high-school debate-quality speech and looks good when not stretched off balance for a water bottle.
Robert Shelby you must have failed the Comment Generals class. You know Rev. Straw and his assistant the local “Citizen Research Reporter”. I am sure there will be an opportunity to take it over again. Lets hope this time you pass. I do not have a problem with your personal attacks. All I have to do is look around with the company you keep. That gives me all the answers I need.
I believe all of you should take a look at part D. A Republican success story the Liberal Socialist do not like. Well below projected cost with a very high satisfaction rating. Now please tell me all you Liberal Socialist why you would not want to help seniors and the low income folks. There seems to be a controversy on your part unless it is a Liberal Socialist idea. It appears Karen and Benician are anti low income and seniors but are willing to run the debt up to 20 tril. Tax the rich and lower the taxes for the low income and middle class but not support part D. I find that very selfish. The real answer to economic growth is lower taxes for all and incentives to employers to grow their companies. It has always worked. Yes I know Liberal Socialistt call it greed.
I don’t dislike Medicare Part D, what I have a problem with, and I don’t care whose fault it is, is the fact that Big Pharma lobbyists insisted that Congress forbid Medicare from getting the best price for the prescriptions that would be covered and including a 6% sweetener to some arbitrary “cost” of the drug. Even that arbitrary cost of the drug is generally 50% higher than anywhere else in the world. They also made it illegal for seniors to try and save some money on their medications by getting the exact same drugs from Canada where the prices are considerably cheaper even using Medicare Part D. The Medicare Part D benefit is the main reason that Medicare is going broke faster than they originally thought it would. If Medicare could negotiate a reasonable price for these drugs, like they do for services, they could save billions of dollars, but their hands were tied by the politicians on both sides.
One other thing – if lower taxes for all is the answer to unlimited growth, why weren’t we swimming in jobs throughout the 00’s? And why was the economy booming during the 90’s when Clinton raised taxes just a little bit? Lower taxes, especially for corporations, does not equate to more jobs, it just means more money is available for shareholders. So many of our corporations receive subsidies and pay no income taxes yet still ship their jobs overseas.
Karen the insurers negotiate with the drug makers. It helps keep their premiums lower. It does not matter who does the nogiating. In the long run the seniors get the advantage. This is a very successful plan. Costing far less than expected.
So as President Benician he is only responsible for his share for ever. Not the military, medicare and medicade, interest. etc. Just what he choses. Please Benician the president is responsible for it all or he should not have run on hope and change. Which is hopeless and short changed. You run, you get elected and re-elected and you own it for better or worse. Sorry Benician that was his choice and the blame game is over. The 2008/09 budget President Obama was directly responsible some would say for close to 400 bil of the 1.4 tril budget deficit. Cannot get around that. So as I expected you are against medicare part D and want the seniors to not have prescription coverage. I know the answer on medicare prescription coverage. For years there were plans that offered a limit on prescriptiom coverage. These plans did not need the government to make it happen. They were already doing it. The Bush plan was very good because it made it more affordable to the seniors. But I know you do not care about the seniors. Those are facts Benician
It’s one lonely, lonely fight you’re waging, Livesay. But we know you like to fight the losing fight. You’re used to it. Still, sad to see a man of advanced years embarrass himself so badly.
Explain yourself Real American rather than make insultng remarks. Just who was in charge of the 2008/09 budget? Do you know? At least I have the guts to identify myself and you the wonder woman of Benicia will not. I guess I can understand that. Boy or is it girl that could be embarrassing. I also see you failed the Rev. Roger Straws civility class. Real American apparently you and Benican do not even what a President does.
Benician has already kicked your ass in this argument, no need for me to pile on. In all your years on this planet you never had a clue, what can I say to change that? Keep making us laugh, clown.
Real American I have not made personal attacks on you during this comment run. You claim I have no clue and I keep making you laugh. So lets say that is true. All it means is all of you read what I comment. So Real American lets now get down to your fact based answers and not your personal attacks. Tell all the folks just what you think of the national debt and why it is at 16.6 tril and rising and just who is at fault and why? Then explain your reason why the yearly budget is not a problem and the 2008/09 budget that you say President Obama inheritated is not at all his issue. Now here is the big question! Who do you think was the author of the sequestor? Was it Jack Lew and President Obama? Was it the Republican controlled house? Was it the Democtrat controlled Senate? Yes the Republicans did vote in favor of it. Now can you explain why they voted in favor of it? Now also explain why you think the Republicans in the House are holding up compromise? Also explain why you think the Democrat controlled Senate is not holding up compromise.? I have given you some very fair questions for you to answer giving your side of the story. I believe this is fair and gives you an opportunity to tell all the folks what your fact based answers are. This is not a challenge it is an opportunity for you to give answers to explain to the community just what your fact based answers are. I do believe you will answer all the questions that I asked. But on the other hand I also believe you will try to shift the comments without answering any of the question. It is up to you. i
“All it means is all of you read what I comment.” This constitutes a victory for you?
“Then explain your reason why the yearly budget is not a problem and the 2008/09 budget that you say President Obama inheritated is not at all his issue.” Don’t put words in my mouth. Your question is disqualified. Next!
equitus,Obama DID exaggerate the etfcefs of sequestration. And then Krauthammer and other conservatives exaggerated his words in an effort to call him out on it. That’s the absurdity. It’s not a “bizarre delusion” to say you are lying about “lfm”. Your own words prove it. Even your pathetic claim that you lifted (plagiarized) “lfm’s” words (and preceded them with “answer my question”) would expose a lie. Obviously, you prefer that to the dozens of lies you have told. That’s why I suggested you stop digging last week.As far as Menendez, you continue to embarrass yourself (and other conservatives) with your idiotic comments. I’ve taken the only reasonable position, saying that if he did the things for which he’s being accused, he should be punished to the maximum extent. Don’t conservatives believe in due process? Please present the evidence that has led you to say he should be in prison right now. Please continue making a mockery of the Constitution and republicans with your moronic drivel.
