DURING THE WHITE HOUSE NEWS CONFERENCE following Obama’s re-election, one of the first people the president called on was veteran Chicago Tribune reporter Christi Parsons. Parsons did not ask a question. She simply wanted to congratulate the president on his recent victory. Here, in brief, is what they said.
Obama: “Christi and I go back a long way … when I was running for state Senate.”
Parsons: “That’s right. I’ve never seen you lose. I wasn’t there that one time.”
Parsons’s videotaped comment “never seen you lose” was so blatantly biased, Fox News and conservative talk radio hosts repeatedly replayed and commented on it for several days after.
In fairness to Parsons, more context might have helped. As Justin Sink posted in “The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room” Nov. 12, 2012: “Parsons was referring to the president’s 2000 challenge of Rep. Bobby Rush, a Democrat on the South Side of Chicago who handed the president his only electoral defeat.” That was the political loss Parsons had not seen.
Probably none of this matters anyway, since future American history books are not likely to mention any of Obama’s defeats. Still, one can’t help wondering how any American woman with years of successful experience in her chosen career could possibly say anything in public as obsequious as “I’ve never seen you lose.” It’s the kind of remark you’d expect from a 12-year-old Justin Bieber fan or a slave girl in an Ottoman emperor’s harem. Where’s Gloria Steinem when we really need her?
Sadly, this is not the only time Parsons has engaged in this kind of journalistic fawning. Consider her take on how Obama evolved his position on same-sex marriage.
In a Los Angeles Times report headlined “Obama’s family influenced his gay-marriage shift, aides say” (May 10, 2012), Parsons wrote, “Perhaps no one had as much influence on President Obama as his wife, Michelle. … White House advisers said the first lady went out of her way to invite gay, lesbian, transgendered and bisexual couples to the events she sponsored for military families. …
“Around the West Wing,” Parsons added with evident relish, “there are several gay staffers, and at least one in a committed relationship and raising children. And the Obama daughters have friends with same-sex parents, whom the first family has gotten to know.”
Wow! Sounds like somebody’s been trying to establish a regular LGBT Plato’s Retreat in the people’s house. No wonder all White House school trips have been canceled indefinitely. This isn’t about sequester budget cuts — it’s about public relations!
Always aware of the shifting currents of political scuttlebutt in the White House, Ms. Parsons was careful to hedge her bets on precisely where the president was in his evolving viewpoint. “The account offered by White House aides …” she writes, “gives the impression of a carefully planned rollout of the president’s new view.”
More recently, Parsons took on the job of white-washing Obama’s appointment of the first female director of the United States Secret Service, Julia A. Pierson. At stake here was not just disarming critics who say Obama has too many men in his Cabinet. The real challenge was to make it look as if Obama had appointed someone who would prevent a repeat of the Cartagena, Colombia scandal.
Most Obama fans have probably already forgotten that now-year-old incident when several Secret Service agents had the bad judgment to engage the services of Cartagena prostitutes, bringing them to the same high-end hotel where the president was scheduled to stay the next night.
In her March 26, 2013 L.A. Times report on the appointment, Parsons highlights the point that “Pierson is the first woman he has appointed to head a national security agency.” This, of course, takes care of the equal opportunity issue. It’s not at all clear, though, whether Pierson will be able to manage the libidos of her new charges.
According to a Wall Street Journal report on the same day, Ms. Pierson has worked for the Secret Service for 30 years. She was already chief of staff for former Service Director Mark Sullivan. This is the same guy who was forced to apologize for his agents’ bad behavior in Cartagena. It’s likely Pierson knew all about the randy habits of her colleagues in the field. Thus, it seems, Obama has put a seasoned vixen in charge of the proverbial hen house.
The only way reporter Christi Parsons could cover up this fact was to not mention it and simply note that Pierson’s new job “does not have to be confirmed by the Senate.” Thus, she tallies yet another Pyrrhic victory for Obama, and another tragic loss for American justice.
