DO TEMPERATURE RECORDS FOR LOCAL CITIES SHOW A WARMING TREND? Let’s look at the three largest local cities with the longest historical temperature records: San Francisco, Sacramento and San Jose. The historical annual average temperature record for San Francisco is shown in Chart 1, Sacramento in Chart 2 and San Jose in Chart 3.
These three charts are downloaded from the NASA/GISS website and the temperature scale is in degrees Celsius (NASA/GISS’s choice, not mine). This data is not the original temperature measurements (“raw” data) but has been “homogenized/adjusted” by GISS. Charts showing the “raw” data are not available on the NASA/GISS website. In addition, there is some missing data in the 134-year temperature records (mid-1950s for San Francisco, around 1941 for Sacramento and around 1910 for San Jose), and GISS does not explain this missing data.
What we find is, the record-high temperatures for these cities did not occur in the last few decades. The highest temperature in San Francisco was around 1890; in Sacramento, in the early 1930s; and in San Jose, in the late 1920s.
The records for these three cities show the same sort of cyclical repetition and up-down dithering around the long-term average that we have seen state-wide for California and countrywide for the U.S. Is there any ever-increasing, or ever-decreasing, temperature trend in these charts? No. Are recent temperatures outside historical norms of variation? No.
Finally, is it possible to draw a straight line through a selected short-term interval and — if you have an agenda — interpret this as evidence of warming or cooling? Yes — but only by ignoring the remainder of the historical record.
Reasonable and objective people will see this historical temperature data for what it is — cyclical, chaotic and random. It’s just the “same old, same old”…
Bob Moore is a Benicia resident.
Beyond the climate denial crowd—
From the article below, more relevant information for the community to consider…
New Study Links California Drought to Climate Change and Burning of Fossil Fuels
“Described as the ninth largest economy of the world, California is the top agricultural producer in the U.S. at almost $45 billion.”
“The state’s already tiny snow pack is quickly melting, many of the major reservoirs are at extremely low levels and the ground is already caked dry. Governor Jerry Brown, fearful of an impending catastrophe, declared a state of emergency in mid-January.”
“Although the official start of summer is still more than six weeks away, cattle are already being moved out of state, farmers are wondering what to plant and where and consumers — in and outside of California — have been warned that higher food costs are on the way.”
Beyond the “same old, same old”… climate change denial crowd—
From the article below, a brief excerpt of more relevant information for the community to consider…
“Meanwhile, the march of ACD (anthropogenic climate disruption) continues unabated.”
“March 2014 was the fourth warmest March ever in recorded history, globally, according to recent NASA data. That makes March the 349th month (over 29 years straight) in which global temperatures were above the historic average.”
“Given that methane is already being released from melting Arctic permafrost at record levels, March also revealed the disconcerting fact that Northern Siberia was a full nine degrees Fahrenheit warmer than normal, with Norway and Denmark averaging temperatures nearly 7 degrees warmer than normal.”
Beyond the “same old, same old”… climate change denial crowd—
From the article below, a brief excerpt of more relevant information for the community to consider…
Republicans Declare War on the Planet
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”10
Isaac Asimov, American science fiction writer and professor of biochemistry (1920-1992).
Murdoch-owned media hypes lone metereologist’s climate junk science
Absurd anti-science faux journalism flares up again – as usual, it’s Big Oil that’s set to benefit, not the public:
Our “Local Citizen Report” Will Gregory is again drifting into areas he knows nothing about. CAN you just think about poor Will for a moment. He surfs the internet al;l day long until he finds a very negative article that suits him. but aty the same time knows nothing about. Will what would happen if you were ever locked in a room without a computer. It would be like Dolly Partom without a mirror or a wig.. Will you are a fella that is searching for something but I am not sure what that is. If I were you I would go back to your catrpentyry to wood work..
Here is an example of what one scientist went through when he dared to question the doctrine as laid down by the GWA crowd:
Abuse from Climate Scientists Forces One of their Own to Resign from Skeptic Group after a Week: ‘Reminds Me of McCarthy’
From the article: Just a week later, he says he’s been forced to resign from the group. The abuse he’s received from the climate-science community has made it impossible to carry on his academic work and made him fear for his own safety.