DURING HIS 2013 STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS, Barack Obama used the phrase “tonight, I …” at least eight different times to tell everybody all the wonderful things he was doing to make America a happier, healthier and smarter place to live. He did admit to one little problem early in his speech when he said, “It is our unfinished task to make sure that this government works on behalf of the many, and not just the few.”
Isn’t it interesting how often politicians use the first-person singular pronoun “I” to talk about all the things they have accomplished, then switch to the first-person plural “we” when talking about what still needs to be done? Obama adds a couple of special twists to this trick, of course, by repeatedly telling us “It’s not about me” and “It won’t cost you a dime.” Sounds like the first guy who tried to sell you a clunker, doesn’t it?
Let’s be clear about one thing, though. Obama is not serious about making America safe. When it comes to international relations, it really is all about him — about his need to be loved and to convince us we need to make nice with our enemies, no matter how determined they are to annihilate us. Just look at the record — remember this list of mouth-full terrorist names?
• Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (the underwear bomber)
• Nidal Malik Hasan (the U.S. Army Major who murdered 13 Americans at Fort Hood)
• Anwar al Awlaki (the U.S. citizen Obama got with a drone)
• Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad (he murdered a U.S. Army recruit in Little Rock)
• Faisal Shahzad (the foiled Times Square bomber)
• Najibullah Zazi (the failed subway bomber)
• Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (the Boston Marathon terrorists)
All of this happened on Obama’s watch, but he wasn’t watching. He never even recognized these men as Islamic terrorists. Instead, he insisted on trying them as common felons with all the due-process privileges of an American citizen. In “Make No Mistake, It Was Jihad” (Wall Street Journal, April 22), Michael B. Mukasey, the former attorney general, showed how every one of these incidents reveals that Al Qaeda is as virulent as it was before Navy Seal Team 6 got Osama bin Laden.
Then, of course, there’s the 9/11/12 attack on our embassy in Benghazi, Libya, resulting in the murder of our ambassador and three U.S. Seals. The White House still won’t say who was responsible for that. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has asked, “What difference does it make?” And the DNC wants this silly woman to run for president in 2016?
Forget about 2016. Who’s running the show now? Commenting about Obama’s recent failure to get a gun ban bill passed in Congress, the always sharp-tongued New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd wrote, “President Obama thinks he can use emotion to bring pressure on Congress. But that’s not how adults with power respond to things. … Sometimes you must leave the high road and fetch your brass knuckles” (“No Bully in the Pulpit,” April 21). Well, at least one thing’s clear — Obama needs brass something-or-others!
Bruce Robinson is an author and former Benicia resident.
Robert M. Shelby says
It’s interesting, Bruce, how — like so many self-styled conservatives — you conflate everything you can pack into a hot-button explosive. Intellectually, you’re not much different from the Tsarnaev brothers. You’re just as crazy, but less direct.
Bob Livesay says
There is no doubt there are Muslim Terrorist after Americans. Just where have you been RMS? We all know where President Obama has been on this issue. In denial {Not the river} and hiding. Over one mil Muslim Terrorist after the Americans and anyone else that believes like we Americans do. Robert to sit around and use your Webster to try and deny this exist is foolish. Robert this is not a hot-button issue. It is a fact and we Americans are in danger everyday of our wonderful lives. To let this President flower it over and muff all the chances he had to get the older brother is not tolerable. Present Obama is putting Americans in the line of fire and the big problem is he just does not understand that. The problem with you RMS is you live in some dream world that your Webster words created that does not exist. Join the team Robert that is trying to stop this terrorist activity. It is happening and getting much closer everyday of our wonderful life. If anyone is crazy it is you RMS.
Bob Livesay says
RMS you are so full of crap that you do fit into that select few that do need a second one.
Real American says
Which words in Bob Shelby’s comment above did you need Webster to understand? Conflate? Intellectually? I know–it must have been conservative. You don’t seem to have a clue what that word really means. In your defense, many millions are likewise ignorant.
Bob Livesay says
Wonderful attack words to a very good Conservative. I am going to the other room and cry I am so hurt by your comment.
Freedom says
There is something seriously wrong with you if equate people who kill others and people who have a different opinion than you. “Open minded liberal” had always been a lie.
optimisterb says
Tsk, tisk, Robert! Sounds like you stayed up way past your bedtime. Hope you feel better after a good night’s rest.