Bruce Robinson is an author and former Benicia resident.
Benician says
So, one must assume wherever Robinson has worked during his entire life, if a colleague was involved in any unethical activity, he certainly has been aware of it. What garbage.
Also, Mr. Robinson, please provide us with links to your columns where you display your outrage over Bush press conferences with planted ‘journalists’ to ask prepared softball questions.
In left-leaning Benicia, why are dishonest right-wing hacks like Robinson and Lund given such a regular forum by the Herald?
Bob Livesay says
Dishonest hacks. At least they state their name and do not hide behind a fake name. Talk about the article and quit making personal attacks on the writers. You show your bias toward any Republic or as you say right-wing hacks. Just what then do we call you Benician? I will call you a very far left leaning Liberal Socialist with a touch of Marxist. How do you like that. Now just tell us your name and stop your name calling. I can be better at it than you. You start it I will finish it. You left wing quack. Again I will say this, Bruce brought to the attention some things most were not even aware of. A very good article even you lefty’s should appreciate it. Keep writing Bruce. You, Dennis and Jim make a great trio that have no problem identifying yourselves.
Real American says
“I can be better at it than you. You start it I will finish it.” But you aren’t any good at it, Village Idiot. And we know you go to bed at 7 every night so you miss all the big boys’ and girls’ conversation.
Benician is right: This paper has inordinate conservative representation. However, I don’t mind because it gives me and my friends something to laugh at. The Village Idiot compounds the mirth with his nonsensical rambling and delusions of relevance.
Bob Livesay says
Try me no-name Liberal Socialist.
Bob Livesay says
Real American and Benician have fear of Bob Livesay. Just why is that? Because you know I am right. Always right. You two light weights never even made the traveling squade let alone suited up for home games. Always played right field and were never even chosen for the no-name All-Stars. Keep at it you two it is just making your image smaller and smaller.
Benician says
Yep…you’re always right, Boobie. Mayor Schwartzman and President Romney keep reminding me of that. And, please, before you continue to aver your superiority, please learn to spell beyond a 2nd grade level. Oops…my apologies to any 2nd graders reading this…didn’t mean to insult you.
Real American says
We don’t fear you. We revile you. Big difference. Look it up.
Robert M. Shelby says
No matter which end of yourself opens, Bobbie, the same stuff pours out.
Bob Livesay says
Whats next watch dog of the Benica Herald. Fox News, Talk Radio? Both dominated by Conservatives. . Fox News on cable and Conservative Talk Radio dominates talk radio. But I guess you want to stop that also. Talk about a cry baby you tie for first place with the other no-name person madam Benician. You both are very sore losers.
Benician says
I did talk about the article, Boobie. Just another example of your poor reading comprehension skills. It’s only that you and the other knuckle-draggers here chose to comment…not on the column…not on my comments about the column…but only on an aside at the end of my post. As to my name…no thanks…don’t need you going on a google witch hunt as we know you do to anyone who disagrees with your neanderthal views.
Bob Livesay says
It appears you have something to hide. Just what oould that be? “as we know you do”. Just who is we and just who have I googled? I would love to google you. But I do not do that. More lies from the Benician who will not expose herself. Fear and more fear of the fabled Bob Livesay
Bob Livesay says
talk about spelling. you top all of us.
Bob Livesay says
Why not meet me at the reading room for a face to face discussion. I have already invited Real American in the past. No guts will not meet with me. But if you agree to show maybe the gutless wonder will also agree. Are you up to it? If not it does show your fear of Mr. Wnderful Bob Livesay.
Robert M. Shelby says
Fabled and fabulous, fabled and fabulous, garbled and gabulous.
Watching says
I have to agree with Benician, if the change is to proceed on schedule all voices not in lockstep with the great leaders vision must be silenced. I would go even further and say that all books not approved by the current government should be burned and those that refuse to believe properly should be locked up for reeducation. What a perfect little utopia awaits those who believe in the change!