Real American I believe we all know the answer now. Your motives are name calling and stay away from answering very easy questions. Real American/Ms. Mike/Mike I believe if I were you three I would follow what Bob Livesay says. I believe Mike I told you about CODA that tin can about two years ago. Have you taken a test drive yet? Well guess what read todays paper on CODA. I will supply more info on this Mayor Patterson joke. Stay tuned and read what I write you ould get politically tuned in.
Anti-business Livesay the Conservative Fascist. So the mayor should have told this enterprise to take a hike? Real leadership. If we followed your advice on anything we’d be Vallejo Junior. Thankfully no one — NO ONE — takes you seriously. But hey, some people read your comments. What a victory. Keep spreading your anti-business nonsense.
So you are Mike/Mrs. Mike. Not at all anti business just a very good knowledge of business. Mike I would have loved this to be successful. But when you understand the whole plan you know it was doomed for failure. I have known about this for sometime now. Why did not the mayor tell the residents aong with Constance. The mayor gave false hope on this CODA car and a lot of folks are now out of a job. I will write a detailed LTTE on this but not before the Benicia Herald does its full investigation and reporting on this very poor planned venture. Just a failed photo op for the mayor that does show everything that I have said about her in the past is very true. Be a nay sayer all you want Mike and many others. But I was right from the beginning on the mayor and her agenda driven motives and her lack of leadership. Just try the budget Mike. Keep following me Mike you might just lean something.
Not Mike, Blob, and the only thing we “lean” from your anti-business ramblings is never to pay you any mind. Life goes on. You’re already forgotten, and you aren’t even dead yet. Or are you? Hard to tell.
What you and your anti-business friends fail to mention is how welcoming CODA harmed the city in any way. The harm would have been in not welcoming them. The next company that comes along will see that we’re a positive, welcoming business environment — a few bitter cranks notwithstanding.
CODA had no financial impact on this city. It was agenda driven and did hire some folks. Where they lived we may never know. So to say that we did welcome them could be true only for the reason that suited the Enviro Greenies. Photo ops for Congressman Miller, Sup. Seifert and of course the mayor who is never shy about a photo op. A twenty five year old tin can model and the Enviro Greenies fell all over themselves. Please Mrs. Mike stop it you are just confirming that you do not understand good business practices.
This shows you know nothing past your anti-business rhetoric. The way a city welcomes a new company does not go unnoticed by other companies. Benicia is a welcoming place for new business — despite the retreads who ignorantly reject entrepreneurs and enterprise.
Mrs. Mike I suggest you best sit this one out. You do not know anything about Marketing. You Enviro Greenies are the ones that are anti business. The big problem Mrs. Mike is that the mayor is clueless on the budget so the city manager and staff are taking up far too much time to get that resolved because of the mayors lack of leadership skills. Then put in the CSC and their overwhelming request to the city and now you start to see the complete picture. No time to even market for new business. Any welcome would be by acident or just like this fiasco. As I said Mrs.Mike best you sit this one out.
Why? I’ve already won the argument. You can’t come up with a good reason why the city should not have welcomed CODA as it did. Bob, you’d best sit this one out. You’re flailing away at the mayor when this has nothing to do with her. Your hatred of the mayor has once again gotten the best of you.
Bobby Livesay: You’re a rude jerk! That last comment to Mrs. Mike proves once again what a chauvinistic, patriarchal, arrogant, self-important dork you are. Read your own garbage, I sever it with you. pb
No Peter I am right on. I do not need your sing song nonsence nor dose anyone else. Sorry Peter you have no clue on politics or for that matter anything that matters. All you do is complain and whine on your way to HR. Can any of you imagine having to work with this crybaby whinning Liberal Socialist.
Can anyone imagine working for this Conservative Fascist? Good thing he never got out of the mail room.
I am a modern Icon.
You’re just flat out rude and childish. End of communication. pb
I have heard this story many times before. You will be back again and again. Peter you should read all your posts and what you say about me. Even before I have posted back to you. Peter you are very thin skined and can not take. You love to put it out but cry when someone comes back at you. The clock is ticking when you will be back at me. You will not stop communications.
But on page 9 of the CBO report you site, shows “discretionary” oayluts:(2012) 1,285(2013) 1,213(2014) 1,170(2015) 1,189etc…While the growth in “mandatory” spending outpaces this, the two budget categories cover very different programs. I don’t know much about these differences, but it seems like the ~5% cut is on the side of the budget that directly hires people (roughly speaking)… but I may be wrong and would like to learn.I would like to REALLY learn when they will really look at the actual problem… but I won’t hold my breath…
The interesting thing about this run is the lack of comments about Social Security payroll as it was upped 2% to its original amount on payroll deductions. This just destroys the low income and middle class. At the same time S/S is a fully funded benefit by employees and employers. It should not be part of the budget. Take is out of that pie and you will now see that we are in worse shape than it appears. Yet the President just lets this slip by and yells doom and gloom on the sequester. That is now starting to make him look very bad and at he same time clueless on the economy. It appears the sequester is going to happen. Now we will get down o what must be done on cuts in the proper way. Remember the end of March and later in the year there will other battles on our financial security for this year and others to come. This battle is just starting to heat up. What appeared to be an edge for the President has fallen apart and he is in recover mode and doing a terrible job of it We have all now got the true picture.
And then there’s reality:
And this
Gee! Never thought my liitle letter to the world would get so much attention! Go ahead, folks. Keep blogging! Democracy lives!