Real American says
Besides 9/11, George Bush did a great job keeping us safe.
Emperor Honorius kept the Romans safe, except for that one time Rome was sacked by the Visigoths.
Keep living in fear conservatives. The only thing I fear is putting another incompetent conservative in charge. Then we’re really vulnerable.
Real American says
And about that “Bush kept us safe” meme: a fine accounting of the 11 embassy attacks we suffered under his leadership (scroll down) — with nary a Democratic Congressional witch hunt in their wake a la Benghazi:
DDL says
From your “source”:
As a side note, I can find no account in which Bush Administration officials referred to these attacks using the terms “terrorist attacks” or “acts of terror.”
Looks like Milt Shook didn’t look very hard, as I quickly found these comments regarding the car bomb attack in Yemen:
White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe condemned the attack and said Washington would work with Sanaa “to increase our counter-terrorism activities to prevent more attacks from taking place.”
President Bush: This attack is a reminder that we are at war with extremists who would murder innocent people to achieve their ideological objectives,”
That phrase pretty much defines a ”terrorist”
The comparison to the many attack referenced by milty is crap compared to Benghazi, which was two well planned separate military assaults by over 125 people, with RPG’s, assault rifles, flak jackets and more. The attacks lasted over seven hours.
US forces were close by, as your man Obama watched the attack occur, he did nothing. The next day he flew to Las Vegas for a fund raiser.
Nice try Milty, but no sell.
Real American says
Sorry DDL, no sell. I won’t say nice try because it was very half assed.
“Pretty much defines a terrorist” is not using the word “terrorist” and after all, it’s your side that is so concerned with nomenclature. So Milt was right and you fail there.
You also fail to mention any of the other 10 incidents. Very weak. Shall we examine Bush’s personal itinerary following each of these events? What kind of fundraising or other activities do you think we would find? Yeah I thought so.
Thanks for demonstrating how weak your side’s arguments are. You may now go about your Sunday.
Bob Livesay says
Real American this country is very close to becoming an isolationist like under FDR. Is that bad? You tell me. iI believe we should stop all Muslim student visas for a period ot time. Lets see how that works. Do you know who the 1 mil or so Muslim Terrorist are and what country they are from? You do not, so stop all visas from Muslim countries. That will give us an idea what their motives really are. The only problem with that is the Muslims will take it out on the free nations of this world. and their innocent citizens. You will then see the free countries unite and destroy the Muslim Terrorists. Harsh, you bet. But it will work..
Real American says
And a finer foot soldier for Fox there never was …
DDL says
You and Milty do not have a clue:
“an operative involved in the bombings of our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania; and individuals involved in other attacks that have taken the lives of innocent civilians across the world.
These are dangerous men, with unparalleled knowledge about terrorist networks and their plans of new attacks. The security of our nation and the lives of our citizens depend on our ability to learn what these terrorists know.” President Bush Dec. 6, 2006 – Source NY Times
President Bush also reacted to news of the attack December 6, saying it is
a reminder that “terrorists are on the move.” During a joint appearance in
Washington with Iraqi President Ghazi al-Yawer, Bush said these terrorists
want the U.S. presence in Saudi Arabia and Iraq to end. “They want us to
grow timid and weary,” he said, through random killing of innocents. “And
that’s why,” he said, “these elections in Iraq are very important.” President Bush Dec. 7, 2004 Source: SUSRIS
DDL says
In above post “You” refers to ‘Real American’
Real American says
Good job. Ten more to go. Remind me, also, of which Democrats demagogued this attack in Congress … ? Can’t seem to find the calls for impeachment anywhere …
DDL says
<RA stated:Good job. Ten more to go.
Apparently you did not read that which you posted, as Milty stated:
I can find no account in which Bush Administration officials referred to these attacks using the terms “terrorist attacks” or “acts of terror.”
Milty is a liar or a poor researcher, though both are probable. Providing two examples of his utterly false statement suffices, no need to beat a dead horse.
Real American says
DDL stated: “Apparently you did not read that which you posted … ”
I just have to ask, why not say, “Apparently you did not read what you posted?” It’s this kind of clumsiness that really snarls your prose. Makes it seem like you’re trying to seem smarter than you are. I know you would never do that, of course.
You’re welcome.
DDL says
I see; so you have been proven wrong in this case, you have no answers for the responses posed, your source has been proved to be a liar at best, incompetent at worse, and like a petulant little girl you snap at me regarding my word choice.
