WHIPT BAKED GOODS, Benicia’s first cottage food cookie company, is a participant in the monthly San Francisco brunch event, The Beat Down.
“It’s a family-friendly, summertime event which takes place once a month and features live music spinning by celebrity DJs at the SOMA StrEat Food Park in San Francisco,” Whipt owner Krizy Osada said.
During Sunday’s Beat Down, her cookie company sold alongside the Creme Brulee Cart, Wing Wings, Nora, Papalote and Kinders, she said.
“This is a family-friendly foodie and hip hop music event complete with a kid zone,” Osada said. The event is free and open to the public.
The event requires no cover charge and is open to the public.
The Beat Down takes place from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. the last Sunday of each of the summer months.
The Benicia Herald’s weekly Benicia Business Beat column is an opportunity for local businesses and companies to tell our readers about such news as moves, grand openings, awards, promotion of employees, staff changes and changes in goods and services.
Submissions need to answer the questions who, what, when, where, why and how, preferably in the body of an email, and provide contact information.
Email news releases and accompanying high-resolution photographs and logos to beniciaherald@gmail.com, and put “Attn. Business Beat” in the subject line, as well as the name of the business.
— Donna Beth Weilenman
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