ABC Music, 739 First St., is offering both beginner and experienced ukulele classes to women, and another class for youth beginners, Stan Houston, director, said. Cost is $10 a class.
Classes for women with ukulele experience meet at 7:30 p.m. Mondays and last 90 minutes. The class for women beginners is another 90-minute session that starts at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays.
Beginners are taught chord building and strumming techniques during a fun, sing-along class, Houston said. Previous experience isn’t necessary.
Drop-ins to those classes are welcome.
A new youth ukulele class for beginners will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesdays, and is open to those 12 years old and older. Instruments are provided, and cost is $10.
Those interested may call ABC Music at 707-746-7565.
New Tannery art studio offers classes
Once Upon a Canvas, a new cooperative art studio, has opened at 129 First St. in the Tannery Building, now called Tannery Row.
The studio opened Jan. 22 and its hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays, said Linda Peonsin, spokesperson for the studio, which is made up of six artists.
Once Upon a Canvas will offer classes in acrylic and watercolor painting and mixed-media art, Peonsin said.
Those interested may call her at 707-326-9369 or email her at
The Benicia Herald’s weekly Benicia Business Beat column is an opportunity for local businesses and companies to tell our readers about such news as moves, grand openings, awards, promotion of employees, staff changes and changes in goods and services.
Submissions need to answer the questions who, what, when, where, why and how, preferably in the body of an email, and provide contact information.
Deadline is 3 p.m. Friday for news items that will appear in the next Tuesday edition’s Benicia Business Beat. Please email news releases and accompanying high-resolution photographs and logos to, and put “Attn. Business Beat” in the subject line, as well as the name of the business.
The Benicia Herald also appreciates area companies’ advertising patronage. For advertising services, call 707-745-0733 or email
—Donna Beth Weilenman
The fine Ladies of Winters, Ca would like to challenge the women of Benicia to a Uku-off.
If they accept this challenge, we will meet at the Plams Playhouse in Winters at the time and day of your choosing.