Now go sulk in silence. But then you do always have to get the last word in don’t you?
Real American says
Just taking a cue from you and the Village Idiot.
Proven wrong? When you refuse to answer the question before you? I think not.
My source doesn’t have to be 100 percent correct on every assertion to make a salient point, which you ignore: Democrats rallied to a Republican president after a terrorist attack, and didn’t demagogue when it came to light later that he could have stopped it (where were the investigations from Congress?) … but the GOP? The first thing those losers do is get political. It’s disgusting, unpatriotic and frankly treasonous. Good thing they have useful idiots like you to carry their water and distract people from noticing (also good for them that they’ve largely been tuned out, being so far out of the mainstream … )
DDL says
I knew you could not go away without shredding your dignity.
Real American says
Or shredding yours.
DDL says
Real American stated: You also fail to mention any of the other 10 incidents. Very weak”
I did not mention them because Milty’s case is so weak as to be laughable. He compares 11 attacks on embassies, almost all were quick bombings launched by small groups of people, which occurred during the ‘War on Terrorism’ to an fully planned and well executed military assault on a secret CIS “safe house” and a ‘US Consulate’
I will restate, as apparently you and Milty missed it:
The Two attacks in Benghazi occurred over a seven hour period. Obama watched in real time and did nothing as men were killed.
He then lied to the country about a stupid video for two weeks.
But as Hillary stated: “What does it matter”
Apparently not to you, Milty or anyone else who defends this clown you helped to elect.
Real American says
Keep flogging that Clinton quote, the context of which you are incapable of understanding. It’s going to get you about as far as “You didn’t build that.”
DDL says
“You didn’t build that.”
You mean the line 0bama stole from Fake-a-hontas, who stole it from Lakoff, who stole it from FDR?
Real American says
Stole? Are we requiring politicians to cite sources now? Are ideas, once presented, to be forever frozen in time and off limits to contemporary speakers? Hmm. That would be an interesting exercise to conduct on a bipartisan basis. Let’s look at the speeches of your hero GWB, just for starters. What do you suppose we’ll find?
DDL says
Yes, stole. But Democrats have a history of stealing other peoples word, don’t they?
Democrats like Joe Biteme:
First is Kinnock:
Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to university? Was it because our predecessors were thick? Was it because they were weak, those people who worked eight hours underground and then come up and play football, weak? It was because there was no platform upon which they could stand.
Now Biden:
Why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family to ever go to a university? Was it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? Is it because they didn’t work hard, my ancestors who worked in the coal mines of northeast Pennsylvania and would come up after 12 hours and play football for four hours? It’s because they didn’t have a platform upon which to stand.
Real American says
Yes, Joe got busted for plagiarism. And of course he represents every Democrat.
How many Republicans does Jim Pugh represent?
DDL says
Jim Pugh was not elected VP.
Nice try and a typical cheap shot.
BTW, Biteme was busted twice for plagiarism.
Real American says
You call him Biteme and you accuse me of a cheap shot?
Notice, everyone, that he doesn’t deny the charge. To speak in Lundian, you are guilty of that which you decry!
Real American says
Fake-A-Hontas? Because blond hair means someone couldn’t possibly have Native-American ancestry, right? And you guys wonder why you’re flopping with people of color …
DDL says
My Grandson is part native American, as is his mother, both have tribal cards to prove it.
The Faux squaw does not.
Real American says
You’re not even bright enough to know what that word means. If you have Native American relatives, maybe someday they will enlighten you.
Lots of records have been lost over the years. I have Native American relatives, too; their family records were lost in a fire in the 1950s. Doesn’t change who they are.
DDL says
I have a minor in Native American studies, I know very well the meaning of the word.
Fake-a-hontas made false claims to take advantage of PC BS through affirmative action.
But what difference does that make, right?
Real American says
“I have a minor in Native American studies, I know very well the meaning of the word.” That makes you even worse than a cheap shot artist. It makes you a crude misogynist.
“Fake-a-hontas made false claims to take advantage of PC BS through affirmative action.” Prove it.
“But what difference does that make, right?” Your side’s ignorance was your undoing last time, and will be again in 2016. You wear it like a badge of honor. I hope you keep it up.
Real American says
“The president came onstage not to ‘Hail to the Chief,’ but to DJ Khaled’s rap anthem ‘All I Do Is Win.'”