Benician says
That’s funny….I don’t recall asking for complete censoring of one side…only that a weekly double-dose of two dishonest fringe voices, with few, if any, columns reflecting the majority view of Benicians getting any play. Nice attempt at twisting my words, though!
Watching says
Don’t you think asking for censoring of ANYBODY is wrong? Just because YOU do not like these two men because of their political beliefs the editor at the Benicia Herald should just not publish them? How about some balance, get rid of two of the liberal contributors also?
Benician says
Again…I didn’t ask for censorship…only balance. And, it’s not their political beliefs I take issue with, it’s the blatant dishonesty/ignorance conveyed in their posts/columns.
Watching says
“In left-leaning Benicia, why are dishonest right-wing hacks like Robinson and Lund given such a regular forum by the Herald?” I am looking for the balance you speak of Benician. Could you please point it out for the readers. These men are lawful citizens of this nation and have a constitutional right to write their opinions for others to read. If it bothers you so much don’t read what they write. Having their thoughts kept out of the news paper which is covered under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution is wrong. BTW, I see more opinions printed by the left leaning contributors than the right.
Benician says
Before you invoke the First Amendment, take some time to learn what it means.
Watching says
Still waiting for an answer to the question Benician……..Are you Nancy Pelosi? A tactic of hers to change the subject when asked a question that she can’t answer. She would also be the type that would want to prevent a person from publishing opinions or information that did not agree with her ultra left wing stance.
Benician says
Your lack of understanding of the First Amendment similar to your lack of understanding in re Leader Pelosi, makes your question nonsensical. Please provide one example where Pelosi attempted to prevent a person from publishing a disagreeable opinion.
Watching says
Check out her record while she was the Madam of the House, every bill she did not like (From Republicans)was killed as soon as it hit her desk, same as her clone from Nevada Harry Reid does. And they claim Republicans are obstructionists……BTW I am not a Republican either…. Most of them are just socialist democrats that have not come out of the closet yet, what is it that the great leader calls the process…Oh yes they have not evolved. Next…..
Watching says
BTW Benician, you still have a question outstanding, it is really rude to keep skipping over that pesky little fact.
Robert M. Shelby says
Evidently, Watching, you are observing through tilted spectacles.
Bob Livesay says
You are getting hammered Benician.
Real American says
You are getting destroyed Village Idiot.
Bob Livesay says
again name calling
Benician says
Yawn. Another opinion consistent with your election forecasts.
Bob Livesay says
My election forcasts were considerably better than yours. Remember your prediction on the house of representatives. Care to review that one with the readers. That is a very good reason you will not tell us your name. How nice of you to quickly forget that prediction.
Benician says
See…this is why I call you a liar. I destroyed you on election forecasts. You had President Romney winning easily and GOP retaking the Senate. I Was 50 of 51 on states in the prez race had Dems holding senate with current margin (oops, shorted the Dems by 2) and had the Dems gaining in the House…though I fell a bit short on the number)…even though Dems won nationwide House vote.
Bob Livesay says
Stop i yiu lost big on the house and the total vote was misleading by the California vote. I never did see your state prediction. Show me where you posted it. I did not say they would take the senate. I said it would be close. I was wrong on the President and the Senate. You said the Dems would win back about eighteen seats in the house. Did not win back even half that amount. So in the end it was still as it was before the election except on Govs and State houses. I hammered you big time there. I am ot a liar. That is a very strong statement that is pure biased on your part. So go do your homework again and come clean. I did.
Benician says
I said Obama would win all the toss-up states. He won all but NC. The rest of the states were obvious. So, yes, I was 50 of 51. I missed by 10 on the House. Not bad. What was your call? Govs/state houses…I made no prediction at all…so to say you hammered me there is yet another blatant lie. And, to suggest the overall House votes, with Dems ahead by over 1M….is misleading because of California is just utter nonsense. That would be like me saying it’s misleading in the Rethugs favor because of the southern vote. Yet more ignorance, dishonesty and blatant lies. How long is your nose now?
