CELEBRATING ITS 18TH YEAR as Benicia’s destination for all things music, ABC Music Source and Academy, 739 First St., is expanding its merchandise line to cater to painters and architects, Director Stan Houston said.
Houston said the expansion also accommodates “the puzzler” and “gift giver of all ages.”
“There’s no shortage of digital stimulation these days,” he said, “but how much of it grows your brain?”
ABC has added puzzles, paints, prints and other items designed “to stimulate your creative mind,” Houston said.
In addition to his Benicia store, he also has an ABC Music Source located at 2156 First St., Livermore. Those interested may call the Benicia store at 707-746-7565, the Livermore store at 925-443-1244, or visit the website, www.abcmusicstores.com.
In Harmony Studio grand opening Saturday
Justine Chadly, director of Music Together of the North Bay, will open In Harmony, 101 East H St., Suite D, this weekend.
The studio’s grand opening and open house will be from 2-4 p.m. Saturday.
“I have been in business for 11 years subleasing in Benicia, but this will be my own place,” Chadly said.
She has been a registered Music Together teacher and licensed center director since 2003. Music Together is an early childhood music program for infants through kindergarteners that encourages participation from parents and caregivers.
Chadly has been teaching Music Together in Benicia since 2003, and through the years has expanded to Fairfield, Vacaville and Napa. She has a bachelor’s degree in muic from the University of California-Davis and is working on her master of arts degree in music education at San Francisco State University.
More information is available at the website musictogethernorthbay.com.
Natural Hair Care and Wellness Expo in Fairfield Sunday
Natural Tresses Natural Hair Studio is putting on the second annual Natural Hair Care and Wellness Expo Sunday in Fairfield, said Rochelle Ford, senior staff assistant of Kaiser Permanente Vallejo.
The expo will be from 1:30-6:30 p.m. Tickets are $14 for general admission and $35 for VIP admission in advance, available at ticketriver.com.
General admission at the door will be $20, and limited VIP tickets will be $40 at the door.
Actress, author and comedian Kim Coles will be the host, and one of the models in the fashion segments of the event is Courtney Dempsey of “Good Day Sacramento.”
“Kim Coles is a pretty big name, and the organizer is super excited she is coming to see us,” Ford said.
“Natural Hair Care is a big trend these days.”
Those interested may email naturaltresses@ymail.com.
The Benicia Herald’s weekly Benicia Business Beat column is an opportunity for local businesses and companies to tell our readers about such news as moves, grand openings, awards, promotion of employees, staff changes and changes in goods and services.
Submissions will be edited for length and content and need to answer the questions who, what, when, where, why and how, preferably in the body of an email. They also must provide contact information.
Deadline is 3 p.m. Friday for news items that will appear in the next Tuesday edition’s Benicia Business Beat. Please email news releases and accompanying high-resolution photographs and logos to beniciaherald@gmail.com, and put “Attn. Business Beat” in the subject line, as well as the name of the business.
The Benicia Herald also appreciates area companies’ advertising patronage. For advertising services, call 707-745-0733 or email adsbenicia@yahoo.com.
ABC Music should actually expand its merchandise line to cater to musicians.
Agreed. They show mostly cheap guitars. Quality instruments are seldom on display. For really fine instruments, talk to James Shelby of “Music Studio 851” on Tyler Street in the Arsenal grounds, for his excellent connections and support service, as well teaching and availability of good instructors for other instruments. — cell# 707-344-0724,
Addendum: James started teaching years ago at ABC Music when it was located in Southampton Center under former ownership. 851 Music Studio retains the name it had at previous venue, the 2nd or 4 locations in Benicia, after a long hiatus performing on a southwest band-circuit, before which he taught at a private school in Vallejo. His studio’s street address is now 1043 GRANT Street. not, repeat Not Tyler. It’s the little brick building that was the Army post office, until base closure. Good parking.
Donna Beth might consider interviewing James and visiting the studio?
Donna Beth might consider interviewing James and visiting the studio?
That would be great.
I am sure also the paper would also welcome your son’s advertising on the web site as well.
You two guys kill me. Instead of commenting positively on a local business, with fantastic reviews on Yelp, you both make comments degrading the business. Maybe they don’t stock more instruments geared towards musicians because there is not a big demand. But in looking at their web site, they do mention they can provide entry, middle, or high end instruments. Whatever they are doing it seems to be working. They have two stores and have remained in business for a number of years.
Good comment John.
In general, ABC is not doing much in terms of improving demand from higher level musicians (there are a few in Benicia). It caters mostly to entry level and school band students. As with most businesses in Benicia, it has made no attempts to break out of mediocrity.
That 18 years happens to include all the time ABC was in Southampton Center before Stan bought it. The new landlord jacked up rents so, Stan moved to First Street.
No, Dennis. BAD comment by John. AND, Dennis, (DDL) that’s an ill-informed comment to John. “J” (James) DOES advertise most days in the Herald You need to read the paper more than just the Forum.
Agreed, Jay is one of the best guitar instructors I’ve ever had.