Call him all the names you like, sore loser nation.
Real American says
More excellent reading on Bush for the community to consider:
RKJ says
I don’t think it matters who is in charge, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or Independent, Some of these terrorist are going to succeed and all we can do is try and stop them without giving up any more of our open and free society, our personell liberties. It is not a game, we don’t need a scoreboard, enough of this tit for tat.
It’s terrorism just don’t let it terrorise you, we loose more to auto accidents and hospital screwups. Did we have more auto accidents under Bush or Obama?
Bob Livesay says
There is something very interesting going on.., Susan Rce was at the top of the list for a donor transplant for the second AH that RMS and Real American need. Guess what they just shut off the valve to Susan Rice and let it flow to Hillary. Now we all know what happened there. So they had no choice they ordered not only the additional one but five additional rerplacements fror Hillary. Very simple they new the replacement for the additional one could not stand the flow or pressure of bull crap. coming from Hillary. So as we see Hillary jumped to the top of the list. Far surpassing Harry and Nancy who are still up there. When the public sees things like this they are very quick to catch on. Not so with the Liberal Socialist. They will pay dearly for this major mistake of the flow of crap.
Real American says
As usual your read on the American public is exactly wrong. Get ready for President Hillary, if you live that long.
DDL says
if you live that long.
OUCH, another cheap shot served up by the CS artist.
Bob Livesay says
“If you live that long”. Do you have a hit out on mean? That statement sounds very threatening. Real American I can always tell when you are losing out in the comment section. Attack, attack and more personal attacks. Well you may have now passed Hillary fon the donor list for a second one. You are full of and talk nothing but crap.
Bob Livesay says
Sorry for the typo. Would not not want the in need of a second one to go crazy. It should be me, and also should be on. Life does go on.
Real American says
I know you live in fear no matter what I say, so let your imagination run wild. But if it matters, I was referring to your advanced age and the fact that you seem to have lost a step … Definitely slowing down old timer …
Bob Livesay says
Not at all slowing down. I still consider your comment a threat. If I new your name I would show you just how quick and agile I am. Not some worn out old lady like you. Sorry that makeup can not hide the age lines on your face or all those brown spots.
DDL says
You call him Biteme and you accuse me of a cheap shot?
Biteme is a prominent public figure, Jim Pugh is a friend and neighbor. Taking a shot at Biteme is not exactly the same thing nor is taking a cheap shot at the Keynesian living in public housing.
Real American says
My shot at Jim Pugh is not cheap. It’s easily verifiable and substantive.
Bob Livesay says
Prove it.
Real American says
Oh I was hoping you’d say that. Pick a Pugh, any Pugh (though few are posted on here … I wonder why?) and I’ll meet you there. High noon today. Looking forward to it. Don’t let me down.
Bob Livesay says
Meet me at the Rellik at Four PM. Do you have the courage. I will bring Jim with me. Now lets see if you have the guts to talk face to face to him or me. Believe me you will not show. Gutless wonder.
Real American says
High noon. Or do you, in the words of Bruce Robinson, lack “brass something-or-others”?
Bob Livesay says
The Rellik is not open today at high noon. My call not yours. But if you want high noon how about any place you name. I still like the Rellik at four. But I will give you a chance to name the high noon place. I will also invite many others to show up and take pictures. What a sight a wide angel lens just for you.
Real American says
Sigh. Meet me, VIRTUALLY, in the comment thread for “No grand bargain.” Noon, fool.
Bob Livesay says
We all new you would back out. All mouth and no play. Just a phony with a very negative and nasty mouth. Now are you up to High Noon anywhere ? No you just backed out. Please you are a nothing. Or you can show some courage and name a place and then show up. We know you do not have the guts to do that.
Real American says
Nice try coward. You are the one backing out. I named the place, and you don’t have the guts to be there. I don’t blame you — I have the goods on your friend.
Your words: “Prove it.” That’s what I am happy to do. Just tune in, fool.
Bob Livesay says
What place did you name? The comment section. Come on blabber mouth get real.. You are backing out and you know it. Can not get out of this one. You are just a phony.
Real American says
I knew you were an unbelievably stupid human being but this takes the cake. I said “Name a Pugh, any Pugh” — I made the challenge, I set the terms. Do you or do you not accept the challenge, you pusillanimous turd?
