AUTHOR CYNTHIA SUE LARSON, known as the “Quantum Optimist,” will talk about her latest book, “Quantum Jumps: An Extraordinary Science of Happiness and Prosperity,” from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Jan. 26 at Angel Heart 4 You, 501 First St.
For 15 years, Larson has studied apparently inexplicable experiences through the website, and said she wrote her new book after observing results from multiple studies that indicate quantum phenomena are happening on a macroscopic scale.
Learn about 3D printing, water monitoring at Makerspace workshop
A Benicia Makerspace Workshop, led by Doug Snyder and Aaron Newcomb, will teach Benicia residents how to build a home sprinkler monitor that will work with 24Vac sprinkler valves that are commonly used in household irrigation systems.
Next month’s Makerspace workshop will introduce participants to 3D printing, a process that can produce automobile parts, art and, possibly, the first human organ for transplant later this year.
The workshop will take place from 6-8 p.m. Feb. 3 in the Benicia Community Center, 370 East L St., Those interested may email
Study links wine, construction
Wine industry growth has inspired the resurgence of industrial building construction, a new Colliers International study from its Fairfield office — and covering Solano, Napa and parts of Contra Costa counties — has determined.
The study said 2013 was one of the strongest recent years in the industrial market, with sales activity rebounding in the fourth quarter, including four sales of 50,000 square feet or larger. This was up from just one sale of that size the previous quarter.
The report said fourth-quarter office sales were strong in Solano and Napa counties, as were investment sales, though leasing remained soft. Napa County’s purchase of the Dey Labs’ campus and two building projects by Buzz Oates in Fairfield that will be occupied by Encore Glass and Saxco International helped boost the recorded growth, the study said.
The Benicia Herald’s weekly Benicia Business Beat column is an opportunity for local businesses and companies to tell our readers about such news as moves, grand openings, awards, promotion of employees, staff changes and changes in goods and services.
Submissions need to answer the questions who, what, when, where, why and how, preferably in the body of an email, and provide contact information.
Deadline is 3 p.m. Friday for news items that will appear in the next Tuesday edition’s Benicia Business Beat. Please email news releases and accompanying high-resolution photographs and logos to, and put “Attn. Business Beat” in the subject line, as well as the name of the business.
The Benicia Herald also appreciates area companies’ advertising patronage. For advertising services, call 707-745-0733 or email
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