I was 98% accurate on the prez…while you lost badly. I was close on the Senate, while you were way off. And you ‘destroyed’ me? You’re a laughing stock, Boobie. And, as RA suggests…you ARE the village idiot.
Bob Livesay says
Please tell me where you posted that. You said the Dems would win back eighteen seats they only won back eight. I would say that was a big lose. Not only are you for censorship but you are also for bullying. Bullying is a Liberal no no. But you and RA do it regularly then go hide behind a no name. So I will call just plain scared little girls. More to the point you both are very weak cowadds with no backbone. Just a lot of name calling with no solutions. You and RA never put up solutions just call names with your very nasty comments. By the way talk about a liar, I never said Alan would win I was against the Mayor and her agenda driven ideals and management or leadership style. Get with the political facts and check out what you say first before calling me a liar If I miss speak I will take the heat. But please, you do step over the line when calling anyone a liar without the facts to back it up. Sorry Benician you are so uptight about all of this. My challenge to you is write a LTTE opposing my LTTE views and post your name. I would have a lot more respect for you then. You will not because you fear Bob Livesay.
Benician says
I’m sorry, Boobie. Unlike you, I’m not so anal I catalog my web posts. You’re the one that seems to know of every past post, so find the post where I forecast Governor and State House results, and you’ll find my other predictions. So funny that you accuse me and RA of name calling, then do it yourself. And again…sorry, Boobie, but whether or not I have your respect is the furthest concern on my mind. Conversely, my respect for you is nil. You are a dishonest liar, trapped in the Faux bubble and unable to what is really happening in the world around you. No, Boobie, I don’t respect you. I pity you.
Bob Livesay says
Not an opinion a fact. The twin Pelosi girls can not take it. So I will just have to keep firing away at these two Liberal Socialist no-namers. Remember my challenge Benician write a LTTE with your name. You two madams are something else.
Bob Livesay says
Benician I do believe you are welcome to write an article with your name. Could you explain to the folks you are talking about that represent the majority of folks in this city. Also please explain the fringe voices you are talking about. Is that just your opinion?. It appears you do not read the forum page at all. I would say there are many writers on the forum page that could meet your desire of sensorship. Beniciuan just who do you consider the dishonest fringe voices? Even though you hide behind a dishonest name would could now be nice and tell us who you are and at the same time identify who you are talking about. You will not because you are the one that is dishonest. Sorry Benician you are a fraud.
Robert M. Shelby says
Livesay, you are not well enough balanced, intellectually, nor perceptive enough of community around you to have an accurate sense of what or where the political mainstream is, locally or nationally. You live in an information bubble enclosing like-minded “rightists.”
Bob Livesay says
Robert { silly, tri colored rag} Shelby. Yes the former poet laureate of Benicia. That is what he calls the American Flag. I do believe Ragman I do know more about politics than you do. Yes I am to the right. But just remember I can be as nasty as you any day it is necessary. You are a pure far left leaning liberal socialist without a clue. You and Peter Bray need to stick to your ryme time garbage. You do not even do that very well. You two just complain. But in Benician and what a trio.
Robert M. Shelby says
Napoleon himself referred to the Tricolor as a “colored rag” that “men would die for.” He outlived all his battles. I admire no one who dies for a flag. It is better to live for a grand and worthy purpose than for a mere symbol of one’s nationality. I too fill with pride when the flag passes on parade, but I know better than to think it’s a real value for anyone but sheep-like people. Like yourself!
Bob Livesay says
I could care less about Napoleon. History has taken care of him. I am an American and for sure a patriot. Robert show some respect for America and all its very worthy citizens. Calling the American Flag :silly, tri colored rag” is an insult to America and its citizens. You should be ashamed of yourself. There is no defense of what you have said about the American Flag. It makes me wonder just what do you represent or even respect. It sure is not the American Flag.