Bob Livesay says
I will bring all the Jim Pugh articles and meet you at High Noon today. I am not letting you down. Just accepted the challenge. Just name the High Noon place. You are trying to worm your way out of this. I accept, now name the place. As I said I will bring all the Jim Pugh articles. Now it is your move.
Real American says
Why wait? Let’s do this now.
From April 5, Pugh’s “A rash of multicultural nonsense”:
You might think that intellectuals could make that distinction, but not many do. When they cannot come up with hard evidence in any particular case to support their theories, that seems only to prove to the intelligentsia how fiendishly clever and covert the pervasive efforts are to hold down minorities.
Thomas Sowell, “Intellectuals and Race Part IV”:
You might think that intellectuals could make that distinction. But many do not. …
When they cannot come up with hard evidence in any particular case to support this theory today, that just proves to the intelligentsia how fiendishly clever and covert these pervasive efforts to hold down minorities are.
Again, Pugh:
Yet intellectuals see themselves as friends, allies and defenders of racial minorities, even as they paint them into a corner of cultural stagnation. This allows the intelligentsia to flatter themselves that they are on the side of the angels against the forces of evil that are conspiring to keep minorities down.
And Sowell:
Yet intellectuals see themselves as friends, allies and defenders of racial minorities, even as they paint them into a corner of cultural stagnation. This allows the intelligentsia to flatter themselves that they are on the side of the angels against the forces of evil that are conspiring to keep minorities down.
Many more examples in this one column alone. Shall we move on to another? I’ll wait for your response.
Bob Livesay says
My response is simple. I will meet your challenge at high noon today. Just name the place. Remember it was your challenge and I accepted.. Will comment in person. Your challenge and I accepted. Do not try to pull this phony crap with me. You are out of your league and will not own up to your own challenge. Make up your mind or just shut that crap filled mouth of yours.
Real American says
Ok I’ll go on.
“And the voodoo beat goes on,” Pugh, March 29:
Mr. Obama’s threats have been amply noted everywhere: planes falling from the skies, starvation in the streets, teachers being sent home. What is truly astonishing about this is not all of the dire and reckless predictions, nor that already many of his predictions have proved to be demonstrably false — nor, even, that the president has so clearly orchestrated a widespread and deceitful campaign to punish Americans with real pain over the cuts to the federal government their lawmakers have allowed to happen.
“Barack Obama, the spending jihadist,” Charles Hurt, Washington Times, March 5:
Mr. Obama’s terroristic threats have been amply noted everywhere. Planes will fall from the skies, starvation in the streets, teachers will be sent home.
What is truly astonishing here is not all of the reckless and dire predictions he has made. Nor is it that already many of his predictions have proved to be demonstrably false. And nor is it even that he has so clearly orchestrated a widespread and deceitful campaign to punish Americans with real pain over the cuts to the federal government their lawmakers have allowed to happen.
This particularly case is interesting because I could pick any quote from Pugh and find it nearly verbatim in Hurt.
Shall I continue? Only you can stop this, Bob. All you have to do is type one word: Uncle.
Bob Livesay says
No I willo meet your chgallenge. Type on. It only benefits you.
Real American says
I guess we see what friendship with Bob Livesay is worth. Here’s one of my favorites:
From “Muckrakers and other racists,” March 8:
So now that this White House has torn down the last wall between its needs and those of special interests, others in the future will undoubtedly do the same. The organization’s plan is to raise $50 million. The Times recently reported that at least half of that sum will come from donors pressured to bring in $500,000 or more. Give or raise that much and you get to be on the group’s “national advisory board” that will hold quarterly meetings with the president. This is nothing more than a fancy way of setting a price on access to Barack Obama.
And from the New York Times editorial “The White House Joins the Cash Grab,” March 2:
And now that this White House has torn down the last wall between its needs and those of special interests, others in the future will undoubtedly do the same.
The organization plans to raise $50 million, Nicholas Confessore of The Times recently reported, at least half of which will come from donors pressured to bring in $500,000 or more. Give or raise that much and you get to be on the group’s “national advisory board,” which will hold quarterly meetings with the president. That is nothing more than a fancy way of setting a price for access to Mr. Obama.