Correction “J”.
I am in awe. I apologize. You are obviously as expert on music, environmental issues, politics, and business in general. Pompous is the first word that comes to mind.
John, Don’t act all butt-hurt for no apparent reason. Things might get better for you when you grow up.
I was being kind, and you missed my point. I will now be more succinct :
To come onto a thread regarding ABC music to promote your son’s business, and to then ask the paper to promote him further, while also denigrating ABC (They show mostly cheap guitars. Quality instruments are seldom on display”), was tasteless, rude, shallow and self-serving.
I will leave it at that.
It does appear the business model is working. Now we have so called expert business folks telling this man how to run his business. It was a very nice BBB announcement of 18 years and an expansion. Now some take to the comment section to rip this mans business. I do believe we all hope James Shelby business is also going well. Just what is up with this one person who seems to think he can tell someone how to run a business and then knocks the business. That is not supporting local business that is telling people how to run their business from afar.
It does appear the business model is working.
You are correct Bob and 18 years attests to the fact that ABC is fulfilling a market need. Perhaps inadvertently one of the commenters stumbled on the truth: “There are a few (high end musicians) here in Benicia”.
He is correct in that regard, when the comment is taken literally and not figuratively. But to survive in business for 18 years one needs to cater to the many and not the few.
Your interpretation is fair if viewed for a certain perspective, but, entirely different if viewed from another. Perhaps even different from a third.
And yet, in all perspectives, the fact that ABC has been in business for 18 years is real. Just as the fact that you are an arrogant, pompous bag of hot air whose only aim in life is to degrade other people.
John, You are degrading your self right now. Give it a rest.
“. “
Good comment John. Do not let him get the best of you. He will go on and on. I love to comment when he is also doing it. But this run I was a little surprised at his anti business issue. If you have suggestions make them in a positive way or even ask for help in getting what you want. The business folks will help. But being negative about the business is just not getting it. There are many business’ that I do not shop in. Not because they are not good it is mainly because their business is not where my interest are. But the business itself is successful and moving forward. We have many very sucessful businerss’ in Benicia and I try to support them as much as possible.
Seems that someone is now supporting name calling . Not only that, but it is also considered a “good comment”. If only there was some consistency with this guy.
Totally off topic: I note that Jack Bruce died today, or at least it was announced today.
Great bassist. I saw Cream at the Anaheim convention center when I was 15 years old, great show.
My how time passes.
Thomas I do not support name calling. But at the same time I do not support folks who make negative comments about local businesses. “As with most businesses in Benicia, it has made no attempt to breakout of mediocrity” Sound familiar? You made that statement about the business that is being talked about. That is why you are being jumped on.. Very legitimate reason why. I fully support the statement by John.
“But at the same time I do not support folks who make negative comments about local businesses.” Your support is not needed. BTW – Does, “this CODA electric tin can” sound familiar?
You think it is fair to “jump” on me because I believe that most businesses in Benicia are mediocre, at best? Seems like rather silly justification, as well as hypocritical. It does not take an “expert” in business to recognize this fact. Nor should folks take it so personally
Since you just proclaimed name calling is now fair game, if you don’t support someones opinion (yes, that is your insinuation); then, I believe that when you comment negatively on folks who write about their foreign travel experiences (or other topics you find to be anti-American), don’t be surprised by the resulting comments. It is a two-way street.
I stand by my original comment:
“ABC Music should actually expand its merchandise line to cater to musicians.”
There is nothing anyone can do or say to change my opinion, try as you may.
Remember Icomment on the article and the issue. CODA was exactly what I called it. Where is it now. The foreign travel artice was not about the person but the writing style.When folks try to say or do something that is not at all perceived to real or not observed it will be revieved by others as not genuine. MCE is not a good deal for the city or the residents. I did explain that very well.
Fact- You took a very anti-business approach in your comments toward Coda. No way around that. Prove it to us that you did not. Should be very simple.
“The foreign travel artice was not about the person but the writing style.” That is disingenuous. Your disdain for the writer is well documented.
Thomas you do not understand the CODA business. Do you not remember all the hoopla about CODA. Everyone was there. It was an agenda dtriven ideal and it failed. My comments were always about the ideals of the CODA car. I do not care for Matt as a writer. There are many things that we all do care for. You could very well top the list as an anti everything Guy. Just my opinion. I am over with you and this comment section. So go at it and try to have the last word. You cannot wait.
“Thomas you do not understand the CODA business.” In fact, I do. But, that is irrelevant to what I stated.
“Do you not remember all the hoopla about CODA.” Yes, however, irrelevant.
“It was an agenda dtriven ideal and it failed.” Who cares!
“I do not care for Matt as a writer.” It goes beyond that and you know it. Maybe, stop reading his column.
“You could very well top the list as an anti everything Guy. Just my opinion” You have no basis for your opinion.
“I am over with you and this comment section.” OK. But, just this comment section, right? Because, I don’t think you will be able to control yourself if see my comment elsewhere.
“So go at it and try to have the last word.” Consider this the last word, as well as the best word.