Robert M. Shelby says
People like you make me ashamed of this country. You’re a sleep-walker dreaming you/re awake.
Tom says
Benician –
How have you determined what “the majority view of Benicians” is? Please share the results of your statistically significant analysis.
You say that the Herald is providing a “weekly double-dose of two dishonest fringe voices, with few, if any columns reflecting the majority view of Benicians getting any play.” You do not consider Jerome Page to be a countervailing force to the non-majority views in Benicia? Constance Beutel, Matt Talbot, Robert Shelby, Peter Bray, Elizabeth Patterson, et al are not considered to be opposing viewpoints?
Or perhaps your majority view is more moderate and you do not identify with any of the extreme positions on either side? Would that it were the majority of Benicians were middle of the road moderates.
Benician says
Simple. Voter registration statistics and election results.
Robert M. Shelby says
Bruce, your observation on Christi Parsons shows more bias than anything she said or wrote. It is plain idiotic to regard a factual statement of friendly nature as a sign of unacceptable bias. If anyone’s bias is unacceptable to me (for instance) it is yours!
Robert M. Shelby says
And, I’d be happy to hear that my “bias” throws your stomach into an uproar of clenching and retching.
DDL says
Again Shelby, you live under the delusion that your opinion is one that has value, beyond your own limited sphere of little influence.
Robert M. Shelby says
Dennis, you need more stuffing. You trail straw and sawdust.
petrbray says
Mr. Robinson’s most recent piece of non-news is why I rarely comment any more on this online tripe parade. Juvenile slumber parties carry more authentic news and views of our complex if not banal world. This is like viewing the color of sheets and shorts on the backyard clothesline of a neighbor’s spring cleaning and wondering if any of it is newsworthy…dogs’ barking language carries more weight, substance and distance. Good luck, any one long for the days of real depth when the “Decider” was loose and everyday rang with moronic non-news from on high? Fabricated stories of those “weapons of mass destruction” that were forever lurking under Saddam’s bed but could never be found? But cost trillions and human lives as well? Where was Mr. Robinson to cautiously ponder all those meticulously crafted press comments? Show me a party lost over itself and study what it really has to say.or value and hope it’s trying to rediscover itself in the ashes of its own defeat…Reading tea leaves in cups’ bottoms is obviously UP from here…pb
Bob Livesay says
Just another comment by Peter Bray that says nothing at all. He is just a twin of the Ragman. Poets they think, that say nothing, just complain and write a bunch of wordy comments. Bruce Robinson article was an insight to going ons that most would not even know about. You attack the writer because he is not on your Liberal Socialist team. His article was short and to the point. Peter at least try to make a comment about the content with your view point. No, you and the Ragman just complain and use your Webster to try and attack the writer. Talk about school yard garbage you lead the pack on that. I am very pleased to see you, Ragman and the Benician make your very biased and nasty comments on Forum writers you do not agree with. It just shows your very shallow views on politics and for sure on very nice people. Grow up Peter Bray.
DDL says
Dr. John Silverthorne, WWII bomber pilot and father of a college friend, had an expression, one which certainly came out of his WWII experiences:
If you aren’t taking flak, you’re not over the target.
Benician says
Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States, had an expression, one which certainly applies to DDL, Livesay and Robinson:
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt”
DDL says
Benician stated: Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States, had an expression
A wise and honest person would give correct attribution, not false one, to the original source: Proverbs, Chapter 17.
Thomas Petersen says
“If your not suffering from gastric distress, your not eating enough spicy curry” – Me
Reg Page says
I think there is a larger point here that Bruce’s column highlights and that is why does it appear that many of the people appointed are only appointed on the basis of being willing to follow orders and/or meet some criteria for demonstrating sensitivity. These are critically important jobs. Are these really the best people available? Did no one better apply or were they even considered? That ought to be of concern to everyone.