Bob Livesay says
Your memory is slipping RA. It was DDL that said he was a neighbor not me. Thats Ok. I am a friend of his also. So maybe since you have lost control of your mind you may want to rethink your approach. It is not very good at present. It is showing some stability problems. I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish. But is appears because Jim Pughs articles were not on-line this is your sneaky way of commenting on them. As you said with your challenge to meet me at high noon. That was the proper approach. I accepted. Not this sneak attack on someone . You were waiting for the chance to comment on Jim. Now you are trying to use others to accomplish your very strange approach to commenting. You need some serious hyelp.
Bob Livesay says
Sorry Real American you are all alone on this and making a big fool of yourself. I will let you continue to post to the wind. There is something very disturbing about you RA and I want no part of it. Get some help and get back to a normal life. I do hope someone out there does see some symptoms of a very disturbed person and gets you some help. Please RA get some help-.
Real American says
Hmm. Didn’t see the word “Uncle” in there …
From “No grand bargain,” Feb. 8 (this one is online for those who want to check it out) …
Such is the mess Americans have made of their tax code and budget. Facing the fiscal cliff, the outgoing Congress had not a single wholly good option. That none of Speaker John Boehner’s Republican opponents could articulate a realistic alternative that would have left rates untouched was evidence that their top priority was assuming a pose that would bring the maximum rewards from within the conservative movement.
And from a discussion forum on something called “Silicon Investor,” dated Feb. 2:
Such is the mess Americans have made of their tax code and budget. Facing the fiscal cliff, the outgoing Congress had not a single wholly good option. That none of Boehner’s Republican opponents could articulate a realistic alternative that would have left rates untouched was evidence that their top priority was assuming a pose that would bring the maximum rewards from within the conservative movement. Democrats, meanwhile, were split between the liberals who were satisfied with the deal’s tax hikes and the liberals who said the deal did not hike taxes enough.
Thomas Petersen says
RA – As you will recall, these similarities in verbiage were attributed to a “photographic memory” and the claim that the original author was a close acquaintance. Therefore, no foul.
Bob Livesay says
You are right Thomas. Just a foul odor from RA.
Real American says
Nothing? OK. On March 15, “Gore and the truth”:
All kidding — and snowstorms — aside, recent events have caused many to doubt the veracity of Gore’s award-winning claims about man-made global warming and the “settled science” behind climate change. The bottom line is that intelligent, responsible people are getting tired of being made to feel guilty for every carbon credit consumed and every gallon of gas burned, especially when it’s becoming more and more clear that most climate hysteria is fueled less by scientific evidence than by an extreme ideology that — much like Agent Smith in the “Matrix” movies — views humanity as a virus.
Now from some bowtie wearing doofus named Ken Connor at something called Renew America, on Feb. 19:
All kidding — and snowstorms — aside, recent events have caused many to doubt the veracity of Al Gore’s award-winning claims about man-made global warming and the “settled science” behind climate change. …
The bottom line is that intelligent, responsible people are getting tired of being made to feel guilty for every carbon credit consumed and every mile-per-gallon burned, especially when it’s becoming more and more clear that the current climate change hysteria is being fueled less by solid scientific evidence than by an extreme Green ideology that — much like Agent Smith in the Matrix movies — views humanity as a virus …
I can go all day, Bob. Your friend’s reputation is taking a hit and only you can stop it.
Bob Livesay says
He is not taking a hit. No one even pays any attention to you. Just keep your word and meet me.
Thomas Petersen says
Intended to be taken as satire.
BeniciaAmerican says
Mr Robinson, you say Obama is “not serious about making America safe”. As proof of this, you cite a terrorist that Obama had ordered killed. Wait, so he shouldn’t have had that terrorist killed?
You say that Obama needs “brass something-or-others”. Imagine your name is Barack Hussein Obama. Now just how ballsy do you have to be to run for, and be elected to, the American presidency?
Will Gregory says
From the above article: “Let’s be clear.” George Bush has his own library?
An excerpt from the article below for the community to consider….
“… and it was all politely forgotten last week during the star-studded opening ceremony whose guests included Silvio Berlusconi and Tony Blair. Barack Obama praised Bush as a leader of ‘ incredible strength and resolve’ who led the US through some of its darkest days. Bill Clinton described him as a great humanitarian. Bush cried. Bush Senior said ‘God Bless America.’ ”
j. furlong says
If most of the people on this post were in my 5th grade classroom, you’d all lose recess for a month. You sound like “no he didn’t, yes he did” on an elementary playground. Enough, already…