Thomas Petersen says
“Wow! Sounds like somebody’s been trying to establish a regular LGBT Plato’s Retreat in the people’s house. No wonder all White House school trips have been canceled indefinitely. This isn’t about sequester budget cuts — it’s about public relations!”
This (op-ed?) is nothing if not replete with social distortion.
Watching says
I am beginning to see a trend with a group of people here that self identify as liberals. They have no tolerance or understanding for anybody or any group who has views other than those that the liberals believe. When a point of view is presented in the free press that they do not agree with they immediately attack the author and anybody that shows support for the author. I see vial names and hate directed at the new target. This is a sign of a person or group of people that do not have any valid arguments for their stance, they attack and blame. Who do we see almost every day on every MSM site doing the same…The POTUS.
Thomas Petersen says
I am beginning to see a trend with a group of people here that self identify as ____________ (fill in the blank). They have no tolerance or understanding for anybody or any group who has views other than those that the ____________ (fill in the blank) believe.
Watching says
Tom, could be Liberals, Socialists, Marxists,
all are interchangeable in this day and age. Take your pick sir, I am sorry I used just the “Liberal” lable as some identify differently. By gosh, I would not want to be accused of not being politically correct.
Thomas Petersen says
Could also be bible-thumpers, tree-huggers, conservo-anarchists, ass-clowns, bigots, enviro-greenies, geriatric ne’er do wells, secular humanist, sedentary commandos, self righteous douches, complacent patriots, no-names, racists, money grubbers, swingers, pseudo-intellects, neo-fascists, trolls, pillow-biters, laggards, confident know-nothings, revisionists, deputies, dogs, fashionistas, salesmen, tycoons, tea-billies, conspiracy theorists, fiddle-players, high school drop-outs, animal-husbands, drunkards, stoners, puritans, punk rockers, dullards, vegetarians, dentists, Klansmen, etc., etc. etc. Take of the blinders. It makes for more effective watching.
Watching says
Could be but the overwhelming number of hateful people happen to be the one’s that nest left of center.
Thomas Petersen says
It is pretty apparent that the level of disdain is equally distributed across the spectrum. What differs is the focus of the disdain.
Proud American says
I wish WordPress had a “like” button like Facebook. The comments on some of these articles are way better than the drivel that started them. Thomas, your comment is one of the best ones so far. I think liberals spread their disdain because there are just so many tasty targets to choose from. The conservatives, on the other hand have been laser focused on Obama since the minute he won in 2008. He could restore all the jobs lost because of the collapse, put a chicken in every pot and a car in every driveway and they would STILL complain. It’s pointless, but it is humorous to watch them try to defend their attacks.
DDL says
He could… (put) car in every driveway and they would STILL complain
Knowing Obama it would be a damn Chevy Volt making the complaints justifiable. 😉
Real American says
A sincere cheers for the levity.
Bob Livesay says
No defense needed.
Robert M. Shelby says
Watching is a watch bird watching itself and not seeing anything for lack of real political understanding. He seems to lack a good dictionary or he forgets to apply the information in it.
Bob Livesay says
At the reading room a poll was taken. I did not suggest it. It was the reading group that suggested it. Results are very interesting. It was twenty-one folks that voted and it was dominated by liberals 15/6. Guess what it was 21 nothing againt the two madams. Sorry RA and Benician you are not as popular as you think. Now I understand why you keep your identy a secret.
optimisterb says
Proud American said: “I wish WordPress had a ‘like’ button like Facebook.” This would certainly make it easier for those who cannot develop a cogent and coherent argument. It would also have the advantage of eliminating hate speech. It would, however, make blogs completely pointless. But then maybe that’s not such a bad thing.
Thomas Petersen says
“It would also have the advantage of eliminating hate speech.” The commenter was referring to a “Like” button, not a “Dislike” button. Backslapping is backslapping, regardless from which side it comes from. And, it most assuredly comes from all points amongst the blogs here on the BenHer.